What does the instruction _exit(1) do? - unix

I am trying to learn to code in UNIX and despite this question being all around I cannot seem to find any answer to what this instruction does. All of the answers I get either refer to the instruction exit() or _exit(0) and _exit(2). Am I missing something?

The values are the so-called exit-values of your application. Generally, when a program has zero as an exit-value, this means that everything was good, while other numbers generally indicate some kind of error value.


Weird name in zsh terminal

This question has probably been asked and answered, but I can't seem to find any post that resolve my issue – mostly due to my lack of searching skills. So I apologize if my post is a duplicate and would appriecate if you either refer me to another post or answer my simple question.
When I first open -zsh terminal on my macOS, I am used to seeing the following prompt.
(base) kimsan#Kims-MacBook-Pro ~ %
On rare occasions, however, I see a totally random sequence of characters after #. For example,
(base) kimsan#MDOM10FX ~ %
As I said, the sequence of characters followed by # is – or seem to me, at least – random; thus, changes everytime. Above is just one instance of example.
Why is this???
It has been a while since I first noticed this issue. I freaked out at first thinking that I messed something up with my system memory – which, in hindsight, is not even possible. Now, I think of it as some random inconsequential glitch that don't cause any harm. Nonetheless, I would be more comfortable knowing the cause of such glitch.
Thanks in advance.

Why we need to compile the program of progress 4GL?

I would like to know Why we need to compile the program of progress 4GL? Really what is happening behind there? Why we are getting .r file after compiled the program? When we check the syntax if its correct then we will get one message box 'Syntax is correct' how its finding the errors and showing the messages.Any explanations welcome and appreciated.
Benefits of compiled r-code include:
Syntax checking
Faster execution (r-code executes faster)
Security (r-code is not "human readable" and tampering with it will likely be noticed)
Licensing (r-code runtime licenses are much less expensive)
For "how its finding the errors and showing the messages" -- at a high level it is like any compiler. It evaluates the provided source against a syntax tree and lets you know when you violate the rules. Compiler design and construction is a fairly advanced topic that probably isn't going to fit into a simple SO question -- but if you had something more specific that could stand on its own as a question someone might be able to help.
The short answer is that when you compile, you're translating your program to a language the machine understands. You're asking two different questions here, so let me give you a simple answer to the first: you don't NEED to compile if you're the only one using the program, for example. But in order to have your program optimized (since it's already at the machine language level) and guarantee no one is messing with your logic, we compile the code and usually don't allow regular users to access the source code.
The second question, how does the syntax checker work, I believe it would be better for you to Google and choose some articles to read about compilers. They're complex, but in a nutshell what they do is take what Progress expects as full, operational commands, and compare to what you do. For example, if you do a
Find first customer where customer.active = yes no-error.
Progress will check if customer is a table, if customer.active is a field in that table, if it's the logical type, since you are filtering if it is yes, and if your whole conditions can be translated to one single true or false Boolean value. It goes on to check if you specified a lock (and default to shared if you haven't, like in my example, which is a no-no, by the way), what happens if there are multiple records (since I said first, then get just the first one) and finally what happens if it fails. If you check the find statement, there are more options to customize it, and the compiler will simply compare your use of the statement to what Progress can have for it. And collect all errors if it can't. That's why sometimes compilers will give you generic messages. Since they don't know what you're trying to do, all they can do is tell you what's basically wrong with what you wrote.
Hope this helps you understand.

Anything wrong with reusing a subset of terminals already used in BNF for an LR lex/parser?

Please excuse my terminology as I am still getting my head wrapped around everything. I am trying to put together my first parser and have trying to find as many examples as I can to in trying to build my grammar. I've seen many situations where a non-termianal gets multiplie productions
Which is the same as writing
From everything I've read, this is perfectly fine. What I am looking to do is the following
Is there anything I need to be mindful of? Is my ordering correct for an LR parser? This isn't exactly homework as I am not in school at the moment, but it can be treated as such since I know this is a course I'll be taking in the future.

Are there a set of "universal" error/exception codes?

I'm a bit of a polyglot when it comes to programming languages, and most of the languages I use have Error/Exception handling of some sort.
In most languages there's a default implementation of error ID's with their associated messages, but I've never found a list of production codes to base my own error codes off of.
Does such a thing exist?
If not would it be useful, or just noise that most programmers ignore?
The closest thing I can think of is POSIX error constants (though their numeric values are not standardized.)
Short answer - no, it doesn't exist. Every OS, platform and piece of software pretty much has its own error IDs. These are not synchronized or based on any standard set.
I would say that apart from the common errors, this would indeed just be noise, and even with the common one, one one need to standardize them and ensure they are used universally.

Should I use an expression parser in my Math game?

I'm writing some children's Math Education software for a class.
I'm going to try and present problems to students of varying skill level with randomly generated math problems of different types in fun ways.
One of the frustrations of using computer based math software is its rigidity. If anyone has taken an online Math class, you'll know all about the frustration of taking an online quiz and having your correct answer thrown out because your problem isn't exactly formatted in their form or some weird spacing issue.
So, originally I thought, "I know! I'll use an expression parser on the answer box so I'll be able to evaluate anything they enter and even if it isn't in the same form I'll be able to check if it is the same answer." So I fire up my IDE and start implementing the Shunting Yard Algorithm.
This would solve the problem of it not taking fractions in the smallest form and other issues.
However, It then hit me that a tricky student would simply be able to enter most of the problems into the answer box and my expression parser would dutifully parse and evaluate it to the correct answer!
So, should I not be using an expression parser in this instance? Do I really have to generate a single form of the answer and do a string comparison?
One possible solution is to note how many steps your expression evaluator takes to evaluate the problem's original expression, and to compare this to the optimal answer. If there's too much difference, then the problem hasn't been reduced enough and you can suggest that the student keep going.
Don't be surprised if students come up with better answers than your own definition of "optimal", though! I was a TA/grader for several classes, and the brightest students routinely had answers on their problem sets that were superior to the ones provided by the professor.
For simple problems where you're looking for an exact answer, then removing whitespace and doing a string compare is reasonable.
For more advanced problems, you might do the Shunting Yard Algorithm (or similar) but perhaps parametrize it so you could turn on/off reductions to guard against the tricky student. You'll notice that "simple" answers can still use the parser, but you would disable all reductions.
For example, on a division question, you'd disable the "/" reduction.
This is a great question.
If you are writing an expression system and an evaluation/transformation/equivalence engine (isn't there one available somewhere? I am almost 100% sure that there is an open source one somewhere), then it's more of an education/algebra problem: is the student's answer algebraically closer to the original expression or to the expected expression.
I'm not sure how to answer that, but just an idea (not necessarily practical): perhaps your evaluation engine can count transformation steps to equivalence. If the answer takes less steps to the expected than it did to the original, it might be ok. If it's too close to the original, it's not.
You could use an expression parser, but apply restrictions on the complexity of the expressions permitted in the answer.
For example, if the goal is to reduce (4/5)*(1/2) and you want to allow either (2/5) or (4/10), then you could restrict the set of allowable answers to expressions whose trees take the form (x/y) and which also evaluate to the correct number. Perhaps you would also allow "0.4", i.e. expressions of the form (x) which evaluate to the correct number.
This is exactly what you would (implicitly) be doing if you graded the problem manually -- you would be looking for an answer that is correct but which also falls into an acceptable class.
The usual way of doing this in mathematics assessment software is to allow the question setter to specify expressions/strings that are not allowed in a correct answer.
If you happen to be interested in existing software, there's the open-source Stack http://www.stack.bham.ac.uk/ (or various commercial options such as MapleTA). I suspect most of the problems that you'll come across have also been encountered by Stack so even if you don't want to use it, it might be educational to look at how it approaches things.
