a better and more efficient without warning - r

Someone who know how I can do this code nicer and more efficient? I
also get an message when I try to run dframe if someone know about whats
wrong there.
Column 1 ['Uke 3'] of item 2 is missing in item 1. Use fill=TRUE to
fill with NA (NULL for list columns), or use.names=FALSE to ignore
column names. use.names='check' (default from v1.12.2) emits this
message and proceeds as if use.names=FALSE for backwards
compatibility. See news item 5 in v1.12.2 for options to control this
full_timeplan <- list(
page <- url[[1]]%>%
table <- html_nodes(page, 'table') # one table per week
table <- html_table(table, fill=TRUE) # force them into a list
dframe <- list.stack(table) # stack the list into a data frame
# define first row as variable name
colnames(dframe) <- dframe[1,]
# remove the rows with Dato in it
dframe <- dframe %>% filter(!Dato=="Dato")
# Separate the Dato into two columns:
dframe <- dframe %>% separate(Dato,
into = c("Dag", "Dato"),
sep = "(?<=[A-Za-z])(?=[0-9])")
# code into date format
dframe$Dato <- as.Date(dframe$Dato, format="%d.%m.%Y")
# generate a week variable
dframe$Uke <- strftime(dframe$Dato, format = "%V")
# select
dframe <- dframe %>% select(Dag,Dato,Uke,Tid,Rom)


Assign 'filename' column to dataframe based on row ID

I have constructed a data frame by row binding different web-scraped tables.
# html files
filelist <- c("Prod223_2688_00185641_20190930.html","Prod224_0078_SO305092_20191130.html",
"Prod224_0078_SO305426_20190831.html", "Prod224_0078_SO305431_20190831.html",
"Prod224_0078_SO305440_20190831.html", "Prod224_0078_SO305451_20200331.html",
"Prod224_0078_SO306088_20190531.html", "Prod224_0078_SO306098_20180630.html",
"Prod224_0078_SO306098_20190630.html", "Prod224_0078_SO306411_20190530.html")
# web scraping tables
mydata <- lapply(filelist, function(x) {
read_html(x) %>% rvest::html_table(fill = T) %>%
# row binding (adding a new column with row .id)
mydata <- rbindlist(mydata, idcol=T, fill = T)
I want to create a new column company with the respective name from filelist based on row .id. The company name is the third code in between _. To get something like this:
company id. X2 ..
00185641 1 ..
00185641 1 ..
SO305092 2 ..
SO305426 3 ..
SO305426 3 ..
This may be quite a simple question but I am not confident with functions in R yet. I have seen this similar questions and tried:
mydata2 <- mydata2 %>% mutate(company=lapply(mydata2,filelist))
# and this:
mydata2$company <- rep(paste(filelist), length(mydata2$.id))
Don't have data to test this on but you can try the following :
mydata <- sapply(filelist, function(x) {
read_html(x) %>% rvest::html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%
}, simplify = FALSE)
mydata <- bind_rows(mydata, .id = ='company')
mydata$company <- sub('.*_(\\w+)_\\w+', '\\1', mydata$company)
We used sapply with simplify = FALSE to get a named list with filelist as names, when we use bind_rows that name is assigned as a new column company. Using regex we extract the relevant part of the data.

How to bind within for loop in R?

I have a following problem:
I run a for loop that web scrapes HTML tables. I have to scrape values from two different tables and bind them together. My R code is here:
html <- data$html
tables <- list()
races <- list()
index <- 1
for (i in html){
url <- i
table <- url %>%
html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath='//*[#id="Form1"]/table[4]') %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
race <- url %>%
html() %>%
html_nodes(xpath='//*[#id="Form1"]/table[1]') %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
tables[index] <- table
races[index] <- race
raceDF <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(race), nrow=4, ncol = 2))
date <- raceDF$X2[3]
tableDF <- do.call(rbind, tables)
tableDF$Date <- date
index <- index + 1
My code sucesfully does tableDF, however it does not add Date to each observation. It just put the same date for all rows, which is bad.
How can I fix it please?

Is there a way to extract multiple attributes efficiently from a JSON column?

I have a dataframe that has one column which contains json data. I want to extract some attributes from this json data into named columns of the data frame.
Sample data
json_col = c('{"name":"john"}','{"name":"doe","points": 10}', '{"name":"jane", "points": 20}')
id = c(1,2,3)
df <- data.frame(id, json_col)
I was able to achieve this using
extract_json_attr <- function(from, attr, default=NA) {
value <- from %>%
as.character() %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = .) %>%
return(ifelse(is.null(value[[1]]), default, value[[1]]))
df <- df %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(name = extract_json_attr(json_col, "name"),
points = extract_json_attr(json_col, "points", 0))
In this case the extract_json_attr needs to parse the json column multiple times for each attribute to be extracted.
Is there a better way to extract all attributes at one shot?
I tried this function to return multiple values as a list, but I am not able to use it with mutate to set multiple columns.
extract_multiple <- function(from, attributes){
values <- from %>%
as.character() %>%
jsonlite::fromJSON(txt = .) %>%
return (values)
I am able to extract the desired values using this function
But cannot apply this to set multiple columns in a single go. Is there a better way to do this efficiently?
Here is one way using bind_rows from dplyr
dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(as.character(df$json_col), jsonlite::fromJSON))
# A tibble: 3 x 2
# name points
# <chr> <int>
#1 john NA
#2 doe 10
#3 jane 20
To subset specific attribute from the function, we can do
bind_rows(lapply(as.character(df$json_col), function(x)
jsonlite::fromJSON(x)[c('name', 'points')]))
On the R4DS slack channel I received an alternative approach for handling json arrays as columns. Using that, I found another approach that seems to work better on larger datasets.
extract <- function(input, fields){
json_df <- fromJSON(txt=input)
missing <- setdiff(fields, names(json_df))
json_df[missing] <- NA
return (json_df %>% select(fields))
df <- data.frame(id=c(1,2,3),
json_col=c('{"name":"john"}','{"name":"doe","points": 10}', '{"name":"jane", "points": 20}'),
df %>%
mutate(json_col = paste0('[',json_col,']'),
json_col = map(json_col, function(x) extract(input=x, fields=c('name', 'points')))) %>%

error flattening (convert to data.frame) XML file in R using xlm2 and xlmtools

I am trying to convert this xml_file (and many other similar ones) to a data.frame in R. Desired outcome: a data.frame (or tibble, data.table, etc) with:
One row per Deputado (which is the main tag/level of xml_file, there are 4 of those)
All variables within each Deputado should be columns.
Neste categories with multiple values (such as comissao, cargoComissoes, etc) can be ignored.
In the code below, I tried to follow Example 2 in the readme of github/.../xmltools closely, but I got the error:
+ dplyr::mutate_all(empty_as_na)
Error: Argument 4 must be length 4, not 39
Any help fixing this (or different strategy with complete example) would be greatly appreciated.
The code (with reproducible error) is:
file <- "https://www.camara.leg.br/SitCamaraWS/Deputados.asmx/ObterDetalhesDeputado?ideCadastro=141428&numLegislatura="
doc <- file %>%
nodeset <- doc %>%
length(nodeset) # lots of nodes!
nodeset[1] %>% # lets look at ONE node's tree
# lets assume that most nodes share the same structure
terminal_paths <- nodeset[1] %>%
xml_get_paths(only_terminal_parent = TRUE)
terminal_xpaths <- terminal_paths %>% ## collapse xpaths to unique only
unlist() %>%
# xml_to_df (XML package based)
## note that we use file, not doc, hence is_xml = FALSE
# df1 <- lapply(xpaths, xml_to_df, file = file, is_xml = FALSE, dig = FALSE) %>%
# dplyr::bind_cols()
# df1
# xml_dig_df (xml2 package based)
## faster!
empty_as_na <- function(x){
if("factor" %in% class(x)) x <- as.character(x) ## since ifelse wont work with factors
if(class(x) == "character") ifelse(as.character(x)!="", x, NA) else x
terminal_nodesets <- lapply(terminal_xpaths, xml2::xml_find_all, x = doc) # use xml docs, not nodesets! I think this is because it searches the 'root'.
df2 <- terminal_nodesets %>%
purrr::map(xml_dig_df) %>%
purrr::map(dplyr::bind_rows) %>%
dplyr::bind_cols() %>%
Here is an approach with XML package.
df = xmlInternalTreeParse("./Data/ObterDetalhesDeputado.xml")
df_root = xmlRoot(df)
df_children = xmlChildren(df_root)
df_flattened = map_dfr(df_children, ~.x %>%
xmlToList() %>%
unlist %>%
stack %>%
mutate(ind = as.character(ind),
ind = make.unique(ind)) %>% # for duplicate identifiers
spread(ind, values))
Following Nodes are nested lists. So they will appear as duplicate columns with numbers affixed. You can remove them accordingly.
cargosComissoes 2
partidoAtual 3
gabinete 3
historicoLider 4
comissoes 11

In R, trying to convert a ragged CSV into data.frame of Value, list

I have an input file like:
1A10, 77002, 77003, 77010, 77020
1A20, 77002, 77006, 77007, 77019
1A30, 77006, 77019, 77098
1A40, 77007, 77019, 77027, 77098
1A50, 77005, 77007, 77019, 77024, 77027, 77046, 77081, 77098, 77401
I want to create a data frame (tibble) where the first column is the same as the first column of my csv, and the second column is a list corresponding to the rest of the columns.
I have failed miserably. Here is my last failure
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
infile <- "~/Rprojects/CrimeStats/BeatZipcodes.csv"
# create empty data frame
BeatToZip <- data_frame(
for (i in 1:long){
line[i] <- trimws(line[i])
beat <- str_split(line[i],", *")[[1]][1]
zips <- as.list(str_split(line[i],", *")[[1]][-1])
temp <- data_frame(beat, zips)
BeatToZip <- rbind(BeatToZip, temp)
One option after reading the file with read.csv and fill = TRUE
df1 <- read.csv(infile, fill = TRUE, header = FALSE)
gather all the columns except the first one, grouped by the first column, summarise the other columns into a list
df1 %>%
gather(key, val, -1, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
group_by(key) %>%
summarise(listCol = list(val))
