View authenticated users in Firebase Emulator when using multi tenancy - firebase

A project that we are building uses the Google cloud identity toolkit multi-tenant feature. We have two tenants that we are actively using. We interact with all of this through Firebase's authentication suite.
I've noticed that when using this the user accounts do not show up in Firestore's UI anymore. The same goes for the local emulator.
I know the user has been created because when I log in I get back the correct uid matching the user profile created in firestore that I can see in the local emulator.
I'd like to know if anyone can help me with one of the following:
Is there a way to manage the users created for a multi-tenant setup through the emulator?
Is there a way for me to use gcloud cli locally to manage the users that I have created locally?

Good news! The updated version of the emulator will show you tenants. Once you run the emulator, attempt to login as a user through a tenant, and your "auth" page will magically get a "Tenant" dropdown.
Bad news! The non-default-tenant users don't seem to persist by any export method I have discovered so far.
As for seeing those users in the firebase console, it's pretty easy, but an extra step. Under "authentication" in the firebase console, you should see a tenant dropdown.
If you open that, there will be a link "Other tenants can be managed in the Google Cloud Console". Click it, then click "users" on the left. Finally choose your tenant in the "Tenant" dropdown.


How to access a Firebase project

An app developer has written some code for me that is hosted on Firebase. I want access to the code and so they have apparently given me admin access.
It's a simple question, but I can't figure out how to access the project. I log into the console:
I see how to "create a project", but I don't know how I can access an existing project. I'm assuming thinking about this whole thing in the wrong way somehow. I would appreciate any help.
You typically have two types of administrators in an app built on Firebase:
Project/Firebase administrators who access the project in the Firebase console, and can access the backend view of the services there. This is typically used by the developers on the project, and early administrators. To access the Firebase console, you will sign in with a Google account on
Application administrators, who use a custom-built interface to manage typical application operations, such as giving roles to users, upgrading accounts, etc. For this type of functionality, you will sign in to the custom built application with a Firebase Authentication account.
The email you got came from Firebase Authentication for an account that was created inside the project. There is no way for this account to be a Firebase administrator or even collaborator on the project, so it was more likely meant as an application administrator. This means that any functionality this allows you to access will have to have been built as part of the app itself, and not in the Firebase console.
updaterequest(messagemap) async {
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.catchError((e) {
This is a code used to update some value in your firebase collections. You can use get instead of update to retrieve data from firebase collection. There is also some function like add,remove,set it can be used instead of update command.

Unknown user in my firebase user authentication (Flutter/firebase)

I developed an app to test the google login feature using flutter and google authentication. The project is a closed project and only I have access to it. But recently I saw that there was a google sign in from an unknown Email ID. How did the user login without the build of my app? Has my account been hacked? What is going on?
Anyone with knowledge of your project's API Keys can access your Firebase Project using simple CURL Commands.
This is why it's a good idea to add restriction to those API Keys
In case you haven't, go to and
Select your project
Click the menu icon at the top left (hamburger icon)
Go to API & Services and then credentials
You can view the APIs for your Google Cloud Project (linked to your Firebase Project) and then set restrictions for the API keys, refresh them or restrict access to specific platforms like Android or iOS.
You can also set restrictions on which components of Firebase the API key is allowed to access. For example, if your project doesn't require the use of Cloud Firestore, you can ensure that the API Key cannot be used to make calls to the Firestore Database
All said and done, I would still recommend that you shoot a mail to the Firebase Support team at
To anyone still wondering about this:
If you provide a native google sign in and the registered
email adresses look like this:
they are probably test accounts used to generate Google Plays Pre-Launch reports.
You can read about it in the Play Console Help here.
If your app has a sign-in screen and you want the crawler to test the
sign-in process or the content behind it, you need to provide account
Note that you do not need to provide credentials if your
app supports "Sign-in with Google,” which enables the crawler to log
in automatically.

How can I see and edit the User's Additional information from Firebase consol that was edited programmatically

I am using Firebase Authentication in my app. I used method like setDisplayName in my app so that user can change the user's name himself through the app. But, the problem is that I can't access this name through my console. I can't edit it. There are simple columns in Firebase console like,
identifiers,providers,UID,Providers,Signed In.
There is no column for User Name. How can I access this information through console?
The Firebase console shows only limited information about each user profile. The rest of the information is only available when you access the profile through a Firebase API, or export the data.
Keep in mind that Firebase provides Admin SDKs, which you can run on your development machine to accomplish simple administrative tasks such as this.

How can one fetch the authorized users along with their details in Firebase

I have a Firebase project, which I'm currently using with android. I need to programmatically fetch details of the users authorized along with the UID, Email, etc. Exactly the way it is shown in firebase (with the search), this web portal will be given to the vendor or the person using it to verify the user's authenticity.
I've attached the screenshot from Firebase, I'm hoping to replicate it the same way with the search. If this is possible, how do I go about doing this?
It's not possible to list users from an Android app, using only the Firebase Authentication SDK. You can list users using the Firebase Admin SDK, but that can only be run on a backend you control, using service account credentials for your project.
It might be easier if you store user info in a database, to be queried by client code, rather than try to have your app try to access auth data directly.

Assign specific role (Authentication) to a Firebase Console user

I have a Firebase app, and I want to know if it's possible to restrict a Firebase Console user to access only to the "Authorizations" tab. (to CRUD users). The access must be by the Firebase (regular) Web Console
Especially, I don't want the user to see the database data via the web console. Is that possible? I've managed to give him access to the entire project, and he can do anything I can do (is an Admin).
I haven't found nothing about this in the docs / searching.
firebaser here
Collaborators on a project currently have access to the entire Firebase Console. You can limit to having read-only access, but you currently can't limit what panels they have access to.
We've heard the request before and know this would expand the usefulness of the Firebase Console. I recommend that your file a feature request, to add your vote.
