How to construct sql query with bitwise operation using sqlobject ORM in python3? - python-3.6

I am trying to create a query in python3 using sqlobject mapper. I have a requirement of filtering a custom field based on the output of bitise operation.
Query looks like this:
query = sqlobject.AND(query,dl.<table_object>.q.anomalyType & alert_type == alert_type)
But when the actual SQL transformation happens, this bitwise & gets converted into "SQL AND", which changes the whole meaning of the query.
Can someone advise the right way to add bitwise operator in the query sqlobject in python3?

SQLConstant does the trick. Working sql query looks like this:
query = sqlobject.AND(query, sqlbuilder.SQLConstant(f'anomalyType & {alert_type}') == alert_type)
Thanks for the help #phd.


Dynamic SQL Set Golang

I have a doubt about the structure of a SQLite query. I'm trying to update a user-selected value in the table referencing the row by the username.
The table is called Data and has these columns: USERNAME,PASSWORD,ADDRESS,NOTES.
I'm using SQL drivers for GO (_ ""), here's my query:
stmt, err := db.Prepare("UPDATE Data SET ?=? WHERE USERNAME=?")
res, err := stmt.Exec(splittedQuery[0], splittedQuery[1],splittedQuery[2])
From this sequence I can only get a syntax error: near "?": syntax error.
How should I manage this? If it's a trivial question I'm sorry, I'm just new to GO and trying to learn something out of it.
You cannot do that in SQL. It's not specific to sqlite either. Parameterized placeholder are only for value, you cannot change the structure of the query with that. Here are some documentation links for your reference:
What you are trying to do is building a dynamic query. You can do that by building your query string yourself:
query := "UPDATE Data SET " + col_name + "=? WHERE USERNAME=?"
But depending from the source of your data for the column_name you need to be cautious of sql injection (this is a whole other topic, for fun you can look at that
There are also a few library available to help you with that. For example to name one, you can check this one

Error with SQLite query, What am I missing?

I've been attempting to increase my knowledge and trying out some challenges. I've been going at this for a solid two weeks now finished most of the challenge but this one part remains. The error is shown below, what am i not understanding?
Error in sqlite query: update users set last_browser= 'mozilla' + select sql from sqlite_master'', last_time= '13-04-2019' where id = '14'
edited for clarity:
I'm trying a CTF challenge and I'm completely new to this kind of thing so I'm learning as I go. There is a login page with test credentials we can use for obtaining many of the flags. I have obtained most of the flags and this is the last one that remains.
After I login on the webapp with the provided test credentials, the following messages appear: this link
The question for the flag is "What value is hidden in the database table secret?"
So from the previous image, I have attempted to use sql injection to obtain value. This is done by using burp suite and attempting to inject through the user-agent.
I have gone through trying to use many variants of the injection attempt shown above. Im struggling to find out where I am going wrong, especially since the second single-quote is added automatically in the query. I've gone through the sqlite documentation and examples of sql injection, but I cannot sem to understand what I am doing wrong or how to get that to work.
A subquery such as select sql from sqlite_master should be enclosed in brackets.
So you'd want
update user set last_browser= 'mozilla' + (select sql from sqlite_master''), last_time= '13-04-2019' where id = '14';
Although I don't think that will achieve what you want, which isn't clear. A simple test results in :-
You may want a concatenation of the strings, so instead of + use ||. e.g.
update user set last_browser= 'mozilla' || (select sql from sqlite_master''), last_time= '13-04-2019' where id = '14';
In which case you'd get something like :-
Thanks for everyone's input, I've worked this out.
The sql query was set up like this:
update users set last_browser= '$user-agent', last_time= '$current_date' where id = '$id_of_user'
edited user-agent with burp suite to be:
Mozilla', last_browser=(select sql from sqlite_master where type='table' limit 0,1), last_time='13-04-2019
Iterated with that found all tables and columns and flags. Rather time consuming but could not find a way to optimise.

How to add a complex range expression to an AOT query in the AOT

I am working on a report, and for my data set i need to use an or statement. in SQL my query would look like:
SELECT recId, etc... FROM CustTrans
WHERE (CustTrans.Closed IS NULL AND CustTrans.Invoice IS NULL)
OR (CustTrans.Invoice IS NOT NULL)
I would translate this then into range like the following (stuck on the RecId field)
((CustTrans.Invoice == ‘’) && (CustTrans.Closed == ‘’) || (CustTrans.Invoice != ‘’))
I have found numerous places explaining that this is the proper syntax, although all of them are using the programmatic method of creating a query. I need to keep mine in the AOT so the customer can modify it later on if they want, and every combination of quotes, parens, and order still does not work. Sometimes AX will accept my range value string, but it doesn't do anything, and sometimes it will give me a random syntax error.
Is there a way to accomplish what I'm looking to do? have I missed some syntax, or does AX really not let you use OR on a query without a union and another view?
You can create a Query in the AOT and then over-ride the init method for the Query. Where you can put these complex SQL statements and get your work done.

Basic SQL count with LINQ

I have a trivial issue that I can't resolve. Currently our app uses Linq to retrieve data and get a basic integer value of the row count. I can't form a query that gives back a count without a 'select i'. I don't need the select, just the count(*) response. How do I do this? Below is a sample:
return (from io in db._Owners
where io.Id == Id && io.userId == userId
join i in db._Instances on io.Id equals i.Id **select i**).Count()
The select i is fine - it's not actually going to be fetching any data back to the client, because the Count() call will be translated into a Count(something) call at the SQL side.
When in doubt, look at the SQL that's being generated for your query, e.g. with the DataContext.Log property.
Using the LINQ query syntax requires a select statement. There's no way around that.
That being said, the statement will get transformed into a COUNT()-based query; the select i is there only to satisfy the expression system that underlies the LINQ query providers (otherwise the type of the expression would be unknown).
Including the select will not affect the performance here because the final query will get translated into SQL. At this point it will be optimized and will be like select (*) from ......

SQL Server Error: "Cannot use empty object or column names"

I get the following error:
Cannot use empty object or column names. Use a single space if necessary.
Msg 1038, Level 15, State 3, Line 1
and the query command looks like:
[].[cms_page].[pa_id], [].[cms_page].[pa_key],
[].[cms_page].[pa_title], [].[cms_page].[pa_keywords],
[].[cms_page].[pa_description], [].[cms_page].[pa_header],
[].[cms_page].[pa_created], [].[cms_page].[pa_modified],
[].[cms_page].[pa_language] FROM [cms_page]
[cms_page].[pa_key] = #pa_key0
[pa_id] ASC;
Strange indeed. Why does this happen? I'm using SubSonic 2.1.
<add name="OCDB" connectionString="Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Data Source=,1433;Initial Catalog=test_db;User ID=test;Password=testpwd"/>
Edit: Well the solution was just to simply generate and rebuild the Data Access Layer and I was good to go.
You seem to be using a 3 part name with part of it empty, i.e. '[].'
It looks as though the query text is being constructed with an empty table schema.
Those empty [] square brackets should contain something like "dbo" to make the query syntactically valid. I don't know enough about SubSonic to give you a code sample though.
I'm not familiar with SubSonic, but have you tried a simpler query to test if you have your syntax correct? Does this query even work in SQL Server (Management Studio / Query Analyzer)?
Just looking at this from the perspective of SQL Server, you are using way too many brackets. If I was writing that query in SQL Server, it would look more like what I wrote below. I'm not sure about the variable #pa_key0, is this query part of a stored procedure or does SunSonic replace this variable when the query is ran?
pa_key = #pa_key0
pa_id ASC;
I think you need to set the schema for Subsonic to use. This thread seems to have some information:
Subsonic - How to use SQL Schema / Owner name as part of the namespace?
