String conversion to array: Opening hours (over a week) - r

I've done an OSM-extraction and here you can see the column "osm_openin" for the opening hours for each object in R.
It has the following structure:
I would love to have new columns for each day of the week, with a symbol "X" - if it is not open all day - or the according opening hours for the day "07:00 - 21:00".
My solution:
Firstly, I am thinking of using representative values for the week days "Mo = 1", "Tu = 2"..."Su = 7". It is important, if the day/value itself is not explicitly mentioned, but is exisiting in an intervall.
For each value, I am searching its existence in the column.
If it finds the value, I'll take the opening hours following directly after (don't know which R command to use for that)
If not, then the value has to be in an intervall. For example "2" (Tuesday) is not existing, then the script needs to realize Tuesday is between Mo-Sa. (don't know which method to use for that).
Public Holiday is not important.
Any suggestion for a solution?

I don't know the best way, but may be I can help you.
Firstly we need to create array of weekdays:
wdays <- c("Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su")
Now let's write code for converting text from "Mo,We-Fr" to vector c(1, 3, 4, 5). Algorithm:
Delete information about holidays ("PH", "SH");
Replace name of weekday with number ("Mo" --> 1, "Tu" --> 2, etc.);
Replace - with :. For example, 3-5 will be 3:5 and it is R-style code;
Add c( to the beginning and ) to the end. For example, 1,3:5 will be c(1, 3:5);
c(1, 3:5) is R-style vector and we can create vector by text (eval(parse(text = "c(1, 3:5)"))).
Full code:
GetWDays <- function(x, wdays) {
holi <- c("PH", "SH")
x <- gsub(paste0("(,|^)", holi, collapse = "|"), "", x) #delete holidays
for (i in 1:7) {
x <- gsub(wdays[i], i, x)
x <- gsub("-", ":", x)
x <- paste0("c(", x, ")")
wday_idx <- eval(parse(text = x))
Let's create function that has opening hours (like "Mo-Fr 6:30-19:00;Sa 09:00-17:00;Su,PH 09:00-15:00") as input and returns data.frame with 7 columns (for each weekday). Algorithm:
Split text by ;; Now we will work with one part of text (for example, "Mo-Fr 6:30-19:00");
Split text by (space); "Mo-Fr 6:30-19:00" --> "Mo-Fr" and "6:30-19:00"
First part ("Mo-Fr") we put into GetWDays and we make vector from second part (it's size will be like as first part size). Example: "Mo-Fr" --> c(1,2,3,4,5), "6:30-19:00" --> rep("6:30-19:00", 5);
Make data.frame from 2 vectors (Day and Time);
Use bind_rows for each part from first step. Now we have big data.frame, but some weekdays may be missing, and some weekdays may have "Off" in column Time;
So add rows for missing weekdays (by merge) and replace "Off" and NA with "X" (as you want);
Transpose data.frame and return
Full code:
GetTimetable <- function(x) {
wdays <- c("Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa", "Su")
tmp <- strsplit(strsplit(x, ";")[[1]], " ")
tmp <- lapply(tmp, function(x) {Day <- GetWDays(x[1], wdays); data.frame(Day, Time = rep(x[2], length(Day)))})
tmp <- bind_rows(tmp) %>% arrange(Day) %>%
tmp <- merge(data.frame(Day = 1:7), tmp, all.x = T, by = "Day")
tmp$Time[$Time) | tmp$Time == "Off"] = "X"
tmp <- tmp %>% t() %>% "["(2, ) %>% as.list() %>% setNames(wdays) %>% bind_cols()
If you want to apply GetTimetable for each row you can use this code:
df_time <- df$osm_openning %>% lapply(GetTimetable) %>% bind_rows()
And if you want to add this data.frame to your data you can do something like this:
df <- bind_cols(df, df_time)


How to run a loop creating new columns?

I have a dataset with columns that contain information of a code + name, which I would like to separate into 2 columns. So, just an example:
Column E5000_A contain values like `0080002. ALB - Democratic Party' in one cell, I would like two columns one containing the code 0080002, and the other containing the other info.
I have 8 more columns with values very similar (E5000_A until E5000_H). This is the code that I am writing.
cols2 <- c("E5000_A" , "E5000_B" , "E5000_C" , "E5000_D" ,
"E5000_E" , "E5000_F" , "E5000_G" , "E5000_H" )
for(i in cols2){
cses_imd_m <- cses_imd_m %>% mutate(substr(i, 1L, 7L))
But for some reason it is only generating a new column for the E5000_A and the loop does not go to the other variables. What am I doing wrong? Let me know if you need more details about the code or data frame.
data.frame approach
# to extract codes
df %>%
mutate_at(.vars = vars(c("E5000_A", "E5000_B", "E5000_C", "E5000_D", "E5000_E",
"E5000_F", "E5000_G", "E5000_H")),
.funs = function(x) str_extract("^\\d+", x))
You can also use across() inside of mutate().
If you want to use for loop
col_names <- c("E5000_A", "E5000_B", "E5000_C", "E5000_D", "E5000_E", "E5000_F", "E5000_G", "E5000_H")
for (i in col_names) {
df[,sprintf("code_%s", i)] <- str_extract("^\\d+", df[,i])
df[,sprintf("party_%s", i)] <- gsub(".*\\.", "", df[,i]) %>% str_trim() # remove all before dot (.)

How do I create a loop to change the text encoding of the labels in labelled variables in R

I have imported a stata file that is giving me some encoding problems in the value labels. On import, using labelled::lookfor for any keyword returns this error:
Error in structure(as.character(x), names = names(x)) :
invalid multibyte string at '<e9>bec Solidaire'
Knowing the data-set, that is almost certainly a value label in there.
How to I loop through the data-set fixing the encoding problem in the names of the value labels and then reset them. I have found a solution, I think, to fix the problematic characters, but I don't know how to replace the original names.
v <- labelled(c(1,2,2,2,3,9,1,3,2,NA), c(yes = 1, "Bloc Qu\xe9b\xe9cois" = 3, "don't know" = 9))
x<- labelled(c(1,2,2,2,3,9,1,3,2,NA), c("Bloc Qu\xe9b\xe9cois" = 1, no = 3, "don't know" = 9))
mydat<-data.frame(v=v, x=x)
mydat %>%
map(., val_labels)
#This works individually
iconv(names(val_labels(x)), from="latin1", to="UTF-8")
#And this seems to work looping over each variable, but how to I store it?
mydat %>%
map(., function(x) iconv(names(val_labels(x)), from="latin1", to="UTF-8"))
This seems to be a bit tough to do in one simple step, so here I used some helper functions
conv_names <- function(x) {
setNames(x, iconv(names(x), from="latin1", to="UTF-8"))
conv_val_labels <- function(x) {
val_labels(x) <- conv_names(val_labels(x))
mydat <- map_dfc(mydat, conv_val_labels)
But we map the function to each column and then reassign those columns back to the data frame. Note we use map_dfc to combine the columns back into a data frame

Loop in r to run script

I need to run a script for each station (I was replacing the numbers 1 by 1 in the script) but there're more than 100 stations.
I thought maybe loop in script could save my time. Never done loop before, don't know if it's possible to do what I want. I've tried as the bellow but doesn't work.
Just a bit of my df8 data (txt):
1,01/01/2008 01:00,1586,315,0.4
2,01/01/2008 01:00,10990,16589,0.2
3,01/01/2008 01:00,17221,30523,0.6
4,01/01/2008 01:00,34592,17344,0
5,01/01/2008 01:00,38131,373,0
6,01/01/2008 01:00,44287,370,0
7,01/01/2008 01:00,53903,17314,0.4
8,01/01/2008 01:00,56005,16596,0
9,01/01/2008 01:00,56349,342,0
10,01/01/2008 01:00,57294,346,0
11,01/01/2008 01:00,64423,533,0
12,01/01/2008 01:00,75266,513,0
13,01/01/2008 01:00,96514,19187,0
station <- sample(50:150,53,replace=F)
for(i in station)
df08_1 <- filter(df08, V7==station [i])
colnames(df08_1) <- c("Date","gauging_station", "code", "precp")
df08_1 <- unique(df08_1)
final <- df08_1 %>%
group_by(Date=floor_date(Date, "1 hour"), gauging_station, code) %>%
write.csv(final,file="../station [i].csv", row.names = FALSE)
If you're not averse to using some tidyverse packages, I think you could simplify this a bit:
Updated with your new sample data - this runs ok on my computer:
dat %>%
select(-RowNum) %>%
distinct() %>%
group_by(date_hour = lubridate::floor_date(date, 'hour'), gauging_station, code) %>%
summarize(precp = sum(precp)) %>%
split(.$gauging_station) %>%
file = paste0('../',.x$gauging_station, '.csv'),
row.names = FALSE))
dat <- data.table::fread("RowNum,date,code,gauging_station,precp
1,01/01/2008 01:00,1586,315,0.4
2,01/01/2008 01:00,10990,16589,0.2
3,01/01/2008 01:00,17221,30523,0.6
4,01/01/2008 01:00,34592,17344,0
5,01/01/2008 01:00,38131,373,0
6,01/01/2008 01:00,44287,370,0
7,01/01/2008 01:00,53903,17314,0.4
8,01/01/2008 01:00,56005,16596,0
9,01/01/2008 01:00,56349,342,0
10,01/01/2008 01:00,57294,346,0
11,01/01/2008 01:00,64423,533,0
12,01/01/2008 01:00,75266,513,0
13,01/01/2008 01:00,96514,19187,0") %>%
mutate(date = as.POSIXct(date, format = '%m/%d/%Y %H:%M'))
Can't comment for a lack of reputation, but if the code works if you change station [i] for the number of the station, it sounds like each station is a part of and has to be extracted from the df08 object (dataframe).
If I understand you correctly, I would do this as follows:
stations <- c(1:100) #put your station IDs into a vector
for(i in stations) { #run the script for each entry in the list
#assuming that 'V7' is the name of the (unnamed) seventh column of df08, it could
#work like this:
df08_1 <- filter(df08, df08$V7==i) #if your station names are something like
#'station 1' as a string, use paste("station", 1, sep = "")
colnames(df08_1) <- c("Date","gauging_station", "code", "precp")
df08_1 <- unique(df08_1)
final <- df08_1 %>%
group_by(Date=floor_date(Date, "1 hour"), gauging_station, code) %>%
summarize(precp=sum(precp)) #floor_date here is probably your own function
write.csv(final,file=paste("../station", i, ".csv", sep=""), row.names = FALSE)
#automatically generate names. You can modify the string to whatever you want ofc.
If this and all of the other examples don't work, could you provide us with some dummy data to work with, just to see what the df08 dataframe looks like? And also what the floor_date() function does?

How do I convert a string to a number in R if the string contains a letter?

I am currently helping a friend with his research and am gathering information about different natural disasters that occured from 2004-2016. The data can be found using this link:
when you import it to R it gives helpful information, however, my friend, and now I, am only interested in State, Year, Month, Event, Type, County, Direct & indirect deaths and injuries, and property damage. So first I am extracting the columns I need and will later in the code combine them back together, however the data is currently in string mode, for the Property Damage column I need it to present as numeric since it is in cash value. So for example, I have a data entry in that column that looks like "8.6k" and I need it as this 8600 and for all the "NA" entries to be replaced with a 0.
I have this so far but it gives me back a string of "NA"s. Can anyone think of a better way of doing this?
State<- W2004$STATE
l <- cbind( all the columns up there)
We can try using a case when expression here, to map each type of unit to a bona fide number. Going with the two examples you actually showed us:
x <- c("1.00M", "8.6k")
result <- case_when(
grepl("\\d+k$", x) ~ as.numeric(sub("\\D+$", "", x)) * 1000,
grepl("\\d+M$", x) ~ as.numeric(sub("\\D+$", "", x)) * 1000000,
TRUE ~ as.numeric(sub("\\D+$", "", x))
You can extract the letter and use switch() which is easily maintainable, if you want to add additional symbols it is very easy.
First, the setup:
options(scipen = 999) # to prevent R from printing scientific numbers
library(stringr) # to extract letters
This is the sample vector:
numbers_with_letters <- c("1.00M", "8.6k", 50)
Use lapply() to loop through vector, extract the letter, replace it with a number, remove the letter, convert to numeric, and multiply:
lapply(numbers_with_letters, function(x) {
letter <- str_extract(x, "[A-Za-z]")
letter_to_num <- switch(letter,
k = 1000,
M = 1000000,
1) # 1 is the default option if no letter found
numbers_with_letters <- as.numeric(gsub("[A-Za-z]", "", x))
#remove all NAs and replace with 0
numbers_with_letters[] <- 0
return(numbers_with_letters * letter_to_num)
This returns:
[1] 1000000
[1] 8600
[1] 50
[1] 0
Maybe I'm oversimplifying here, but . . .
data <- tibble(property_damage = c("8.6k", "NA"))
data %>%
as_number = if_else(
property_damage != "NA",
str_extract(property_damage, "\\d+\\.*\\d*"),
as_number = as.numeric(as_number)

Removing rows based on character conditions in a column

Good morning, I have created the following R code:
##Insert needed year
url <- "./Quarterly/1990_qtrly.csv"
##Writes data in R with applicable columns
qtrly_data <- read.csv(url, header = TRUE, sep = ",", quote="\"", dec=".", na.strings=" ", skip=0)
relevant_cols <- c("area_fips", "industry_code", "own_code", "agglvl_code", "year", "qtr")
overall <- c(relevant_cols, colnames(qtrly_data)[8:16])
lq <- c(relevant_cols, colnames(qtrly_data)[17:25])
oty <- c(relevant_cols, colnames(qtrly_data)[18:42])
types <- c("overall", "lq", "oty")
overallx <- colnames(qtrly_data)[9:16]
lqx <- colnames(qtrly_data)[18:25]
otyx <- colnames(qtrly_data)[seq(27,42,2)]
###Adding in the disclosure codes from each section
disc_codes <- c("disclosure_code", "lq_disclosure_code", "oty_disclosure_code")
cols_list = list(overall, lq, oty)
denom_list = list(overallx, lqx, otyx)
##Uses a two-loop peice of code to go through data denominations and categories, while melting it into the correct format
for (j in 1:length(types))
cat("Working on type: " , types[j], "\n")
these_denominations <- denom_list[[j]]
type_data <- qtrly_data[ , cols_list[[j]] ]
QCEW_County <- melt(type_data, id=c(relevant_cols, disc_codes[j]))
colnames(QCEW_County) <- c(relevant_cols, "disclosure_code", "text_denomination", "value")
Data_Cat <- j
for (k in 1:length(these_denominations))
cat("Working on type: " , types[j], "and denomination: ", these_denominations[k], "\n")
QCEW_County_Denominated <- QCEW_County[QCEW_County[, "text_denomination"] == these_denominations[k], ]
QCEW_County_Denominated$disclosure_code <- ifelse(QCEW_County_Denominated$disclosure_code == "", 0, 1)
Data_Denom <- k
QCEW_County_Denominated <- cbind(QCEW_County_Denominated, Data_Cat, Data_Denom)
QCEW_County_Denominated$Source_ID <- 1
QCEW_County_Denominated$text_denomination <- NULL
colnames(QCEW_County_Denominated) <- NULL
###Actually writes the txt file to the QCEW folder
write.table(QCEW_County_Denominated, file="C:\\Users\\jjackson\\Downloads\\QCEW\\1990_test.txt", append=TRUE, quote=FALSE, sep=',', row.names=FALSE)
Now, there are some things I need to get rid of, namely, all the rows in my QCEW_County_Denominated dataframe where the "area_fips" column begins with the character "C", in that same column, there are also codes that start with US that I would like to replace with a 0. Finally, I also have the "industry_code" column that in my final dataframe has 3 values that need to be replaced. 31-33 with 31, 44-45 with 44, and 48-49 with 48. I understand that this is a difficult task. I'm slowly figuring it out on my own, but if anyone could give me a helpful nudge in the right direction while I'm figuring this out on my own, it would be much appreciated. Conditional statements in R is looking like it's my Achilles heel, as it's always where I begin to get confused with how its syntax differs from other statistical packages.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
You can remove and recode your data using regex and subsetting.
Using grepl, you can select the rows in the column area_fips that DON'T start with C.
QCEW_County_Denominated <- QCEW_County_Denominated[!grepl("^C", QCEW_County_Denominated$area_fips), ]
Using gsub, you can replace with 0 the values in the area_fips columns that start with 0.
QCEW_County_Denominated$area_fips <- as.numeric(gsub("^US", 0, QCEW_County_Denominated$area_fips))
Finally, using subsetting you can replace the values in the industry_code.
QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code[QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code == "31-33"] <- 31
QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code[QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code == "44-45"] <- 44
QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code[QCEW_County_Denominated$industry_code == "48-49"] <- 48
