I have 18 models and each model replicates 12 times, so I have a CSV file that has 216 rows. I want to sum every 12 rows by its columns "sta_tss". But as some models don't run successfully, for example first model should have 12 rows, but the last replicate of the first model failed. So I only need to sum rows from 1 to 11 of "sta_tss" of the first model. And there are also other cases. Could you help me with this?
The code is only summed every 12 rows, which is not for my job. I write a loop because I have similar 10 files to run.
scal <- list.files("./outputs2/combine_evalu_by_species")
for(i in 1:length(scal)){
filenames <- paste0("./outputs2/combine_evalu_by_species/sta_tss", "_", i,".csv",sep="")
df <- read.csv(filenames,header=T)
num <- rowsum(df$stat_tss, rep(seq_len(length(df$stat_tss)/12), each=12))[,1]
curfilenam <- paste0("./outputs2/combine_evalu_by_species/sum_species",i,".csv", sep="")
write.csv(num,curfilenam, row.names = F)
The CSV file has two columns (id and sta_tss): id is from 1 to 216, some rows may be absent as I write.
Please forgive me if this question has been asked before!
So I have a dataframe (df) of individuals sampled from various populations with each individual given a population name and a corresponding number assigned to that population as follows:
Individual Population Popnum
ALM16-014 AimeesMdw 1
ALM16-024 AimeesMdw 1
ALM16-026 AimeesMdw 1
ALM16-003 AMKRanch 2
ALM16-022 AMKRanch 2
ALM16-075 BearPawLake 3
ALM16-076 BearPawLake 3
ALM16-089 BearPawLake 3
There are a total of 12 named populations (they do not all have the same number of individuals) with Popnum 1-12 in this file. What I need to do is randomly delete one or more populations (preferably using the 'Popnum' column) from the dataframe and repeating this 100 times and then saving each result as a separate dataframe (ie. df1, df2, df3, etc). The end result is 100 dfs with each one having one population removed randomly. The next step is to repeat this 100 times removing two random populations, then 3 random populations, and so on.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
You can write a function which takes dataframe as input and n i.e number of Popnum to remove.
remove_n_Popnum <- function(data, n) {
subset(data, !Popnum %in% sample(unique(Popnum), n))
To get one popnum you can do :
remove_n_Popnum(df, 1)
# Individual Population Popnum
#1 ALM16-014 AimeesMdw 1
#2 ALM16-024 AimeesMdw 1
#3 ALM16-026 AimeesMdw 1
#4 ALM16-003 AMKRanch 2
#5 ALM16-022 AMKRanch 2
To do this 100 times you can use replicate
list_data <- replicate(100, remove_n_Popnum(df1, 1), simplify = FALSE)
To pass different n in remove_n_Popnum function you can use lapply
nested_list_data <- lapply(seq_along(unique(df$Popnum)[-1]),
function(x) replicate(100, remove_n_Popnum(df, x), simplify = FALSE))
where seq_along generates a sequence which is 1 less than the number of unique values.
#[1] 1 2
I have a data set which is made up of observations of the weights of fish, the julian dates they were captured on, and their names. I am seeking to assess what the average growth rate of these fish is according to the day of the year (julian date). I believe the best method to do this is to compose a data.frame with two fields: "Julian Date" and "Growth". The idea is this: for a fish which is observed on January 1 (1) at weight 100 and a fish observed again on April 10 (101) at weight 200, the growth rate would be 100g/100days, or 1g/day. I would represent this in a data.frame as 100 rows in which the "Julian Date" column is composed of the Julian date sequence (1:100) and the "Growth" column is composed of the average growth rate (1g/day) over all days.
I have attempted to compose a for loop which passes through each fish, calculates the average growth rate, then creates a list in which each index contains the sequence of Julian dates and the growth rate (repeated the number of times equal to the length of the Julian date sequence). I would then utilize the function to compose my data.frame.
growth_list <- list() # initialize empty list
p <- 1 # initialize increment count
# Looks at every other fish ID beginning at 1 (all even-number observations are the same fish at a later observation)
for (i in seq(1, length(df$FISH_ID), by = 2)){
rate <- (df$growth[i+1]-df$growth[i])/(as.double(df$date[i+1])-as.double(df$date[i]))
growth_list[[p]] <- list(c(seq(as.numeric(df$date[i]),as.numeric(df$date[i+1]))), rep(rate, length(seq(from = as.numeric(df$date[i]), to = as.numeric(df$date[i+1])))))
p <- p+1 # increase to change index of list item in next iteration
# Converts list of vectors (the rows which fulfill above criteria) into a data.frame
growth_df <- do.call(rbind, growth_list)
My expected results can be illustrated here: https://imgur.com/YXKLkpK
My actual results are illustrated here: https://imgur.com/Zg4vuVd
As you can see, the actual results appear to be a data.frame with two columns specifying the type of the object, as well as the length of the original list item. That is, row 1 of this dataset contained 169 days between observations, and therefore contained 169 julian dates and 169 repetitions of the growth rate.
Instead of list(), use data.frame() with named columns to build a list of data frames to be row binded at the end:
growth_list <- vector(mode="list", length=length(df$FISH_ID)/2)
for (i in seq(1, length(df$FISH_ID), by=2)){
rate <- with(df, (growth[i+1]-growth[i])/(as.double(date[i+1])-as.double(date[i])))
date_seq <- seq(as.numeric(df$date[i]), as.numeric(df$date[i+1]))
growth_list[[p]] <- data.frame(Julian_Date = date_seq,
Growth_Rate = rep(rate, length(date_seq))
p <- p + 1
growth_df <- do.call(rbind, growth_list)
Welcome to stackoverflow
Couple things about your code:
I recommend using the apply function instead of the for loop. You can set parameters in apply to perform row-wise functions. It makes you code run faster. The apply family of functions also creates a list for you, which reduces the code you write to make the list and populate it.
It is common to supply users with a snippet example of your initial data to work with. Sometimes the way we describe our data is not representative of our actual data. This tradition is necessary to alleviate any communication errors. If you can, please manufacture a dummy dataset for us to use.
Have you tried using as.data.frame(growth_list), or data.frame(growth_list)?
Another option is to use an if else statement within your for loop that performs the rbind function. This would look something like this:
#make a row-wise for loop
for(x in 1:nrow(i)){
#insert your desired calculations here. You can turn the rows into their own dataframe by using this, which may make it easier to perform your calculations:
dataCurrent <- data.frame(i[x,])
#finish with something like this to turn your calculations for each row into an output dataframe of your choice.
outFish <- cbind(date, length, rate)
#make your final dataframe as follows
if(exists("finalFishOut") == FALSE){
finalFishOut <- outFish
finalFishOut <- rbind(finalFishOut, outFish)
Please update with a snippet of data and I'll update this answer with your exact solution.
Here is a solution using dplyr and plyr with some toy data. There are 20 fish, with a random start and end time, plus random weights at each time. Find the growth rate over time, then create a new df for each fish with 1 row per day elapsed and the daily average growth rate, and output a new df containing all fish.
df <- data.frame(fish=rep(seq(1:20),2),weight=sample(c(50:100),40,T),
df1 <- df %>% group_by(fish) %>% arrange(time) %>%
diff.time=time-lag(time)) %>%
mutate(rate=diff.weight/diff.time) %>%
filter(!is.na(rate)) %>%
fish time rate
1 1 1 -0.7105263
2 1 2 -0.7105263
3 1 3 -0.7105263
4 1 4 -0.7105263
5 1 5 -0.7105263
6 1 6 -0.7105263
fish time rate
696 20 47 -0.2307692
697 20 48 -0.2307692
698 20 49 -0.2307692
699 20 50 -0.2307692
700 20 51 -0.2307692
701 20 52 -0.2307692
Let this be my data set:
df <- data.frame(x1 = runif(1000), x2 = runif(1000), x3 = runif(1000),
split = sample( c('SPLITMEHERE', 'OBS'), 1000, replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.04, 0.96) ))
So, I have some variables (in my case, 15), and criteria by which I want to split the data.frame into multiple data.frames.
My criteria is the following: each other time the 'SPLITMEHERE' appears I want to take all the values, or all 'OBS' below it and get a data.frame from just these observations. So, if there's 20 'SPLITMEHERE's in starting data.frame, I want to end up with 10 data.frames in the end.
I know it sounds confusing and like it doesn't have much sense, but this is the result from extracting the raw numbers from an awfully dirty .txt file to obtain meaningful data. Basically, every 'SPLITMEHERE' denotes the new table in this .txt file, but each county is divided into two tables, so I want one table (data.frame) for each county.
In the hope I will make it more clear, here is the example of exactly what I need. Let's say the first 20 observations are:
x1 x2 x3 split
1 0.307379064 0.400526799 0.2898194543 SPLITMEHERE
2 0.465236674 0.915204924 0.5168274657 OBS
3 0.063814420 0.110380201 0.9564822116 OBS
4 0.401881416 0.581895095 0.9443995396 OBS
5 0.495227871 0.054014926 0.9059893533 SPLITMEHERE
6 0.091463620 0.945452614 0.9677482590 OBS
7 0.876123151 0.702328031 0.9739113525 OBS
8 0.413120761 0.441159673 0.4725571219 OBS
9 0.117764512 0.390644966 0.3511555807 OBS
10 0.576699384 0.416279417 0.8961428872 OBS
11 0.854786077 0.164332814 0.1609375612 OBS
12 0.336853841 0.794020157 0.0647337821 SPLITMEHERE
13 0.122690541 0.700047133 0.9701538396 OBS
14 0.733926139 0.785366852 0.8938749305 OBS
15 0.520766503 0.616765349 0.5136788010 OBS
16 0.628549288 0.027319848 0.4509875809 OBS
17 0.944188977 0.913900539 0.3767973795 OBS
18 0.723421337 0.446724318 0.0925365961 OBS
19 0.758001243 0.530991725 0.3916394396 SPLITMEHERE
20 0.888036748 0.862066601 0.6501050976 OBS
What I would like to get is this:
1 0.465236674 0.915204924 0.5168274657 OBS
2 0.063814420 0.110380201 0.9564822116 OBS
3 0.401881416 0.581895095 0.9443995396 OBS
4 0.091463620 0.945452614 0.9677482590 OBS
5 0.876123151 0.702328031 0.9739113525 OBS
6 0.413120761 0.441159673 0.4725571219 OBS
7 0.117764512 0.390644966 0.3511555807 OBS
8 0.576699384 0.416279417 0.8961428872 OBS
9 0.854786077 0.164332814 0.1609375612 OBS
1 0.122690541 0.700047133 0.9701538396 OBS
2 0.733926139 0.785366852 0.8938749305 OBS
3 0.520766503 0.616765349 0.5136788010 OBS
4 0.628549288 0.027319848 0.4509875809 OBS
5 0.944188977 0.913900539 0.3767973795 OBS
6 0.723421337 0.446724318 0.0925365961 OBS
7 0.888036748 0.862066601 0.6501050976 OBS
Therefore, split column only shows me where to split, data in columns where 'SPLITMEHERE' is written is meaningless. But, this is no bother, as I can delete this rows later, the point is in separating multiple data.frames based on this criteria.
Obviously, just the split() function and filter() from dplyr wouldn't suffice here. The real problem is that the lines which are supposed to separate the data.frames (i.e. every other 'SPLITMEHERE') do not appear in regular fashion, but just like in my above example. Once there is a gap of 3 lines, and other times it could be 10 or 15 lines.
Is there any way to extract this efficiently in R?
The hardest part of the problem is creating the groups. Once we have the proper groupings, it's easy enough to use a split to get your result.
With that said, you can use a cumsum for the groups. Here I divide the cumsum by 2 and use a ceiling so that any groups of 2 SPLITMEHERE's will be collapsed into one. I also use an ifelse to exclude the rows with SPLITMEHERE:
df$group <- ifelse(df$split != "SPLITMEHERE", ceiling(cumsum(df$split=="SPLITMEHERE")/2), 0)
res <- split(df, df$group)
The result is a list with a dataframe for each group. The groups with 0 are ones you want throw out.
This is easy, but for some reason I'm having trouble with it. I have a set of Data like this:
File Trait Temp Value Rep
PB Mortality 16 52.2 54
PB Mortality 17 21.9 91
PB Mortality 18 15.3 50
And it goes on like that for 36 rows. What I need to do is divide the Value column by 100 in only the first 12 rows. I did:
NewData <- Data[1:12,4]/100
to try and create a new data frame without changing the old data. When I do this it divides the fourth column, but saves only the fourth column (rows 1-12) as a Values in the Global Environment by itself, not as Data with the rest of the rows/columns in the original set. Overall, I'm trying to fit the NewData in a nls function, so I need to save the modified data with the rest of the data, and not as a separate value. Is there a way for me to modify the first 12 rows without having R save it as a value?
Consider copying the dataframe and then updating column at select rows:
NewData <- Data
NewData$Value[1:12] <- NewData$Value[1:12]/10
# NewData[1:12,4] <- NewData[1:12,4]/10 ' ALTERNATE EQUIVALENT
newdata <- data[1:12,] %>% mutate(newV = VALUE/100)
newdata$Value = newdata$newV
newdata = newdata %>% select(-newV)
then you can do
full_data = rbind(newdata,data[13:36,])
So I have a data frame consisting of values of 0 and 1. I would like to make a loop that randomly samples 38 of those observations and replaces them with NA. I am successful in doing one iteration, where the original vector observations are replaced with the following one line code:
foo$V2[sample(seq(foo$V2), 38)] <- NA
However, I would like to do this 20 times and have each iteration compiled as separate columns in a single object. Ultimately, I would have a 20 column data frame with each having 191 observations, each with 38 randomly substituted NA's. At the end of the loop, I would like the data frame to be written out as a text file. Thank you for any help in the right direction.
Data Set:
Maybe something like this:
# Fake data
foo = data.frame(V2=sample(0:1, 191, replace=TRUE))
# Create 20 samples where we replace 38 randomly chosen values with NA
n = 20
samples = as.data.frame(replicate(n, {
x = foo$V2
x[sample(seq_along(x), 38)] = NA
Then you can write it in whatever format you wish. For example:
write.table(samples, "samples.txt")
write.csv(samples, "samples.csv", row.names=FALSE)