MikroORM Create filter query based on a value in the database - mikro-orm

Simply put, is it possible to create a filter query where I reference a value stored in the row?
For example:
orm.em.findOne(Job, {
status: 'active',
startDate: {
$gt: '$anotherDateField'
My goal is to have a user-input defined filter (the status), but also only bring back certain rows where the start date is greater than another column's value.

You can use custom SQL fragment
orm.em.findOne(Job, {
status: 'active',
// expr helper allows to escape strict typing of the method, so we can use `em.raw()`
[expr('startDate')]: {
$gt: orm.em.raw('another_date_field') // this will have to be column name, not property name
Note that your em needs to be typed to the one exported from driver package to have access to the em.raw() method (if you work with orm instance, you need to type that to MikroORM<YourDriver> so orm.em can be properly typed).


QML Firebase startAt returns undefined

I am working on a 'typeahead’ type function which will check my Database with the current typed text to provide search suggestions of users using Felgo.
Here is the link for Felgos Firebase documentation
As to not search every entry I am looking to use the startAt and limitTo for a lower data use.
However when applying the startAt my searches only return undefined, I have tried testing this by changing my startAt from a variable to explicit data but this still only returns undefined.
My function is below:
function searchUsers(searchString) {
db.getValue("public/nameList/", {
orderByChild: true,
startAt: searchString, //searchString is a variable with my .currentText to search.
limitToFirst: 10,
}, function(success, key, value) {
if(success) {
searchArr = []
searchArr = value
console.debug("Read user value for key", key, "from DB:", value)
I have also tried by passing my var searchString through JSON.stringify(searchString) and also return undefined!
Removing the startAt: query entirely returns the entire result of nameList as expected, but no matter how I try to implement my startAt it always returns undefined.
A sample of my nameList JSON is:
nameList: {
"EddieLaw245" : 530343772383,
"EddieLawrence91" : 530343772385,
"EdwardL91" : 530343772386,
"EdwardLaw" : 530343772384,
"Edwardlawrence91" : 530343772380,
"JoBrownLondon" : 530343772381,
"KatiePrescottHair" : 543592635596,
"Tracey-Sweeting" : 530343772382
So with the above example, When I type E it should remove the last 3 entries, and so on.
The problem is that you're specifying orderByChild: true. If we look at the documentation of that:
orderByChild: If present, the queried object will have its properties ordered by values at sub-paths defined by the value of this property. Ordering by child properties makes the filter properties startAt, endAt and equalTo filter by the child property values
It may not be immediately clear from this, but orderByChild allows you to order the results on a property value under each of those nodes. So your code tries to order the child nodes on the value of a property true, which isn't possible (and should actually generate a compile-time error in the library) as the nodes under nameList don't have any child properties of their own. They merely have a key and a value.
What you're looking for is orderByKeys, which orders the child nodes on their keys. So:
db.getValue("public/nameList/", {
orderByKeys: true,
startAt: searchString,
limitToFirst: 10,
You'll typically also want to specify an endAt value, to ensure your type-ahead only shows values that start with the search string. If you only allow ASCII values in the keys, the simplest way to do this is:
startAt: searchString,
endAt: searchString + "~",
The ~ here is no magic operator, but merely the last ASCII characters. If you want to allow a broader character set, you'll need to use the last character in that character set - for example \uF7FF is the last code point for Unicode.
Update from OP
Though I'm certian Franks correct with typical Firebase usage; I suspect due to the Felgo plugin I am using the full solution has a slight adjustment;
db.getValue("public/nameList/", {
"orderByKey": true,
"startAt": searchString,
"endAt": searchString+"~",
"limitToFirst": 10,
}, function(success, key, value) {....}
Notes on the above - my filters/queries are surrounded by quotation marks "startAt", also instead of orderByKeys, I have used orderByKey

How to query documents where contains an array and the value of the array is ["val1", "val2"] Firestore

How can I get a collection where the query should be applicable to an array inside the document.
Document example: I would like to know how to query the document where the brands are fiat and seat
"name":"test 1",
I have tried something like:
.where("brands.slug", "array-contains-any", ["fiat", "seat"])
but this is not working I cannot figure out by the documentation how to get this.
When using the array-contains-any operator, you can check the values of your array against the value of a property of type String and not an array. There is currently no way you can use array-contains-any operator on an array. There are two options, one would be to create two separate fields and create two separate queries or, been only a document, you can get the entire document and filter the data on the client.
What #FrankvanPuffelen has commented is correct, I made some research and I found that we can check against any type and even complex types, not just against strings, as mentioned before. The key to solving this issue is to match the entire object, meaning all properties of that object and not just a partial match, for example, one of three properties.
What you are trying to achieve is not working with your current database structure because your slug property exists in an object that is nested within the actual object that exists in your array. A possible solution might also be to duplicate some data and add only the desired values into an array and use the array-contains-any operator on this new creatded array.

Objects with multiple key columns in realm.io

I am writing an app using the Realm.io database that will pull data from another, server database. The server database has some tables whose primary keys are composed of more than one field. Right now I can't find a way to specify a multiple column key in realm, since the primaryKey() function only returns a String optional.
This one works:
override static func primaryKey() ->String?
return "login"
But what I would need looks like this:
override static func primaryKey() ->[String]?
return ["key_column1","key_column2"]
I can't find anything on the docs on how to do this.
Supplying multiple properties as the primary key isn't possible in Realm. At the moment, you can only specify one.
Could you potentially use the information in those two columns to create a single unique value that you could use instead?
It's not natively supported but there is a decent workaround. You can add another property that holds the compound key and make that property the primary key.
Check out this conversation on github for more details https://github.com/realm/realm-cocoa/issues/1192
You can do this, conceptually, by using hash method drived from two or more fields.
Let's assume that these two fields 'name' and 'lastname' are used as multiple primary keys. Here is a sample pseudo code:
StudentSchema = {
name: 'student',
primaryKey: 'pk',
properties: {
pk: 'string',
name: 'string',
lastname: 'string',
schoolno: 'int'
// Create a hash string drived from related fields. Before creating hash combine the fields in order.
hash_pk = Hash( Concat(myname, mylastname ) ); /* Hash(myname + mylastname) */
// Create a student object
realm.create('student',{pk:hash_pk,name:myname,lastname:mylastname,schoolno: myschoolno});
If ObjectId is necessary then goto Convert string to ObjectID in MongoDB

Meteor simple-schema: how to get the value of another field that isn't set

I'd like to know the value of another field even when that field hasn't been set in this update, but is part of the document and was set in the past. Is this possible using aldeed:simple-schema?
No. Unless the other field is included in the modifier you have to lookup the document using Collection.findOne and get the field value from that.
Simple you can use for instance:
age: {
type: String,
optional: true,
defaultValue : function(){
return AutoForm.getFieldValue('profileInformation.dateOfBirth');

what is #params in Iron:router

with meteor's IronRouter, I'm trying to use the this.params object elsewhere, but confused as to what it is. It seems to be a zero length array, that is actually an object with named methods after the path components.
# coffee
#route 'magnets',
path: '/magnets/lesson/:lessonCname'
data: ->
if #ready()
console.log("route.params", #params)
with this code, in the debug console I will get:
but in passing the params object to a server method, the methods (ie "lessonCname") disappear.
If my understanding is correct, then the near-term question is what is the best way to retrieve/convert these methods to {property:value} so they can be serialized and passed to server calls?
There are two easy ways of solving your problem, you can either set a global variable from within the data scope (but this is considered bad practice, at least IMO) or you can use the "data" function, which returns the data context for the current template:
data: ->
window._globalscopedata = #params.whatever #setting global variable
return someCollection.findOne #returns data context
_id: #params.whatever
when proccessing this route I will have the whatever param available in _globalscoredata and my document available in the template context.
Take a look at the source code for retrieving the parameters from a path. params is an array, but may have named properties. To iterate over everything, you can use the for in loop:
for(var x in myArray){
// Do something.
In this way, you can copy over everything to a new object (there may be a simpler way to create a copy).
The params property attached to a RouteController is an object with the following properties :
hash : the value of the URL hash.
query : an object consisting of key/value pairs representing the query string.
a list of URL fragments with their name and actual value.
Let's take an example, for this route definition :
// using iron:router#1.0.0-pre2 new route definition
And this URL typed in the browser address bar : /posts/first-post#comments?lang=en
We can use the console to find out precisely what params will actually contain :
> Router.current().params
Which will display this result :
Object {
hash: "comments",
slug: "first-post",
query: {
lang: "en"
Here slug is already a property of the params object whose value is "first-post", this is not a method.
If you want to extract from params these URL fragments as an object of key/value pairs, you can use underscore omit :
// getting rid of the hash and the query string
var parameters=_.omit(this.params,["hash","query"]);
