ADFS custome claims with group membership domain local - adfs

I created custome ADFS claim rule base on group membership with global security groups.
And its working smoothly, but wee need to add users from different forest which trusted with us.
So, converted global group to Domain local group so that we can add user from different forest but somehow its not working, only Global group is working not Domain local, even if user is from same domain.
Can someone help me to get the proper solution or Domain Local group not supported by ADFS if we used for claim attributes.
Current setup with our Global Group is given below (working)
Send Token group:-
c:[Type == "", Issuer == "AD AUTHORITY"]
=> add(store = "Active Directory", types = ("corporate_groups"), query = ";tokenGroups;{0}", param = c.Value);
Get Token group:-
c:[Type == "corporate_groups", Value =~ ".APP_Test."]
=> issue(Type = "", Value = c.Value);
Note: If I go through this link is not working for cross forest trust user.

• You can surely create a rule to send a group membership as a claim on a relying party trust in ADFS on a Windows Server. But for that, you need to make sure that the user ID through which you are going to login onto the ADFS server should be a member of the Domain administrators or the local system administrators’ group. Also, you can do this by following the documentation link below. It states that you can create a rule template for sending group membership as a claim through the ADFS Server Management snap-in itself.
• If you follow the above document for creating rules based on template, it should get you working. Also, ensure to refer and follow the documentation below on when you should use a Group Membership as a claim rule: -


Artifactory Saml group association with ADFS

For your information I tried to search for the different links but I didn't find the right answer. The below link looks like the same problem but there is no proper answer for this
Artifactory: SAML SSO group matching not working
I am facing a problem with respect to artifactory group association with SAML. Tried to follow the process mentioned in the below link but it doesn't work. Any kind of help is much appreciated.
Our goal is to create the same group in artifactory which is present in ADFS. So that we can give permissions to that repective group in artifactory. But the problem is people are able to login using their domain credentials where as if we provide the permissions to the group it doesn't work as expected.
If you need more clarity I am happy to explain more on this issue.
The ADFS side is handled by other team even they are not sure why it is not working. Is there any bug in artifactory? I have configured SAML with jenkins it works super fine.
I will try to elaborate about the process.
After a login request, the user and it's groups are available for Artifactory in the assertion response that is sent back to Artifactory by the SAML Identity Provider. The data should be available in the assertion XML response, as long as the Identity Provider configured to include it. For example, the Identify Provider can exclude the groups information and include user data (i.e. username, mail) only.
In order to ensure that Artifactory can assign the user to the SAML a group, you will need to do the following:
Configure the ADFS to include the user groups attributes on login response. You have mentioned that this is handled by other team, but you can see how this can be done in the link that you have attached in your post.
Create the relevant groups in Artifactory, or import them to Artifactory from another authentication provider (such as Artifactory LDAP integration group screen). It is mandatory that there relevant groups will be existed in Artifactory.
Open the Artifactory Web-UI SAML configuration screen, mark the Auto Associate groups checkbox
Edit the Group Attribute textfield, and put the SAML attribute name of the group declaration. The group attribute name that required is the one that is returned in the SAML assertion response.
In the assertion it should look like this:
<saml:Attribute Name="memberof">
In your case, you can either get the group association attribute name from the other team that managed your ADFS as you have mentioned, or just view the assertion in any kind of SAML tracer browser plugin (as long as the ADFS was configured to send the groups attributes)
Once you have the above configured, when a SAML user will log in into Artifactory, the user will automatically be associated to the group that returned by the SAML assertion response (as long as the group exists in Artifactory)
Note: the SAML groups association is not persisted and valid for the current login session only, therefore, if you will edit the user/group screen in the UI, will not that the user/group association, however, if you grant a permission for a specific resource to the group that you expect the user to be assigned to, you can see that the user who logged in is capable of using the granted permission.

WSO2 api manager shared application subscription

I have created a secondary User store using LDAP. By default, all users of the secondary store have no permission. Is it a way to assign the suscriber role to all users in one operation or I have to do it manually for each user ?
Since by default WSO2 uses groupId('Organization) of the user to share the Application in the Devpotal as mentioned here in the documentation: sharing applications
You can go to the Carbon UI and search for the LDAP users among which you want to share an Application. Next to the User click on the 'User Profile' tab. There you can edit the value next to the 'Organization' column. For this, your secondary user store should be 'ReadWriteLDAPUserStore'. Similarly, edit the value for each user in the secondary user store to the same value to share the Application among them.
In fact, in the ldap user store if you configure LDAP groups there are automatically created as a role and you can apply permissions to a role which will be apply to all users of your LDAP group.
But I didn't find a way to share applications between users of a LDAP group ...
Here is a better way to achieve it. In the official documentation it is mentioned that it allows the Applications to be shared if we have common roles, in as you said WSO2 treats AD groups as roles. Lets assume you have two users user1 and user2 in your LDAP store both of which are the part of AD group 'AD_Group'.
So mention the AD group name common to the users among which application needs to be shared : -
Also change the configuration as following in the deployment.toml file : -
enable_application_sharing = true
#application_sharing_type = "default"

ADFS Claims Rule Language

I have an Intranet based ADFS website that uses a standard logon page.
Is it possible to change this in the claims language so that it will automatically accept the user based on the authenticated user currently logged on.
I have looked at using the claim rules language but so far all I have got is
c:[Type != ""] => issue (claim = c);
which I got from a video.
I am assuming that I can add a claim to ADFS which can be tested for the website and grant or deny access.
Any help on the claim, or the claims language would help.
Yes you can.
In the claims-rules wizard, use the middle tab - "Issuance Authorisation Rules".
Refer : Create a Rule to Permit or Deny Users Based on an Incoming Claim.

How to get user groups from on-premise ADFS claims

I have followed this article to build demo app with on-premise ADFS federation.
I am able to get needed information for user using simple code
Dim UserEmail = System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(System.IdentityModel.Claims.ClaimTypes.Email).Value
But how I can get user groups where the username belongs and check if user account is member of Windows group in Active Directory?
I have tried to use System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.IsInRole to check if user is in group, but it won't work
In ADFS claims rules, you need to configure a rule "Send LDAP Attributes as Claims" / "Token Groups - Unqualified Names" and map to "Role" as the "Outgoing Claim Type".
ADFS then provides all the security groups the user is memberOf in Role format and WIF maps them to the IsInRole construct.
With this is enough.
ClaimsPrincipal.Current.AddIdentity(new ClaimsIdentity());
ViewBag.Name = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Email).Value;

How to extract application return URL and other custom parameters in AD FS 2.0 claim rules?

This is probably a very basic question about AD FS 2.0 claim rule design that I haven't found an answer to (newbie). I'm probably missing something very basic, but here goes.
I'm deploying a federation within a company. The company users will be able to browse to a web application A, B, C etc. Each app will have their own subdomain URL, e.g.,, etc. When the application redirects to its trusted STS landing page I want the return URL to be passed to the STS. In the STS claim rules I want to extract that return URL and perform a database lookup, e.g. for the current user and the application with URL "" I want all roles that the user has in that application (e.g. admin, superuser, purchaser, whatever).
My questions are:
How do I pass along the return URL to the STS?
How do I write the claim rule? (I know how to make the database lookup and issue the results, but I don't know how to retrieve the return URL or any other custom parameter for that matter in a claim rule).
Now that I know a bit more I'm going to answer my own questions. Mostly this issue seems to be a confusion over terminology.
I was under the impression that I needed to create a global rule for all applications in the STS. This is not the case. Instead, it is possible to write rules for separate applications (these applications are known as Relying Party Trusts in AD FS terminology, i.e. an entity that trusts whatever claims the STS issues). The relation between the STS and the application is 1:1.
In my case I needed the app domain to serve as the unique identifier because I needed to query a database (aka Attribute Store) at a later point to get more attributes. Since application specific rules can be written and the relation between the STS and the app is 1:1, I simply created a rule with the domain name hardcoded.
So to answer my numbered questions above:
No need to pass it along to the STS since the Relying Party Trust relation serves as the permanent connection between the two.
Hardcode a simple unconditional issuance (or add) claim rule, i.e. => issue(type = "http://myclaims/appdomain", value = "")
