How to structure data Firestore, for multiple user enteries - firebase

This is my first time using a NOSQL database and I'm really struggling to work out how to structure my data.
I have an app that predicts a users mood and then the user can select if that's right or not. So I need to save both the prediction and the actual result. I want to be able to pull the latest result from firebase and display it on the app.
I understand how I'd do this on an SQL DB and understand how to write an SQL query to get that data back out.
For my Firebase DB I thought of the following structure
the document name is the usersID and store multiple arrays based on the timestamp but I can't seem to user OrderBy on a document only a collection so not sure how to get this back.
The fact that this seems so difficult less me to believe I've implemented the DB wrong to begin with.
Structure of DB is as follows:
I should add that it all works fine for the USER_TABLE as its one document id and a single entry, so I've no problem retrieving that.
Thanks for your help!

orderBy is an instruction to the database to order documents on the server, before it returns them to your app. To store the fields inside the document, you can just do that inside your application code after it receives the document(s).
There is in itself nothing wrong with storing these entries in a single document, Just keep in mind that:
A document can be at most be 1MB in size, so make sure this fits your maximum number of entries.
Firestore only ever returns full documents, so you will either get all entries in a document, or none of them.
You won't be able to order or filter the entries inside a single document. If that is a requirement for you, consider storing each entry in its own document in a subcollection. Note that this will increase the number of documents each user reads though, which will increase the cost.


How to check if a document exists with a given id in firestore, without costing money?

I have a scenario where I have the phone number of the user and I want to check if the user is already registered on my app or not. To do this, I have a collection in firestore. In this collection, I the contact number of the individual user as a document. Whenever the user goes on the app and enters his mobile number, the app sends the request to search a specific document using
final snapShot = await Firestore.instance.collection('rCust').document(_phoneNumberController.text).get();
My database structure is as follows
Due to this, my firestore billing is spiking up really fast. In just with 4-5 queries, my number of reads spiked from 75 to 293. It would be great if anyone could guide me in how to do this efficiently.
If you want to know if a document definitely exists on the server, it will always cost you a document read. There is currently no way to avoid this cost. It's the cost of accessing the massively scalable index that allows you to find 1 document among potentially billions.
You could try to query your local cache first, which is doesn't cost anything. You do this by passing a Source.cache argument to get(). If you want to make the assumption that presence in the local cache always means that the document exists on the server, that will save you one document read. However, if the document is deleted on the server, the local cache query will be incorrect. You will still have to query the server to know for sure.
To check if a document exists, you can use the .exists propety in the documentSnapshot, in your case:
if(snapShot.exists) {
From that query, you are selecting a single document, not a collection.
Because we can't see other code, I am assuming that your firestore usage is actually not spiking due to your query, but due to you viewing your documents in the firebase web console. Viewing the console on the web also incurrs billing, and lists documents 300 at a time.
You can check it doing this
if(snapShot.getResults().exists()) {
// ...
if you don't want to set each time you send the phoneNumber to the document but instead updating just that number, you should use update("fieldToUpdate",value) on the document you are setting the data instead of using .set(value)

Structuring a firestore database to filter by what is not in the array?

I have am building collection that will contain over a million documents. Each document will contain one token and a history table. A process retrieves a token, it stores the process id in the history table inside the document so it can never be used again by the same process. The tokens are reusable by different processes. I want to make each process pull a document/token and never be able to pull that same document/token again.
My approach is to have a stored history table in each document with the processes that have used the token. That is why you need to query for what is not in the array.
Firestore does not have a condition where you can search for what is not in an array. How would I perform a query like such below where array-does-not-contain being a placeholder to search through an array where 'process-001' is not in the history array?
db.collection('tokens').where('history', 'array-does-not-contain',
Below is how I'm planning to structure my collection,
My actual problem,
I have a multiple processes running and I only want each process to pull documents from firebase that it's never seen before. The firebase collection will be over a million documents and growing.
Firestore is not very well suited for queries that need to look for things that don't exist. The problem is that the indexes it uses are only meant to tell you if things exist. The universe of strings that don't exist would be impossible to efficiently quantify for indexing.
The only want to make this happen is to know the names of all the processes ahead of time, and create values for them in the index. You would do this with a map type object, not an array:
- token: "1234"
- history: {
"process-001": false,
"process-002": false,
"process-003": false
This document can be queried to find out if "history.process-001" has a value of false, then updated to true when the process uses it. But again, without all the process names known ahead of time and populated in each document, the query is not possible.
See also:
Firestore get documents where value not in array?
How to query Cloud Firestore for non-existing keys of documents

Firestore checking if username exists, best model to not query the whole database?

Hello I'm developing and Android app and using Firebase's Firestore. My concern is about creating a username for my user when he is signing up for my app. I know I have to check if the username exists in my database, but what if you have 1 million users or 5. I don't think the results will be fast when you query the whole database. Is querying the whole database the only approach? or maybe creating a collection called usernames with 24 documents inside and for example the first document holds collection of usernames starting with a, then second document holds collection of usernames starting with b, and so on. Need your help. Thank you.
Actually one of the key characteristics of Firestore is exactly that: the performance of a query is proportional to the size of your result set, not your data set.
So the query performance that you get for finding 1 document in a collection of 5, 24 or 1 million docments will be exactly the same.
In Cloud Firestore, you can use queries to retrieve individual,
specific documents or to retrieve all the documents in a collection
that match your query parameters. Your queries can include multiple,
chained filters and combine filtering and sorting. They're also
indexed by default, so query performance is proportional to the size
of your result set, not your data set.
So the answer is that you should query your already existing collection of documents and not create smaller collection(s) with a subset of documents for the sake of query performance.

How to delete Single-field indexes that generated automatically by firestore?

if you reached here, you should recheck the way you build your DB.
Your document(s) probably gets expended over time (due to nested list or etc.).
Original question:
I have a collection of documents that have a lot of fields. I do not query documents even no simple queries-
I am using only-
in order to read the docs,
so I don't need any indexing for this collection.
The issue is that firestore generates Single-field indexes automatically, and due to the amount of fields cause limitation exceeding of indexing:
And if I trying to add a field to one of the documents it throws me an error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Too many indexed properties for entity: app: "s~myapp",path < Element { type: "tags", name: "aaaa" }>
at new FirestoreError (index.cjs.js:346)
at index.cjs.js:6058
at W.<anonymous> (index.cjs.js:6003)
at Ab (index.js:23)
at W.g.dispatchEvent (index.js:21)
at Re.Ca (index.js:98)
at ye.g.Oa (index.js:86)
at dd (index.js:42)
at ed (index.js:39)
at ad (index.js:37)
I couldn't find any way to delete these single-field-indexing or to tell firestore to stop generating them.
I found this in firestore console:
but there is no way to disable this, and to disable auto indexing for a specific collection.
Any way to do it?
You can delete simple Indexes in Firestore firestore.
See this answer for more up to date information on creating and deleting indexes.
Firestore composite index permutation explosion?
If you go in to Indexes after selecting the firestore database and then select "single" indexes there is an Add exemption button which allows you to specify which fields in a Collection (or Sub-collection) have simple indexes generated by Firestore. You have to specify the Collection followed by the field. You then specify every field individually as you cannot specify a whole collection. There does not seem to be any checking on valid Collections or field names.
The only way I can think to check this has worked is to do a query using the field and it should fail.
I do this on large string fields which have normal text in them as they would take a long time to index and I know I will never search using this field.
Firestore creates two indexes for every simple field (ascending and descending) but it is also possible to create an exemption which removes one of these if you will never need the second one which helps improve performance and makes it less likely to hit the index limits. In addition you can select whether arrays are indexed or not. If you create a lot of entries it an Array, then this can very quickly hit the firestore limits on the number of indexes, so care has to be taken when using indexes and it will often be best to take the indexes off Arrays since the designer may have no control over how many Array data items are added with the result that the maximum index limit is reached and the application will get an error as the original poster explained.
You can also remove any simple indexes if you are not using them even if a field is included in a complex index. The complex index will still work.
Other things to keep an eye on.
If you are indexing a timestamp field (or any field that increases or decreases sequentially between documents) and you are not using this to force a sequence in queries, then there is a maximum write rate of 500 writes per second for the collection. In this case, this limit can be removed by removing the increasing and decreasing indexes.
Note that unlike the Realtime Database, fields created with Auto-ID do not guarantee any ordering as they are generated by firestore to spread writes and avoid hotspots or bottlenecks where all writes (and therefore reads) end up at a single location. This means that a timestamp is often needed to generate ordering but you may be able to design your collections / sub-collections data layout to avoid the need for a timestamp. For example, if you are using a timestamp to find the last document added to a collection, it might be better to just store the ID of the last document added.
Large array or map fields can also cause the 20,000 index entries per document limit to be reached, so you can exempt the array from indexing (see screenshot below).
Once you have added one exemption, then you will get this screen.
See this link as well.
The short answer is you can't do that right now with Firebase. However, this is a good signal that you need to restructure your database models to avoid hitting limits such as the 1MB per document.
The documentation talks about the limitations on your data:
You can't run queries on nested lists. Additionally, this isn't as
scalable as other options, especially if your data expands over time.
With larger or growing lists, the document also grows, which can lead
to slower document retrieval times.
See this page for more information about the advantages and disadvantages on the different strategies for structuring your data:
As stated in the Firestore documentation:
Cloud Firestore requires an index for every query, to ensure the best performance. All document fields are automatically indexed, so queries that only use equality clauses don't need additional indexes. If you attempt a compound query with a range clause that doesn't map to an existing index, you receive an error. The error message includes a direct link to create the missing index in the Firebase console.
Can you update your question with the structure data you are trying to save?
A workaround for your problem would be to create compound indexes, or as a last resource, Firestore may not be suited to the needs for your app and Firebase Realtime Database can be a better solution.
See tradeoffs:
RTDB vs Firestore
I don't believe that there currently exists the switch that you are looking for, so I think that leaves the following,
Globally disable built-in indexes and create all indexes explicitly. Painful and they have limits too.
A workaround where you treat your Cloud Firestore unfriendly content like a BLOB, like so:
To store,
const objIn = {text: 'my object with a zillion fields' };
const jsonString = JSON.stringify(this.objIn);
const container = { content: this.jsonString };
To retrieve,
const objOut = JSON.parse(container.content);

DocumentDB - how to order results based on unique ID count

We have an application that allows users to "follow" other users. When a user follows another, we register this data as a document within documentDB, like this:
"followerId": "userUUID",
"artistId": "artistUserUUID"
We now want to get a list of artists, ordered by the count of followers they have. So I am looking to somehow ask the DB to, based on these documents, give me back an array of artistUserUUId's, ordered by the amount of followers they have registered (as expressed in documents like the example given above).
Alternatively, we are also open to add an Array property to the document of the artistUser themselves, though even in this scenario I am still unsure how to do an ORDER BY based on the counting of a document's property (this property being an array of follower Ids).
I guess a workaround would be to add a stored procedure or trigger that will update a counter property within the artistUser document, but I'd like to validate if these is a way to implement this counting feature natively without such a trick.
Unless you denormalize the follower count into artist user documents (as you suggest), then you'll have to fetch every follower to accomplish your goal. Fetching every follower document, may or may not be prohibitive depending upon how many there are. If you fetch them only into a stored procedure rather than your actual client, it's conceptually no less efficient than an SQL GROUP_BY clause. Design your stored procedure to do the count and only returns the table of artist and counts. A robust implementation would incrementally update your output table in pages and be able to restart where it left off after a stored procedure timeout. Look at my countDocuments example stored procedure in documentdb-mock as well as my "Pattern for writing stored procedures" in the documentation for documentdb-utils for how I typically accomplish this.
