slapi plug-in does not work after update of OpenLDAP from 2.4 to 2.6.1 - openldap

We build from source and run OpenLDAP and the SLAPI plugin since ages on Linux. The SLAPI plugin, written in C, publishes LDAP changes (add, modify, delete) to an Identity Management System (IDM). The plugin is configured in slapd.conf as
plugin postoperation /opt/openldap-2.6.1/lib64/ idm_init "IDM Plugin" 3001
The function idm_init() registers static C functions for add, modify and delete the supposed way (here only shown for modify):
int idm_init(Slapi_PBlock * pb)
int rc = LDAP_SUCCESS;
log("idm-plugin:","now in idm_init()\n");
// first call, create new list and register the functions
rc |=
slapi_pblock_set( /* Plug-in API version */ pb,
rc |=
slapi_pblock_set( /* Plug-in description */ pb,
rc |=
slapi_pblock_set( /* Modify function */ pb,
(void *) modify_user);
// read arguments and add list entry
rc |= read_arguments(pb);
log("idm-plugin", "idm_init() return rc:%d\n", rc);
return rc;
The function for modify_user() which should be called from the LDAP server after modification of data, will later publish the change via network and without going into the details the start of the function looks like this:
static int modify_user(Slapi_PBlock * pb)
Slapi_Entry *entry;
log("idm-plugin:", "now in modify_user\n");
if (slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_SEARCH_TARGET, &entry) != LDAP_SUCCESS) {
log("IDM-Connector Plugin",
"entry modified, but couldn't get entry");
return -1;
The problem is, that after an update in LDAP this function is not called. The log
shows only the attach and initialisation of the plugin but no further actions:
03/16/22 10:52:26 idm-plugin:: now in idm_init()
03/16/22 10:52:26 IDM-Connector Plugin: idm_init: Initializing plugin
03/16/22 10:52:26 idm-plugin:: now in read_arguments()
03/16/22 10:52:26 IDM Plugin: added idm connector: ip=, port=3001
03/16/22 10:52:26 idm-plugin: idm_init() returns rc:0
03/16/22 10:52:26 plugin_pblock_new: Registered plugin OCLC-IDM-Connector-Notifier 1.0 [] (Notify the OCLC IDM-Connector of changes)
As the subject sais, with OpenLDAP 2.4 this works fine. It does not work anymore with 2.6.1.
Is there some change in the SLAPI interface of which we are not aware of?
I already set full log level any but there is nothing logged about the function call. Any ideas?

To terminate this thread: The problem was caused by a misconfiguration in our slapd.conf.
The plugin line was at the wrong place. Details can be seen here:


How do I update Xcode codes I can use iOS 14 functions?

I was watching a tutorial on how to fetch user location in swift and I had a problem here:
class teste: CLLocationManager, CLLocationManagerDelegate{
#Published var lctionManager = CLLocationManager()
func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization (_ manager: CLLocationManagerDelegate){
switch manager.authorizationStatus {
case .authorizedWhenInUse:
case .denied:
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager, didFailWithError error: Error){
The error was a in locationManagerDiChangeAuthorization (Instance method 'locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization' nearly matches optional requirement 'locationManagerDidChangeAuthorizantion' of protocol 'locationManagerDelegate') and in manager.authorizationStatus( Value of type 'CLLocationManagerDelegate' has no member 'authoizationStatus')
After some research, I found out that these are iOS 14 only, and my code may be written in iOS13 (actually, for some codes, I have to add #available(iOS 14.0, *) to make them work, but this time it didnt seem it work).
But, as a beginner, I don't know how to update my code (searched for some stuff but nothing caught my eyes). How do I update my code? Would it interfere in anything? Is it necessary or its better to write something to integrate both iOS 14 and 13?
Project -> Info -> iOS Deployment Target
here you can change deployment target to iOS 14.

Reading Armv8-A registers with devmem from GNU/Linux shell

I want to read the values of some Cortex-A53 registers, such as
D_AA64ISAR0_EL1 (AArch64)
ID_ISAR5 (Aarch32)
ID_ISAR5_EL1 (Aarch64)
Unfortunately, I lack a little embedded/assembly experience. The documentation reveals
To access the ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1:
MRS , ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1 ; Read ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1 into Xt
ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1[31:0] can be accessed through the internal memory-mapped interface
and the external debug interface, offset 0xD30.
I decided to utilize devmem2 on my target (since busybox does not include the devmem applet). Is the following procecure correct to read the register?
devmem2 0xD30
The part which I am unsure about is using the "offset" as a direct physical address. If it is the actual address, why call if "offset" and not "address". If it's an offset, what is the base address? I am 99% certain this is not the correct procedure, but how do I know the base address to add the offset to? I have searched the Armv8 technical reference manual and A53 MPCore documents to no avail. The explain the register contents in detail but seem to assume you read them from ASM using the label ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1.
I found this:
Configuration Base Address Register, EL1
The CBAR_EL1 characteristics are:
Purpose Holds the physical base address of the memory-mapped GIC CPU
interface registers.
But it simply duplicates my problem, how to read this other register?
Update 2:
The first update seems relevant only for GIC and not for configuration registers I am trying to read (I misunderstood the information I think).
For the specific problem at hand (checking crypto extension availability) one may simply cat /proc/cpuinfo and look for aes/sha etc.
Update 3:
I am now investigating, as well as the base address being SoC specific and thus may be found in the reference manual of the SoC.
Update 4:
Thanks to the great answer I seem to be able to read data via my kernel module:
[ 4943.461948] ID_AA64ISA_EL1 : 0x11120
[ 4943.465775] ID_ISAR5_EL1 : 0x11121
P.S.: This was very insightful, thank you again!
Update 5:
Source code as per request:
* Copyright (C) 2011 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/types.h>
// read system register value ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1 (s3_0_c0_c6_0).
static inline uint64_t system_read_ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1(void)
uint64_t val;
asm volatile("mrs %0, ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1" : "=r" (val));
return val;
// read system register value ID_ISAR5_EL1 (s3_0_c0_c2_5).
static inline uint64_t system_read_ID_ISAR5_EL1(void)
uint64_t val;
asm volatile("mrs %0, s3_0_c0_c2_5" : "=r" (val));
return val;
int init_module(void)
printk("ramdump Hello World!\n");
printk("ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1 : 0x%llX\n", system_read_ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1());
printk("ID_ISAR5_EL1 : 0x%llX\n", system_read_ID_ISAR5_EL1());
return 0;
void cleanup_module(void)
printk("ramdump Goodbye Cruel World!\n");
Disclaimer: I am not an Aarch64 expert, but I am currently learning about the architecture and have read a bit.
You cannot read ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1, ID_ISAR5_EL1 nor ID_ISAR5 from a user-mode application running at EL0: the _EL1 suffix means than running at least at EL1 is required in order to be allowed to read those two registers.
You may find helpful to read the pseudo-code in the arm documentation here and here.
In the case of ID_ISAR5 for example, the pseudo-code is very explicit:
if PSTATE.EL == EL0 then
elsif PSTATE.EL == EL1 then
if EL2Enabled() && !ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HSTR_EL2.T0 == '1' then
AArch64.AArch32SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x03);
elsif EL2Enabled() && ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HSTR.T0 == '1' then
elsif EL2Enabled() && !ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HCR_EL2.TID3 == '1' then
AArch64.AArch32SystemAccessTrap(EL2, 0x03);
elsif EL2Enabled() && ELUsingAArch32(EL2) && HCR.TID3 == '1' then
return ID_ISAR5;
elsif PSTATE.EL == EL2 then
return ID_ISAR5;
elsif PSTATE.EL == EL3 then
return ID_ISAR5;
One easy way to read those register would be to write a tiny loadable kernel module you could call from your user-mode application: Since the Linux kernel is running at EL1, it is perfectly able to read those three registers.
See for example this article for a nice introduction to Linux loadable kernel modules.
And this is likely that an application running at EL0 cannot access memory-mapped registers accessible only from EL1, since this would obviously break the protection scheme.
The C code snippets required to read those registers in Aarch64 state would be (tested with gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu) :
#include <stdint.h>
// read system register value ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1 (s3_0_c0_c6_0).
static inline uint64_t system_read_ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1(void)
uint64_t val;
asm volatile("mrs %0, s3_0_c0_c6_0" : "=r" (val));
return val;
// read system register value ID_ISAR5_EL1 (s3_0_c0_c2_5).
static inline uint64_t system_read_ID_ISAR5_EL1(void)
uint64_t val;
asm volatile("mrs %0, s3_0_c0_c2_5" : "=r" (val));
return val;
Update #1:
The GCC toolchain does not understand all arm system register names, but can nevertheless properly encode system registers access instructions if specified which exact values of the coproc, opc1, CRn, CRm, and opc2 fields are associated to this register.
In the case of ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1, the values specified in the ArmĀ® Architecture Registers Armv8, for Armv8-A architecture profile document are:
coproc=0b11, opc1=0b000, CRn=0b0000, CRm=0b0110, opc2=0b000
The system register alias would then be s[coproc]_[opc1]_c[CRn]_c[CRm]_[opc2], that is s3_0_c0_c6_0 in the case of ID_AA64ISAR0_EL1.
I see this tool maybe meets your need:
It just provides reading and writing system registers function for arm64, likes MSR-tools in x86.

How to start Go's main function from within the NSApplication event loop?

I'm trying to add Sparkle into my Qt (binding for Go) app to make it can be updated automatically.
Problem: there is no popup dialog when running the latest version
Here's the code:
The reason as the author pointed out is NSAlert needs a run loop to work.
I found some docs:
So, as I understand, we have to instantiate NSApplication before creating a QApplication.
void NSApplicationMain(int argc, char *argv[]) {
[NSApplication sharedApplication];
[NSBundle loadNibNamed:#"myMain" owner:NSApp];
[NSApp run];
My Go's main function is something like this:
func main() {
widgets.NewQApplication(len(os.Args), os.Args)
action := widgets.NewQMenuBar(nil).AddMenu2("").AddAction("Check for Updates...")
action.ConnectTriggered(func(bool) { sparkle_checkUpdates() })
Question: how can I start Go's main function from within the NSApplicationMain event loop?
Using QApplication together with a Runloop
Regarding your question how to use your QApplication together with a NSRunloop: you are doing it already.
Since you are using QApplication (and not QCoreApplication) you already have a Runloop running,
see and
A NSTimer needs a run loop to work. So we could add quick test with an existing example Qt app called 'widget' from the repository you referenced in your question.
Adding a small Objective-C test class TimerRunloopTest with a C function wrapper that can be called from GO:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <os/log.h>
#interface TimerRunloopTest : NSObject
- (void)run;
void runTimerRunloopTest() {
[[TimerRunloopTest new] run];
#implementation TimerRunloopTest
- (void)run {
os_log_t log = os_log_create("widget.example", "RunloopTest");
os_log(log, "setup happening at %f", NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate);
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:1.0
- (void)timerTick:(NSTimer *)timer {
os_log_t log = os_log_create("widget.example", "RunloopTest");
os_log(log, "timer tick %f", NSDate.timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate);
GO counterpart timerrunlooptest.go
package main
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Foundation
void runTimerRunloopTest();
import "C"
func runTimerRunloopTest() { C.runTimerRunloopTest() }
Change in main.go
At the end before app.Exec() add this line:
Build and Run it
Switch loggin on for our logging messages:
sudo log config --subsystem widget.example --mode level:debug
Afterwards build an run it:
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtdeploy test desktop examples/basic/widgets
In the macOS Console uitlity we can now see, that the timer ticks are shown, proofing that a run-loop is running
Then you cited in your question, that NSAlert needs a run loop to work. We already proofed that we have one, but testing it explicitely makes sense.
So we can modify timerrunlooptest.go to inform it, that we want to link agains Cocoa also, not only Foundation:
package main
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Foundation
#cgo LDFLAGS: -framework Cocoa
void runTimerRunloopTest();
import "C"
func runTimerRunloopTest() { C.runTimerRunloopTest() }
Then we could add the following code to the run method of TimerRunLoopTest:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
NSAlert *alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
alert.messageText = #"Message";
alert.informativeText = #"Info";
[alert addButtonWithTitle:#"OK"];
[alert runModal];
After doing a
$(go env GOPATH)/bin/qtdeploy test desktop examples/basic/widgets
the native Alert is shown from the GO/QT application as expected:
Mixing Qt with Native Code
Although we seem to be able to display native alerts in the way described above, there is this hint in the QT documents that may or may not be useful:
Qt's event dispatcher is more flexible than what Cocoa offers, and lets the user spin the event dispatcher (and running QEventLoop::exec) without having to think about whether or not modal dialogs are showing on screen (which is a difference compared to Cocoa). Therefore, we need to do extra management in Qt to handle this correctly, which unfortunately makes mixing native panels hard. The best way at the moment to do this, is to follow the pattern below, where we post the call to the function with native code rather than calling it directly. Then we know that Qt has cleanly updated any pending event loop recursions before the native panel is shown.
There is also a small code example for this.

Using QNetworkAccessManager across dll

I have a Qt5 application which uses QNetworkAccessManager for network requests which is accessible via a singleton and QPluginLoader to load extensions which add the functionality to the program. Currently I'm using static linking for plugins and everything works just fine.
However I want to switch to using dynamic libraries to separate the core functionality from other parts of the app. I've added the necessary declspec's via macro, and made necessary adjustments in my .pro files.
The problem is that very often (like, 3 of 4 starts) QNetworkAccessManager when used from dlls just returns an empty request or a null pointer. No data, no error string, no headers.
This is the code I'm using for loading plugins:
template <typename PluginType>
static QList<PluginType*> loadModules() {
QList<PluginType*> loadedModules;
foreach (QObject* instance, QPluginLoader::staticInstances()) {
PluginType* plugin = qobject_cast<PluginType*>(instance);
if (plugin) {
loadedModules << plugin;
QDir modulesDir(qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/modules");
foreach (QString fileName, modulesDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) {
QPluginLoader loader(modulesDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName));
QObject *instance = loader.instance();
PluginType* plugin = qobject_cast<PluginType*>(instance);
if (plugin) {
loadedModules << plugin;
return loadedModules;
Which is used in this non-static non-template overload called during the startup:
bool AppController::loadModules() {
m_window = new AppWindow();
/* some unimportant connection and splashscreen updating */
QList <ModuleInterface*> loadedModules = loadModules<ModuleInterface>();
foreach (ModuleInterface* module, loadedModules) {
m_splash->showMessage(tr("Initializing module: %1").arg(module->getModuleName()),
Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignRight, Qt::white);
// [1]
ControllerInterface *controller = module->getMainController();
m_moduleControllers << controller;
m_window->addGeneralSettings((new GeneralSettingsController(m_window))->settingsWidget());
/* restoring window geometry & showing it */
return true;
However, if I insert QThread::sleep(1); into the line marked 1, it works okay, but the loading slows down and I highly doubt it is a stable solution that will work everywhere.
Also, the site I'm sending requests to is MyAnimeList.
All right, now I have finally debugged it. Turned out I deleted internal QNetworkAccessManager in one of the classes that needed unsync access. That, and updating to Qt5.3 seem to have solved my problem.

Qt OpenSSL problem - blocked (?) on some computers

I write an app i qt which uses OpenSSL. All was alright, since yesterday. I compiled app and sent to my friend. On his computer application can open https. I open on other computer and it doesn't work. So I gave it to other friend and he can't open https websites. I was confused and gave other guy and on his computer my app is working. I don't understand situation. Previous versions worked without bugs. But i ran previous version which worked and it doesn't work too. I turned off all my firewalls. Nothing changed.
Any suggestions?
We all have 7 x64. I tested on XP HE and it works, bou on 7 x64 doesn't work. On my friend's computer 7 x64 works, but on XP HE doesn't works. IMO Operating System hasn't got any mean.
By default Qt doesn't contain implementation of OpenSSL, but uses libraries already installed into system.
Installing Win32 OpenSSL will make it work.
Another option is to build Qt with OpenSSL. Some info here.
In case you have still no solution to the error - I just ran over the same issue. It seems to be a problem with the CA certficate chain on the Windows computer. The details can be found at
Here's also a little class which fixes the ca chain so the error should not occur in the application.
#include <QSslConfiguration>
/* this class fixes a problem with qt/openssl and expired ca certificates.
* the idea is taken from
* which describes the problem and the workaround further. the workaround is
* scheduled for qt5, but will not be introduced into qt4.x.
* to use this fix just call it in main() before doing any network related
* stuff
* OpenSslFix::fixCaCertificates();
* it will go through the certificates and remove invalid certs from the chain,
* thus avoiding the error to arise.
class OpenSslFix {
static void fixCaCertificates()
QSslConfiguration config(QSslConfiguration::defaultConfiguration());
QList<QSslCertificate> in(config.caCertificates());
QList<QSslCertificate> out;
for (int i=0, size=in.size(); i<size; ++i) {
const QSslCertificate &c(in[i]);
if (c.isValid()) {
/* not expired -> add */
out << c;
/* check if the cert is already present in the output */
bool found = false;
for (int j=0, size=out.size(); j<size; ++j) {
if (isCertificateSameName(c, out[j])) {
/* already present... */
found = true;
if (!found)
out << c;
/* now set the new list as the default */
static inline bool isCertificateSameName(const QSslCertificate &cert1,
const QSslCertificate &cert2)
return cert1.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::Organization) ==
cert2.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::Organization) &&
cert1.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName) ==
cert2.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CommonName) &&
cert1.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::LocalityName) ==
cert2.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::LocalityName) &&
cert1.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName) ==
cert2.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::OrganizationalUnitName) &&
cert1.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName) ==
cert2.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::StateOrProvinceName) &&
cert1.subjectInfo(QSslCertificate::CountryName) ==
#endif // OPENSSLFIX_H
Try to use QSslSocket::ignoreSslErrors() method.
I also had such problems and using this function solved them for me.
