"The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid" Using firebase - firebase

Firebase tells me to do this:
So I did
But I'm still getting this error "The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid"
I feel like I've followed instructions exactly but it's still not working. I have no idea how to debug this further. Any suggestions?
Here is my frontend code where I call signIn
let provider = new firebase.auth.OAuthProvider("microsoft.com");
I changed the url to my custom domain and it seemed to be working but now I'm getting Error getting verification code from microsoft.com response: proof key for code exchange is required for cross-origin

For some reason Firebase decided to change the url where it handled auth. Instead of using the .firebaseapp.com/__/auth/handler url, it is using my actual custom domain. Though I don't really understand why this would happen...?
The Error getting verification code from microsoft.com response: proof key for code exchange is required for cross-origin was happening because I had configured an SPA on Azure instead of a Web platform.


How to fix "invalid return_url" error when creating oauth token for Trello with httr?

I want to manage my Trello cards and boards using the trelloR package but when I try to create a token with the get_token function, I get an error message on my browser : "Invalid return_url".
my_token <- get_token(key = my_key, secret = my_secret)
my_key is my personal Trello API key and my_secret is my OAuth secret. I got them on the Trello page that gives you your authentication codes, after login : https://trello.com/app-key
To use the Trello API and to access to boards, I need a token. This token is generated with OAuth1.0 by the httr package. Indeed, the function get_token do something like this, according to Jakub Chromec, author and maintainer of trelloR here :
trello.app = httr::oauth_app(
appname = "trello-app",
key = my_key,
secret = my_secret)
trello.urls = httr::oauth_endpoint(
request = "OAuthGetRequestToken",
authorize ="OAuthAuthorizeToken?scope=read&expiration=30days&name=trello-app",
access = "OAuthGetAccessToken",
base_url = "https://trello.com/1")
endpoint = trello.urls,
app = trello.app)
When I execute this code or the function get_token with my personal key and secret, I am redirected to my browser, which is normal. As described on this page, a screen should appear asking me to allow authentication. But instead I just have an error message in the browser : "Invalid return_url".
In the RStudio console, this remains displayed :
> my_token <- get_token(my_key, my_secret)
Waiting for authentication in browser...
Press Esc/Ctrl + C to abort
I'm using httr 1.4.1, curl 4.2 and trelloR 0.6.0 with R 3.6.1 under macOS 10.15.
Some people reported the problem started after the introduction of Allowed Origins and they were able to fix it by adding the following origin:
on the appkey page. This is a bit surprising to me as the default * should cover all origins, but there you go.
Trying this today (11/23/2019), I could not get wildcards to work as Allowed Origins. You should specify the domain of where you are running the call for authorization.
One source of confusion: The comments under "Allowed Origins" on https://trello.com/app-key refer to sites that "your application is allowed to redirect back to following the authorization flow." That was a bit confusing to me. The list should include sites you want to redirect back to IN ADDITION TO the sites you are calling Trello.authorize() from.
If you are thinking "I don't need a redirect" (and, in fact, if you are using client.js, I don't think you can specify a redirect), then those comments under "Allowed Origins" could lead you to believe you don't need to specify anything there. That would be incorrect.
Summary: Even if you want NO post-authorization re-direct, you still have to list an ORIGIN.
Also, you cannot specify file:// in Allowed Origins, so you cannot run your javascript off a local file.

"No route found" error with Asana Connect

As per this, I'm trying to use the code received from the authorization endpoint to exchange for a token, using the Authorization Code Grant flow. I first issue this call:
(I admit I don't know how the 'state' param should be used - the documentation doesn't clarify this, and it's required; also, my app is not web-based so the value for the redirect URL is auto-generated on the Developer App Management page for my app)
That gives me this code (slightly obfuscated): 0/12341234fd6ccf6d168420f7f8600c93
Which I then use for this call:
Which unfortunately returns "No route found" instead of the token I need. What am I doing wrong?
It has to be a POST. I was using a GET call.

Gravity Forms API always 401

I am trying to use the gravity forms rest api, https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/web-api/ but I receive a 401 error no matter what I try. I've tried using all the methods listed in the documentation and in Steven Henty's article, https://www.stevenhenty.com/gravity-forms-api/ but it doesn't seem to work.
If I am logged into a wordpress site as administrator should I not be able to use a link like:
Thank you for any suggestions.
For mine case it was that I haven't clicked the update button "Web API" Tab.
Make sure you click update button , although it does show the API Key's but still you have to click update button to enable API.
I was getting the same thing due to some weirdness about the route endpoint. When calculating the signature you don't use a trailing slash on the route: forms/1.
But you do use a trailing slash in the URL (otherwise I got a 301 Moved Permanently):
It looks odd to have /?api_key... but that is what works for me.
Here's the ruby example I was using with the demo credentials:
GravityFormsAPI.generate_URL(site: 'demo.gravityforms.com', route: 'forms/1', public_api_key: '5b225f8382', private_api_key: 'fc6d1bc71d2ebfc')
Hope this helps.
Sometimes i received intermittent 401 error after a lot of research i find this article
Azure DocumentDB Intermittent 401 error when querying REST API via Obj-c
If the signature contains + sign i received 401 error
Maybe that help other person
Sorry for my english writing
Based on the solution here I'm posting this answer.Imagine you have created the URL and it didn't work and you got 401. Then after a little time you realized the error that Opps! The parameters I was passing needed a bracket and you run the code again and you again got 401.
Why is that?
This is because the parameters which are apiKey, Signature and Expire time are the same and you only changed the other parameters with your GET request. However these three parameters are used to authenticate the user so that means the old signature which was generated to deny the permission will deny it again no matter what.
So to fix that I just changed the expire time from 1577922200 to 1577933200. I could've changed it to anything but the thing is I just need to give something new so that a new signature can be generated. So when I changed it started working.
OTHER POSSIBLE REASONWhile making the signature using SHA1 you use NSString *string_to_sign = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#:%#:%#:%#",api_key,http_method,route,expires];
as per the documentation. But in order to make CCHmac you have to pass it two things:
and based on the link it is created as
const char *cKey = [api_private_key cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
const char *cData = [string_to_sign cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding];
So what I was mistaking is that I was using API Key in cKey instead of API Private Key. So I change it as per tutorial said and it worked. Otherwise I was getting 401 not matter what I try.

send grid & parse 502 Bad Gateway with nginx

I am trying to migrate my parse application over to digital ocean and followed this guide :
Everything works perfectly fine until I get to the very end Test Parse Server ( Executing Example Cloud Code ) section
I tested the cloud code for the sample cloud code that was provided in the tutorial :
Parse.Cloud.define('hello', function(req, res) {
so I got a Hi back in my browser as well as in postman.
See image here : https://cloudup.com/cH2dbBx1KTo

Then I test the function that uses sendgrid's service to send emails (http://blog.parse.com/announcements/introducing-the-sendgrid-cloud-module/), my cloud code file looks like this :
see image : https://cloudup.com/cD6MNRP3Tft
and now I try to run my post request from postman and I get an error even on my hello function that was working before
See image : https://cloudup.com/cIkwJ6552_5
So I look around and figure out that its an issue with my sendgrid import
var sendgrid = require("sendgrid");
sendgrid.initialize(“xxxxxx”, “xxxxx.”);
in these lines.
does anyone have any experience with digital ocean cloud code and send grid emailing service please help me out I will be grateful as this is the last step left and I will be done with my migration :)
you have to specify server URL in parse config file. It is required and could be the reason why you cant run cloud code.
"PARSE_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:1337/parse"
The url has be the same what you are using. There is also error in Nginx config in that tutorial, I explained it here https://serverfault.com/questions/765627/cannot-post-get-over-ssl/766428#766428
So I looked up at pm2 and to see real-time logs the command is
pm2 logs
at first when I ran the command I saw some errors, maybe they were there from before :
Then I tried the hello cloud function from postman app to test for its output in pm2 logs and I got the following :
Next I try to run my sendMail sendgrid function and I find out the the api-key I had used in my sendgrid function was throwing an error
ReferenceError: XXXXXXXXXXXX is not defined
So I went back to my cloud code and used quotes around my api-key parameter and passed it as a string in my send grid initialize function. Then I retry and get
[Error: The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked]
So I went back to my sendgrid account and made sure that the api-key I was using was the correct one and it seemed to be just fine. I tested again and got the same error again so I decided to generate a new api-key just in case.
So I realize that I was not using the api-key but instead API KEY ID :
When we create a new api-key on sendgrid they give us the actual api key once and they ask us to store it in some secure place :
We can only display the key above one time. Please store it somewhere safe because as soon as you navigate away from this page, we will not be able to retrieve or restore this generated token.
So after I used an actual api-key I was able to send emails 😃
But one small issue still remains and I am not sure if its because of postman that I am using to run cloud code or something in the parse server or nginx that is still returning me with a 502 Bad Gateway as a response
But when I look at the logs for my parse server I do see a
parse-wrapper-0 { message: 'success' }
but it never gets back to me in my postman and instead I am getting a 502 error not sure why but the emails are being sent succesfully :)

I have registered app_id and app_key giving me this "error"Unauthorized","error_description":"Unauthorized. Th

for HERE REST api I have registered app_id and app_key and appended them in url but it is giving me this "error"Unauthorized","error_description":"Unauthorized. The request is not from an authorized source "
Also, the FAQs page mentions the following:
How do I generate an app_id and app_code for my application?
To generate an app_id and app_code for an application, you need to
sign in then go to https://developer.here.com/plans to select and
register for the appropriate plan.
At the final step in the registration process, an app_id and app_code
is automatically generated for your application.
Please note, it can take up to an hour for a new app_id to be whitelisted against all services.
So if you had just created your credentials when you got this error, you may want to try again.
Looking back at the error I received when I attempted to access the API, however, I got the following response:
{"details":"invalid credentials for I5zJljd5cZyOx5SyROKT","additionalData":[],"type":"PermissionError","subtype":"InvalidCredentials"}
So it may be that Jason's comment above is more appropriate but I'll leave this answer for other users who may come searching after creating new credentials.
A good way to check your credentials would be to make a valid URL call to any of the REST APIs - e.g. the Geocoder API: https://geocoder.cit.api.here.com/6.2/geocode.json?searchtext=London&app_id={YO‌​UR_APP_ID}&app_code={YOUR_APP_CODE} - it gives an error response for an invalid pair.
As mentioned in the answer : Need separate credentials for WSE API? - you may need to request additional access for the HERE Platform extensions
selfservesupport#here.com here is the support. Describe ur problem and attach an snapshot where you get error at what request. (URL)
