POST command=addHost&response=json 530 Unable to add the host - apache-cloudstack

I'm configuring cloudstack, I added datacenter vcenter and the cluster but to add the host I can't do it
syetems: venter 6.7 host ESXI 6.003


Connect to Flask from Virtualbox Guest using NAT

I'm making a client-server app and i would make my flask server on my host and the client on a virtualbox machine .
I've made the Flask host as that,host='')
But when i try to connect from firefox on virtualbox to or I get "Unable to connect" Message .
I'm using NAT network , i've forwarded the 5000 HOST ==> 5000 Guest .
Still have the same problem .
My Host machine : MacOS
My Guest Machine : Ubuntu 16.04
The server is working fine on the host machine
I've tried the bridge network and it's working (i connect using my host ip instead of ) , but i want do it with NAT because i've
many ports to forward and because it's reliable for my project .

docker registry with nginx: no such host

Here I setup two ubuntu machine which had run as docker registry. I just use the Docker Registry latest Image. Then I setup a ubuntu machine running Nginx which will proxy the request to either of the registries.
I changed the Nginx configuration file so I can see "/Docker registry server/" when I "curl" the Nginx server.
But things has been strange when I want to push my Image.
"dial tcp: docker-registry: no such host
Because I setup 3 docker containers on 3 different hosts. Layers of one images maybe post to different registries.

How do I connect a Docker container running in boot2docker to a network service running on another host?

I am using the latest version of boot2docker version 1.3.2, 495c19a on a windows 7 (SP1) 64 bit machine.
My docker container is running a celery process which attempts to connect to a rabbitMQ service running on the same machine that boot2docker is running on.
The Celery process running within the docker container cannot connect to RabbitMQ and reports the following :
[2014-12-02 10:28:41,141: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect
to amqp:// guest:**# [Errno 111] Connection refused.
Trying again in 2.00 seconds...
I have reason to believe this is a network related issue, associated with routing from the container, to the VirtualBox host, and from the host to the RabbitMQ service running on the local machine; I do not know how to configure this and I was wondering if anyone can advise me how to proceed?
I tried setting up port 5672 in port forwarding but it didn't work (but I believe this is for incoming traffic to the VM, like boot2docker ssh).
I am running the container as docker run -i -t tagname
I am not specifying a host with -h when I run the container.
I'm sorry if this question appears rather clueless or if the answer appears obvious ... I appreciate any help!
Some additional information :
The routing table of the host VM is what boot2docker configured during installation as follows :
docker0 IP Address is
eth0 IP Address is
eth1 IP Address is
eth0 is attached to NAT (Adapter 1) in the VirtualBox VM network configuration.
Adapter 1 has port forwarding setup for ssh; default setting of host IP, host port 2022, guest port 22.
eth1 is attached to Host-only adapter (Adapter 2).
Both adapters are set to promiscuous mode (allow all).
The IP Address of the docker container is
[2014-12-02 10:28:41,141: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp:// guest:**# [Errno 111] Connection refused. Trying again in 2.00 seconds... is a special IP address that means "me", and inside the container it means "me the container", so this is why it is not connecting to the outer host. So the first thing to do is change the IP address where you are trying to connect to Rabbit to that of the outer host where it is running.
Then you probably have to do something about routing, but let's take one step at a time.
as your RabbitMQ server is running on your Windows host, you need to tell your container that it should talk to that IP - which would probably be
most importantly, your container's is only a loopback device to that container's services - not even the boot2docker vm's ports.
You could set up an ambassador container that has --expose=80 and uses something like socat to forward all traffic from that container to your host (see svendowideit/ambassador). Then you'd --link that ambassador container to your current image
but personally, I'd avoid that initially, and just configure your containerised app to talk to the real host's IP
You have to specifc explicitely ports for port redirection separately for boot2docker and docker.
Please try this:
c:\>boot2docker init
c:\>boot2docker up
c:\>boot2docker ssh -L
docker#boot2docker:~$ docker run -it -p 5672:5672 tagname

What should be the host file configuration for Cloudera Installation for 5 nodes?

I am trying to install Cloudera cluster on 5 machines- 4 as ubuntu 12.04 and 1 as Oracle Enterprise Linux 5.8.
I have run the Cloudera Manager Installer on Oracle Linux Enterprise host which should act as a name node ( with ip address and other 4 Ubuntu hosts should act as data nodes.
I have completed all the prerequisites and I have configured host files as:
For Ubuntu: localhost hduser1 hduser2 hduser3 hduser4 hduser5
#The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
For Oracle Enterprise Linux: hduser1 hduser2 hduser3 hduser4 hduser5 hduser5 localhost.localdomain loca$
::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
I am not sure whether this configuration is correct as i have got errors related to reverse DNS as follows:
The following failures were observed in checking hostnames. Showing first 1000 failures only...
DNS reverse lookup of IP on host failed. Expected but got hduser4.local.
DNS reverse lookup of IP on host failed. Expected but got hduser-desktop-3.local.
DNS reverse lookup of IP on host failed. Expected but got hduser-desktop.local.
After a long research I found that the host file configuration is correct. The problem due compatibility issues between Ubuntu and Oracle Enterprise Linux. After switching all the nodes to Ubuntu the issue was resolved.
Also I edited resolv.conf of all hosts. The configuration was as follows:
search localdomain
nameserver 192.x.x.x

Connect to nginx (VirtualBox, Fedora) from Windows host

Fedora in VirtualBox running django dev server (bound to and nginx (listening to port 90)
I have NAT connection set up for the VM and port forwarding 8000 -> 8000, 8001 -> 90
I can see django as
But no response from
Any ideas?
Dumb question: Can the Fedora guest connect OK to nginx running locally?
Not so dumb question: Have you used tcpdump/wireshark/smartsniff or a similar tool to see if the traffic is making it through the host->guest at all? perhaps the Fedora firewall is blocking non-local connections to port 90?
Also, why not just add a "Host Only" second network adapter to the Fedora guest and forget about fiddling with the NAT settings?
