Errors with Material UI AppBar - css

I am building a student project. I have tried several times to incorporate Material UI into my project but have had no success. For instance, I am attempting to add "App Bar with Menu" linked here. I have installed npm install #mui/material #emotion/react #emotion/styled #material-ui/icons in React, and copied the code exactly from MUI's example into its own component in my project, but am receiving the following errors:
Compiled with problems:
ERROR in ./src/components/MenuAppBar/MenuAppBar.js 12:0-48
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#mui/icons-material/Menu' in '/home/michael/flatiron/phase-5/project-template/frontend/src/components/MenuAppBar'
ERROR in ./src/components/MenuAppBar/MenuAppBar.js 13:0-62
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#mui/icons-material/AccountCircle' in '/home/michael/flatiron/phase-5/project-template/frontend/src/components/MenuAppBar'
What am I missing? I don't see any documentation on this AppBar that would tell me I have to install something other than what I've installed, and I pulled up three youtube videos which simply show the user copying the code into a component, as I've done.


Adding dependencies to the "ui" package of a Turborepo with Next.js throws Unexpected token 'export'

If you run
npx degit vercel/turbo/examples/with-react-native-web with-react-native-web
cd with-react-native-web
yarn install
To create a basic Turborepo that has a Nextjs application, a react-native mobile app with Expo and a ui package to share components between apps (there is a Button as an example already shared between the two apps), it works. But my ui package needs other dependencies, for example:
This is because the buttons that I want to render icons on my buttons. Once I install this dependency and try to use the button that has an icon, the Next.js app throws:
Unexpected token 'export'.
I understand this is because #fortawesome/react-native-fontawesome is using import/export syntax and needs to be transpiled to be used on the Next.js app, and I cannot make it work. I am trying to do this by adding this to my next.config.js:
transpilePackages: ['ui'],
I also tried using next-transpile-modules which i don't think is the right solution since next now supports what that package used to be for through transpilePackages
I also tried to specify that the ui package was "type": "module" but still, I am getting the same error.
How can you specify that those dependencies that belong to the ui package must be transpiled to be run by the browser?
I have checked the package #fortawesome/react-native-fontawesome
package.json of #fortawesome/react-native-fontawesome does not contain field "type": "module" but index.js contains:
export { default as FontAwesomeIcon } from './dist/components/FontAwesomeIcon'
therefore Next handles #fortawesome/react-native-fontawesome as non-ES module but this module contains export statement.
You mentioned transpilePackages field in next.config.js, so I think it may help with this issue (but pls check version of Next where transpilePackages appeared).

Using Azure static web app with a Quasar Project

I thought it would be pretty simple to host a vuejs quasar project in azure static web apps but I cannot even seem to do the build process from github to publish the website. I can do quasar dev and quasar serve locally and all works great. It is just the assets do not seem to load and trigger a build error for pushing to github/azure. My error comes out as follows:
[vite:asset] Could not load /github/workspace/src/assets/imgs/12.jpg (imported by src/components/HomeRecentWork.vue): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/github/workspace/src/assets/imgs/12.jpg'
triggerUncaughtException(err, true /* fromPromise */);
[Error: Could not load /github/workspace/src/assets/imgs/12.jpg (imported by src/components/HomeRecentWork.vue): ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/github/workspace/src/assets/imgs/12.jpg'] {
errno: -2,
syscall: 'open',
path: '/github/workspace/src/assets/imgs/12.jpg',
pluginCode: 'ENOENT',
plugin: 'vite:asset',
hook: 'load',
watchFiles: [
... 128 more items
Node.js v18.12.1
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
---End of Oryx build logs---
Oryx has failed to build the solution.
I have not found much info on doing a quasar project inside azure web apps so any advice would be helpful. All the tutorials I have found and gone through do not have these issues and I really do not have a complicated project that deviates from the standard quasar project.
the issue is actually my image paths. I am using with src="~assets/imgs/embroidery.jpg" where ~ must be an alias setup in quasar. Works for components in quasar but not for raw img tags. If i use a relative path like ../assets/imgs/filename.jpg it still draws an error on build. However, if i do /assets/imgs/filename.jpg and put the assets folder in public it works. I dont want to do this however so how should i put the paths for images in my components if not a vue-component per say?

Unable to create web-components by using vue-cli and vue3

I am trying to get web-components work inside vue3 project.
I did following steps. (Try to make super simple way)
I made a new project on vue-cli.
I chose vue3 preview.
After that I tried to execute script, which should generate web-components from existing project components.
vue-cli-service build --target wc-async 'src/components/*.vue'
I get following error:
error in ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue?vue&type=template&id=0dfd15f1&bindings={"label":"props"}?shadow
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/thread-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Thread Loader (Worker 0)
Unexpected token ? in JSON at position 17
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at Object.TemplateLoader (C:\git\vue-tests\footest\node_modules\vue-loader-v16\dist\templateLoader.js:37:154)
# ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue?vue&type=template&id=0dfd15f1&bindings={"label":"props"}?shadow 1:0-424 1:0-424
# ./src/components/HelloWorld.vue?shadow
# ./node_modules/#vue/cli-service/lib/commands/build/entry-wc.js
I tested this scenario with vue2 starting template and everything works. Is there something what I dont understand correctly or is it so that this is not working with vue3.

How to create web component using vue-cli

i want to create custom web component, so i can reuse this component to another project, it's work locally when i run yarn serve
and then i publish it to npm, but when i import it to another vue project i got this error
Github Page :
vue.js:634 [Vue warn]: Error in mounted hook: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'offsetHeight' of null"
found in
---> <PointTable>
anyone can help ? i don't know where is the mistake

How to load a QML plugin like a dependency for another QML plugin?

I have 2 QML Plugins: icL.Look and icL.Editor, the second depend by the first. If I exclude the dependency all are working OK. But I need it. So when I run the app I get the next error
qrc:/windows/start-window.qml:5 plugin cannot be loaded for module
"icL.Editor": unable to load library /path/
(/path/ undefined symbol: _ZN3icL4look5Chars5clineE)
21:52:20: The program has unexpectedly finished.
icL.look.Chars.cline is a static field.
Do you have some idea?
