How to add buttons on top of an image, like waypoints on a map [WORDPRESS] - wordpress

I’m new to wordpress therefore I’m not aware of all the capabilities of this tool, but I wanted to know how do I add buttons on top of an image, much like the waypoints you normally see in maps in museums or even video-games. It is something that I am having trouble recreating and I would need some help with that.
Here is an example but of course, with less buttons than what it is actually shown here.
Also, before I forget to mention, thank you to all those who try to help me.
(This is a repost from my original topic in the wordpress forums, you can find it here.)


Display Optional Content for AdBlock Users on WordPress

I am trying to set up some sort of conditional, non-intrusive text box that shows up only for people using AdBlock. I am adamantly and emphatically opposed to popups or locking the content of my website to AdBlock users. I simply want to have a small section of plain text show up that says, “Hey, you! Before you read on, we ask that you consider whitelisting us on AdBlock. (etc. etc. etc.)”. I want people to be able to scroll past it without issue and not have their experience with my website be impacted if they choose not to whitelist me; I'm not out to coerce anyone or annoy anyone, I just want to make my case, in brief, that I don't run obstructive, malware-filled ads and it would be great if they supported me. And I don't want it to show up if someone doesn't have Adblock enabled.
I'm not very savvy with HTML, but if someone can clearly instruct me where exactly to put some code in to my website, I would be open to an option that involves editing my website's code. Otherwise, a plugin that I've overlooked would be really helpful. I've looked around but most of what I've found is something that puts a giant sticky on the page to obstruct peoples' view until they whitelist. Again, I don't want that. That is exactly the reason people got AdBlock to begin with. People who use such countermeasures are fundamentally missing the point. (/rant)
Thanks in advance!
Use this plugin.
Read this article:-
Hope its working for you. try this and let me know

Opencart Custum Layout

Good afternoon
Is there anyone who can help me.
I have been trying for a while, but i do not get it done.
I use OpenCart and would like a different kind of Layout.
I would like to select per banner whether it is left, center or right.
As soon as I choose left or right, this applies to the entire page.
Here is a layout I want:
This is what I want.
Can anybody help me with the code? And with file to edit.
I can guide you to a HTML/CSS/LESS code I have built and you can take an example from that should you wish.
I used, and the npm package less-watch-compiler.
Also check this video out on how to create a custom theme on Open cart:
Let me know if you need help understanding it.
I think You have to modify controller and pass data to twig.
after modify twig file code according to your need.

Needing guidance on image preview for wordpress

Hey guys I am needing some guidance on what this kind of image feature is called. I tried googling around but cant seem to find the correct name of the image feature. Its where there a bunch of small images surround a bigger image and when a smaller image is selected or hovered over then it will be shown on the bigger image place as seen here.
I am trying to add this feature into a clients website in wordpress but dont know the correct term to look for or if a plugin exists that allows me to do this sort of thing in wordpress.
Thank you all for your time!

Updating Custom Interactive Map

I'm running into an issue. I'm trying to rewrite an old flash/xml map using CSS. I have a big jpg of the map, which is the background. I'm able to lay the icons out, where they need to be.
The problem I'm having is centering the whole thing on the page. Ideally, the map would be centered and the user would be able to click and drag the background image to look at the various sections, the way Google Maps or something works.
How can I do this, or what is this effect called, so I can google it more in depth. Searching "map" at all gives results about customizing Google Maps. Which isn't what I'm trying to do. I'm thinking it'll involve absolute positioning and and viewports, but I don't know exactly how to code it.
Should I just make a frame?
It looks like Leaflet will probably solve the problem.

Floatbox (lightbox) Gallery Order and Isotope

Although this question is specific to Floatbox (, this issue would be generic to most image gallery light-boxes.
I need Floatbox to be able to show my image galleries per Isotope's reordering of page elements; e.g. div - thumbs. For what Isotope does please see .
The problem is that plugins, like Floatbox, get their page order of elements (thumbnails) off of the initial div's on the page. From what I can understand of Isotope, it doesn't actually rewrite the HTML to allow scripts like Floatbox to the read/parse the new order of displayed thumbnails.
I only have a very black box understanding of jQuery so I suppose I am asking if there is a way to rewrite the page such that scripts like Floatbox can then be called to parse them in Isotopes new 'displayed' order.
I have hunted everywhere for a solution, but I cannot even find much in the way of anyone asking this question. That seems odd as this affects everyone who uses a Masonry/Isotope and lightbox combo ~ being able to advance via a lightbox in the newly sorted order instead of the original page order.
For what it's worth, the site with the galleries I am working on is leo labelle dot com.
PS - I posted a similar question to the creator of Floatbox and unfortunately his best solution was to rewrite the pages in each possible order . . . yikes!!!!
Regardless of a solution - A huge thanks for any suggestions!
