subsetting zipcodes from shapefile and plotting in R - r

I have a Census Shapefile of the United States by ZCTA. Am only interested in plotting NY. I can read in the whole shapefile and plot only NY by limiting the longitude and latitude but it takes a long time and R keeps crashing.
Instead, I'd like to reduce to only zipcodes in NY. I'm reading in the shapefile, converting to dataframe and then subsetting to the zipcodes/ZCTAs in NY. When I plot the result, however, it's not a full map. Is this the right approach? My R code and plot are below:
### read in the ZCTA shapefile for US
us_modzcta <- "Data/us_zcta/tl_2018_us_zcta510.shp"
us <- shapefile(us_modzcta)
## convert to dataframe
us_df <- fortify(us,region="ZCTA5CE10")
## subset - keep only zip codes in NY - starts with 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
ny_df <- us_df[which(startsWith(us_df$id,c("11","12","13","10","14"))),]
p<- plot(ny_df)

Why so complicated path via raster and ggplot2? Please have a look on sf package:
us_modzcta <- "census/tl_2018_us_zcta510.shp"
ny <- st_read(us_modzcta) |>
filter(grepl("^1[0-4]", ZCTA5CE10))
Created on 2022-03-05 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


Convert a column value(s) in SpatialpolygonDataframe into raster image

I need help with converting a variable or column values in a spatial polygon into a raster image. I have spatial data of administrative units with income(mean) information for each unit. I want to convert this information into raster for further analysis.
I tried the code below but it didn't work.
r <- raster(ncol=5,nrow=15) <- rasterize(DK,r,field=DK#data[,2],fun=mean)
Where SP is the spatial polygon and the mean income for each spatial unit stored in column 2 of the SpatialPolygonDataframe. Can anyone help with a function or code of how to rasterise the values in the column of interest? An example of the spatialpolygondataframe (created) and my attempt to rasterize the data are below
url = ""
geofile = tempfile()
download.file(url, geofile)
DK <- rgdal::readOGR(geofile)
DK#data = subset(DK#data, select = c(navn))
DK#data$inc = runif(11, min=5000, max=80000)
r <- raster(ncol=5,nrow=15) <- rasterize(DK,r,field=DK#data[,2],fun=mean)
Thank you.
Acknowledgement: The code for creating the sample SPDF was sourced from Mikkel Freltoft Krogsholm (link below).
Here's something that makes a raster.
url <- ""
geofile <- tempfile()
download.file(url, geofile)
DK <- rgdal::readOGR(geofile)
r_dk <- raster(DK, nrows = 100, ncols = 100) # Make a raster of the same size as the spatial polygon with many cells
DK$inc <- runif(nrow(DK), min=5000, max=80000) # Add some fake income data
rr <- rasterize(DK, r_dk, field='inc') # Rasterize the polygon into the raster - fun = 'mean' won't make any difference
The original raster was the size of the whole Earth so I think Denmark was being averaged to nothing. I resolved this by making an empty raster based on the extent of the DK spatial polygons with 100x100 cells. I also simplified the code. Generally, if you find yourself using # with spatial data manipulation, it's a sign that there might be a simpler way. Because the resolution of the raster is much larger than the size of each DK region, taking the average doesn't make much difference.

Quadrats in Spatstat

I am now doing exploratory analysis and the objective is to plot a quadrat map, determine if there exists complete spatial randomness (visually and using chi-square test), etc. However, I am having trouble plotting a quadrat map. I previously asked this question that led me to reproject my data.
Here is my code:
library(rgdal) #Brings Spatial Data in R
library(spatstat) # Spatial Statistics
# Load nyc zip code boundary polygon shapefile
s <- readOGR("/Users/my_name/Documents/fproject/zip","zip")
nyc <- as(s,"owin")
### OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
#Source: "/Users/my_name/Documents/project/zip", layer: "zip"
#with 263 features
# Load nyc arrests point feature shapefile
s <- readOGR("/Users/my_name/Documents/project/nycarrests/","geo1")
### OGR data source with driver: ESRI Shapefile
#Source: "/Users/my_name/Documents/project/nycarrests", layer: "geo1"
#with 103376 features
#It has 19 fields
#Converting the dataset into a point pattern
utm <- "+proj=utm +zone=32 +datum=WGS84"
x <- spTransform(s,utm)
arrests <- as(x,"ppp")
marks(arrests) <- NULL
Window(arrests) <- nyc
plot(arrests, main="2020", cols="dark green",pch=20)
### Quadrat density 2020
Q <- quadratcount(arrests, nx= 3, ny=3)
plot(arrests, pch=20, cols="grey70", main="2020") # Plot points
plot(Q, main="2020", add=TRUE) # Add quadrat grid
Here, my data points are constrained by NYC zip code boundaries, but they do not show up on my map. What can I do to fix this?
You are not providing much information. For example you could show (print) s (each time), or crs(s) (both with the raster package loaded)
Either way, it is almost certainly because the coordinate reference systems you are using are not the same. You change one to "UTM zone 21", but you do not change the others. They are probably different. Also, zone 21 is not appropriate for New York.

Extract BC census shapefile

I have downloaded the Canada census level polygon shapefiles strong text ( and imported into R using readOGR function from rgdal package.
However, I am struggling to extract the shapefiles specifically from British Columbia. I have used some of the previous explanations to extract my US state zip codes with success (Choropleth Maps in R - TIGER Shapefile issue).
I need assistance in extracting the BC shapefiles.
I don't know which Geographic area or water feature you have selected from that website. I have downloaded the Digital Boundary File of Provinces/territories. I have read and subsetted British Columbia shapefile using following command
df <- readOGR(dsn = "C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\gpr_000a11a_e", layer = "gpr_000a11a_e")
#To see the data head
#To see a particular column of the shapefile
#Subsetting British Columbia from the shapefile
BC = subset(df, PRENAME=="British Columbia")
#Plotting it

rworldmap coordinates, how to match NetCDF data to the map?

Rworldmap looks like exactly what I need for mapping climate data, but I'm having a problem lining up the base map with the climate data. What I am mapping is ocean temperature data from JAMSTEC for August, 2015 from here:
The dataset name is The R script I'm using is below. The country outlines are fine, but the data is for the oceans only and the data does not show in the oceans it is offset somehow. Can you tell me how to align the data to the map?
I've read lots of articles but I cannot tell how to align the two. The data I have is longitude and latitude. South latitude is negative and west longitude is negative, I don't see how they could be confused. How is the map shown, is there some sort of special convention for the lat/longs?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
The code:
library (classInt)
fname <- "G:/Climate_Change/Ocean_Warming/MOAA_GPV_Jamstec_Temperature/"
moaa <-
# moaa
#TOI is the temperature array extracted from the NCDF file
TOI =,"TOI",start=c(1,1,1),count=c(360,132,25))
Lat =, "LATITUDE")
Pres =,"PRES")
# create grid
cellsize = c(abs(Long[1]-Long[2]),abs(Lat[1]-Lat[2]))
cells.dim = c(dim(Long), dim(Lat))
# create gt
gt <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=offset,cellsize=cellsize,cells.dim=cells.dim)
# create map window
# Create a color pallette
# Values at 2000 decibar for August 2015
ncMatrix <- TOI[,,25]
# Gridvalues
gridVals <-data.frame(att=as.vector(ncMatrix))
# create a spatialGridDataFrame
sGDF <-SpatialGridDataFrame(gt,data=gridVals)
# Vector to classify data
# plotting the map and getting params for legend
mapParams <- mapGriddedData( sGDF, nameColumnToPlot='att',catMethod=catMethod,colourPalette=colourPalette,addLegend=FALSE)
I finally figured it out. rworldmap wants the data organized from the upper left of the map(Northwest corner), that is Long = -180, Lat=90. The NetCDF data starts at Long=0 and Lat=-90(the middle of the map and south edge). So we have to reverse the values in the North-South direction:
# Flip the Latitude values so south is last
ncMatrix2 <- ncMatrix[,dim(Lat):1]
Then switch the values for east longitude and west longitude:
#Longitude values need to be from -180 to 0 then 0 to 180
# So we divide into East and West, then recombine with rbind
East_Long_values <-ncMatrix2[1:180,]
West_Long_Values <-ncMatrix2[181:360,]
ncMatrix3 <- rbind(West_Long_Values,East_Long_values)
Then everything else works.

How to block a part of the level plot in R made using lattice package?

I have made a level plot in R of a variable using the lattice package. This grid corresponds to South Asia. I am only interested in viewing the values of this variable (aerosol optical depth) for certain countries in South Asia. I have a dummy variable that takes the value 1 for the countries I am interested in and 0 otherwise. Is it possible for me to colour this part of the grid black or any other colour?
I cannot show the level plot as I am low on reputation with stackoverflow. (The pdf that was attached to the crossposted message to rhelp should now appear:)
Here is my R code:
levelplot(aod ~ longitude + latitude | factor(day), data = aod_Jan,
aspect="iso", contour = TRUE, layout=c(1,1))
Since you are using geographical data, maybe the raster package is useful for you. For example, let's display the altitude of France (download this zip file or use the raster::getData function). After you unzip the file:
fraAlt <- raster('FRA_alt')
plot(fraAlt) ## Not only France is displayed...
If you want to display only the altitude of France, you need the information of the boundaries: download this RData file (or use the raster::getData function). This RData contains a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame (named gadm) which can be converted to a Raster with:
mk <- rasterize(gadm, fraAlt)
Now you can mask the altitude raster with the boundaries:
fraAltMask <- mask(fraAlt, x)
plot(fraAltMask) ##Now only France is displayed
Finally, if you want to use lattice methods you need the rasterVis package:
Now, all together with the boundaries superimposed:
s <- stack(fraAlt, fraAltMask)
layerNames(s) <- c('Alt', 'AltMask')
boundaries <- as(gadm, 'SpatialLines')
levelplot(s) + layer(sp.lines(boundaries))
Use the subset argument to levelplot. Perhaps:
levelplot(aod ~ longitude + latitude | factor(day), data = aod_Jan, subset = dummy==1,
aspect="iso", contour = TRUE, layout=c(1,1))
