Shadow DOM innerHTML with slots replaced by assignedNodes() - web-component

I'm working with a customElement using Shadow DOM like:
And the innerHTML (generated by lit/lit-element in my case) is something like:
<span>Hello <slot></slot>!</span>
I know that if const ht = document.querySelector('hello-there') I can call .innerHTML and get <b>S</b>amantha and on the shadowRoot for ht, I can call .innerHTML and get <span>Hello <slot></slot>!</span>. But...
The browser essentially renders to the reader the equivalent of if I had expressed (without ShadowDOM) the HTML <span>Hello <b>S</b>amantha!</span>. Is there a way to get this output besides walking all the .assignedNodes, and substituting the slot contents for the slots? Something like .slotRenderedInnerHTML?
(update: I have now written code that does walk the assignedNodes and does what I want, but it seems brittle and slow compared to a browser-native solution.)
class HelloThere extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
shadow.innerHTML = '<span>Hello <slot></slot>!</span>';
customElements.define('hello-there', HelloThere);
<div>Output: <input type="text" size="200" id="output"></input></div>
const ht = document.querySelector('hello-there');
const out = document.querySelector('#output');
<button onclick="out.value = ht.innerHTML">InnerHTML hello-there</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = ht.outerHTML">OuterHTML hello-there</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = ht.shadowRoot.innerHTML">InnerHTML hello-there shadow</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = ht.shadowRoot.outerHTML">OuterHTML hello-there shadow (property does not exist)</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = '<span>Hello <b>S</b>amantha!</span>'">Desired output</button>

Since there doesn't seem to be a browser-native way of answering the question (and it seems that browser developers don't fully understand the utility of seeing a close approximation to what the users are approximately seeing in their browsers) I wrote this code.
Typescript here, with pure-Javascript in the snippets:
const MATCH_END = /(<\/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*>)$/;
* Reconstruct the innerHTML of a shadow element
export function reconstruct_shadow_slot_innerHTML(el: HTMLElement): string {
return reconstruct_shadow_slotted(el).join('').replace(/\s+/, ' ');
export function reconstruct_shadow_slotted(el: Element): string[] {
const child_nodes = el.shadowRoot ? el.shadowRoot.childNodes : el.childNodes;
return reconstruct_from_nodeList(child_nodes);
function reconstruct_from_nodeList(child_nodes: NodeList|Node[]): string[] {
const new_values = [];
for (const child_node of Array.from(child_nodes)) {
if (!(child_node instanceof Element)) {
if (child_node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
// text nodes are typed as Text or CharacterData in TypeScript
new_values.push((child_node as Text).data);
} else if (child_node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
const new_data = (child_node as Text).data;
new_values.push('<!--' + new_data + '-->');
} else if (child_node.tagName === 'SLOT') {
const slot = child_node as HTMLSlotElement;
} else if (child_node.shadowRoot) {
let start_tag: string = '';
let end_tag: string = '';
// see #syduki's answer to my Q at
// for why cloning the Node is much faster than doing innerHTML;
const clone = child_node.cloneNode() as Element; // shallow clone
const tag_only = clone.outerHTML;
const match = MATCH_END.exec(tag_only);
if (match === null) { // empty tag, like <input>
start_tag = tag_only;
} else {
end_tag = match[1];
start_tag = tag_only.replace(end_tag, '');
const inner_values: string[] = reconstruct_from_nodeList(child_node.childNodes);
return new_values;
Answer in context:
const MATCH_END = /(<\/[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*>)$/;
* Reconstruct the innerHTML of a shadow element
function reconstruct_shadow_slot_innerHTML(el) {
return reconstruct_shadow_slotted(el).join('').replace(/\s+/, ' ');
function reconstruct_shadow_slotted(el) {
const child_nodes = el.shadowRoot ? el.shadowRoot.childNodes : el.childNodes;
return reconstruct_from_nodeList(child_nodes);
function reconstruct_from_nodeList(child_nodes) {
const new_values = [];
for (const child_node of Array.from(child_nodes)) {
if (!(child_node instanceof Element)) {
if (child_node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
} else if (child_node.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE) {
const new_data =;
new_values.push('<!--' + new_data + '-->');
} else if (child_node.tagName === 'SLOT') {
const slot = child_node;
} else if (child_node.shadowRoot) {
let start_tag = '';
let end_tag = '';
const clone = child_node.cloneNode();
// shallow clone
const tag_only = clone.outerHTML;
const match = MATCH_END.exec(tag_only);
if (match === null) { // empty tag, like <input>
start_tag = tag_only;
} else {
end_tag = match[1];
start_tag = tag_only.replace(end_tag, '');
const inner_values = reconstruct_from_nodeList(child_node.childNodes);
return new_values;
class HelloThere extends HTMLElement {
constructor() {
const shadow = this.attachShadow({mode: 'open'});
shadow.innerHTML = '<span>Hello <slot></slot>!</span>';
customElements.define('hello-there', HelloThere);
<div>Output: <input type="text" size="200" id="output"></input></div>
const ht = document.querySelector('hello-there');
const out = document.querySelector('#output');
<button onclick="out.value = ht.innerHTML">InnerHTML hello-there</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = ht.outerHTML">OuterHTML hello-there</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = ht.shadowRoot.innerHTML">InnerHTML hello-there shadow</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = ht.shadowRoot.outerHTML">OuterHTML hello-there shadow (property does not exist)</button><br>
<button onclick="out.value = reconstruct_shadow_slot_innerHTML(ht)">Desired output</button>


How to get the entire path in Next.js 13 in custom loader function, for server components only?

I have a loader function called getBlogData which is like this:
import { getFromCacheOrApi } from 'Base'
const getBlogData = async () => {
const { pathname } = { pathname: "" }
var url = '/blog/data?'
let matches = /\/blog(\/\d+)?\/?$/.exec(pathname)
if (matches != null) {
const pageNumber = matches[1]
if (pageNumber !== undefined) {
url += `&pageNumber=${pageNumber.replace('/', '')}`
else {
const secondSegments = ['category', 'tag', 'author', 'search']
if (pathname.split('/').length >= 2 && !secondSegments.includes(pathname.split('/')[2])) {
response.status = 404
for (let i = 0; i < secondSegments.length; i++) {
const segment = secondSegments[i]
if (pathname.startsWith(`/blog/${segment}`)) {
matches = new RegExp(`(?<=\\/blog\\/${segment}\\/)[^/]+\\/?(\\d+)?\\/?$`).exec(pathname)
if (matches == null) {
response.status = 404
else {
url += `&${segment}=${encodeURI(matches[0].split('/')[0])}`
const pageNumber = matches[1]
if (pageNumber !== undefined) {
url += `&pageNumber=${pageNumber}`
url = url.replace('?&', '?')
const data = await getFromCacheOrApi(url)
// console.log(params, response.status)
// if (pageNumber && isNaN(pageNumber)) {
// console.log(pageNumber, isNaN(pageNumber))
// response.status = 400
// return
// }
const { seoParameters } = data
return data
export default getBlogData
This function is only used in my page which is inside app directory in Next 13, which means that it's a server component, and I don't want to change it to a client component.
However, I need to access request data, in this particular case, the path of the URL.
How can I get that?

Apply CSS Filters to cropped image and save/upload

I can already, input the image and crop it. I tried to apply CSS filters to it, but seems the CSS filters only apply on the img tag, not the actual image.
I am using both #Alyle-cropping and ngx-image-cropper(tests). Both give to me a base64 string for the cropped image. I am able to load the cropped image to the img tag and also upload it to the database.
onCropped(e: ImgCropperEvent) {
this.croppedImage = e.dataURL;
// console.log('cropped img: ', e.dataURL);
onloaded(e: ImgCropperEvent) {
this.imagemOriginal = e.originalDataURL;;
console.log('img loaded',;
onerror(e: ImgCropperErrorEvent) {
console.warn(`'${}' is not a valid image`, e);
// Aplicar Filtros /////////////////////////////////////////////////
change(crop: Crop): void {
this.stylus = crop.nome;
this.crops.forEach(function (value) {
(value.nome === crop.nome) ? value.ehSelec = true : value.ehSelec = false;
// const canvas = document.getElementById('cropping'), image = document.createElement('img');
// image.src = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', 1.0);
// document.body.appendChild(image);
enviarParanue(): void {
const ref =`imagens/usuarios/idTeste`).child(`nomeTeste`);
const stringa = this.removerString(this.croppedImage);
ref.put(this.base64toBlob(stringa, 'image/png')).then((snapshot) => {
// console.log('snapshot', snapshot.valueOf());
ref.getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL) {
console.log('File available at', downloadURL);
// ref.putString(stringa, 'base64', {contentType: 'image/png'}).then((snapshot) => {
// // console.log('snapshot', snapshot.valueOf());
// ref.getDownloadURL().then(function(downloadURL) {
// console.log('File available at', downloadURL);
// });
// });
removerString(stringa: string): string {
return stringa.substring(23);
base64toBlob(base64Data: any, contentType: any) {
contentType = contentType || '';
const sliceSize = 1024;
const byteCharacters = atob(base64Data);
const bytesLength = byteCharacters.length;
const slicesCount = Math.ceil(bytesLength / sliceSize);
const byteArrays = new Array(slicesCount);
for (let sliceIndex = 0; sliceIndex < slicesCount; ++ sliceIndex) {
const begin = sliceIndex * sliceSize;
const end = Math.min(begin + sliceSize, bytesLength);
const bytes = new Array(end - begin);
for (let offset = begin, i = 0 ; offset < end; ++i, ++offset) {
bytes[i] = byteCharacters[offset].charCodeAt(0);
byteArrays[sliceIndex] = new Uint8Array(bytes);
return new Blob(byteArrays, { type: contentType });
.none {filter:none;}
.blur {filter:blur(2.5px);}
.brightness {filter:brightness(200%);}
.contrast {filter:contrast(200%);}
.drop-shadow {filter:drop-shadow(8px 8px 10px gray);}
.grayscale {filter:grayscale(100%);}
.hue-rotate {filter:hue-rotate(90deg);}
.invert {filter:invert(100%);}
.opacity {filter:opacity(30%);}
.saturate {filter:saturate(8);}
.sepia {filter:sepia(100%);}
.contrast-brightness {filter:contrast(200%) brightness(150%);}
Problem is... I don't know how to apply the CSS filters to the image to upload the cropped with the effects(sepia, contrast, etc).
I tried to get the img src and convert it to Blob, but didn't work.
I ended up saving in the database a string with the name of the filter. So I apply the filter when I load the image. A good side of it, is that I can change the filter whenever I want.

Rendering components only if they can fit inside a flex container

I am trying to build a toolbar that hides components from the right if there is not enough space to render them. My approach is to use refs and add up the width and render based on the condition if the total width has been overflowed. I want to get something working and go on improving it from there. It seems to work 'ok' when the screen size is decreased but not when trying to 're-render' the components when there is room. I suspect adding a display style of 'none' is causing some of the issues.
componentDidMount() {
window.addEventListener('resize', this.littleFunction);
littleFunction = () => {
let sofar = 0;
for (const ref in this.refs) {
sofar += this.refs[ref].offsetWidth;
const index = ref.indexOf('test');
console.log(ref, sofar, this.input.offsetWidth);
if (sofar > this.input.offsetWidth && index === -1) {
this.refs[ref].style.display = 'none';
// // console.log(typeof this.refs[ref].style.display, this.refs[ref].style.display);
// if (this.refs[ref] !== this.input) {
// sofar = this.refs[ref].offsetWidth + sofar;
// }
// const index = ref.indexOf('test');
// // console.log(sofar, this.input.offsetWidth, index);
// if (sofar >= this.input.offsetWidth && index === -1) {
// this.refs[ref].style.display = 'none';
// this.forceUpdate();
// } else if (sofar < this.input.offsetWidth && index === -1) {
// // console.log('inhiaaa', sofar, this.input.offsetWidth);
// this.refs[ref].style.display = '';
// this.forceUpdate();
// }
After thinking about this for a while, i realized that if i set the style to display: 'none', the next time I try to run this logic to check how many components can fit, I am actually not getting the length back from the components that were previously set to display: 'none'. What I did was save the width of the components before applying calling the function.
componentDidMount() {
this.widths = new List();
for (const ref in this.refs) {
this.widths = this.widths.push(Map({
name: ref,
length: this.refs[ref].offsetWidth,
window.addEventListener('resize', this.littleFunction);
littleFunction = () => {
let sofar = 0;
this.widths.forEach(item => {
sofar += item.get('length');
const index = item.get('name').indexOf('test');
if (sofar > this.input.offsetWidth && index === -1) {
this.refs[item.get('name')].style.display = 'none';
// this.forceUpdate();
} else if (index === -1) {
this.refs[item.get('name')].style.display = 'inline';
// this.forceUpdate();
Have the toolbar to have style { width: '100%', overflow: 'hidden', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' } should give you the desired effect.

Scrolling only side menu div and others should be fixed when menu is open

I have a side menu and when it's open, the body can be partially seen. My side menu might be long so you could scroll on it. But when the menu is at the bottom you then scroll on the body, and I don't want this behaviour.
Similar to Scrolling only content div, others should be fixed but I'm using React. Other content should be scrollable when my side menu is closed. Think of the content as side menu in the example in the link. So far I'm using the same technique provided by that answer but it's ugly (kinda jQuery):
preventOverflow = (menuOpen) => { // this is called when side menu is toggled
const body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; // this should be fixed when side menu is open
if (menuOpen) {
body.className += ' overflow-hidden';
} else {
body.className = body.className.replace(' overflow-hidden', '');
// css
.overflow-hidden {
overflow-y: hidden;
What should I do with Reactjs?
You should make a meta component in react to change things on the body as well as changing things like document title and things like that. I made one a while ago to do that for me. I'll add it here.
render() {
return (
<DocumentMeta bodyClasses={[isMenuOpen ? 'no-scroll' : '']} />
... rest of your normal code
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
import withSideEffect from 'react-side-effect';
var HEADER_ATTRIBUTE = "data-react-header";
var TAG_NAMES = {
META: "meta",
LINK: "link",
NAME: "name",
CHARSET: "charset",
HTTPEQUIV: "http-equiv",
REL: "rel",
HREF: "href",
PROPERTY: "property",
CONTENT: "content"
var getInnermostProperty = (propsList, property) => {
return _.result(_.find(propsList.reverse(), property), property);
var getTitleFromPropsList = (propsList) => {
var innermostTitle = getInnermostProperty(propsList, "title");
var innermostTemplate = getInnermostProperty(propsList, "titleTemplate");
if (innermostTemplate && innermostTitle) {
return innermostTemplate.replace(/\%s/g, innermostTitle);
return innermostTitle || "";
var getBodyIdFromPropsList = (propsList) => {
var bodyId = getInnermostProperty(propsList, "bodyId");
return bodyId;
var getBodyClassesFromPropsList = (propsList) => {
return propsList
.filter(props => props.bodyClasses && Array.isArray(props.bodyClasses))
.map(props => props.bodyClasses)
.reduce((classes, list) => classes.concat(list), []);
var getTagsFromPropsList = (tagName, uniqueTagIds, propsList) => {
// Calculate list of tags, giving priority innermost component (end of the propslist)
var approvedSeenTags = {};
var validTags = _.keys(TAG_PROPERTIES).map(key => TAG_PROPERTIES[key]);
var tagList = propsList
.filter(props => props[tagName] !== undefined)
.map(props => props[tagName])
.reduce((approvedTags, instanceTags) => {
var instanceSeenTags = {};
instanceTags.filter(tag => {
for(var attributeKey in tag) {
var value = tag[attributeKey].toLowerCase();
var attributeKey = attributeKey.toLowerCase();
if (validTags.indexOf(attributeKey) == -1) {
return false;
if (!approvedSeenTags[attributeKey]) {
approvedSeenTags[attributeKey] = [];
if (!instanceSeenTags[attributeKey]) {
instanceSeenTags[attributeKey] = [];
if (!_.has(approvedSeenTags[attributeKey], value)) {
return true;
return false;
.forEach(tag => approvedTags.push(tag));
// Update seen tags with tags from this instance
_.keys(instanceSeenTags).forEach((attr) => {
approvedSeenTags[attr] = _.union(approvedSeenTags[attr], instanceSeenTags[attr])
instanceSeenTags = {};
return approvedTags;
}, []);
return tagList;
var updateTitle = title => {
document.title = title || document.title;
var updateBodyId = (id) => {
document.body.setAttribute("id", id);
var updateBodyClasses = classes => {
document.body.className = "";
classes.forEach(cl => {
if(!cl || cl == "") return;
var updateTags = (type, tags) => {
var headElement = document.head || document.querySelector("head");
var existingTags = headElement.querySelectorAll(`${type}[${HEADER_ATTRIBUTE}]`);
existingTags =;
// Remove any duplicate tags
existingTags.forEach(tag => tag.parentNode.removeChild(tag));
if (tags && tags.length) {
tags.forEach(tag => {
var newElement = document.createElement(type);
for (var attribute in tag) {
if (tag.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) {
newElement.setAttribute(attribute, tag[attribute]);
newElement.setAttribute(HEADER_ATTRIBUTE, "true");
headElement.insertBefore(newElement, headElement.firstChild);
var generateTagsAsString = (type, tags) => {
var html = => {
var attributeHtml = Object.keys(tag)
.map((attribute) => {
const encodedValue = HTMLEntities.encode(tag[attribute], {
useNamedReferences: true
return `${attribute}="${encodedValue}"`;
.join(" ");
return `<${type} ${attributeHtml} ${HEADER_ATTRIBUTE}="true" />`;
return html.join("\n");
var reducePropsToState = (propsList) => ({
title: getTitleFromPropsList(propsList),
bodyId: getBodyIdFromPropsList(propsList),
bodyClasses: getBodyClassesFromPropsList(propsList),
var handleClientStateChange = ({title, metaTags, linkTags, bodyId, bodyClasses}) => {
updateTags(TAG_NAMES.LINK, linkTags);
updateTags(TAG_NAMES.META, metaTags);
var mapStateOnServer = ({title, metaTags, linkTags}) => ({
title: HTMLEntities.encode(title),
meta: generateTagsAsString(TAG_NAMES.META, metaTags),
link: generateTagsAsString(TAG_NAMES.LINK, linkTags)
var DocumentMeta = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
title: React.PropTypes.string,
titleTemplate: React.PropTypes.string,
meta: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object),
link: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(React.PropTypes.object),
children: React.PropTypes.oneOfType([
bodyClasses: React.PropTypes.array,
render() {
if (, 1)) {
return React.Children.only(this.props.children);
} else if (React.Children.count(this.props.children) > 1) {
return (
return null;
DocumentMeta = withSideEffect(reducePropsToState, handleClientStateChange, mapStateOnServer)(DocumentMeta);
module.exports = DocumentMeta;
This component could probably be changed a little for your case (withSideEffect is used for both client and server side rendering... if you arent using server side rendering then its probably not completely necessary) but the component will work on client side rendering if you would like to use it there as well.
ReactJS doesn't have direct access to the <body> element, and that's the element that needs to have its overflow-y style changed. So while what you're doing isn't perhaps the prettiest code, it's not entirely wrong either.
The only real suggestion I'd give is (shudder) using inline styles on the body instead of a classname so as to avoid having to introduce the CSS declaration. As long as your menu is the only thing responsible for updating the overflow-y attribute, there's no reason you can't use an inline style on it. Mashing that down with the ?: operator results in fairly simple code: = menuOpen ? "hidden" : "";
And then you can just delete the .overflow-hidden class in its entirety.
If for some reason multiple things are managing the overflow state of the body, you might want to stick with classnames and assign a unique one for each thing managing it, something like this:
if (menuOpen) {
body.className += ' menu-open';
else {
// Use some tricks from jQuery to remove the "menu-open" class more elegantly.
var className = " " + body.className + " ";
className = className.replace(" overflow-hidden ", " ").replace(/\s+/, " ");
className = className.substr(1, className.length - 2);
CSS: {
overflow-y: hidden;

min-height : 100vh not working in ie8

In IE8 when i give min-height in vh then ie8 ignore it and not other brower work well.some where i read that vh not support ie8 any solution that i use vh in ie8.
<div class=" item Finish " id="Finish" style="overflow: visible!important;" >
<div style="background-color: #27AE61!important;padding: 0px !important;min-height:85vh;overflow: visible!important;">
<-- html code -->
Silver Ringvee's answer is absolutely correct, except that default jQuery .css() functionality is broken when you want to do stuff like .css('margin-right') to get the right margin of an element. I found this issue when using fancyBox. I fixed that by checking if props is a string, if so parseProps($.extend({}, props)) is not used. I also added a check if multiple arguments were given, to support css('margin-right', '12px'). Here's my code:
(function ($, window) {
var $win = $(window), _css = $.fn.css;
function viewportToPixel(val) {
var vwh_match = val.match(/[vwh]+/);
var digits_match = val.match(/\d+/);
if (vwh_match && vwh_match.length && digits_match && digits_match.length) {
return (vwh_match[0] == 'vh' ? $win.height() : $win.width()) * (digits_match[0] / 100) + 'px';
return val;
function parseProps(props) {
var p, prop;
for (p in props) {
prop = props[p];
if (/[vwh]$/.test(prop)) {
props[p] = viewportToPixel(prop);
return props;
$.fn.css = function (props) {
var self = this,
originalArguments = arguments,
update = function () {
if (typeof props === 'string' || props instanceof String) {
if (originalArguments.length > 1) {
var argumentsObject = {};
argumentsObject[originalArguments[0]] = originalArguments[1];
return, parseProps($.extend({}, argumentsObject)));
} else {
return, props);
} else {
return, parseProps($.extend({}, props)));
return update();
}(jQuery, window));
vw and vh units are supported by IE 9 and up.
Try this:
(function( $, window ){
var $win = $(window)
, _css = $.fn.css;
function viewportToPixel( val ) {
var percent = val.match(/\d+/)[0] / 100,
unit = val.match(/[vwh]+/)[0];
return (unit == 'vh' ? $win.height() : $win.width()) * percent + 'px';
function parseProps( props ) {
var p, prop;
for ( p in props ) {
prop = props[ p ];
if ( /[vwh]$/.test( prop ) ) {
props[ p ] = viewportToPixel( prop );
return props;
$.fn.css = function( props ) {
var self = this,
update = function() {
return self, parseProps( $.extend( {}, props ) ) );
$win.resize( update );
return update();
}( jQuery, window ));
height: '50vh',
width: '50vw',
marginTop: '25vh',
marginLeft: '25vw',
fontSize: '10vw'
Working demo:,output
Works well in IE8 as well!
Read this topic for more info: Is there any cross-browser javascript for making vh and vw units work
