Unable to install tailwind css in react using npm - css

I recently started learning React js. I familiar with tailwind css ands tart instlaling it using documentation. At the third step when i have to install craco i start facing error. I too intsall the older version which work. but after that at last npm start i start facing error again. what to do. anybody help me out.
npm run start
using npm run start


Cannot find module 'node:assert' when using nextjs in netlify and mdx-bundler with esbuild

Tried adding "assert" import, tried node 16.14.0, no luck. Does anyone know any esbuild loader options or nextjs config to fix this failure?
I had this problem in my NX workspace(for angular) as well, I could fix it by updating my Nodejs version,
At that time my version was v14 so I update to v18.12.1 and my problem fixed
By the way for updating nodejs you can go to Nodejs official page and download the last version and install it.

NextJS stuck at compiling

All of my next apps are getting stuck at event - compiled successfully when I try and run them using yarn dev. Everything from existing apps I've used before to brand new apps I literally make just for trying this fresh.
I've tried deleting node_modules and yarn.lock, running yarn again, then running yarn dev. No dice. I also updated node js to latest and tried a few iterations of the above, including some with a 'yarn build` step to see if that did anything. No luck.
Assuming it's some kind of machine config that got messed up, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it is. Ideas?
replace with it in package.json
“dev”: “next dev -p 1234",

React Native Firebase only works on iOS

I'm fairly new to React Native so I've been following the "The Complete React Native and Redux Course" by Stephen Grider. On section 9, lecture 59 he installs Firebase using npm with "npm install --save firebase", and so did I, however this only works for iOS for me. Whenever I run the app on an Android simulator I get this error saying Objects are not valid as a React child.
Edit: I'll try to explain this problem better as per advice from akraf. The only thing I need to do to recreate this Error is create a React Native project. Then install Firebase through npm to the project directory. Once I add the line "import firebase from 'firebase';" to the App.js file, the error occurs. Nothing else, just the import causes the error.
Try to install the version 5.0.2. Use this command as administrator:
npm install --save firebase#5.0.2
As far as i see, the current version (5.0.4) is buggy!

Installing bootstrap with npm is throwing errors

I am basically trying to install bootstrap (sass version) with npm and I have done so by following this guide here: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/download/ (see the npm part).
then I continued setting it up by following this guide here: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/getting-started/build-tools/ so that I could compile the sass into css.
The issue is that when I am running the command npm run dist I get the below error:
I can't figure out such error and have also tried researching the web for a similar error but could not find anything. I can't understand why such a popular framework is so frustrating to get up and running.
Any insights please?
Here is the debug.log

Meteor adding okgrow:accounts-ui-react atmosphere package not working

I am running a Meteor application and everything has been running fine so far. I have been following the Level Up Tutorials and I've come to a point where I want to add user accounts.
In order to do that I'm using the `okgrow:accounts-ui-react' atmosphere package which can be found here.
I've followed all the steps by running the following 3 lines in the console:
> meteor add okgrow:accounts-ui-react
> npm install --save react-komposer classnames
> meteor add accounts-password
Those commands all ran successfully.
Now when I want to start my Meteor application by running meteor in the console I get the following error:
Does anyone know what I could be doing wrong?
Things I have tried that haven't solved it:
Updating all my meteor packages using the meteor update --all-packages command
Deleting the node_modules folder and running 'meteor' again.
The issue here is that React Komposer completely changed their api in the latest version for some reason. There is an outstanding issue regarding this here:
In the meantime, I'd suggest https://github.com/studiointeract/accounts-ui as development has continued on it again.
