Combining selectInput and DT::datatable editing in Shiny - r

I would like to update both a data.frame and a DT::datatable interactively when editing the datatable cells. This works fine but when I use the selectInput function to filter the data.frame and edit cells in another row of the datatable, it just copies the values I edited previously both in the data.frame and datatable. Any suggestions?
Below, is a reproducible example. I guess that this is an issue of reactivity. Being new to Shiny I am still far from mastering that.
library(tidyverse); library(DT); library(shiny)
df <- data.frame(internal_idNew=c(1, 2, 3, 4), col_1=c("this", "is", "a", "column"))
ui <- fluidPage(
#filter df
selectInput("s_internal_idNew", "Record id (new)", choices=c(1:nrow(df))),
#dt output
server <- function(input, output) {
#reactive df
df <- reactiveVal({df})
#reactive df filtered
df_showed <- reactiveVal({})
observeEvent(input$s_internal_idNew, {
#filter a row matching the internal id
df_showed(df() %>% filter(internal_idNew==input$s_internal_idNew))
#render dt
output$dt <- DT::renderDataTable(df_showed(), editable=list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns =c(0))), options=list(dom = 't', bSort=FALSE, pageLength=1), rownames = FALSE, selection = "none")
#create proxy dt
dt_proxy <- dataTableProxy("dt")
#edit dt
observeEvent(input$dt_cell_edit, {
this <- df()
showed <- df_showed()
#extract edited value to edit df
col_name <- showed %>% names() %>% .[input$dt_cell_edit$col+1]
row_name <- input$s_internal_idNew %>% as.numeric()
value_name <- coerceValue(input$dt_cell_edit$value, showed[row_name, col_name])
#store edited values in reactive df
this[row_name, col_name] <- value_name
#replace data in datatable
replaceData(dt_proxy, df_showed(), resetPaging = TRUE, rownames = FALSE)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

A few modifications to achieve expected behavior :
dtProxy should be created only once at server launch
observeEvent(input$dt_cell_edit,...) should be independent of observeEvent(input$s_internal_idNew,...)
df_showed() should also be updated, as df()
library(tidyverse); library(DT); library(shiny)
df <- data.frame(internal_idNew=c(1, 2, 3, 4), col_1=c("this", "is", "a", "column"))
ui <- fluidPage(
#filter df
selectInput("s_internal_idNew", "Record id (new)", choices=c(1:nrow(df))),
#dt output
server <- function(input, output) {
#reactive df
df <- reactiveVal({df})
#reactive df filtered
df_showed <- reactiveVal({})
#create proxy dt once
dt_proxy <- dataTableProxy("dt")
observeEvent(input$s_internal_idNew, {
#filter a row matching the internal id
df_showed(df() %>% filter(internal_idNew==input$s_internal_idNew))
#render dt
output$dt <- DT::renderDataTable(df_showed(), editable=list(target = "cell", disable = list(columns =c(0))), options=list(dom = 't', bSort=FALSE, pageLength=1), rownames = FALSE, selection = "none")
#edit dt - separate from previous reactive
observeEvent(input$dt_cell_edit, {
this <- df()
showed <- df_showed()
#extract edited value to edit df
col_name <- showed %>% names() %>% .[input$dt_cell_edit$col+1]
row_name <- input$s_internal_idNew %>% as.numeric()
value_name <- coerceValue(input$dt_cell_edit$value, showed[row_name, col_name])
#store edited values in reactive df
this[row_name, col_name] <- value_name
df_showed(this[row_name, ]) # Also updated
#replace data in datatable
replaceData(dt_proxy, df_showed(), resetPaging = TRUE, rownames = FALSE)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)


R Shiny: Creating a filter function relying on input in a separate file

I am writing a Shiny program which manipulates a dataset the user uploads.
The dataset has fixed column names and I create several UI elements (selectInputs) to filter that dataset.
Reprex looks like this:
ui <- fluidPage(
fluidRow(selectInput("filter_a","label",choices = c("a","b","c"),multiple = T),
selectInput("filter_b","label",choices = c("x","z","y"),multiple = T),
server <- function(input, output) {
df <- reactive({
df <- data.frame(a = c("a","b","c"),
b = c("x","z","y"))
filter_function_1 <- reactive({
df <- df()
df <- df %>%
filter(df$a %in% input$filter_a)
df <- df %>%
filter(df$b %in% input$filter_b)
output$o1 <- renderDataTable({filter_function_1()})
While this works it looks like very bad practice. In my actual program I have a set of 14 filters and wrapping it 14 times and applying the same just doesnt look right to me.
Wanting to simplify I came up with this. I have a feeling that this is also not best practice (addressing the input$filter_a by concatenating strings doesnt seem right).
filter_func <- function(df, arg) {
filter_arg <- paste0("filter_", arg)
filter <- paste0("input$", filter_arg)
if (!is.null(eval(parse(text = filter)))) {
df <- df %>%
filter(df[[arg]] %in% input[[filter_arg]])
filter_function_2 <- reactive({
df <- df()
df <- df %>%
filter_func(arg="a") %>%
output$o2 <- renderDataTable({filter_function_2()})
Now, this looks cleaner to me, but I still want to modulize the code even more and have the filter function and code resign in a file. There are more data prep steps involved and I want to be able to debug them easily, hence the separate files / functions.
Code might look now like this:
filter_func <- function(df, arg) {
filter_arg <- paste0("filter_", arg)
filter <- paste0("input$", filter_arg)
if (!is.null(eval(parse(text = filter)))) {
df <- df %>%
filter(df[[arg]] %in% input[[filter_arg]])
This is the point where it doesn't work anymore, since it can't find the input while in the function scope - that would be at least my best guess. I though of rewriting function in several ways, these are my ideas:
Have the filer_data.R function take in named arguments for all columns I want to filter. This seems straight-forward but also very redundant to me
Access shiny input variable on the server side, collect all "columns" that start with "filter_" and pass them onto the filter function. The filter function then applies the necessary filters.
I'm pretty sure I mess up somewhere, but I haven't been able to figure it out. What's not working here?
First, lets solve the problem how to call several filter in a row based on multiple inputs. We can use purrr:reduce2 for this:
In the example below reduce2 takes a custom function called myfilter with three arguments: the initial data.frame the column name and the value we want to filter. When calling reduce2 it is important to supply the data.frame to the .init argument.
myfilter <- function(df, col, vals) {
if(!is.null(vals)) {
filter(df, !!sym(col) %in% vals)
} else {
shinyApp(ui = fluidPage(
fluidRow(selectInput("filter_a","label", choices = c("a","b","c"), multiple = TRUE),
selectInput("filter_b","label", choices = c("x","z","y"), multiple = TRUE),
server = function(input, output) {
df <- reactive({
df <- data.frame(a = c("a","b","c"),
b = c("x","z","y"))
filter_function_1 <- reactive({
filter_ls <- map(set_names(grep("^filter", names(input), value = TRUE)), ~ input[[.x]])
col_nms <- gsub("^filter_", "", names(filter_ls))
.init = df())
output$o1 <- renderDataTable({filter_function_1()})
Then we could create a separate function filter_function_1 with two arguments: react_dat and input.
myfilter <- function(df, col, vals) {
if(!is.null(vals)) {
filter(df, !!sym(col) %in% vals)
} else {
filter_function_1 <- function(reac_dat, input) {
filter_ls <- map(set_names(grep("^filter", names(input), value = TRUE)),
~ input[[.x]])
col_nms <- gsub("^filter_", "", names(filter_ls))
.init = reac_dat)
shinyApp(ui = fluidPage(
fluidRow(selectInput("filter_a","label", choices = c("a","b","c"), multiple = TRUE),
selectInput("filter_b","label", choices = c("x","z","y"), multiple = TRUE),
server = function(input, output) {
df <- reactive({
df <- data.frame(a = c("a","b","c"),
b = c("x","z","y"))
filter_dat <- filter_function_1(df(), input = input)
output$o1 <- renderDataTable({filter_dat()})
And another way cleaning the code by putting it in external function / files would be to use shiny modules. There are many ways to set this up depending on how this module interacts with other parts of your app. One way of doing this is putting everything into the module:
myfilter <- function(df, col, vals) {
if(!is.null(vals)) {
filter(df, !!sym(col) %in% vals)
} else {
filterFunUI <- function(id) {
fluidRow(selectInput(NS(id, "filter_a"),"label", choices = c("a","b","c"), multiple = TRUE),
selectInput(NS(id, "filter_b"),"label", choices = c("x","z","y"), multiple = TRUE),
dataTableOutput(NS(id, "o1")),
dataTableOutput(NS(id, "o2")))
filterFunServer <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
df <- reactive({
df <- data.frame(a = c("a","b","c"),
b = c("x","z","y"))
filter_dat <- reactive({
filter_ls <- map(set_names(grep("^filter", names(input), value = TRUE)),
~ input[[.x]])
col_nms <- gsub("^filter_", "", names(filter_ls))
.init = df())
output$o1 <- renderDataTable({filter_dat()})
ui <- fluidPage(filterFunUI("first"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Choose specific column in R Shiny based on selectInput

I have a problem with choose specific column depends on selectInput. I try to make confusion metrix. I have argument (data = result) but now i need reference = ? , which is one specific column of data_t_add. That column (which have to be reference) have to be input$choose_y of data_t_add. How can I do it ? Thank you.
output$choose_y <- renderUI({
y_choices <- names(data())
selectInput('choose_y', label = 'Choose Target Variable', choices = y_choices)
output$choose_x <- renderUI({
x_choices <- names(data())[!names(data()) %in% input$choose_y]
checkboxGroupInput('choose_x', label = 'Choose Predictors', choices = x_choices)
observeEvent(input$c50, {
form <- paste(isolate(input$choose_y), '~', paste(isolate(input$choose_x), collapse = '+'))
c50_fit <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("ctree(%s, data = data())", form)))
output$tree_summary <- renderPrint(summary(c50_fit))
output$tree_plot_c50 <- renderPlot({
result <- predict(c50_fit, newdata = data_t())
data_t_add = cbind(data_t(), result)
output$data_t_add_out <- renderTable({
tbl = confusionMatrix(result, REFERENCE, mode = "prec_recall")
output$conf_matrix <- renderPrint({ tbl })
##################### EDIT of SERVER
try = data_t_add %>% select(input$choose_y)
output$tripple <- renderPrint({
output$tripples <- renderPrint({
tbl = confusionMatrix(result, try, mode = "prec_recall")
output$conf_matrix <- renderPrint({ tbl })
Without having a reproducible example, I would dare to say that using select() from dplyr can let you select the entire column of your choice
data() %>%

How to use Shiny inputs in a string for reactive function and as a condition for observe event

I am trying to use auto generated selectInput IDs inside the reactive element or observe event. When I explicitly write the input IDs like input$dfSelect1,input$dfSelect2,input$dfSelect3, it works as I wanted.
Since I don't know in advance how many IDs will be there (data will be user input), I need to create same input ID strings as automated, but it doesn't recognize it as a trigger in observe event or a input data in reactive element.
Here is the minimal reproducible example of my problem. if you comment out the line 1 req(input$dfSelect1,input$dfSelect2,input$dfSelect3) and line 2 dfx <- data.frame(carb = c(input$dfSelect1,input$dfSelect2,input$dfSelect3),stringsAsFactors = F) and remove the comment from the following lines, this will be the case I am trying to do.
any idea how to pass these values?
exdata <- head(mtcars, 3)
exdata$ROWs <- row.names(exdata)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, server) {
### reqString result <- input$dfSelect1,input$dfSelect2,input$dfSelect3
reqString <- noquote(paste0(unlist(lapply(1:length(sort(unique(row.names(exdata)))),function(i) {paste0("input$dfSelect",i,"")})),collapse = ","))
values <- reactiveValues(
upload_state = NULL
### 1-USE the line below with reqString instead -doesn't work ##
# req(reqString)
values$upload_state <- 'uploaded'
output$selectionUI <- renderUI({
df <- sort(unique(row.names(exdata)))
lapply(1:length(df), function(i) {selectizeInput(paste0("dfSelect",i,""),df[i],choices=c("", unique(exdata$carb)))})
completeTable <- reactive({
if (is.null(values$upload_state)) {
}else if (values$upload_state == 'uploaded') {
### 2-USE the line below with reqString instead -doesn't work##
dfx <- data.frame(carb = c(input$dfSelect1,input$dfSelect2,input$dfSelect3),stringsAsFactors = F)
# dfx <- data.frame(carb = c(reqString),stringsAsFactors = F)
dfx <- data.frame(carb =as.numeric(unlist(dfx)))
dataJoin <- exdata %>% left_join(dfx,by=("carb"))
output$tableOutput <- renderUI({
output$dataTableServer <- DT::renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
You can index input using [[ instead of $:
FUN=function(x) req(input[[paste0("dfSelect", x)]]))
l <- sapply(1:length(sort(unique(row.names(exdata)))),
FUN=function(x) input[[paste0("dfSelect", x)]])
dfx <- data.frame(carb = l,stringsAsFactors = F)

Shiny: assign var names dynamically based on selectInput selection

I am triyng to use a selectInput to subset a data.table to the selected column, preserving its name. So far I have done:
mtcars <- data.table(mtcars)
ui <- bootstrapPage(
server <- function(input, output) {
output$variables<- renderUI ({
label = 'select Vars:',
choices = as.list(colnames(mtcars)),
multiple = F)
df <- reactive({
df <- mtcars[, list(var_name=get(input$var)), ]
output$table <- renderTable({head(df())})
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
and the output is
But what I really wants is that the column name is the same as in the original df.
I have tried options with no success, like:
df <- mtcars[, list(input$var), ]
df <- mtcars[, list(paste0(input$var)=get(input$var)), ]
but neither gave me the desired output...
Any ideas ?
thanks in advance
Do you mean something like this? :
df <- reactive({
df <- mtcars[, list(var_name=get(input$var)), ]
colnames(df) <- input$var
Obviously you can then edit the colname to something else as well
You could re-assign the column name after you subset:
df <- reactive({
df <- mtcars[, list(var_name=get(input$var)), ]
colnames(df) <- input$var

How to save edits made using rhandsontable r package

My R program works as expected. It shows a table containing my dataFrame, and lets me edit the values.
How do I capture those values and save them to my dataframe, or a copy of my dataframe?
DF = data.frame(val = 1:10, bool = TRUE, big = LETTERS[1:10],
small = letters[1:10],
dt = seq(from = Sys.Date(), by = "days", length.out = 10),
stringsAsFactors = F)
rhandsontable(DF, rowHeaders = NULL)
The above code produces a table with rows and columns. I can edit any of the rows and columns. But when I look at my dataFrame, those edits do not appear. What I am trying to figure out is what do I need to change so I can capture the new values that were edited.
I know this thread's been dead for years, but it's the first StackOverflow result on this problem.
With the help of this post -, I've come up with this:
values <- list()
setHot <- function(x)
values[["hot"]] <<- x
DF <- data.frame(val = 1:10, bool = TRUE, big = LETTERS[1:10],
small = letters[1:10],
dt = seq(from = Sys.Date(), by = "days", length.out = 10),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("saveBtn", "Save changes")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
input$saveBtn # update dataframe file each time the button is pressed
if (!is.null(values[["hot"]])) { # if there's a table input
DF <<- values$hot
if (!is.null(input$hot)){
DF <- (hot_to_r(input$hot))
output$hot <- renderRHandsontable({
rhandsontable(DF) %>% # actual rhandsontable object
hot_table(highlightCol = TRUE, highlightRow = TRUE, readOnly = TRUE) %>%
hot_col("big", readOnly = FALSE) %>%
hot_col("small", readOnly = FALSE)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
However, I don't like my solution on the part of DF <<- values$hot as I previously had problems with saving changes to the global environment. I've couldn't figure it out any other way, though.
It seems to be accessible now via input$NAME_OF_rHandsontableOutput and can be converted to a data.frame via hot_to_r().
Reproducible example:
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$hottable <- renderRHandsontable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
I was able to accomplish this with a more simple solution for saving data while the app is open and after it is closed for shiny 1.7++
Create an observe event dependent upon a save button clicked at any point when the app is open. I've scaled this method in more complex apps where you have a selectizeinput for swapping in and out different data frames into the rhandsontable, each of which are edited, saved and recalled while the app is open.
In the server:
observeEvent(input$save, { #button is the name of the save button, change as needed
df <<- hot_to_r(input$rhandsontable) #replace rhandsontable with the name of your own
}) #df is the data frame that have it access when the app starts
In the UI:
actionButton("save","Save Edits")
I don't know what you want to recover exactly, but this seems to work:
DF <- rhandsontable(DF, rowHeaders = NULL)
If you are using Shiny then input$table$changes$changes can give you the edited value with row and column index. Below is the code if you want to update only specific cell and not the complete table using hot_to_t().
DF = data.frame(val = 1:10, bool = TRUE, big = LETTERS[1:10],
small = letters[1:10],
dt = seq(from = Sys.Date(), by = "days", length.out = 10),
stringsAsFactors = F)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output) {
X = reactiveValues(data = DF)
output$table <- rhandsontable::renderRHandsontable({
rhandsontable(X$data, rowHeaders = NULL)
row = input$table$changes$changes[[1]][[1]]
col = input$table$changes$changes[[1]][[2]]
value = input$table$changes$changes[[1]][[4]]
X$data[row,col] = value
shinyApp(ui, server)
Here's an example from related post How to add columns to a data frame rendered with rhandsontable in R Shiny with an action button?, which started with Tonio Liebrand's solution above but rendered reactively with columns added by the user via action button so you can see the table evolve and see how manual edits to the table stick around:
myDF <- data.frame(x = c(1, 2, 3))
ui <- fluidPage(rHandsontableOutput('hottable'),
actionButton('addCol', 'Add'))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
EmptyTbl <- reactiveVal(myDF)
observeEvent(input$hottable, {
output$hottable <- renderRHandsontable({
observeEvent(input$addCol, {
newCol <- data.frame(c(1, 2, 3))
names(newCol) <- paste("Col", ncol(hot_to_r(input$hottable)) + 1)
EmptyTbl(cbind(EmptyTbl(), newCol))
shinyApp(ui, server)
