I'm struggling to update a reactive variable, that is created with eventReactive(), in an observeEvent() with new data.
The background is following: I have a data.frame df with some variables (x and y) and number of observations depending on the selected city (created randomly for this example).
x and y are initialized with zeros.
Because I need to further process df, I pass df to city_df in an eventReactive().
So far, so good. Next, I want to add new data to city_df. The computation of this new data is dependent on the "compute" actionButton (input$compute), wherefore I update city_df in an observeEvent(). I manage to read the data stored in city_df, but I am struggling to overwrite its content.
Actually, I am a bit unsure if this is possible at all, but I hope that some of you could give me a hint on how to update the reactive variable city_df with the new data in this observeEvent() and have its output evaluated in the app(?).
# global variables
cities <- c("Nairobi", "Kansas", "Uppsala", "Sangon", "Auckland", "Temuco")
# ui
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("city", "Select city",
choices = cities,
selected = sample(cities,
size = 1)
# server
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# create variable
city_df <- eventReactive(input$city, {
len <- round(runif(1, 20, 50), 0)
df <- data.frame(city = rep(input$city, len))
# initialize x and y with zeros
df <- cbind(df,
data.frame(x = rep.int(0, len),
y = rep.int(0, len)))
output$the_city <- renderText({
observeEvent(input$compute, {
# grab data
test <- city_df()
# compute new data
test$x <- runif(dim(test)[1], 11, 12)
test$y <- runif(dim(test)[1], 100, 1000)
# and how to send this values back to city_df?
# run app
shinyApp(ui, server)
The actual app is far more complex--so forgive me if this MWE app seems a bit overly complicated to achieve this usually simple task (I hope I managed to represent the more complex case in the MWE).
Instead of a data.frame, I am parsing layers of a GeoPackage and append some variables initialized with zeros. The selected layer is displayed in a Leaflet map. On pressing the "compute" button, a function computes new data that I wish to add to the layer to then have it displayed on the map.
The alternative solution I have on mind is to write the new data to the GeoPackage and then, reread the layer. However, I would appreciate if I could avoid this detour as loading the layer takes some time...
Many thanks :)
Rather than using an eventReactive, if you use a proper reactiveVal, then you can change the value whenever you like. Here's what that would look like
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# create variable
city_df <- reactiveVal(NULL)
observeEvent(input$city, {
len <- round(runif(1, 20, 50), 0)
df <- data.frame(city = rep(input$city, len))
# initialize x and y with zeros
df <- cbind(df,
data.frame(x = rep.int(0, len),
y = rep.int(0, len)))
output$the_city <- renderText({
observeEvent(input$compute, {
# grab data
test <- city_df()
test$x <- runif(dim(test)[1], 11, 12)
test$y <- runif(dim(test)[1], 100, 1000)
So calling city_df() get the current value and calling city_df(newval) updates the variable with a new value. We just swap out the eventReactive with observeEvent and do the updating ourselves.
I am trying to get my head around RShiny by building what I thought would be a pretty simple but useful app. What I would like the app to do is allow the user to input some data made up of dates, numeric, and characters. Then when the user presses a save/submit button this data is appended onto a pre-existing data frame made up of previous recordings and over write the .csv of these recordings. I would also like this data to be presented to the users in the form of a table in the UI which is updated as soon as the user presses the save/submit button.
I have managed to get the majority of the UI features working, however, I am having real difficulty 1) saving the data in the correct format and 2) updating the table displayed on the UI. My current method of saving the data involves creating an isolated list of the input values and rbinding this to the original data frame. However, the formats of the input values appear to all revert to factors which is especially problematic with the date as the output is meaningless as far as I am aware. In terms of updating the UI I have attempted to create a reactive object out of the data frame and use this object as the data displayed in renderDataTable but this approach seems to have no affect.
I have created a dummy minimal example below.
Thank you for all your help in advance.
#Would import the data in reality using read.csv() but to allow for an easily
#recreated example I made a dummy data frame
DateRecorded <- dmy(c("10/07/2018", "11/07/2018", "13/07/2018"))
Value <- c(1, 2, 3)
Person <- c("Bob", "Amy", "Charlotte")
df <- data.frame(DateRecorded, Value, Person)
ui <- fluidPage(
#UI Inputs
dateInput(inputId = "SessionDate", label = "Date Recorded", format = "dd-mm-yyyy"),
numericInput(inputId = "SessionValue", label = "Value Recorded", value = 0),
textInput(inputId = "SessionPerson", label = "Person Recording"),
actionButton(inputId = "Save", label = "Save"),
#UI Outputs
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
#When "Save" is pressed should append data to df and export
observeEvent(input$Save, {
newLine <- isolate(c(input$SessionDate, input$SessionValue, input$SessionPerson))
isolate(df <- rbind(as.matrix(df), unlist(newLine)))
write.csv(df, "ExampleDataFrame.csv") #This export works but the date is saved incorrectly as "17729" not sure why
#Create a reactive dataset to allow for easy updating
ReactiveDf <- reactive({
#Create the table of all the data
output$TheData <- renderDataTable({
#Create the totals print outs
output$TotRecorded <- renderPrint({
data <- ReactiveDf()
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I made some small tweaks.
You do not need isolate in the body of the observeEvent; it does not take a reactive dependency to values in its body.
I made ReactiveDf a reactiveVal instead of a reactive. This allows you to write its value from inside an observeEvent.
Instead of rowbinding a matrix and unlisting a list - the issue is that all the new values are parsed to the same class, while they are obviously not - it might be easier to rbind two data.frames, so create the newLine with newLine <- data.frame(DateRecorded = input$SessionDate, Value = input$SessionValue, Person = input$SessionPerson)
So a working example would be as shown below. Hope this helps!
#Would import the data in reality using read.csv() but to allow for an easily
#recreated example I made a dummy data frame
DateRecorded <- dmy(c("10/07/2018", "11/07/2018", "13/07/2018"))
Value <- c(1, 2, 3)
Person <- c("Bob", "Amy", "Charlotte")
df <- data.frame(DateRecorded, Value, Person)
ui <- fluidPage(
#UI Inputs
dateInput(inputId = "SessionDate", label = "Date Recorded", format = "dd-mm-yyyy"),
numericInput(inputId = "SessionValue", label = "Value Recorded", value = 0),
textInput(inputId = "SessionPerson", label = "Person Recording"),
actionButton(inputId = "Save", label = "Save"),
#UI Outputs
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
server <- function(input, output) {
#When "Save" is pressed should append data to df and export
observeEvent(input$Save, {
newLine <- data.frame(DateRecorded = input$SessionDate, Value = input$SessionValue, Person = input$SessionPerson)
df <- rbind(df, newLine)
ReactiveDf(df) # set reactiveVal's value.
write.csv(df, "ExampleDataFrame.csv") #This export works but the date is saved incorrectly as "17729" not sure why
#Create a reactive dataset to allow for easy updating
ReactiveDf <- reactiveVal(df)
#Create the table of all the data
output$TheData <- renderDataTable({
#Create the totals print outs
output$TotRecorded <- renderPrint({
data <- ReactiveDf()
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
within the server for my shinyApp, I created a dataframe based on the inputs. However, I want to add a new column that utilizes two of the columns of that dataframe.
server <- function(input, output, session) {
l.out <- reactive({
BatchGetSymbols(tickers = input$stock,
first.date = Sys.Date() - as.integer(input$length),
last.date = Sys.Date())
stock_info <- reactive({
stock_info()$return <- reactive({
rep(0, length(stock_info()$ref.date))
stock_info()$return <- reactive({
for (i in 2:length(stock_info()$ref.date)){
stock_info()$return[i] <- ((stock_info()$price.close[i] -
stock_info()$price.close[i - 1]) / stock_info$price.close[i - 1])
I have tried it like this, and it works up until I try to create stock_info()$return, where I keep getting the error that NULL left assignment.
Any tips?
I'm not familiar with the BatchGetSymbols package, but the concepts in the example below should be applicable for your use case as well.
First things first, for lack of an elegant way to say this, I'm pretty sure the expression...
stock_info()$return <- reactive({
rep(0, length(stock_info()$ref.date))
...just isn't really how shiny reactive objects and the associated syntax work.
It looks like you could simplify your code a lot by condensing a bunch of your intermediate steps into a single expression. If you only have one set of reactive data you will use in all of your outputs, this might be a more straight forward approach.
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput('length', 'length', min = 1, max = 10, value = 5),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## This will update whenever either input$length or input$stock change
stock_info <- reactive({
length <- as.integer(input$length)
temp_stock_info <- data.frame(stock = input$stock,
foo = seq_len(length),
bar = rnorm(length))
temp_stock_info$baz <- paste("xxx",length)
## Return an output
output$my_table <- renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
However, if you are using the intermediate object l.out for a variety of end outputs, it might make sense to make it a reactive object of it's own. Then, we can update l.out whenever a relevant input changes, and then use that intermediate variable to cascade updates through the other downstream reactives.
In addition, we can update downstream reactive objects like stock_info based on other conditions that don't affect l.out without re-running l.out every time.
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput('length', 'length', min = 1, max = 100, value = 50),
sliderInput('displayLength', 'displayLength', min = 1, max = 20, value = 5),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
## l.out will change with input$length and input$stock
## but NOT input$displayLength
l.out <- reactive({
data.frame(stock = input$stock,
foo = rnorm(input$length),
l.out_update_time = Sys.time())
## stock_info will update whenever l.out changes or the displayLength changes.
## l.out will NOT be updated if only input$displayLength changes
stock_info <- reactive({
tmp_stock_info <- head(x = l.out(), n = input$displayLength)
tmp_stock_info$stock_info_update_time <- Sys.time()
## Return an output
output$my_table <- renderDataTable({
shinyApp(ui, server)
Say I have a data frame called summarized which includes the columns TY_COMP and LY_COMP (among others). I could write a function in R that performs a calculation on TY_COMP and LY_COMP and creates a new column called cac in the data frame like this:
summarized$cac <- summarized$TY_COMP/summarized$LY_COMP-1
cac is now a new column in the summarized data frame.
Now say that summarized() is a reactive data frame with the same columns.
How could I achieve the effect done in the non-reactive data frame, i.e. create a new column within the current frame? Or how would I get the same effect?
I tried:
summarized$cac <- reactive({summarized()$TY_COMP/summarized()$LY_COMP-1})
I reckon you want to modify a reactive when for example an actionButton is clicked. For this purpose I would use reactiveValues. You can modify reactiveValue inside of observers such as observe or observeEvent.
Check out this simple example:
summarized <- data.frame(id = 1:20, group = letters[1:4], TY_COMP = runif(20), LY_COMP = runif(20))
ui <- fluidPage(
actionButton("btn", "Add the 'cac' column to summarized")
server <- function(input, output){
rv <- reactiveValues(summarized = summarized)
output$text <- renderPrint(rv$summarized)
observeEvent(input$btn, {
rv$summarized$cac <- summarized$TY_COMP / summarized$LY_COMP - 1
summarized_mod <- reactive({
summarized()$TY_COMP / summarized()$LY_COMP-1
shinyApp(ui, server)
Another option would be to create another reactive that has an additional column. This is possible to use, but depending on your use case, I recommend the first solution.
summarized <- data.frame(id = 1:20, group = letters[1:4], TY_COMP = runif(20), LY_COMP = runif(20))
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output){
output$text1 <- renderPrint(summarized_orig())
output$text2 <- renderPrint(summarized_mod())
summarized_orig <- reactive( {
summarized_mod <- reactive({
df <- summarized_orig()
df$cac <- summarized_orig()$TY_COMP / summarized_orig()$LY_COMP - 1
shinyApp(ui, server)
The aim of this exercise is to allow users to compare two different models based on their inputs. To do this, I have created an action button that asks users to specify their base model, and a reset button that takes the dataset back to before the baseline was added. The "base" logical determines whether the user wishes to include the base or not.
Once the add baseline actionbutton is clicked, the current state of the data.frame is saved and grouping variable is renamed with "baseline" added before it (using paste). Users can select a different model which renders in comparison to this static base.
For some reason, I cannot get the observe event to change the dataset. The observe event creates the baseline dataset fine (tested with print() ), however, the if() function does not alter "data" and therefore stops the base added to the ggplot. The code is written like this for two reasons. 1) by including the if() function after the observe event, any further changes to data only changes "data", it then gets added to the unchanged baseline data. 2) Also allows for the creation of the reset button which simply resets the data.frame to before the rbinding took place.
This small issue has infuriated me and I cannot see where I am going wrong. Cheers in advance for any help people can provide. There are simplier ways to do this (open to suggestions), however, the iris data is only an example of the function, and the actual version is more complex.
if (interactive()) {
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("rows", label = h3("Choose your species"),
choices = list("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica")
actionButton("base", "Create baseline"),
actionButton("reset", "Reset baseline"),
plotOutput(outputId = "plot")
) # close fluid page
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({ # create plot
base <- "no" # create baseline indicator which we can change once the observeevent below is changed
data <- iris
data <- iris[which(data$Species == input$rows),] # Get datasubset based on user input
observeEvent(input$base, { # If base is Pressed, run code below:
baseline <- data # Make Baseline Data by duplicating the users' specification
baseline$Species <- paste("Baseline",
data$Species, sep = "_") # Rename the grouping variable to add Baseline B4 it
base <- "yes" # Change our indicator of whether a baseline had been made to yes
}) # Close observe Event
observeEvent(input$reset, {
base <- "no" # This is placed before the rbind so that if we want to reset it will stop the merging of the two dataframes before it happens.
if (base == "yes") {
data <- rbind(data, baseline) # Run once the observe event has changed baseline to yes.This is kept seperatel that way any subsequent changes to data will not effect
# the final data. This command will simple add the base onto the changed "data" before plotting
observeEvent(input$reset, {
base <- "no"
ggplot(data, aes(x=Petal.Width, y = as.numeric(Sepal.Width), colour = Species)) + # variable = each dataset selected, value = respective values for that model
labs(x="Hypothetical X", y="Hypothetical X") +
}) # Close Render Plot
} # Close Serve Function
shinyApp(ui, server)
# Lets make a fake dataset called "Data". Has 4 variable options and
the Ages each data point relates to.
Ages <- 1:750
Variable1 <- rnorm(n=750, sd = 2, mean = 0)
Variable2 <- rnorm(n=750, sd = 1, mean = 2)
Variable3 <- rnorm(n=750, sd = 8, mean = 6)
Variable4 <- rnorm(n=750, sd = 3, mean = 3)
Data <- as.data.frame(cbind(Ages, Variable1, Variable2, Variable3,
Variable4) )
### UI
ui <- fluidPage(
checkboxGroupInput(inputId = "columns",
label = h4("Which Variables would you like in your
model?"), # Input Checkbox
choices = c("Variable1", "Variable2", "Variable3",
plotOutput(outputId = "plot"),
# Lets have our plot
actionButton("base", "Create baseline"),
# Baseline action
actionButton("reset", "Reset baseline") # Reset Action
) # Close UI
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
validate(need(!is.null(input$columns), 'Please tick a box to show a
plot.')) # Place a please choose columns for null input
data <- gather(select(Data, "Ages", input$columns), variable, value, -
Ages) ## Just doing a little data manipulation to change from wide to
long form. This allows for calculations down the track and easier
# Now we can modify the data in some way, for example adding 1. Will
eventually add lots of model modifications here.
data$value <- data$value + 1
rVals <- reactiveValues() # Now we create the reactive
values object
rVals[['data']] <- data # Making a reactive values
function. Place Data as "data".
baseline <- data
baseline$variable <- paste("Baseline",
baseline$variable, sep = "_")
# Rename Variables to Baseline preamble
rVals[['baseline']] <- baseline
# Put the new data into the reactive object under "baseline"
observeEvent(input$reset,{ # Reset button will wipe the
rVals[['baseline']] <- NULL
if(!is.null(rVals[['baseline']])) # if a baseline has been .
created, then
{rVals[['final']] <- bind_rows(rVals[['data']], rVals[['baseline']])
# Here we can simply bind the two datasets together if Baseline exists
} else {rVals[['final']] <- rVals[['data']]}
# Otherwise we can use keep it as it is
## Make our Plot !
ggplot(rVals[['final']], aes(x=Ages, y = as.numeric(value), colour =
variable)) + # variable = each dataset selected, value = respective
values for that model
labs(x="Age", y="value") +
}) ## Close the render plot
} ## Close the server
shinyApp(ui, server)
You have observer inside reactive expression, i have seen this causing problems on number of occasions when i was correcting shiny code. Create reactive expression (your plot function) and observers only to specify which is the baseline value of species (character string) then feed this to filtering data inside the plot function:
ui <- fluidPage(
selectInput("rows", label = h3("Choose your species"),
choices = list("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica")
actionButton("base", "Create baseline"),
actionButton("reset", "Reset baseline"),
plotOutput(outputId = "plot")
) # close fluid page
server <- function(input, output) {
rVals = reactiveValues()
rVals[['data']] = iris
rVals[['baseline']] = NULL
output$plot <- renderPlot({
# here we duplicate table to manipulate it before rendering
# the reason for duplicate is that you dont want to affect your
# base data as it may be used elsewhere
# note that due to R's copy-on-write this may be expensive operation and
# have impact on app performance
# in all cases using data.table package is recommended to mitigate
# some of the CoW implications
render.data = rVals[['data']][rVals[['data']][['Species']] %in% c(rVals[['baseline']],input$rows),]
# here manipulate render.data
# and then continue with plot
aes(x=Petal.Width, y = as.numeric(Sepal.Width), colour = Species,group=Species)
) +
labs(x="Hypothetical X", y="Hypothetical X") +
shinyApp(ui, server)
Im using R and shiny to query an SQL database. The user can search and add to a reactive data frame, the output of which is plotted in ggplot. However, I need to change the columns of the reactive data frames to factors for plotting. I can do this directly with ggplot (aes(factor(...), ). However, if I add the option of changing the plotted variable using a reactive input, I must use aes_string. If I use aes_string it does not like aes(factor(...),. Here is a working example:
# Create example data
MeasurementA <- rnorm(1000, 5, 2)
MeasurementB <- rnorm(1000, 5, 2)
Wafer <- rep(c(1:100), each=10)
ID <- rep(c(101:200), each=10)
Batch <- rep(c(1:10), each=100)
dd <- data.frame(Batch, Wafer, ID, MeasurementA, MeasurementB)
# Create local connection (in reality this will be a connection to a host site)
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), ":memory:")
dbWriteTable(con, "dd", dd)
query <- function(...) dbGetQuery(con, ...)
# Create empty data frames to populate
wq = data.frame()
sq = data.frame()
shinyServer(function(input, output){
# create data frame to store reactive data set from query
values <- reactiveValues()
values$df <- data.frame()
# Action button for first query
d <- eventReactive(input$do, { input$wafer })
# First stage of reactive query
a <- reactive({ paste("Select ID from dd where Wafer=",d(), sep="") })
wq <- reactive({ query( a() ) })
# Output to confirm query is correct
output$que <- renderPrint({ a() })
output$pos <- renderPrint( wq()[1,1] )
# Action button to add results from query to a data frame
e <- eventReactive(input$do2, { wq()[1,1] })
b <- reactive({ paste("select Wafer, Batch, MeasurementA, MeasurementB from dd where ID=",e()," Order by ID asc ;", sep="") })
# observe e() so that data is not added until user presses action button
if (!is.null(e())) {
sq <- reactive({ query( b() ) })
# add query to reactive data frame
values$df <- rbind(isolate(values$df), sq())
# output of results
# Without mesurement choice (works)
output$boxV <- renderPlot({
ggplot(values$df, aes(factor(Wafer), MeasurementA, fill=factor(Batch))) + geom_boxplot()
# With measurement choice (doesnt work)
#output$boxV <- renderPlot({
#ggplot(values$df, aes_string(factor('Wafer'), input$char, fill=factor('Batch'))) + geom_boxplot()
titlePanel("Generic grapher"),
numericInput("wafer", label = h3("Input wafer ID:"), value = NULL),
actionButton("do", "Search wafer"),
actionButton("do2", "Add to data frame"),
selectInput("char", label="Boxplot choice:",
choices = list("A"="MeasurementA", "B"="MeasurementB"),
Ive added output plot code for both working and non-working (non-working is commented out).
Now, ive read this (Formatting reactive data.frames in Shiny) and this (R shiny modify reactive data frame) but im confused. Because im using reactiveValues to store data, I use the code values$df to access the data...but what if i I want to turn a column to a factor for purpose of above? this doesnt seem to work:
new <- reactive(as.factor(values$df$Wafer))
Perhaps I am barking up the wrong tree with this?
Ok, I solved the problem by changing the data type within the query itself:
b <- reactive({ paste("select cast(Wafer as varchar) as Wafer, cast(Batch as varchar) as Batch, MeasurementA, MeasurementB from dd where ID=",e()," Order by ID asc ;", sep="") })
That way I didnt have to mess about afterwards. It works for me but if anyone reading this wants to tell me that its a bad idea, please do. Im new to SQL and R so please correct me so I can learn. Thanks