How to check if a number is palindrome in Clean - functional-programming

I am solving this homework of clean programming language;
The problem is we have a number of five digits and we want to check whether it's an odd palindrome or not.
I am stuck at the stage of dividing the number to five separate digits and perform a comparison with the original number, for the palindrome check. With Clean I can't loop over the number and check if it remains the same from the both sides, so I am looking for an alternative solution (Some mathematical operations).
Code block:
isOddPalindrome :: Int -> Bool
isOddPalindrome a
| isFive a <> 5 = abort("The number should be exactly five digits...")
| (/*==> Here should be the palindrome check <==*/) && (a rem 2 <> 0) = True
| otherwise = False
isFive :: Int -> Int
isFive n
| n / 10 == 0 = 1
= 1 + isFive(n / 10)
My idea is to take the number, append it's digits one by one to an empty list, then perform the reverse method on the list and check if it's the same number or not (Palindrome)

Your answer above doesn't have a stopping condition so it will result in stack overflow.
You could try this
numToList :: Int -> [Int]
numToList n
| n < 10 = [n]
= numToList (n/10) ++ [n rem 10]
Start = numToList 12345
and then like you mentioned in the answer, you can reverse it with the 'reverse' function and check if they are equal.

After hours of trying to figure out how to recursively add the digits of our number to an empty list, I did the following:
sepDigits :: Int [Int] -> [Int]
sepDigits n x = sepDigits (n/10) [n rem 10 : x]
Now I can easily check whether the reverse is equal to the initial list :) then the number is palindrome.


Is it possible to use List.unfold to list all factors of N?

I'm trying to wrap my head around functional programming using F#. I'm sticking to purely mathematical problems for now.
My current problem is simple enough: to write a function that takes an integer N and outputs a list of all the factors of N
Because of the similarities between sequences and C# IEnumerables formed by yield return I got this solution:
let seqFactorsOf n =
seq { for i in 2 .. (n / 2) do if n % i = 0 then yield i }
I don't think lists can be generated that way, though, so I turned to List.unfold:
let listFactorsOf n =
2 |> List.unfold (fun state ->
if state <= n / 2 then
if state % 2 = 0 then
Some (state, state + 1)
//need something here to appease the compiler. But what?
My other attempt uses the concept of matching, with which I'm almost totally unfamiliar:
let listFactorsOf_2 n =
2 |> List.unfold(fun state ->
match state with
| x when x > n / 2 -> None
| x when n % x = 0 -> Some(x, x + 1)
//I need a match for the general case or I get a runtime error
Is there a way to create such list using List.unfold? Please notice that I'm a beginner (I started F# 3 days ago) and the documentation is not very kind to newbies, so if you'd try to be as didactic as possible I would appreciate it a lot.
First - yes, of course lists can be generated using that syntax (it's called "list comprehensions" by the way). Just put the whole thing in square brackets instead of seq { }:
let seqFactorsOf n =
[ for i in 2 .. (n / 2) do if n % i = 0 then yield i ]
As for unfold - every iteration is required to either produce an element of the resulting list (by returning Some) or to signal end of iteration (by returning None). There is nothing you can return from the body of unfold to indicate "skipping" the element.
Instead, what you have to do is to somehow "skip" the unwanted elements yourself, and only ever return the next divisor (or None).
One way to do that is with a helper function:
let rec nextDivisor n i =
if n % i = 0 then Some i
else if i >= n/2 then None
else nextDivisor n (i+1)
Let's test it out:
nextDivisor 16 3
> Some 4
nextDivisor 16 5
> Some 8
nextDivisor 16 10
> None
Now we can use that in the body of unfold:
let listFactorsOf n =
2 |> List.unfold (fun state ->
match nextDivisor n state with
| Some d -> Some (d, d + 1)
| None -> None
As a bonus, the construct match x with Some a -> f a | None -> None is a well-known and widely used concept usually called "map". In this particular case - it's So the above can be rewritten like this:
let listFactorsOf n =
2 |> List.unfold (fun state ->
nextDivisor n state
|> (fun d -> d, d+1)

Return a list of even numbers from a list of integer pairs in sml

I have the following question "Given a list of integer pairs, write a function to return a list of even numbers in that list in sml".
this is what I've achieved so far
val x = [(6, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10)];
fun isEven(num : int) =
if num mod 2 = 0 then num else 0;
fun evenNumbers(list : (int * int) list) =
if null list then [] else
if isEven(#1 (hd list)) <> 0
then if isEven(#2 (hd list)) <> 0
then #1 (hd list) :: #1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
else []
else if isEven(#2 (hd list)) <> 0
then #1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
else [];
the result should be like this [6,2,4,6,8,10]
any help would be appreciated.
I see two obvious problems.
If both the first and second number are even, you do
#1 (hd list) :: #1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
which adds the first number twice and ignores the second.
If the first number is odd and the second even, you do
#1 (hd list) :: evenNumbers(tl list)
which adds the number that you know is odd and ignores the one you know is even.
Programming with selectors and conditionals gets complicated very quickly (as you've noticed).
With pattern matching, you could write
fun evenNumbers [] = []
| evenNumber ((x,y)::xys) = ...
and reduce the risk of using the wrong selector.
However, this still makes for complicated logic, and there is a better way.
Consider the simpler problem of filtering the odd numbers out of a list of numbers, not pairs.
If you transform the input into such a list, you only need to solve that simpler problem (and there's a fair chance that you've already solved something very similar in a previous exercise).
Exercise: implement this transformation. Its type will be ('a * 'a) list -> 'a list.
Also, your isEven is more useful if it produces a truth value (if you ask someone, "is 36 even?", "36" is a very strange answer).
fun isEven x = x mod 2 = 0
Now, evenNumbers can be implemented as "just" a combination of other, more general, functions.
So running your current code,
- evenNumbers [(6, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6), (7, 8), (9, 10)];
val it = [6,6,3,5,7,9] : int list
suggests that you're not catching all even numbers, and that you're catching some odd numbers.
The function isEven sounds very much like you want to have the type int -> bool like so:
fun isEven n =
n mod 2 = 0
Instead of addressing the logic error of your current solution, I would like to propose a syntactically much simpler approach which is to use pattern matching and fewer explicit type annotations. One basis for such a solution could look like:
fun evenNumbers [] = ...
| evenNumbers ((x,y)::pairs) = ...
Using pattern matching is an alternative to if-then-else: the [] pattern is equivalent to if null list ... and the (x,y)::pairs pattern matches when the input list is non-empty (holds at least one element, being (x,y). At the same time, it deconstructs this one element into its parts, x and y. So in the second function body you can express isEven x and isEven y.
As there is a total of four combinations of whether x and y are even or not, this could easily end up with a similarly complicated nest of if-then-else's. For this I might do either one of two things:
Use case-of (and call evenNumbers recursively on pairs):
fun evenNumbers [] = ...
| evenNumbers ((x,y)::pairs) =
case (isEven x, isEven y) of
... => ...
| ... => ...
Flatten the list of pairs into a list of integers and filter it:
fun flatten [] = ...
| flatten ((x,y)::pairs) = ...
val evenNumbers pairs = ...

smlnj - Function That Adds Even and Odd Elements In An Int List

I am fairly new to functional programming and I do not understand my error here. I am trying to make a function that takes an integer list and returns both the sum of the even elements and the sum of the odd elements. The error I am getting is in line 1, and it states: "Error: right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with function result type [overload conflict] ...". I don't understand the error, and I would appreciate any help in understanding my error.
fun add(nil) = 0
| add([x]) = x
| add(x :: xs) =
val evenList = xs;
val oddList = x :: xs
(hd evenList + add(tl(tl(evenList))), hd oddList + add(tl(tl(oddList))))
The reason for the type error is that the function should return a pair, but your base cases don't.
I suspect you got to that code by thinking about skipping every other element, dividing the list by skipping.
There's a different way to approach this.
Consider the list [a,b,c,d].
Counting from 1, the elements are numbered
1 2 3 4
a b c d
Now consider the positions in the tail of the list.
They are
1 2 3
b c d
That is, odd positions in the tail are even positions in the entire list, and even positions in the tail are odd in the entire list.
This means that if we recursively compute "odds and evens" in the tail, we will get the sums from the tail, where its "odds" is our "evens", and if we add our head to the tail's "evens", we will get the "odds" we want.
All we need now is a good base case – and the sums of an empty list must be (0, 0).
Something like this:
fun add [] = (0,0)
| add (x::xs) = case add xs of
(odds, evens) => (x + evens, odds)
or, you can deconstruct the recursive result with a let-binding instead of case:
fun add [] = (0,0)
| add (x::xs) = let val (odds, evens) = add xs
(x + evens, odds)

F# recursion behavior

I recently started learning F# and because I am quite new to most of the functional concepts I tend to want to write small examples for myself and check my premises with the results of the test.
Now I can't seem to be able to understand the result of the following code and why it behaves as such. The use case: I roll four six sides dice and only return their total when their sum is greater than 20.
This is my code:
let rnd = System.Random()
let d6 () = rnd.Next(1, 7)
let rec foo () =
// create a list of 4 d6 throws and print out the list
let numbers = seq { for i in 1 .. 4 -> d6() }
numbers |> Seq.iter( fun n -> printf "%i " n )
printfn "\n"
// sum the list and return the sum only when the sum is greater than 20
let total = numbers |> Seq.sum
match total with
| n when n < 21 -> foo ()
| _ -> total
Now when you run this you will find that this will eventually return a number greater than 20.
When you look at the output you will find that it did not print out the last list of numbers and I can't figure out why.
The sequences are lazily evaluated and are not cached. What happens here is that you have a sequence with a side effect that's evaluated multiple times.
First evaluation yields first sequence of random numbers:
numbers |> Seq.iter( fun n -> printf "%i " n )
The second call runs the evaluation again, producing completely different sequence:
let total = numbers |> Seq.sum
What you need to do if you want to keep the first evaluation around to run through it multiple times is either materialize the sequence or cache it:
// create a list directly
let numbers = [ for i in 1 .. 4 -> d6() ]
// or create a list from sequence
let numbers = seq { for i in 1 .. 4 -> d6() } |> List.ofSeq
// or cache the sequence
let numbers = seq { for i in 1 .. 4 -> d6() } |> Seq.cache

Return index of an asked-for value of a list using fold in OCaml

I wrote a recursive version of index as follows
let index list value =
let rec counter num = function
| [] -> -1
| h::t ->
if h == value
then num
else (counter (num + 1)) t
in counter 0 list;;
It works, but then our professor said we should use a tail recursive version in order to not timeout on the server, so I wrote a new index function using fold, but I can't seem to figure out why if it doesn't find the element, it returns a number greater than the length of the list, even though I want it to return -1.
let index2 list value = fold (fun i v ->
if i > (length list) then -1
else if v == value then i
else i+1) 0 list;;
Here's my fold version as well:
let rec fold f a l = match l with
[] -> a
| (h::t) -> fold f (f a h) t;;
Your folded function is called once for each element of the list. So you'll never see a value of i that's greater than (length list - 1).
As a side comment, it's quite inefficient (quadratic complexity) to keep calculating the length of the list. It would be better to calculate it once at the beginning.
As another side comment, you almost never want to use the == operator. Use the = operator instead.
Why do you redefine fold instead of using List.fold_left?
Your first version of index is already tail recursive, but you can improve its style by:
using option type instead of returning -1 if not found;
directly call index recursively instead of a count function;
use = (structural) comparator instead of == (physical);
use a guard in your pattern matching instead of an if statement.
let index list value =
let rec index' list value i = match list with
| [] -> None
| h :: _ when h = value -> Some i
| _ :: t -> index' t value (succ i)
in index' list value 0
And as already said, index2 does not work because you'll never reach an element whose index is greater than the length of the list, so you just have to replace i > (length list) with i = (length list) - 1 to make it work.
But index2 is less efficient than index because index stops as soon as the element is found whereas index2 always evaluate each element of the list and compare the list length to the counter each time.
