How to extract infos in a .db file to create .csv or any viable "bookmark" file? - sqlite

I am using a quite unknown bookmark manager on Android. I picked this one after trying others because it was possible to import, export, classify by folders, the design was good and it was easy to search in my bookmarks.
After importing all my bookmarks from other browsers and also from files, I started classifying all of them into folders, subfolders, etc..
I spent many days to classify them all as I wanted.
After classifying them, I tried to export them.
The problem is that the only option offered is to export them in a .html file, containing all the bookmarks but without any folder.
The .html file contains all my bookmarks but in complete desorder, and doesnt mention the folders.
In the app there was also a "backup" function, so I tried and it creates a .db file.
I opened this .db file with some SQLiteViewer app and I found written inside, among other things I dont understand, a list of all my bookmarks with a number next to each one of them, and also a list of my folders with next to them the corresponding number.
When I open the .db file, I have a choice between
-SQlite master
-android metadata
-sqlite sequence
If I click on "Bookmarks", all my bookmarks are in a kind of spreadsheet with lines and columns. Next to them in another columns, for example for each bookmark related with "Kitchen recipes" it's written the number 1.
And in the "Folders" folder, next to the folder called "Recipes" its also written 1.
So I'm happy because it seems that my classification is stored in this file.
But the fact is I dont know how to extract easily all that data, and create with it a "bookmark" file importable in other bookmark app or browser ( for example .csv or .xbel or .html but with folders)
I guess I need some "script" working like this:
if the first raw in "Folders" got the number 8 next to it
Then take all the bookmarks in the "bookmarks" folder that also got an 8 written next to it, and put it inside this folder.
I'm a complete noob in coding, I dont know what is SQlite, nor anything.
So i know that maybe I am asking for too much informations at the same time.
But if some kind person could put me in the way, by explaining me if
thats possible
what would be the easiest way
if some solution already exist
if someone like me can do it and what do I have to learn if I want some day to be able to do it
Here's pictures so you understand easier:


Trying to import data into R in a way that will allow anyone to access it when opening the markdown file/ accessing the html knit

I am currently working on a coding project and I am running into trouble with how i Should import the data set. We are supposed to have it read in a way so that our instructor can access our markdown file and be able to import the data and run the code without changing file paths. I know about using relative file paths to make it accessible to anyone, however I don't know how to get around the /users/owner part of the file path. Any help would be greatly appreciated and if you have any further questions feel free to ask.
I've tried changing the working directory to a certain folder that both I and my instructor have named the same thing, however, like I said above, when I use read.csv to import the data frame I am still forced to use the /users/owner filepath which obviously is specific to my computer.
I can understand your supervisor, I request the same from my students. My recommended solution is to put both data and R script (or the .Rmd file) in the same folder. Then one does not need to add a path in the read.csv (or similar) function.
If you use RStudio, move to the folder in the Files pane and then use the gear icon and select "Set as Working Directory".
Then send both files (.R or .Rmd) and the data to the supervisor, ideally as a zip file. The supervisor can then unpack it to an arbitrary folder and just double click to the .R/.Rmd file. The containing folder will then automatically become the working directory.
Other options are:
to use a subfolder for the data or
to put the data to a publicly readable internet location, e.g.
Github and read it directly from there.
The last option requires of course that the data have a free license.

Can a 'linked'-file be renamed programatically via an Extension

I've written an Extension that, among many other things, renames files based on the Types they contain.
This works fine for files in the directory-tree under the csproj-file -- I find the ProjectItem entry for the file and change its name.
For 'linked'-files (those not in the directory-tree) I can rename the file (via File.Move()) but haven't found a way to programatically modify the csproj-file (after the rename the csproj-file has to be modified manually).
If this is something that can be done I'd appreciate a pointer to the docs showing how to implement the functionality.
The easiest solution for me was to modify the csproj-file.
Open, read whole file, close.
Verify that file I want to rename (e.g. xxx.cs) only occurs in 1 directory
(if it occurs in multiple directories the change has to be done manually.)
Make change
Open, write whole file, close
For an SDK project the change is applied immediately.
For a non-SDK project the change is applied after responding to the prompt that the csproj-file has been modified.

Ado Brackets Efficient File Finder

Is there anyway Adobe Brackets Editor find a file as fast as typing a filename and avoid going through the sidebar? Much like finding a text with ctrl-f?
As others have mentioned – use Navigate > Quick Open, which you can also access via the shortcut Ctrl-Shift-O.
Quick Open is very powerful: you can type just an abbreviation or parts of a filename to find it with less typing. For example, typing "fbu" or "fooutil" will find "FooBarUtils.js".
to answer the question about scope... Quick Open searches in your entire project. Brackets treats the root folder you have open (the root of the folder tree you see at left) as your project. To choose a folder, choose File > Open Folder.
There's no way to restrict Quick Open to just a subfolder within that project, but you can type part of a folder name and Quick Open will factor that into the search results. For example, typing "foo/bar" or even "fbar" will list "foo/bar.js" or "foo/xyz/bar.js" higher in the results. This is useful if you have many files with similar names within your project.

XML or text file logging in aspnet with thread safe

I need very simple text file logging. I'll only append lines to it. never change existing ones nor delete them. If it would be XML file it would be easier to bind to grids to view them. but question remains for both text files and xml files as they are in file system.
in web server there will be file locking while appending log entries. and maybe also while reading them. So this method has to be thread safe. At the same moment multiple instances can write date to file.
I know there are some third party tools like serilog etc but I want to know:
how can I append (not change) lines to text file (or xml file) without concerning about file locks ?
if I read xml file to dataset, add a new row to it and save it as xml I would use other entries made by other instances.
if I open a text file with streamwriter and append a line to it, other instances would get lock error.
I get the list of logs from admin panel again, file will be locked and instances wouldn't append logs.
any ideas ?
After long reserch hours and experiments I found out that using Nlog is the best option for me. most important thing is people who use it are very happy. I created small example page that writes a log everytime it called and tested it. I have a multithreaded application that calls this sample page again and again. If was fast enough so I could not see the counting numbers of threads. no problem raised so far.
So, I'll stick to Nlog.

Drupal - Attach files automatically by name to nodes

i need better file attachement function. Best would be that if you upload files to FTP and have a similar name as the name of the node (containing the same word), so they appear under this node (to not have to add each file separately if you need to have more nodes below). Can you think of a solution? Alternatively, some that will not be as difficult as it always manually add it again.
This would take a fair bit of coding. Basically you want to implement hook_cron() and run a function that loops through every file in your FTP folder. The function will look for names of files that have not already been added to any node and then decide which node to add them to.
Bear in mind there will be a delay once you upload your files until they are attached to the node until the next cron job runs.
This is not a good solution and if I could give you any advice it would be not to do it - The reason you upload files through the Drupal interface is so that they are tracked in the files table and can be re-used.
Also the way you're proposing leaves massive amounts of ambiguity as to which file will go where. Consider this:
You have two nodes, one about cars and one about motorcycle sidecars. Your code will have to be extremely complex to make the decision of which node to add to if the file you've uploaded is called 'my-favourite-sidecar.jpg'.
