Hierarchical time series forecasting using Fable in R - r

I am doing hierarchical time series forecasting using fable. I am using optimal reconciliation method to reconcile the forecast. Here is the example code.
agg_sw <- df %>%
aggregate_key(productcategory/brand/sku, sales = sum(sales))
#Fit the model
ets_fit <- agg_sw %>%
model(ets = ETS(sales)) %>%
reconcile(ols = min_trace(ets, method = "ols"))
# Forecast
fc <- forecast(ets_fit,h= "1 year")
Is it possible to use different forecasting method at each level(eg:sku/brand/product) and reconcile? If so, kindly let me know how to do it.


How to get multiple-steps ahead forecast with STL model in fable-r?

My purpose is forecast multiple-step without re-estimation. And I will update new observation to next forecast.
I did not using fit and apply forecast(h=7) because this function using fitted value to forecast next observation.
I used following codes to get 1-step ahead forecast with stretch_tsibble to do it.
us_accidental_deaths <- as_tsibble(USAccDeaths)
stretch_dt <- us_accidental_deaths %>%
stretch_tsibble(.init = 60, .step = 1)
fit_train <- stretch_dt %>%
# keep same estimate period with each .id
filter_index(. ~ '1977 Dec') %>%
model(stl_ets_mod = decomposition_model(
STL(value, ~ season(window = 12)),
ETS(season_adjust ~ season("N")),
arima_mod = ARIMA(value))
It's ok when I refit ARIMA model
fit_train %>%
select(arima_mod) %>%
refit(stretch_dt) %>%
forecast(h = 1)
But I met error when I refit STL model.
fit_train %>%
select(stl_ets_mod) %>%
refit(stretch_dt) %>%
forecast(h = 1)
Many thanks !!!
The error you are getting is
! no applicable method for 'refit' applied to an object of class "c('decomposition_model', 'model_combination')"
refit() is not available for all models.
It is not clear how a refit should work for an STL decomposition. The STL components are specific to the data set used for training. If the model is applied to a different data set, potentially of a different length, what should the components be?

When ets() is used, why R is not responding and crashes?

I am trying to find the best model to forecast the average monthly rainfall of a particular region.
So far I have used a a seasonal naive method and SARIMA. But when trying to run ets(), R crashes without producing an output.
I tend to use fable and fabletools. The followup of forecast. Using package fpp3 loads all the needed packages for working with tsibbles, dplyr and date objects.
I don't have any issues running any forecasts methods on your data. I tried both fable and forecast and get the same outcomes. See code below.
# load your data
df1 <- readxl::read_excel("datasets/Copy.xlsx")
colnames(df1) <- c("date", "rainfall")
fit <- df1 %>%
mutate(date = yearmonth(date)) %>%
as_tsibble() %>%
model(ets = ETS(rainfall))
Series: rainfall
Model: ETS(M,N,A)
Smoothing parameters:
alpha = 0.002516949
gamma = 0.0001065384
Initial states:
l[0] s[0] s[-1] s[-2] s[-3] s[-4] s[-5] s[-6] s[-7] s[-8] s[-9] s[-10]
86.7627 -77.53686 -57.90353 -18.72201 86.57944 150.0896 166.8125 60.45602 -39.25331 -55.94238 -68.85851 -70.52719
sigma^2: 0.1109
2797.766 2799.800 2850.708
Using forecast:
fit <- forecast::ets(ts(df1[, 2], frequency = 12))
forecast::ets(y = ts(df1[, 2], frequency = 12))
Smoothing parameters:
alpha = 0.0025
gamma = 1e-04
Initial states:
l = 86.7627
s = -77.5369 -57.9035 -18.722 86.5794 150.0896 166.8125
60.456 -39.2533 -55.9424 -68.8585 -70.5272 -75.1938
sigma: 0.333
2797.766 2799.800 2850.708

Forecasting future observations based off of lowest RMSE models

I asked this question over at RStudio community and received no answer so I figured I'd give it a go here. My question pertains to what budugulo asked here Select models with lowest RMSE but I'm wondering how I can go further and use the models with the best predictive capability against the test data and apply it across the entire original hierarchical dataset to get future observations.
I understand how to forecast into the future with one individual time series, but I'm trying to forecast a hierarchical dataset that would require too much time to forecast the best models onto all of the original time series individually to forecast future observations. Is there a way to fit the best models (using lowest RMSE) onto the original time series in a hierarchical dataset to forecast future observations 3 years into the future (2020)? I tried using refit() but to no avail.
Hopefully the code below will help towards answering my question.
fit <- tourism %>%
filter(Quarter <= yearquarter("2015 Q1")) %>%
ets = ETS(Trips),
arima = ARIMA(Trips)
fc <- fit %>%
forecast(new_data = filter(tourism, Quarter > yearquarter("2015 Q1")))
bestrmse <- accuracy(fc, tourism) %>%
group_by(Region, State, Purpose) %>%
filter(RMSE == min(RMSE)) %>%
bestfits <- fit %>%
pivot_longer(cols=ets:arima, names_to = ".model", values_to = "fit") %>%
right_join(bestrmse) %>%
mutate(.model = "best") %>%
pivot_wider(Region:Purpose, names_from = ".model", values_from = "fit") %>%
as_mable(key = c(Region, State, Purpose), model = best)
#Apply 'best' models from bestfits onto original non-trained/non-tested time series and
#forecast future observations into 2020.

Issues with forecasting model fit

I want to forecast rainfall in Albury. I have a data set holding rainfall in mm from 2009 to 2016. Besides rainfall the data set holds other variables: date, windgustspeed, windspeed, humidity, maximum temperature, and pressure. All of these have in earlier tests shown to have influence on rainfall.
I have tried forecasting rainfall the next year using arima, vector autogressive, tslm, snaive, naive, mean, rw models. All of them seem only to forecast a mean and do not catch all.
Code used for model fitting
albury_fit <- albury %>%
naive = NAIVE(Rainfall),
drift = RW(Rainfall ~ drift()),
mean = MEAN(Rainfall),
seasonal_naive = SNAIVE(Rainfall),
tslm = TSLM(Rainfall ~trend()),
arima = ARIMA(Rainfall)
albury_fc <- albury_fit %>%
forecast(h = '1 year')
plot of model fit
Code for checking model performance for arima, all models have the same output as arima
model(ARIMA(Rainfall)) %>%
output from the code above
So the bottom line is, that the models do not perform well, but I don't know how to fix it.
I hope that someone can help me :)

Adding theta model with fable forecasting estimates

I want to use theta model implemented in Forecast package inside my fable forecasting model. This what I am trying to do.
tourism_aus <- tourism %>%
summarise(Trips = sum(Trips))
fit <- tourism_aus %>%
ets = ETS(Trips),
arima = ARIMA(Trips),
theta = forecast::thetaf(Trips)
) %>%
average = (ets + arima + theta) / 3
fit %>%
forecast(h = "2 years") %>%
autoplot(tourism_aus, level = 95, alpha = 0.5)
I am having this error message,
Failure in thetaf(Trips) : Objekt 'Trips' not found
Is there any way I can use theta method inside fable?
Models from the forecast package use a different interface, and so are not compatible with the model() function used by fable. The theta model will be added to fable in the next release.
You can create a fable yourself, by using the forecast output of forecast::thetaf() to identify an appropriate distribution. This can be useful for plotting, accuracy evaluation and reconciliation, however ensembling requires models to use the fable interface.
The THETA() model has now been added to fable.
