How do I log routes being used in ASP.NET MVC project -

I am currently working on a project that uses attribute routing and it is take an unacceptable amount of time for the route to be resolved. There are currently 581 routes in the routing table and was wondering if there is a tool that can be installed into visual studio for inspecting what routes are not being used.
For information I am using currently using Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2019 Version 16.10.2.
The version of MVC is MVC5 and the project is using areas to organize the code, views etc.
Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated as I am no expert.


Angular template NOT core

I'm looking for an Angular template for Visual Studio 2017 but I do NOT want to use the Core libraries as that requires me to rebuild all my re-usable libraries etc., and I will NEVER host my website on a non Microsoft platform (likely to put it into Azure only).
It would be nice if sign up / sign in is included.
I've tried to "convert" a core project to classic ASP .Net website with a "hack" mentioned on SO but encountered MANY issues
Any suggestions would be appreciated
Maybe you find a suitable template in the sidewaffle extension (

Is running Umbraco within an ASP.NET Core API possible?

Is it possible to utilize Umbraco with an ASP.NET Core API project?
Can these two techs work together or do I have to use .NET 4.x ?
:::::::::::::::::::::::: UPDATE ::::::::::::::::::::::::
I accepted #mortenbock's answer, but I strongly suggest to people interested in this question to also read the comments below, where #Tseng has provided some very useful answers.
Umbraco will not run on .Net Core in the current version 7.x
I believe they are working towards making it possible in version 9, which is still a long way off.
See the System requirements for Umbraco 8: IIS is still required and it will not run on ASP.NET Core
Shannon Deminick has been doing some PoC work on it: his blog post about "Umbraco CLI running on ASP.NET Core" has more details
You could use Umbraco as a headless CMS in a separate application, and then consume the content from you .Net Core application via REST or similar. At codegarden 2016 an example to use Umbraco CMS as an headless cms with custom frontend was shown

How to upgrade my existing .net project to core 1.0?

I am in the middle of the development of a project.I am using framework 4.5.So far what I have developed, I have to publish it on a Linux server. So i fount that, I will have to upgrade my existing project to ASP.NET Core 1.0 in order to publish on Linux server. Can anyone please suggest me how can I achieve my goal?
You may encounter a couple of issues and looks for different solutions but a general guide can be found here: Migrating From ASP.NET MVC to ASP.NET Core MVC
For specific errors when the general migration will be done, it's worth to take a look at ASP.NET Core's GitHub page as a lot of issues that can occur during migration is described there.

Create MVC 4 application

I asked a question earlier about Changing MVC 5 and .NET target framwork because the application I have will not work with Windows Server 2003 (they didn't tell me that). If you know a way to do this, so I can avoid what I'm about to ask, please let me know.
Anyways, I'm trying to create a MVC 4 web application using the newest from of Visual Studio 2013. In a new application I already changed the framework to .NET 4 but I only find MVC 5 listed when I try to create a new controller.
I'm not really sure what I need to do, if I need to download a later version of Visual Studio or find a certain template.
Also, I learned how to create my web application using this tutorial, so maybe that will give you a better idea where I'm coming from, AKA I'm new at this stuff.
You will find the MVC 4 Application (Based on ASP.Net 4, not 4.5) In the Visual Studio 2012 project types. File -> New Project, Expand the Web node, Visual Studio 2012. The MVC 4 Web Application project template will create the correct controller templates. It is not sufficient to create a standard MVC Application (which will be MVC 5) and then change the target framework.
Bear in mind, some examples you may find for MVC may not function exactly as advertised using the older framework type.

VS2008: Make a non-LINQed website LINQed

I've recently started playing around with ASP.NET and I was just about to connect to a database using LINQ, when I realised that you have to change a bunch of stuff in the project first if you created a normal web site project in Visual Studio 2008.
All the information about LINQed projects in VS2008 that I have found start directly from scratch with a completely new web site. What modifications do I have to make to my project to be able to make use of LINQ?
I think that your question can be answered by viewing this post on
In short your application will need to have access to System.Linq which comes from the .NET 3.5 framework. If your application is currently using .NET 2.0, it is possible to hack a setup with the CTP packages for Linq prior to it being released with Visual Studio 2008, but you might find it hard when you push your application out to production to a hosting company because you will have to install .dll's into areas you generally don't have access too.
Good luck on your conversion to Linq.
