How can I use big-data-plugin in my java web kettle project - bigdata

I have a trans which need to use the plugin which name is 'HadoopFileOutputPlugin',But I don't know how to import this plugin into my project.I found that the project '' has a 'HdfsLifecycleListener'. How can I init it;


System Templates version 1.31.0 and higher implementation

I have upgraded my cloud Artifactory to "7.52.0".
Prior to the upgrade I was using System Templates to deploy my pipelines.
Although after the upgrade there is still backward compatibility, The new way to deploy and use System Templates for creating new pipelines is not working for me.
From the release notes I got to this link to configure System Templates in the new way.
So in my repository A I have 2 files 'pipelines.yml' and 'values.yml'
pipelines.yml is configured as follows:
valuesFilePath: ./values.yml
template: myTemplates/TestTemplate/1.0.0
My values file contains values for the TestTemplate.
Then I go to and I try to create a new pipeline from repository A.
Looking at I don't see any pipeline created from the template.
Is that the right way to implement the new System Template?
I have also made sure that the templates are in the Artifactory by checking:
and also in the Artifactory directory tree.
Currently I am using the REST API in order to CRUD my Template Sources( and also use the REST API to create a new pipelines sources from a system template (apparently this is the old way).
As after the upgrade creating a source pipeline doesn't sync the old/new templates nor does it create a new pipeline from a system template that is located in the Artifactory.
You need to use the syntax documented in the Global template link.
Using the "jfrog/PublishTemplate" global template documentation . I have noticed that in order to create and upload a system template you need to use the following syntax:
valuesFilePath: ./values.yml
template: jfrog/<global_template_name>/<template_version>
According to the system template documentation this is the syntax that got me confused:
valuesFilePath: ./values.yml
template: jfrog/PublishTemplate/1.0.0
So I have used capital "I" instead of small "i" and bad indentation in order to create a new pipeline from my system template, which failed.
You use the Global template "PublishTemplate" for uploading your system template into your artifactory.
And then use the uploaded templates in order to create your new pipelines.

How to extract translations from a custom vendors bundle

I actually trying to create my own reusable bundle. I created a Demo project that include my custom bundle as dependency using symlink composer config.
Actually, I tried to extract some translation keys from my custom bundle into the demo project.
But when I launch the command bin/console translation:update fr --dump-messages there is no entry from my bundle.
What I want to extract is some constant keys that I want to translate.
For example, in MyCustomClass there is some status in an array. So I don't know if there is an Interface that I can implement to auto extract my translation keys.
I'm using:
Symfony Framework 5.3.8
Symfony Translation 5.3.9

Using Bootstrap-Slider in Vue with Typescript

I'm trying to create a boostrap-slider on my page using a vue backend built with TypeScript and ASP net core. I'm using the standard template for Vue.js with TypeScript in ASP.NET Core.
I've imported the boostrap-slider types with
npm install --save #types/bootstrap-slider
and when I try to
import { Slider } from 'bootstrap-slider';
I get the error
ERROR in [at-loader] ./ClientApp/components/mycomponent/mycomponent.ts:3:24
TS2306: File '~~redacted~~/node_modules/#types/bootstrap-slider/index.d.ts' is not a module.
To achieve your goal you can refer to this MSDN post.
This sample demonstration will help you to setup Vue.js with TypeScript in ASP.NET Core.
Complete Description
setup Vue.js with TypeScript in ASP.NET Core.
Sample Source Code:
Vue.js with TypeScript in ASP.NET Core
To achieve Boorstrap-Slider you can use vue-bootstrap-slider
for further details see link: vue-bootstrap-slider
The error occurs because the type definitions don't export a module, so you can't import it. They do this because you can call the slider functions through jquery:
var someSlider = $("input.slider").slider();
var value = someSlider.slider('getValue');
These functions are properly typed because the typings are found even without any imports.

Django CMS search engine, few questions

It's tough to find good documentation on this. I am trying to build a simple search engine for a very small Django CMS site built with CMS version 2.4. I have found out the best way is with Haystack + django-cms-search, which then tells me that package is deprecated and to use aldryn-search instead, the documentation is lacking big time.
From what I can gather, I need to create a but where does this go? I thought this was app specific? If I am just using it to index Page model from the CMS, how do I go about integrating that?
For cms versions < 3.0 then django-cms-search would be your solution, once you switch to >= 3.x then aldryn-search is the way to go.
The reason for this is that aldryn-search is basically a fork/refactor of django-cms-search targeting haystack 2.x and cms 3.x
I'm considering adding backwards compatibility for aldryn-search to work on cms 2.4 but to get you up and running, here's what you can do.
Install django-cms-search and add haystack and cms_search to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.
This should allow you to start indexing pages already, if not please post a traceback :).
Once you are able to index pages, now it's up to you if you want to manage the search page through the cms using an apphook or a fixed url.
Usually when working with search, one needs to tweak some things and add search specific templates, for this I highly recommend creating a search app in your project, add a and then add this app to your INSTALLED_APPS.
Now back to the search page, if you choose to use an apphook, then in your search app, create a file and add the following:
from cms_search.cms_app import HaystackSearchApphook
this registers the packaged apphook from django-cms-search with the cms (this used to happen by default, but not anymore).
Otherwise, if you chose to have a fixed url not managed by the cms, you can simply add a in your search app with the following:
from django.conf.urls import *
from haystack.views import search_view_factory
urlpatterns = patterns('search.views',
url('^$', search_view_factory(), name='haystack-search'),
then in your project's you can include the search.urls under any name you want, like so:
url(r'^search/', include('search.urls')),

Where to put the normal PHP library (ex Google API library) in symphony2 system?

I am making application with symfony2
I want to use Google API library in this application.
Google API has
/and so on..
I need to load this script from the DefaultController.php.
Where should I put the library,and how could I load the library from the DefaultController?
If it doesnt have framework like symfony2.
it is very simple though..
put library in the same directory and load
require_once 'src/config.php'
you simply can run
php composer.phar install google/api-client
in your projectfolder. It should install the api-client to your vendors.
As you mentioned, default the config resists in another file. A proper way around that would be to create a little bundle with a nice config, register the api as a client, and pass the config to your service.
I think, since you are using Symfony2, the best way is to use composer and that would install the library inside the vendors directory and be added to the autoloader.
Symfony2 and Google API integration
