"failed to load compute presentation" error while using git.NewRemote for listing tag in golang - runtime-error

i am trying to fetch all the tags of a gitlab repo without cloning the code via go-git package. As per go documentation (https://github.com/go-git/go-git/blob/v5.4.2/_examples/ls-remote/main.go)
i am using git.newRemote to create a new remote for listing of tags purpose. However i am getting error "failed to load compute presentation" and unable to list tags. Am i missing something?


Unable to push README.Rmd to GitHub

At first, I used the command below to generate my README file
After modifying the README.Rmd file, I tried pushing it to GitHub and receive this message within the Git Commit panel, which prevented the process to happen.
I googled the problem and there was one that suggested me running the code below to resolve the problem.
I ran this code in the console and re-pushed again, and it worked! But my README file just didn't appear in the right format as I expected. Instead of the "nice landing page", my README on GitHub just appeared as an "original" Rmarkdown file with all the plain codes. And now I have no ideas..!
Could you please explain what the above message means and what should I do to avoid it in order to push the README?

IPNS, no link named "xxxx" under "hash"

I am using IPFS and IPNS to populate my website with data. Pulling json files via HTTP works great, but when I try to pull .jpg file from my IPNS published IPFS directory, I get an error.
This is the link I am trying to put in src attribute inside of an img tag. Andd.... I get the following message:
ipfs resolve -r /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dkmn6qn85a4cxy1lji61a7tbiirmdbkae4ay9hd16qtp3qgatzh/picutres/marko.jpg: no link named "picutres" under QmdkGNpfKBfbZhMNvbfMdHf21zwkEkyr7tnMPWuqYXM9Vw
It won't route to that file... But, the file is there, if you go first to the https://ipfs.io/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dkmn6qn85a4cxy1lji61a7tbiirmdbkae4ay9hd16qtp3qgatzh through the gateway in the browser and manually locate the file it will route to it and retrieve it.
I am not using js-ipfs, since I want to reduce my bundle and complexity of the website, since it really doesn't require js-ipfs.
How can I solve this?? :(
easy one to answer you have a typo instead of 'pictures' you have 'picutres' as the error message says.
no link named "picutres"
basically this error message tells you that no folder with that name exists. You should check spelling.

Problem trying to render FusionCharts Gantt chart in Wordpress

I am trying to render a Gantt chart in Wordpress. I am created the xml file on the fly with data from MySQL tables, saving the xml and then calling it with the new FusionCharts function. However, I am getting an "Error in loading data".
I have the php files saved as template filed in a child directory under my theme directory and the script runs fine when creating the xml files. However, if I under the Network tab in the browser debugger, I am getting 404 errors when trying to read the xml files.
The code that I am using to read them is
$readchartfilename = "./wp-content/themes/uncode-lite/ocga_pages/".$chartname.".xml";
$columnChart = new FusionCharts("gantt", $chartId, "100%", 200, $chartname, "xmlurl", $chartfilename);
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I am trying to render a Gantt chart in Wordpress. I am created the xml file on the fly with data from MySQL tables, saving the xml and then calling it with the new FusionCharts function. However, I am getting an "Error in loading data".
I have the php files saved as template filed in a child directory under my theme directory and the script runs fine when creating the xml files. However, if I under the Network tab in the browser debugger, I am getting 404 errors when trying to read the xml files.
The code that I am using to read them is
$readchartfilename = "./wp-content/themes/uncode-lite/ocga_pages/".$chartname.".xml";
$columnChart = new FusionCharts("gantt", $chartId, "100%", 200, $chartname, "xmlurl", $chartfilename);
If I run an echo on the getcwwd() - I get /home2/calypso/public_html/ogca and on $readchartfilename, I get - ./wp-content/themes/uncode-lite/ocga_pages/LadybirdFarms.xml.
But the files that the FusionCharts function is under the folder of the page name (farm-crop-production) URL -
which is incorrect as that folder does not exist.
I have tried the code outside of Wordpress and it works fine.
Would appreciate any assistance.

Trouble with getting configuration file FCM

I create application in firebase console, filled application name and fingertrip fileds. Then i try download configuration file google-service.gson and getting message "Failed-Forbidden". What is it and what am I supposed to do?
Problem was in two google accounts. Need exit from one before getting configuration file.

Custom Error Page in Shiny

When visiting a page pointing to shiny app, such as myshinyapp.com/NoSuchPage.html, shiny will return "Not Found" information page. I suppose it is error 404 page.
How can I replace this "Not Found" page with my own page?
From section 2.10 of the manual:
Shiny Server can utilize custom templates when generating static pages such as directory indexes and error pages. This feature is controlled using the template_dir directive and can be applied globally, or to a particular server or location.
To utilize this feature, you'll need a directory in which you'll store your templates. In this example, we'll assume you're using /etc/shiny-server/templates/. Inside this directory, you'll place the handlebars-enabled HTML templates for your pages.
Shiny Server will attempt to find a specific page to accommodate the current need -- for instance, if it encountered a 404 error, it will first look to see if you provided a specific template for handling 404 errors in the specified directory (error-404.html). If it doesn't find this file, it will go one step backwards to see if you provide a generic error template (error.html). If it can't find a suitable template in your template directory, it will fall back to use the provided templates that come with Shiny Server (and are stored in /opt/shiny-server/templates).
As you may have noticed already, Shiny Server uses a hyphen-delimited hierarchy which progresses from broadest to narrowest. So all error pages start with error. But the file name for a 404 error page would add an additional element (404) following a hyphen: error-404. All files are expected to use the .html extension.
