Woocommerce update cart button doesn't update and somethimes removes the whole cart widget - wordpress

So I have an issue with the Woocommerce cart. I can't seem to update the cart. When I try to update it, the product just goes back to it's current value and after trying it a few times in a row very quickly, the whole cart just disappears. Not just the products, no the whole cart widget. I feel like this has something to do with my theme in combination with Woocommerce, but I use the Astra theme, so I feel like it should work.
Any ideas on what is happening?
The order page:


add to cart button not work properly sometimes! in woocommerce

I have a problem in my woocommerce online shop. I am using Astra theme. The problem is that when I hit the add to cart button in shows that the product is added but when I check the cart, there is nothing in it. Also, for variable products it says that you should select an option and it does not add to cart (I mean after it says successful and when I go into my cart). I am using Ajax add to cart button. and the last point is that it does not happen always. sometimes it works fine and sometimes the problem come. I have checked woocommerce status and also I disabled cache plugin and cache on server, and I see this problem in single product page.
Thank you

Missing 'Cart' page content in WooCommerce

After a few days without updating website, there's the trouble with missing cart content.
Everything that's loading is header. You can see it on the screenshot.
I checked whether shortcode [woocommerce_cart] is there. It is. I tried to change theme from custom to clean Storefront theme and it is still not showing any content of cart, when there are any items.
If there's no items in cart, it is showing "Your basket is currently empty.". Вut when I add any product in cart, the cart page content disappears.
What can i do with that? Any ideas?

Woocommerce single product add to cart button not working

I have developed a custom theme. Everything working fine but woocommerce single product page add to cart button not updating products.
In the cart page update cart works sometimes and again suddenly stop working. here is the link http://webdesign-projects.xyz/mer/shop
Can anyone figure out the issue?

Woocommerce mini cart widgets not updating without refreshing browser

I am using Woocommerce cart widget in the header, Add to basket behaviour in Woocoomerce is set to "Enable AJAX add to basket buttons on archives", But product counter is not showing how many products have been added to the cart without refreshing the page.
Can anyone explain what can be the issue?
Thanks in advance.

Woocommerce Add To Cart page

I'm trying to figure out how can I show a suggestion page once a user click on the button 'Add To cart'.
I want to show related products as Amazon does.
I do not know how to register the Event and redirect to a template once clicked the button.
Any idea how can I accomplish this?
You can use the default Cross-sells by WooCommerce. The options would then be shown in the cart page. Clicking on Add to Cart can lead the customer to the cart page after the product has been added. That setting can be found in your general settings of WooCommerce to ensure it does that.
