install nginx ingress on AKS 1.21.7 - nginx

Recently, I upgraded my Azure Kubernetes Cluster from 1.19.11 to 1.21.7.
Subsequently, I am upgrading nginx ingress on the cluster
[]$ helm list -A | grep nginx-ingress
nginx-ingress ingress-basic 1 2021-01-18 13:07:23.842072063 +0000 UTC deployed ingress-nginx-3.15.2 0.41.2
$ kubectl exec -it nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-85b8676f7d-8qjw5 -n ingress-basic sh
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
/etc/nginx $ nginx -v
nginx version: nginx/1.19.4
/etc/nginx $
I want to upgrade nginx to 1.20.0 plus version. Do we need to specify the version in command below?
helm upgrade --install ingress-basic ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace nginx-ingress --create-namespace
kubectl describe pod nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller-65b69d4895-d4cft -n ingress-basic | grep Image:

To upgrade your ingress-nginx installation to a specific version, you can set the flag --version, as specified in Helm docs:
helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] [flags]
--version string specify a version constraint for the chart version to use.
This constraint can be a specific tag (e.g. 1.1.1) or it may reference a valid range (e.g. ^2.0.0).
If this is not specified, the latest version is used
The command should look like this:
helm upgrade --install ingress-basic ingress-nginx \
--repo \
--namespace nginx-ingress --create-namespace \
--version 1.20.0
It is worth mentioning, that you can also upgrade your nginx installation without Helm by changing the version of the image in your controller Deployment - just change the image tag to the version you wish to upgrade to - v1.20.0 . More details about it in Upgrade NGINX Ingress Controller.


Airflow on Kubernetes add additional provider like SnowflakeOperator

I am using Airflow 2.2.4 installed on EKS via the official helm chart and uses KubernetesPodOperator.
Now I want to add SnowflakeOperator to my task. Following the guide here I created a custom airflow image like the below and hosted it in an ECR repo
FROM apache/airflow:2.2.4-python3.8
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir apache-airflow-providers-snowflake==3.1.0
I am then trying to customize the helm installation by passing the above ECR repo in values.yml file like below:
repository: ""
tag: airflow-app-deploy
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
Here is the helm command I am using:
helm upgrade --install airflow apache-airflow/airflow --version v1.5.0 --namespace sophia-airflow --values /tmp/airflow/airflow.yaml
But for some reason, these values are not taken into consideration by the helm while installation. Any idea what I am doing wrong here?

helm airflow error , I don't know why it doesn't work

helm install airflow-staging airflow-stable/airflow --version “7.14.0” --namespace staging --set airflow.config.AIRFLOW__KUBERNETES__GIT_BRANCH=master --set dags.git.ref=“” --values staging-values.yaml
it gives this error --
Error: failed to download "airflow-stable/airflow" at version "“7.14.0”" (hint: running helm repo update may help)
so I type the helm repo update then it return --
Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...
...Successfully got an update from the "airflow-stable" chart repository
Update Complete. ⎈Happy Helming!⎈
even I typed helm repo update it always return the same error like
Error: failed to download "airflow-stable/airflow" at version "“7.14.0”" (hint: running helm repo update may help)
what can I do?
To install the stable/airflow follow the steps from the repo README:
I have copied the relevant section below.
1 - Add the Repo:
helm repo add airflow-stable
helm repo update
2 - Install the Chart:
⚠️ find values for CHART_VERSION under GitHub Releases
export RELEASE_NAME=my-airflow-cluster # set a name!
export NAMESPACE=my-airflow-namespace # set a namespace!
export CHART_VERSION=8.X.X # set a version!
export VALUES_FILE=./custom-values.yaml # set your values file path!
# Helm 3
helm install \
airflow-stable/airflow \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--version $CHART_VERSION \
--values $VALUES_FILE
# Helm 2
helm install \
airflow-stable/airflow \
--name $RELEASE_NAME \
--namespace $NAMESPACE \
--version $CHART_VERSION \
--values $VALUES_FILE
3 - Access the WebUI
⚠️ browse to http://localhost:8080 after running the following commands
export NAMESPACE=my-airflow-namespace # set a namespace!
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace $NAMESPACE -l "component=web,app=airflow" -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl port-forward --namespace $NAMESPACE $POD_NAME 8080:8080
default credentials -- user: admin - password: admin
I don't know the exact reason why that error is generated (maybe to old version) but I experienced the same by running
helm upgrade airflow -f values.yaml airflow-stable/airflow --version airflow-7.16.0
Go to GitHub Releases
1. Find your release, mine for example is 7.16.0 and copy link to its .tgz
2. Execute helm pull to your local directory
helm pull
3. And finaly upgrade using local chart
helm upgrade airflow -f values.yaml airflow-7.16.0.tgz

cant create a second ingress controller using helm with custom class in Azure k8s cluster

I have created an ingress controller using Helm with default configuration
default nginx-ingress-controller LoadBalancer 80:32485/TCP,443:31756/TCP 62m
default nginx-ingress-default-backend ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 62m
using Helm:
helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress \
--set controller.replicaCount=2 \
--set controller.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP="Created static IP" \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-dns-label-name"="XXX-aks-ingress"
this ingress is running in the default namespace.
Now, I wanted to add a second ingress controller, from the official doc I have specific Ingress class
helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress \
--namespace ingress-nginx-devices \ #I create this namespace first
--set controller.ingressClass="nginx-devices" \ # custom class to use for different ingress resources
--set controller.replicaCount=2 \
--set controller.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP="A second static Ip address created before" \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-dns-label-name"="serviceIot-aks-ingress-iot"
but I keep getting this error:
Error: rendered manifests contain a resource that already exists. Unable to continue with install: ClusterRole "nginx-ingress" in namespace "" exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key "" must equal "ingress-nginx-devices": current value is "default"
What could be wrong here ?
Any help is appreciated :)
For my case the issue was with ingressclass existed already. I have simply deleted the ingresclass and it worked like a charm.
# kubectl get ingressclass --all-namespaces
This will return the name of already existing ingressclass. For my case, it was nginx. Delete that ingressclass.
# kubectl delete ingressclass nginx --all-namespaces
Verify that ingressclass is deleted
# kubectl get ingressclass --all-namespaces
No resources found
Rerun the helm update command should work.
You can also run multiple ingrss controller in parallel with new ingressClassName & ingressClassResourceName. First of all get list of all existing class name.
kubectl get ingressclass --all-namespaces
nginx <none> 203d
Create a new ingress controller with unique className with this command.
helm install nginx-ingress stable/nginx-ingress \
--namespace ingress-nginx-devices \ #I create this namespace first
--set controller.ingressClass="nginx-devices" \ # custom class to use for different ingress resources
--set"nginx-devices" # custom classResourceName
--set controller.replicaCount=2 \
--set controller.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP="A second static Ip address created before" \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-dns-label-name"="serviceIot-aks-ingress-iot"
you can try, what we are changing is name : nginx-ingress-devices instead of nginx-ingress
helm install nginx-ingress-devices stable/nginx-ingress \
--namespace ingress-nginx-devices \ #I create this namespace first
--set controller.ingressClass="nginx-devices" \ # custom class to use for different ingress resources
--set controller.replicaCount=2 \
--set controller.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set defaultBackend.nodeSelector."beta\.kubernetes\.io/os"=linux \
--set controller.service.loadBalancerIP="A second static Ip address created before" \
--set controller.service.annotations."service\.beta\.kubernetes\.io/azure-dns-label-name"="serviceIot-aks-ingress-iot"
error you are getting is due to already there is cluster role with same name : nginx-ingress due to that you are getting the error.
ClusterRoleBindings grant a user, group, or service account a
ClusterRole’s power across the entire cluster.
You can get the reference file here :
With recent releases "" needs to get a different name when trying to deploy a second ingress.

How to deploy nginx-ingress controller to kubernetes master nodes by using "controller.nodeSelector" option?

I need only deploy nginx-ingress controller to kubernetes master nodes, by using Helm chart "ingress-nginx". It provided an option "controller.nodeSelector" to select k8s nodes for deployment. So I want to use this option to select k8s master nodes with label, but tried different formats, can't have it work as expected.
Failed case:
helm install --set controller.hostNetwork=true --set controller.hostPort.enabled=true --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough="" --set controller.replicaCount=1 --set controller.nodeSelector."node-role\.kubernetes\.io/master"="" --namespace rwe ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx
Could you help advise how to have this option take into effect? Thanks.
First remove the taint from master node to make it schedulable
kubectl taint node master
Add a label master=true to the master node
kubectl label nodes master master=true
And then use below helm command. Note --set-string instead of set
helm install --set controller.hostNetwork=true --set controller.hostPort.enabled=true --set controller.extraArgs.enable-ssl-passthrough="" --set controller.replicaCount=1 --set-string controller.nodeSelector.master=true --namespace rwe ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx

Install Helm v3 in Kubernetes (GKE)

I am trying to install nginx ingress using helm version 3 on Google Cloud Terminal as follows :
curl >
chmod 700
helm repo add stable
helm install my-nginx stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true
I keep getting the error :
Error: This command needs 1 argument: chart name
Can you please help me?
From helmv3 docs:
$ curl -fsSL -o
$ chmod 700
$ ./
Can you also run helm version after the above steps. In the semantic helm version you should see 3.x.x something like that.
The command is just fine. Are you sure it's helmv3 and not helmv2. It shouldn't give that error because you are already providing the name for the chart.
Also can you try running the following command, it's just a test to see if the chart gets installed or does it throw an error. It will generate a random name for the chart and not my-nginx as you specified.
helm install --debug stable/nginx-ingress --set rbac.create=true --generate-name
