CSS performance issues. Stuttering during class apply - css

I'm implementing a dark theme on my website using tailwind classes. For example:
<tr className="bg-white dark:bg-dark-blue text-left dark:text-white transition-colors duration-300"></>
And for some reason, whenever I change my theme the transition isn't smooth but laggy and stuttering. I've noticed that with the increase of dark-styled elements on the page, the lag has gotten worse.
I'm not sure if this is actually a tailwind problem or a general CSS performance problem in the browser.
After some test I've come to the conclusion that it actually has nothing to do with transitions but with CSS itself.
I have a lot of elements on the page with dark classes set initially and then whenever I change the theme I just add/remove 'dark' class in <html>. I have may be 50 elements on the page which change their text color and background color and all of them are laggy whenever the theme gets changed. The lag is similar to when you have a memory leak or a loop. It stutters then loads all at once and stuff like that.
So I guess my question is how to optimize CSS performance in this case? or overall?
According to Performance page in devtools I'm dropping a lot of frames when changing the theme. And it actually feels like I'm getting 5fps. Here is a screenshot of Performance page prnt.sc/Zz6T88ZFs6Fp. I'm not sure how to read it, may be somebody can give some useful info
If anyone has ever faced/solved this problem, I'd greatly appreciate your advice

It may have to do with the critical rendering path. I'd advice you to read this excellent article : Achieving 60 FPS Animations with CSS3.
In a nutshell, if you have css transitions set other than on transform and opacity css properties, your browser has to recalculate the whole layout, which causes stuttering.

I don't use tailwind and it's hard to test my response without example code but I had a very similar problem several years ago when browsers were a little dumb.
I had many classes for color throughout the html and toggled them with jquery. Here's a quick example of how...
I determined that, at the time, the problem was that the items were causing repainting for each change.
What I ended up doing was swapping a class on the body:
<body class="blue">
Something else
<!-- lots more -->
And then:
body.blue a {
color: blue;
body.red a {
color: red;
And that worked beautifully because, as I understood it, the repaint happened all at once... but I'm guessing to even try you'd have to write a lot of stuff on your own instead of using tailwind. Maybe not, so I hope this line of thinking helps even if using tailwind.
Edit: if I had the same problem and couldn't fix it quickly enough I'd fade the body with a quick opacity out and then back in. Complete hack but it might look cool. Not a solution to your real problem but it might help if you can't fix it.

You can go in the dev tools and then go under "network", then you click on "Disable cache".

After a lot of research I've managed to finally find some useful info.
With the help of this article and some info from here I found out that dropping frames is actually not uncommon but usually it is not as intense as in my case.
There are some particular lines in Profile.json (download from Network page), which can help you find the actual reason(s) of dropped frames. Look for unsupportedProperties.
In my case it was {"args":{"data":{"compositeFailed":8224,"unsupportedProperties":["color"]}},"cat":"blink.animations,devtools.timeline,benchmark,rail","id2":{"local":"0x76c803503df8"},"name":"Animation","ph":"n","pid":40040,"scope":"blink.animations,devtools.timeline,benchmark,rail","tid":13280,"ts":166257565931}. For me the reason was that too many elements on the page change their text color. 884 lines of compositeFailed related to 'color' for one theme switch on my page. Only refactor with the help of https://csstriggers.com/ would be effective in my case.
Currently, I don't know actual reasons for compositeFailed apart from that it has to do with color property and blink animation. Any Google devs would be welcome to enlighten me because I can't really find any info about that.


Change Events Calendar widget hyperlink colour with custom CSS in WordPress

Have found great help with R on SO--now for something completely different.
I am working in WordPress 5.8.3.
I am building a website using the Blank Canvas theme, a child-theme of Seedlet--Not sure whether that is all relevant. I am a novice with WP and all things web development. I have installed the Events Calendar plugin and have it all configured with some test events and dates so no issues there. I am customizing the theme colours using the Additional CSS prompt from the WordPress dashboard interface.
I haven't gotten permission to publish the site, so unfortunately I can't offer a live demo. I will try to be explicit.
I have found helpful resources with instructions on how to use this utility for menus, for general custom CSS, and some useful information for changing properties of footers with CSS. Now I am trying to modify hyperlink colours within the Events calendar widget. I have approached this problem the same way as all the others but this one has stumped me. I elaborate:
From this image, you can see the Events Calendar hyperlink text is yellow. I opened the inspector and determined that this object is called .tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link. I thought the following code should change the colour
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link {
It does not. This code makes no visible change. However, when I also change the background-color like this:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link {
The result is:
This led me to believe that there is no colour option for this element---HOWEVER, the inspector shows that this element has the 'color' property:
And I'm stumped. I'm not even sure when or how this color-link-accent got defined. This check-mark toggle is not a permanent solution and besides, I would very much like to understand what is going on here.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
It's a bit difficult to be certain of the problem as we don't have the context, however I was surprised that you saw just this:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link
and didn't find an anchor (a) element within it.
I would have expected that you'd have to do:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link a {
as it is quite likely the anchor element will have its own special styling which will override your setting because of the increase specificity.
If that doesn't work then use your browser dev tools inspect facility to find out more about the context of that a element - you may need to give even more hints to the browser on pinning it down.
Well, this would have helped me, so I will post the solution to my question for posterity. I learned from this question and thread about overriding cascading commands. I still don't understand where the command producing the yellow text in the first place was, but I managed to override it by appending !important in my CSS. The full CSS to turn the text from yellow to black is:
.tribe-events-widget .tribe-events-widget-events-list__view-more-link {
color:black !important;
Reading on, this does not necessarily mean that I was specific enough about the context although I find it hard to tell in this case. This reference has some other useful info as to when it is appropriate to use !important. It seems this is not the optimal solution.
Hope somebody else can benefit from my toiling...

css "onclick" pseudo effect issues

Using the exact same CSS,
the onclick pseudo effect works fine with this code on one page of same site:
<a data-url="#" class="btn btn-share referral_button">Button Text</a>
(but admittedly it is on a different page with different divs)
but not on another page, where the code is:
<a data-url="#" class="btn btn-share referral_button" onclick="javascript:$find('ABC').set_activeTabIndex(3);">Button Text</a>
instead of behaving as it should it shrinks when clicked - and sort of reverts to how it would look without any css styled - or at least not the correct css styling
I initially thought it was something to do with the onclick="javascript... stuff somehow clashing/over-riding and affecting the CSS from performing how it should but * EDIT it can't be this because I just removed the whole onclick section and the problem still existed :( **
so it must be something else..
the relevant CSS is here: sorry it's long and probably bloated. the most relevant stuff i believe is at the bottom...
Seeing as how its an invalid syntax, I would say remove the " \9" from all of your :active and .active statements
Like below:
.btn.active{background-color:#cccccc \9;}
EDIT: Furthermore, (not really relevant to the answer)
Your CSS is a pretty hot mess. (No offence)
You can easily clean that up and make it a lot more manageable.
Plus, it could just be my tired eyes, but it seams like half of it is just repeating and/or overwriting the other half (which goes back to cleaning it up and making it manageable).
Honestly though, your the one working on it, so its as long as you can read it and use it. To each their own. I prefer my CSS quite readable in a dev environment.
The most obvious suggestion is there is something on this mysterious "Other" page, that is overriding the style.
Use a tool like Firebug for Firefox to inspect the elements and its' styles this may give you a hint as to what is overiding the behaviour you are expecting.
Also check that the CSS is the same on both pages if you are not using a common CSS file.
Read up on CSS Specificity, which is could be the root cause of you problem. This could help explain why style b is overiding style a.
It boils down to some difference on the two pages.

Wordpress: current_page_item works for text transform, but not color

I'm working on this little film's website, which I'm temporarily hosting at http://ivanfuentes.com/nolovelost/
After loosing my job in film, I decided to start working on my other passion, web pages... I've been learning a lot of html5 and css3, but still a newbie, as I discovered... my client asked me to build a Wordpress site, and I when found Atahualpa, I thought it would be a great idea to adopt it, so he can have lots of control over his site, with ease. Never again! From now on, I'll try to start as much from scratch as possible.
He wants to have the current page written in a different color on the side menu. For that, I used the current_page_item identifier from Wordpress, which actually did work, as I tried with different parameters, and, for example, did transform all the text to uppercase. But for some reason I still can't figure out, it does NOT change the text's color!
I checked the code using Chrome's "Inspect element" option, and as I can see, the browser did identify the item as "current_page_item", only it did not want to apply the specific color change (it's striked out).
Anyone know what could it be? I've been busting my braincells trying to figure this one out, to no success so far... any help, even just a hint at where to look for, with no further explanation, will be so, so appreciated, as this is all the work I now have. So also, if anyone wants to suggest any other ideas to stop being such a noob, I'll be glad to listen/read!
CSS tip:
The more specific the CSS, the more precedence it takes over existing CSS targeting the same items. Target the css like so:
.current_page_item a{color:/*YOUR COLOR HERE*/;}
If that is still being struck through, then make it more specific:
#DIV_ID #MENU_ID .current_page_item a{color:/*YOUR COLOR HERE*/;}
You can continue up the tree in that fashion adding more layers of specificity until it's the color you want, or you can do a manual override like so:
.current_page_item a{color:/*YOUR COLOR HERE*/ !important;}
That will ensure that your CSS won't be overridden, but I personally try and avoid using it unless absolutely necessary.

How to animate mouse cursor with custom image when loading page?

I'm trying to change cursor mouse on my website with custom images.
Here is my actual CSS:
<style type="text/css">
body {
a:hover {
cursor: url(images/hover.cur),auto;
a:active {
cursor: url(images/wait.ani),auto;
Firefox 3.5.6 does change the default cursor with my .cur file but the problem is that .ani cursor doesn't work with Firefox (and even .gif). It does work on IE.
The cursor files I'm using can be found here.
The other problem is that I'm just changing a:active image to animate my cursor but it disappear fast.
I would like to change cursor when we click to go to some page and the cursor to become "normal" once this page is loaded.
What I'm looking to is a way to change cursor when somebody clicks on some internal links of my website.
I wouldn't have to change all my links to do this, but it doesn't seem to work.
I thought about some window.onload JavaScript but I didn't achieve to write it and there might be better ways.
Thanks for your CSS or JavaScript suggestions.
Please don't give design feedback when asked for programming solutions. It is not the role of developers to pass back design critique. It may not be his decision, it may not work but he wants to try it and we should help. If you've been in an environment where programmers pass critical judgement on every design decision you'll realize its very destructive for the whole team. Designers and team members will value you a lot higher if you refrain from commenting on whether or not you agree with what they want to do unless asked. I hope if you think about it you will understand why its important.
Don't. How would you like it if you went to your friend's myspace page and your cursor suddenly turned into a big purple dragon and you had no idea where it was actually pointing.
It's jarring to the user, therefore irritation. If you want to let them know something is working in the background use an animated gif displayed over the page, not as the cursor.
If you have too, you may be able to set it with javascript on all your the elements on the page. I don't think it cascades. If it does, just set it on body and be done with it.
if using ASP, it simplifies things a bit to use resolve url... ie
Evidently I'm inclined to agree with the other statements, as familiarity is key in any good design, customizing an environment to such a degree that the user feels either unfamiliar with it or under the impression that somehow their system is altered,is a bad bad bad design and reflects poorly on the designer as well. I'm not saying be dull in design, but be a tad reserved.
I might not like MetroUI (rather Metro Web Design) much, but I love it's root,the design concept of "Bauhaus".
"There is beauty in simplicity."

What is the best way to determine the source of a CSS issue

I have been working on a webpage. It is the first I have actually tried to design using an image and then use proper CSS layout rather than tables.
I have been having issues with the shadows on either side of the main content area. Of course these are only an issue in IE. As you can see the shadow has been cut down to about 10% of its actual height.
With my relative inexperience how do I look for relevant fixes to this issue.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
FireBug, the most crucial tool for debugging CSS, amongst other things.
get it here
IE Web Developer Toolbar
It's not as good as firebug in general, but it helps when you have an IE-specific problem.
In addition to Firebug, making sure your HTML is valid is an invaluable tool and can minimize CSS headaches. Sometimes your CSS may not work right because there are mistakes in the HTML. The different browsers have different ways of dealing with improperly written HTML which can sometimes make it seem like there's a cross-browser CSS issue. The validator can help you find mistakes in your markup.
+1 for FireBug
In this particular case, I'd just suggest a new approach for your shadows. Currently, you have them as items. You typically want to use CSS background images for things like this.
.mainShadowRight {
*/ your other stuff */
Your .mainShadowRight CSS class specifies a min-height (which IE6 doesn't understand, and IE7 doesn't always 100% get correctly)
and as DLarsen pointed out, it appears you are missing the background-image: url(); bit.
Thanks for all your answers, seems to have done the trick.
I think I spazzed out with the upload as I should definitley have had the bg-image stuff there.
That IE web developer toolbar looks pretty good too as I have firebug and web developer bar for FF.
Another hot recommendation for debugging CSS - CSS Viewer.
It's a Firefox add-on that allows you to hover over elements in a web page and see their exact style. Often you figure out that the final style was not what you meant, possibly due to some inheritance of styles.
