clustering standard errors within MLMs/lme4 - r

Is it possible to use both cluster standard errors and multilevel models together and how does one implement this in R?
In my set up I am running a conjoint experiment in 26 countries with 2000 participants per country. Like any conjoint experiment each participant is shown two vignettes and asked to choose/rate each vignette. The same participants is then shown two fresh vignettes for comparison and asked to repeat the task. In this case each participant performs two comparisons. The hierarchy is thus comparisons nested within individuals nested within countries. I am currently running a multilevel model with each comparison at level 1 and country is the level 2 unit. Obviously comparisons within individuals are likely to be correlated so I'd like to cluster standard errors at the individual level as well. It seems overkill to add another level in the MLM for this since the size of my clusters are extremely small (n=2) and it makes more sense to do my analysis at the individual level (not to mention unnecessarily complicating the model since with 2000 individuals*26 countries the parameter space becomes crazy huge). Is this possible? If so how does one do this in R together with a multilevel model set up?

The cluster size of 2 is not an issue, and I don't see any issue with the parameter space either. If you fit random intercepts for participants, and countries, these are estimated as latent normally distributed variables. A model such as:
lmer(outomce ~ fixed effects + (1|country/participant)
This will handle the dependencies within clusters (at the participant level and the country level) so there will be no need to use cluster standard errors.


R caret training - but each sample has three separate measurements and I want to use majority vote to predict

I have a very specific datasets with 50 people. Each person has a response (sex) and ~2000 measurements of some biological stuff.
We have three independent replicates from each person, so 3 rows pr. person.
I can easily use caret and groupKFold() to keep each person in either training or test sets - that works fine.
Then I simply predict each replicate separately (so 3 prediction pr person).
I want to use these three prediction together and make a combined prediction pr. person either using majority vote and/or some other scheme.
I.e. - so for each person I get the 3 predictions and predict the response to be the one with most votes. That's pretty easy to do for the final model, but it should also be used in the tuning step (i.e. in the cross validation picking parameter values).
I think I can do that in the summaryFunction=... when calling caret::trainControl() but I would simply like to ask:
Is there a simpler way of doing this?
I have googled around - but I keep failing in finding people with similar problems. And I really hope someone can point me in the right direction.

Rasch: Desicion for model and group-analysis

I currently have a data set of about 300 people on behaviors (answers: yes/no/NA) + variables on age, place of residence (city/country), income, etc.
In principle, I would like to find out the item difficulties for the overall sample (with which R-package is the best?-How does that work? Don't fully understand some codes :/)
and in the next step examine different groups (young, old, city/country, income (median split) with regard to their possibly significantly different item difficulties.
How do I do that? (is this possible with Wald tests, Rasch trees, or raschmix?) (do I need latent groups - which are grouped data-driven)?

Did I just do an ANCOVA or MANOVA?

I’m trying to do an ANCOVA here ...
I want to analyze the effect of EROSION FORCE and ZONATION on all the species (listed with small letters) in each POOL.STEP (ranging from 1-12/1-4), while controlling for the effect of FISH.
I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. What is the command for ANCOVA?
So far I used lm(EROSIONFORCE~ZONATION+FISH,data=d), which yields:
So what I see here is that both erosion force percentage (intercept?) and sublittoral zonation are significant in some way, but I’m still not sure if I’ve done an ANCOVA correctly here or is this just an ANOVA?
In general, ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) is simply a special case of the general linear model with one categorical predictor (factor) and one continuous predictor (the "covariate"), so lm() is the right function to use.
However ... the bottom line is that you have a moderately challenging statistical problem here, and I would strongly recommend that you try to get local help (if you're working within a research group, can you consult with others in your group about appropriate methods?) I would suggest following up either on CrossValidated or
by putting EROSIONFORCE on the left side of the formula, you're specifying that you want to use EROSIONFORCE as a response (dependent) variable, i.e. your model is estimating how erosion force varies across zones and for different fish numbers - nothing about species response
if you want to analyze the response of a single species to erosion and zone, controlling for fish numbers, you need something like
lm(`Acmaeidae s...` ~ EROSIONFORCE+ZONATION+FISH, data=your_data)
the lm() suggestion above would do each species independently, i.e. you'd have to do a separate analysis for each species. If you also want to do it separately for each POOL.STEP you're going to have to do a lot of separate analyses. There are various ways of automating this in R, the most idiomatic is probably to melt your data (see reshape2::melt or tidy::gather) into long format and then use lmList from lme4.
since you have count data with low means, i.e. lots of zeros (and a few big values), you should probably consider a Poisson or negative binomial model, and possibly even a zero-inflated/hurdle model (i.e. analyze presence-absence and size of positive responses separately)
if you really want to analyze the joint distribution of all species (i.e., a response of a multivariate analysis, which is the M in MANOVA), you're going to have to work quite a bit harder ... there are a variety of joint species distribution models by people like Pierre Legendre, David Warton and others ... I'd suggest you try starting with the mvabund package, but you might need to do some reading first

R - Linear Regression - Control for a variable

I have a computer science background & I am trying to teach myself data science by solving the problems available on the internet
I have a smallish data set which has 3 variables - race, gender and annual income. There are about 10,000 sample observations. I am trying to predict income from race & gender.
I have divided the data into 2 parts - one for each gender & now I am trying to create 2 regression models. Is this possible in R? Can some one provide example syntax.
You don't specify how your data are stored or how the variable race is recorded (is it a factor?)
[If you're just fitting income against race for males, say, and you had the male income and race in income.m and race.m and if the second was a factor in R, then lm(income.m~race.m) will fit the line for males (use summary on the resulting object to get information about it). You could do something similar for females. But most people won't fit the models this way.]
If you're prepared to assume that the variation about the lines is the same for both genders, you can fit both lines with one model.
This has several advantages over analyzing the lines separately, though that can also be done.
If gender is either a factor or a numeric variable recorded as (0/1), and race is a factor and you have the data in a data frame (called, for example, incdata), then you'd fit both lines at once with:
lm(income~race*gender, data=incdata)
which is R shorthand for
lm(income~race+gender+race:gender, data=incdata)
where race:gender is an interaction term.
If you further assume that the effect of race is the same for both sexes, then the smaller model:
lm(income~race+gender, data=incdata)
would be used instead. This would often be the model people would fit if asked to 'control for gender', though many would consider the interaction model I mentioned before instead.
I'd strongly advise working on more simple regression problems first, with a textbook or set of notes suitable for guiding you through the ideas.
If you haven't already fitted a regression in R, I'd start with a smaller data set that only has a single predictor just to get used to the basic mechanics.
R comes with many data sets already built in. See, for example, library(help=datasets) which has about 80 data sets; some of the packages that come with R have more (MASS has over 80, for example). Many R packages on CRAN are packed with data sets, many suitable for regression.
For example, the cars data set (see ?cars in R) records the stopping distance of cars, given their speed. You don't need to read the data in, it's already there.
A simple linear regression (not necessarily the best model given some understanding of physics, but just about adequate for the data) would be:
lm(dist~speed, cars)
Again, you use summary to examine it. e.g. (I suggest you type these one at a time):
carsfit <- lm(dist~speed, cars)
plot(dist~speed, cars)
abline(carsfit, col=2)
The examples in the help on the cars data set (?cars) gives several other models and plots. You might try those one at a time also.
The car package (CAR is short for "Companion to Applied Regression") has many small data sets specifically for regression.
It is very simple.
fit1 <- lm(income~gender+race,data=Dataframe1)
I would not recommend using two dataframes. Unless you are using more advanced statistical methods that require using two dataframes. Just use your gender variable.
Also, check this site out:
You could indeed do so Abhi but I believe your question is very broad.
(1) you could predict income from race and gender. This can be done in various ways but the most common would perhaps be "regression analysis". I suggest you do some searches on the internet on that topic. Answering what kind of regression and how to perform it is a matter of situation. You would probably find out yourself after reading about regression.
(2) R can do that. But i suggest you do some reading about regression before you get into R.
(3) If I were to analyze if race and gender can predict income I would simply do a linear regression where income would be the dependent variable and race and sex would be independent (predictors). This can be done by the "lm" function in R.
Or did I misunderstand something here?
You need to do some reading on Linear/Multiple Regression techniques. Not sure why you divide data into 2 groups based on gender. Random split the data into Train and Test, so that you can model on Train and Validate on test.

Running regression tree on large dataset in R

I am working with a dataset of roughly 1.5 million observations. I am finding that running a regression tree (I am using the mob()* function from the party package) on more than a small subset of my data is taking extremely long (I can't run on a subset of more than 50k obs).
I can think of two main problems that are slowing down the calculation
The splits are being calculated at each step using the whole dataset. I would be happy with results that chose the variable to split on at each node based on a random subset of the data, as long as it continues to replenish the size of the sample at each subnode in the tree.
The operation is not being parallelized. It seems to me that as soon as the tree has made it's first split, it ought to be able to use two processors, so that by the time there are 16 splits each of the processors in my machine would be in use. In practice it seems like only one is getting used.
Does anyone have suggestions on either alternative tree implementations that work better for large datasets or for things I could change to make the calculation go faster**?
* I am using mob(), since I want to fit a linear regression at the bottom of each node, to split up the data based on their response to the treatment variable.
** One thing that seems to be slowing down the calculation a lot is that I have a factor variable with 16 types. Calculating which subset of the variable to split on seems to take much longer than other splits (since there are so many different ways to group them). This variable is one that we believe to be important, so I am reluctant to drop it altogether. Is there a recommended way to group the types into a smaller number of values before putting it into the tree model?
My response comes from a class I took that used these slides (see slide 20).
The statement there is that there is no easy way to deal with categorical predictors with a large number of categories. Also, I know that decision trees and random forests will automatically prefer to split on categorical predictors with a large number of categories.
A few recommended solutions:
Bin your categorical predictor into fewer bins (that are still meaningful to you).
Order the predictor according to means (slide 20). This is my Prof's recommendation. But what it would lead me to is using an ordered factor in R
Finally, you need to be careful about the influence of this categorical predictor. For example, one thing I know that you can do with the randomForest package is to set the randomForest parameter mtry to a lower number. This controls the number of variables that the algorithm looks through for each split. When it's set lower you'll have fewer instances of your categorical predictor appear vs. the rest of the variables. This will speed up estimation times, and allow the advantage of decorrelation from the randomForest method ensure you don't overfit your categorical variable.
Finally, I'd recommend looking at the MARS or PRIM methods. My professor has some slides on that here. I know that PRIM is known for being low in computational requirement.
