How to highlight brackets in bluefish? - bluefish

I'm using Bluefish on a Mac to write generic code (it's R but I just open Bluefish and start to type, I haven't told it what I am doing). The help says that Bluefish will:
"Highlighting matching block start and end markers (both brackets and tags)"
but it doesn't do this. So when I highlight a close bracket I'd like to see the open bracket highlighted above it. Under Document, Highlight Block Delimiters is ticked.
What am I doing wrong please?

It doesn't do it in plain text. You need to go Document, Language Mode and select a language (R is in the list).


If else for a new column [duplicate]

I am using the statement in R:
to set the working directory. It worked fine when I pasted the statement from someone else's R script but I received an error message:
Error: unexpected input in "setwd("".
when I entered the command directly or when I copied it from my script in a Word file.
It seems to be related to the fact that the double-quotes that I typed (that don't work) look a little slanted while the double-quotes in the pasted text (that work fine) look like they're straight up and down. Is there something I can do to type plain looking double-quotes instead of slanted double-quotes?
Word automatically replaces your double quotes with so-called smart quotes or curly quotes.
You need to use the regular/straight double quotes (") in r.
This support article explains how you can disable the automatic smart quote replacement in Word. In fairness though, Word is probably not the... um... ideal code editor.

How to represent markdown properly with escaping and line breaks?

I'm currently trying to build a chat app, using the official markdown package as well as underscore's escape function, and my template contains something like this:
<span class="message-content">
When I grab the text from the chat input box, I try to escape any HTML and then add in line breaks. safeText is then inserted into the database and displayed in the above template.
rawText = $("#chat-input-textbox").val();
safeText = _.escape(rawText).replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '\n');
The normal stuff like headings, italics, and bold looks okay. However, there are two major problems:
Code escape issue - With the following input:
This is _italics_!
Everything looks fine, except the alert('hello'); has become alert('hello'); instead. The <pre> blocks aren't rendering the escaped characters, which makes sense. But the problem is, the underscore JS escape function escapes everything.
SOLVED: Line break Issue - With the following input:
I get first second third being displayed with no line breaks. I understand this could be a markdown thing. Since I believe you need an empty line between paragraphs to get linebreaks in markdown. But having the above behaviour would be the most ideal, anyone know how to do this?
UPDATE Line break issue has been solved by adding an extra \n to my regex. So now I'm making sure that any line break will be represented with at least two \n characters (i.e. \n\n).
You should check the showdown docs and the wiki article they have on the topic.
The marked npm package, which is used by Telescope removes disallowed-tags. These include <script> of course. As the article I linked to above explains, there's still another problem with this:
<a href='javascript:alert("kidding! Im more the world domination kinda guy. Muhahahah")'>
click me for world peace!
Which isn't prevented by marked. I'd follow the advice of the author and use a HTML sanitation library. Like OWASP's ESAPI or Caja's html-sanitizer. Both of these project's seem outdated dough. I also found a showdown extension for it called showdown-xss-filter. So my advice is to write your own helper, and use showdown-xss-filter.

Why is a % symbol appearing in my standard output?

Sometimes I echo a string to the standard output (I see it at the Kubuntu console) and a trailing % symbol gets appended with it's colors inverted (black text on white background).
I can't find any accidental additional character (or half-baked-UTF8 or anything) in the string I'm printing. The character seems to get added when the program finishes.
I'm using Go (golang) right now, but I've already seen this in the past, and I think I was using PHP back then.
What could be causing this?
what shell are you using? sounds like what happens in zsh when there is no carriage return at the end of your output

Aptana: find and replace tabs (with spaces)

I am belatedly setting up Aptana to use four spaces instead of tabs. I've made the necessary changes to the preferences so every new tab inserts four spaces.
All the existing tabs remain, however, and so I get Mixed spaces and tab errors. How can you do a Replace all to fix this? I've tried ^t, <TAB> etc but it just searches for these as normal strings. What are the correct ways to specify a space and a tab?
I've found myself in similar situation and copying whole source code and repasting it helped me out. Just do as follow on your source code Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, then Del whole code and Ctrl+V it again. You will get only spaces if have set it in options like you mentioned above.
There's an option in the refactor source menu to convert between tabs and space-tabs.
This worked for me: Edit > Find/Replace... (CTRL+F), check Regular Expressions, type \t and type 4 spaces (I use 4 spaces for tab).

Teach Notepad++ to fold new multiline comment (R)

Can I teach Notepad++ that it should apply a fold whenever it sees a multi-line comment, where comments start with the hash mark and multi-line comments are hash marks on consecutive lines?
# This is a comment
# It continues on the next line
# and the next
# I want to fold this block
I submitted a fix to the R lexer to support multi-line comments. It includes the fix to source as well as a compiled SciLexer.dll for those who are eager to use this feature. Simply replace SciLexer.dll in the NPP folder with the one attached to the bug:
I've tested your multi-line comment with notepad++ 5.9.8 and it correctly fold as a single entity as long as there is a non-comment line between the comment groups and that the language selected has comments starting with '#' (eg: sh).
This seem to be language specific.
I've looked at the xml files that configure the behavior of notepad++ and it seem that this mechanic is hardcoded inside the program.
The author of the question has just added comment folding support for the R languange!
