Send email using non secure channel - crm

I'm using Dynamics CRM 2016 (on-prem) and this is non-secure, no certificate is installed, I want to send email using microsoft exchange but everytime I send an email it says "5.7.3 STARTTLS is required to send mail" is there any way to this problem either by outgoing port configuration or by change outgoing server location.
your support will be highly appreciated.
Thank you,


Capturing POP3 with Wireshark

I am working on the wireshark project for school. And need to analyze POP3 packets over the network. I have tried capturing traffic over the network and have sent the mail from my phone to my pc using gmail. All protocols are enabled in the Wwireshark. But when filtering through the packets there wasn't POP or SMTP or IMAP packets to be shown, but I do not know why. Then I have tried using Thunderbird and hMailServer to capture the traffic, but I can not manage them to work together, since thunderbird doesn't allow me to create mail account from the hMailServer.
What I want to ask is for advice how to capture POP3 over the network, does it need special configuration when capturing for Gmail and Hotmail accounts. Or something else.
Some background for you to understand the process. Whenever anyone (including yourself) sends mail to your mail address, it's delivered to Gmail server and rests there. You have number of options to access it:
View mail on server web interface by opening "" in your browser. Browser uses HTTP (actually HTTPS) to get site content as it usually do with other sites. The fact, that site represents server's state doesn't mean "receiving mail" neither it uses POP/IMAP/anything else.
Download email to your PC via mail client such as Thunderbird. It requires proper configuration to point client at server address/port/protocol/credentials/etc. Protocol used for downloading is the part of configuration, you're free to use POP whenever server supports it.
So all you need is to configure your Thunderbird to download mails from Gmail via desired protocol and enjoy capturing. Instructions for POP mail clients from Gmail perspective.

Asterisk Dial() - passing URL to softphone

According to the Dial() application is capable of sending an URL to the extension being called. I suppose there are softphones implementing this, maybe popping up a browser pointing to the given URL - perfect to open up automatically a CRM customer page when receiving a call by identifying his caller id.
Do you know of any softphone implementing this functionality?
Doc have following line:
if the channel driver supports it
For sip protocol will be issued SIP MESSAGE with url. So phone have support messaging via sip.
For jabber protocol will be generated jabber message.

What are the main security considerations when opening up port 25 and/or 587 for email delivery?

I am about to setup SmarterMail v9.0 on our Windows 2008 server (IIS7) and would first like to know what some security considerations are when opening up port 25 and/or 587 - ie how to prevent relaying, etc.
Thank you.
You must not accept email from untrusted users/sources which is not bound for domains you control.
An open relay is a mail server which allows anyone on the Internet to email anyone else, without verifying that either the source or the destination is known - thus, a relay.
You can check that the source is known by looking for a trusted IP subnet, or by requiring authentication before mail can be sent (via LOGIN over TLS, GSSAPI [called "Integrated Windows Authentication" or whatever], X.509 client certs, or the like).
You can check that the destination is known by comparing it to the list of domains for which your mail server will be the "last stop" (or a relay to another domain you control).
Either a known source or a known destination should be sufficient, but you may also want to make sure that mail inbound for your domains is at least borderline valid (originates from a domain with an MX server, for instance).
Separately, you must be conscious of DoS issues (rate limit inbound mail), and the ability to use your server to send backscatter spam. Backscatter is when I connect to your mail server and say, "why yes, I am, please queue up this message for". Then your mail server delivers a "bounce" message to the unsuspecting target. To mitigate this, you can verify that the recipient is known before accepting mail, or limit the rate at which mail can be accepted from one host, or try to check that the host delivering a message is authorized to use that envelope sender.
These are all well-solved problems.

How to send Email through using localhost

I am creating a banking application in v 2.0.I need to send confirmation email when a user creates the new account.
I am running the application in localhost.DO I need any special rights to send SMTP email?
provide me a proper way to send email from my application.
Do you have a SMTP server set up on localhost? Test by using telnet on the server:
telnet 25
If the server responds, try sending raw SMTP commands to send an email and trouble-shoot from there.
I find the easiest way with the Microsoft SMTP server is to disable any checks for authentication and rely on relay restrictions, then restrict relaying to
The fact that you're running on localhost shouldn't make any difference.
As long as you have valid email server settings, and it's allowed on the system you are running on, this works just fine.
Did you try it? Did you have a problem?
I think you can sent by gmail smtp server. check this out smtp mail queue

does anyone know of a module thats available for that uses a queue to send email to an smtp server?
the queue being the operative word here.. we need a proper fallback mechanism for storing any messages that can't be sent so that the send can be re-attempted later
You can submit your messages to an IIS SMTP relay server via the Pickup Folder. This is the cheapest, and probably best, outgoing mail queue for ASP.NET.
Otherwise, you'll just need to connect to your SMTP relay server and configure its queue in whatever manner meets your business needs.
