Forcing a TLS 1.0 POST request with Requests - python-requests

To start I know that TLSv1.0 is super old and should not be used, but I need to connect to some really old local hardware that isn't supporting anything else atm
#import ssl
from OpenSSL import SSL
import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl
except ImportError:
import requests sys, os, select, socket
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager
from requests.packages.urllib3.util import ssl_
from requests.packages.urllib3.contrib import py
class TlsAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
def __init__(self, ssl_options=0, **kwargs):
self.ssl_options = ssl_options
super(TlsAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def init_poolmanager(self, *pool_args, **pool_kwargs):
ctx = SSL.Context(SSL.TLSv1_METHOD)
self.poolmanager = PoolManager(*pool_args,
session = requests.Session()
adapter = TlsAdapter(ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1 | ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_2)
session.mount("https://", adapter)
data = { "key":"value"}
r ="", data)
except Exception as exception:
I've tried several ways. The above code is mostly ripped from similar issues posted here in the past but python3 ssl no longer supports TLSv1 so it throws an unsupported protocol error. I added the "import urllib3.contrib.pyopenssl" to try and force it to use pyOpenSSL instead per this urllib3 documentation. The current error with this code is
load_verify_locations() takes from 2 to 3 positional arguments but 4 were given
I know this is from the verify part of urllib3 context and I need to fix the context for pyOpenSSL but I've been stuck here trying to fix the context.

Analyzed the website in question in "" , the simulator doesn't use python for testing. I haven't been successful using python. However with jdk 1.8 , I was able to comment the line in the security file as mentioned in "" and was able to work around the issue.
The server prefers these cipher suites. Is these supported ciphers in urllib3 ?
Right now I'm stuck with the below error:
urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='{}', port={}): Max retries exceeded with url: /xxx.htm (Caused by ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory')))

Related unable to get local issuer certificate

I've been using the code based on the snipped below for several months and it worked.
import requests
resp = requests.get(
# verify=False
Now I have an error:
File "C:....virtualenvs\pythonProject-XaZ9hdp4\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 563, in send
raise SSLError(e, request=request)
requests.exceptions.SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)')))
I checked SSL certificate for with third-party online service and it looks like everything is OK with its SSL certificate.
I created new Python project and re-install requests and certifi in new virtual environment.
What kind of another certificate can be meant in this error message? How can I find and update it?
I work under Windows 10.
import requests
resp = requests.get(
# verify=False
In this code we need change Verify = false to verify=ssl.CERT_NONE
import requests
resp = requests.get(
if you have any ssl certificate you can use this
s = requests.Session()
s.cert = '/path/client.cert'

Problem with Python script when setting up LDAP for MacOS

I am trying to set up Google secure LDAP on my Macbook Pro running Monterey 12.3 following these instructions from Google.
len(CONFIG))) TypeError: Expecting byte-buffer, got str
See the script from the guide:
from OpenDirectory import ODNode, ODSession, kODNodeTypeConfigure
from Foundation import NSMutableData, NSData
import os
import sys
# Reading plist
GOOGLELDAPCONFIGFILE = open(sys.argv[1], "r")
# Write the plist
od_session = ODSession.defaultSession()
od_conf_node, err = ODNode.nodeWithSession_type_error_(od_session, kODNodeTypeConfigure, None)
request = NSMutableData.dataWithBytes_length_(b'\x00'*32, 32)
request.appendData_(NSData.dataWithBytes_length_(CONFIG, len(CONFIG)))
response, err = od_conf_node.customCall_sendData_error_(99991, request, None)
# Edit the default search path and append the new node to allow for login
os.system("dscl -q localhost -append /Search CSPSearchPath /LDAPv3/")
os.system("bash -c 'echo -e \"TLS_IDENTITY\tLDAP Client\" >> /etc/openldap/ldap.conf' ")
I have tried to find some solutions on Google (e.g. .encode, b'..) But I do not really understand it.
Thanks for the help.
Okay, I found the solution, actually here it was posted earlier.
Error running python script to create google ldap configuration on Macos

Equivalent of `curl --connect-to` in Python Requests library

curl has an option connect-to
--connect-to <HOST1:PORT1:HOST2:PORT2>
For a request to the given HOST:PORT pair, connect to CONNECT-TO-HOST:CONNECT-TO-PORT instead. This option is suitable to direct requests at a specific
server, e.g. at a specific cluster node in a cluster of servers. This option is only used to establish the network connection. It does NOT affect the host-
name/port that is used for TLS/SSL (e.g. SNI, certificate verification) or for the application protocols. "host" and "port" may be the empty string, meaning
"any host/port". "connect-to-host" and "connect-to-port" may also be the empty string, meaning "use the request's original host/port".
This option can be used many times to add many connect rules.
What is the equivalent in Python Requests library?
There is no such equivalent but you can patch lower levels to rewrite the remote address when creating the connection.
This works in Python 3:
from unittest.mock import patch
# contextmanager for forcing a connection to a given host, port
def connect_to(host, port):
from urllib3.util.connection import create_connection as orig_create_connection
def _forced_address_connection(address, *args, **kwargs):
forced_address = (host, port)
return orig_create_connection(forced_address, *args, **kwargs)
return patch('urllib3.util.connection.create_connection', _forced_address_connection)
# force connections to
with connect_to('', 8080):
res = requests.get('')
Other solutions (patching PoolManager, using custom adapter) were not enough because the URL was rewritten as well (and thus the Host: header). When you use curl --connect-to, nothing is touched at HTTP level.
I also needed to optionally force http connections despite the URL scheme. This is the working augmented version for that:
import contextlib
from unittest.mock import patch
def connect_to(host, port, force_http=False):
from urllib3.connection import HTTPConnection
from urllib3.util.connection import create_connection as orig_create_connection
def _forced_address_connection(address, *args, **kwargs):
forced_address = (host, port)
return orig_create_connection(forced_address, *args, **kwargs)
class ForcedHTTPConnection(HTTPConnection):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
httpconn_kw = ('host', 'port', 'timeout', 'source_address', 'blocksize')
httpconn_kwargs = dict([(k, kwargs[k]) for k in httpconn_kw if k in kwargs])
patchers = [patch('urllib3.util.connection.create_connection', _forced_address_connection)]
if force_http:
patchers.append(patch('urllib3.connectionpool.HTTPSConnectionPool.ConnectionCls', ForcedHTTPConnection))
for p in patchers:
for p in patchers:
# force connections to using http
with connect_to('', 8080, force_http=True):
res = requests.get('')
see also Python 'requests' library - define specific DNS?.

Python Requests: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:547)

I'm trying to login and scrape an airline website with the python Request package. I am getting the belowe error just by trying to load the main website. This code use to work last year but I have not tried it until now with the new Requests 2.2.1. Any ideas what is going on?
[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:547)
I'm using Requests 2.2.1.
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from requests.packages.urllib3.poolmanager import PoolManager
from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLSv1
class SSLAdapter(HTTPAdapter):
'''An HTTPS Transport Adapter that uses an arbitrary SSL version.'''
__attrs__ = ['max_retries', 'config', '_pool_connections', '_pool_maxsize', '_pool_block', 'ssl_version']
def __init__(self, ssl_version=None, **kwargs):
self.ssl_version = ssl_version
super(SSLAdapter, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def init_poolmanager(self, connections, maxsize, block=False):
self.poolmanager = PoolManager(num_pools=connections,
maxsize=maxsize, block = block,
import requests
import ssladapter
from ssl import PROTOCOL_TLSv1
session = requests.Session()
session.mount('https://', ssladapter.SSLAdapter(ssl_version=PROTOCOL_TLSv1))
request = session.get("")
!!! SSLERROR raised here.
This Error is not a problem of the Requests library because it has been rigorously tested.
This is an indication of a 'Man-in-the-middle' attack.
May be you may be having a Network Sniffing tool like Fiddler or Wireshark running.
More Detailed Info on this a related Question
Here it is suggested that this is how SSL should work.

HTTP Request with Python 2.7.3

I have a string result in this string is the URL
I know that on is an website with the number 4. I will save the number in my programm as an integer.
import urllib
giveTheInt = [urllib.urlopen(url)]
But i receive only:
IOError: [Errno socket error] [Errno 110] Connection timed out.
The wireless it's ok, I have a connection to the internet.
I know this is urllib2, but I saw your post and this worked for me.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
# print
data =
print data
response.close() # best practice to close the file
Taken from here.
Is this what you're looking for?
#!/usr/bin/env python
import urllib
url = ""
fp = urllib.urlopen(url)
data =
n = int(data)
giveTheInt = [n]
You should test that you can ping your
If you can't ping it, that may be why you have an error.
