How to download a Nexus Git-LFS repository - nexus

I succesfully pushed a git-lfs repo to a Nexus repo and I can see two git blobs on the remote server. I'm wondering if is there the possibility to clone this repo. I tried different ways:
git clone http://..../reponame/info/lfs
git clone http://..../reponame/
creating a new git-lfs repo and pulling (no error, but no pull is actually done)
There's no reference to this topic in the doc here
What's the right way to clone/pull this type of repository from Nexus?


Creating a git repo for an existing R project - "fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master" error

I want to finally start using version control for my R projects. I started following this guide, created an empty repo, but the problem started when I got to the command line part.
First I did:
git remote add origin
But after I type:
git pull origin master
I get this error:
fatal: Couldn't find remote ref master
Now, if I try the following:
git remote -v
I get:
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
So something is working. I am new to git and not sure about where the problem is.
As an attempt to fix the problem, I added one file for the repository (file.R) but apart from that, the repository is empty. I get the same error as before.
And if I try git branch -r on the terminal I don't get anything in return.
If you started by creating an empty repo in GitHub, then the default branch is no longer master. The default branch is now main.
If you started by creating a new repo locally using git init, then check what your default branch is using git branch. This should show you either a main or master branch.
It may be easier to create the repo in GitHub with a simple and .gitignore, then clone that repo to another folder. Move your code into that repo, add and commit everything, then push your code to GitHub.

How to upload local RStudio Project to Github including commit history?

I have a RStudio Project with a history of git commit history.
I would like to upload this Project incl. the git commit history to Github and see the commit history on Github.
I can create a new repo on Github and commit from RStudio, but this would not include
past commits i have locally.
What i tried:
I can upload a RStudio Project / package. But (all?) the git files are in a hidden Folder (OS: Windows 10) and i cant upload this hidden Folder to Github (get a warning / error message "This file is hidden").
Looked through
All you should need would be to:
add an origin to your local repository referencing the new (empty) GitHub repository
That is:
git remote add origin<you>/<newRepo>
git push -u origin master
# or
git push --mirror
Add your GitHub url to the remote using the Terminal tab then push.

Local alternate for Git with RStudio?

My colleague & I are starting on a R project, we both would be working simultaneously & interchangeable components of the model we are building. We can not use Git, as we do not want to put our code online, also it is not allowed by the organization. We also do not have a server of our own, what we have is some common shared drive. Is there a way, we can use a tool like Github/SVN completely locally, where both of us can push our code.
There are two options you can manage your R project with git repo.
Option 1: setup remote git repo in the shared directory
You can setup a remote git repo in the shared directory, and then add the remote repo as a remote for your local git repo, then you can push and push from the remote git repo. Detail steps as below:
First, in an empty folder of the shared directory (assume in \\share\path\gitrepo), execute:
git init --bare
Then add the remote repo as a remote for the local repo you are working.
Assume the local git repo (R project) is opened in R Studio, so you can add remote in R Studio terminal window or through git command line:
git remote add origin \\\\share\\path\\gitrepo
The count of slash \ in the remote repo url.
And the pull and push button is still disabled after adding remote repo since the local branch (maste) has not tracked the remote branch (origin/master).
Then you can commit changes and push to remote repo first time by:
git push -u origin master
After that (local master is tracking origin/master), the pull and push button will be enabled after refresh the git tool bar. And can pull/push by clicking the buttons afterwards.
Option 2: host the remote git repo to third-party private repo
If it’s ok for you to hosted your git repo to third-party, and do not let everyone has read permission, then you can create a private git repo in the third-party organization.
For bitbucket, it’s free to create private git repos, so you can host your git repo there.

alternative approach to setup github project with git clone

For some projects stored on, they suggest the following commands for setup,
Clone this repository: git clone
Initialize all submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
My development environment is built on the enterprise network behind the firewall, which does not allow me to use git clone and git submodule. With respect to this kind of scenario, what are the alternate approach to solve that?
You can try and clone a repo at home, use git bundle in order to generate one file (with all the repo history in it) and copy that file somewhere accessible from your enterprise network.
That way, you can clone from that file, and still get the repo full history.

Artifactory: Converting remote repo to local repo

My employer has been misusing Bintray as our binary repository for some time. We are finally moving to Artifactory instead and closing down Bintray. But this seems to be an almost impossible task. There is no way of exporting Bintray repos to a zip. Downloading the repos means manually downloading each file from the UI or through their API. I have tried two approaches for automation:
1) wget for crawling our bintray like this:
wget -e robots=off -o ~/wget.log -w 1 -m -np --user --password ""
which yielded all of the files in the repos. But this only solves half the problem. I couldn't find out how to import the files to a repository in artifactory (all the repos are over 100mbs each and therefore can't be uploaded, for some reason).
2) I set the Bintray repos up as remote repositories and enabled Active Replication. That seems to have worked for now. But I don't know if they will be removed when the Bintray account is moved or even if they are stored in Artifactory. Therefore I would like to convert the remote repo to a local repo, to make sure that it is permanently stored in artifactory is there a way of doing this? If so, how?
I'll try to address both of your questions below.
What do you mean you can't upload more than 100mb? Which version of Artifactory are you using? On-prem or SaaS-based installation? How are you trying to upload your files to Artifactory? Have you tried to import the content by using the import feature of Artifactory? (Admin --> Import&Export --> repository Import)
It sounds like you are using the UI for the upload, and if so you can configure the max upload size in Admin --> General Configuration page.
If you mean that you have all of the content from Bintray cached in your remote repository cache in Artifactory just use the "Copy" or "Move" option and move the content to a local repository. This will ensure that all of the content is stored locally.
