i have a question regarding Shiny and the usage of Data frames.
I think i understood that i need to create isolated or reactive environmentes to interact with, but if i try to work with the Dataframe i get an error message:
Error in pfData: konnte Funktion "pfData" nicht finden
i tried to manipulate the dataframe by this code:
server <- function(input, output) {
pf_name <- reactive({input$pfID})
pf_date <- reactive({input$pfDate})
if (pf_name()!="please select a PF") {
pfData <- reactive(read.csv(file =paste(pf_name(),".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=","))
MDur <- pfData()[1,15]
pfData <- pfData()[3:nrow(pfData()),]
Total = sum(pfData()$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
If i manipulate my Dataframe in the console it works just fine:
pfData <- pfData[3:nrow(pfData),]
Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
can you help me?
ui <- fluidPage(
column(6, offset =3,
"Choose Mandate and Date",
column(4,selectInput("pfID",label = "",
choices = list("please select a PF","GF25",
selected = "please select a PF") ),
column(4, dateInput("pfDate",label="",value = Sys.Date()) ),
column(2, actionButton("go","Submit")),column(2,textOutput("selected_var"))
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(input, output) {
pfDataReactive <- reactive({
if (pf_name()!="please select a PF") {
pfData <- read.csv(file =paste(pf_name(),".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=",")
MDur <- pfData[1,15]
pfData <- pfData[3:nrow(pfData),]
Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
output$selected_var <- renderText({paste(MDur)})
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Thank you
Without a working example, it's imposible to be sure what you're trying to do, but it sounds like you need a reactive rather than using observeEvent.
Try something like
pfDataReactive <- reactive({
pfData <- read.csv(file =paste(pf_name(),".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=",")
Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
And then use pfDataReactive() in your Shiny app's server function wherever you would refer to pfData in your console code.
The standalone reference to input$go ensures the reactive will update whenever input$go changes/is clicked/etc.
There are still significant issues with your code. You've added an assignment to an output object as the last line of the reactive I gave you, so the reactive always returns NULL. That's not helpful and is one of the reasons why it "doesn't active at all"...
Second, you test for the existence of an reactive/function called pf_name when the relevant input object appears to be input$pfID. That's another reason why the reactive is never updated.
Note the change to the definition of input$pfID that I've made to improve the readability of the pfDataReactive object. (This change also probably means that you can do away with input$go entirely.)
As you say, I don't have access to your csv file, so I can't test your code completely. I've modified the body of the pfDataReactive to simply return the mtcars dataset as a string. I've also edited the code I've commented out to hopefully run correctly when you use it with the real csv file.
This code appears to give the behaviour you want,. Though, if I may make a subjective comment, I think the layout of your GUI is appaling. ;=)
ui <- fluidPage(
column(6, offset =3,
"Choose Mandate and Date",
column(4,selectInput("pfID",label = "",
# Modified to that "Pleaseselect a PF" returns NULL
choices = list("please select a PF"="","GF25", "FPM"),
selected = "please select a PF") ),
column(4, dateInput("pfDate",label="",value = Sys.Date()) ),
column(2, actionButton("go","Submit")),column(2,textOutput("selected_var"))
# Define server logic ----
server <- function(input, output) {
pfDataReactive <- reactive({
# Don't do anything until we have a PF csv file
# Note the change to the creation of the file name
# pfData <- read.csv(file =paste(input$pfID,".csv",sep=""),sep=";",dec=",")
# pfData <- pfData[3:nrow(pfData),]
# Total = sum(pfData$Eco.Exp...Value.long)
# Assets = sum(as.numeric(gsub(",",".",gsub(".","",pfData$Value,fixed=TRUE),fixed=TRUE)))
# pfData$Exposure <- with(pfData, Eco.Exp...Value.long /Total)
# MDur <- pfData[1,15]
# If you want to print MDur in the selected_var output, MDur should be the retrun value from this reactive
# MDur
output$selected_var <- renderText({
# Run the app ----
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Next time, please, please, make more effort to provide a MWE. This post may help.
This is a good introduction to Shiny.
As I understand, eventReactive (or any reactive function) should not recalculate stuff whose related input did not change, but this is what's happening in my case. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong but I just don't know what. In essence, I have two eventReactive functions, one involves a very time-consuming calculation, and the other mainly just plotting (should be quite quick). However, even when I change some inputs for plotting, the first eventReactive function is executed too (even though it's not needed).
Here is a shortened version of my code:
server <- function(input, output) {
res_tabl <-
eventReactive(c(input$recalc, input$recalc2), # this is a time-consuming calculation
ignoreNULL = FALSE, {
gg_start = input$gg_start,
gg_end = input$gg_end
threeplots <-
eventReactive(c(input$recalc, input$recalc2), # this is for plotting
ignoreNULL = FALSE, {
results_to_plot = res_tabl(),
yval_opt = input$yval_opt
output$esdc_plot_comb <- renderPlot({
output$esdc_plot_tot <- renderPlotly({
output$esdc_plot_comb2 <- renderPlot({
output$esdc_plot_tot2 <- renderPlotly({
output$esdc_table <- renderDataTable({
What should I do so that when I press a single Action button and I only changed input$yval_opt, only the second eventReactive content would run? (Nothing should run until I click the button.)
Less importantly – and perhaps this should be a separate question – as you can see I render each of the two returned plots twice. Is there perhaps a more efficient way to do this?
(The full code is available here.)
This was tricky.
To avoid automatic calculation at App start-up, you should set ignoreNULL = T
This works on a single condition, but not on multiple conditions using c(recalc1,recalc2)
Solution is :
eventReactive(req(isTruthy(input$recalc1) | isTruthy(input$recalc2)), ignoreNULL = T,...
Added a reactiveVal() to keep track of last calculation update
I think following Minimal Reproducible example responds to your needs :
# Define UI
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
# Sidebar with a slider inpust
"viz percentage:",
min = 1,
max = 100,
value = 30),
"Calculation duration (s):",
min = 1,
max = 10,
value = 2),
actionButton("recalc1", "Calc 1"),
actionButton("recalc2", "Calc 2"),
# Show result
# Define server logic
server <- function(input, output) {
lastcalc <- reactiveVal(0)
run <- reactive({})
calcresult <- eventReactive(req(isTruthy(input$recalc1) | isTruthy(input$recalc2)), ignoreNULL = T, {
if (lastcalc()==input$calcslider) {return("last calculation")} else {lastcalc(input$calcslider)}
cat("Start calc for ",input$calcslider, "seconds\n")
cat("End calc \n")
paste("calculation done in",input$calcslider,"seconds")
output$result <- eventReactive(c(input$recalc1,input$recalc2), ignoreNULL = T, {
paste("filter",input$vizslider,"% of a ",calcresult())
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I'm looking to port some older Shiny apps to use Shiny Modules, but running into trouble trying to port over my reactive expressions.
According to the documentation:
The goal is not to prevent modules from interacting with their
containing apps, but rather, to make these interactions explicit. If a
module needs to use a reactive expression, take the reactive
expression as a function parameter.
I have existing reactive expressions that import data from APIs etc. that I would like to pass in, but can't seem to find the syntax. If I modify the given Shiny module example below I can get to the same problem.
Could anyone modify the below so that you can pass in the car_data() reactive data into the module? I've tried just about every combination of isolate and car_data/car_data() I can think of and am stumped :)
I would prefer to not need to call the data within the module itself, as in my case I'm trying to generalise an ETL function applicable to lots of datasets.
linkedScatterUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
column(6, plotOutput(ns("plot1"), brush = ns("brush"))),
column(6, plotOutput(ns("plot2"), brush = ns("brush")))
linkedScatter <- function(input, output, session, data, left, right) {
# Yields the data frame with an additional column "selected_"
# that indicates whether that observation is brushed
dataWithSelection <- reactive({
brushedPoints(data(), input$brush, allRows = TRUE)
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
scatterPlot(dataWithSelection(), left())
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
scatterPlot(dataWithSelection(), right())
scatterPlot <- function(data, cols) {
ggplot(data, aes_string(x = cols[1], y = cols[2])) +
geom_point(aes(color = selected_)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#66D65C"), guide = FALSE)
ui <- fixedPage(
h2("Module example"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
### My modification
### making the reactive outside of module call
car_data <- reactive({
## This doesn't work
## What is the syntax for being able to call car_data()?
df <- callModule(linkedScatter, "scatters", car_data(),
left = reactive(c("cty", "hwy")),
right = reactive(c("drv", "hwy"))
output$summary <- renderText({
sprintf("%d observation(s) selected", nrow(dplyr::filter(df(), selected_)))
shinyApp(ui, server)
Drop the parens after car_data:
df <- callModule(linkedScatter, "scatters", car_data,
left = reactive(c("cty", "hwy")),
right = reactive(c("drv", "hwy"))
The module seems to want "unresolved" reactives. The parentheses "resolves" them.
If you want to pass input which is not part of the module just wrap it around reactive() as stated in a tutorial.
If a module needs to access an input that isn’t part of the module,
the containing app should pass the input value wrapped in a reactive
expression (i.e. reactive(...)):
callModule(myModule, "myModule1", reactive(input$checkbox1))
As correctly stated in another answer and Joe Cheng correct way to pass reactive expression is without brackets ()
callModule(linkedScatter, "scatters", car_data)
One option is also to modularize your API input function so you don't need to define reactive expression outside modules. Example of modularized input can be found from this answer.
Below your code with right answer.
linkedScatterUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
column(6, plotOutput(ns("plot1"), brush = ns("brush"))),
column(6, plotOutput(ns("plot2"), brush = ns("brush")))
linkedScatter <- function(input, output, session, data, left, right) {
# Yields the data frame with an additional column "selected_"
# that indicates whether that observation is brushed
dataWithSelection <- reactive({
brushedPoints(data(), input$brush, allRows = TRUE)
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
scatterPlot(dataWithSelection(), left())
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
scatterPlot(dataWithSelection(), right())
scatterPlot <- function(data, cols) {
ggplot(data, aes_string(x = cols[1], y = cols[2])) +
geom_point(aes(color = selected_)) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "#66D65C"), guide = FALSE)
ui <- fixedPage(
h2("Module example"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
### My modification
### making the reactive outside of module call
car_data <- reactive({
## Fix This doesn't work by reactive (var) no brackets()
## What is the syntax for being able to call car_data()?
df <- callModule(linkedScatter, "scatters", reactive(car_data),
left = reactive(c("cty", "hwy")),
right = reactive(c("drv", "hwy"))
output$summary <- renderText({
sprintf("%d observation(s) selected", nrow(dplyr::filter(df(), selected_)))
shinyApp(ui, server)
In my Shiny App, there are a few numericInput and selectInput.
Shiny updates outputs during typing, especially when users type is slower in the numericInput.
sumbitButton could you be used to stop automatically updading. But I prefer to not to use it.
How could I let Shiny waits for a longer time for numericInput?
Thanks for any suggestion. Let me know if my question is not clear.
You can use debounce on the reactive function that uses your Inputs.
Setting it to 2000 milliseconds felt OK to me.
If you use the input directly in a render function you might need to create the data to use in your render function in a reactive function.
An example is here:
## Only run examples in interactive R sessions
if (interactive()) {
options(device.ask.default = FALSE)
ui <- fluidPage(
plotOutput("plot", click = clickOpts("hover")),
helpText("Quickly click on the plot above, while watching the result table below:"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
hover <- reactive({
if (is.null(input$hover))
list(x = NA, y = NA)
hover_d <- hover %>% debounce(1000)
hover_t <- hover %>% throttle(1000)
output$plot <- renderPlot({
output$result <- renderTable({
mode = c("raw", "throttle", "debounce"),
x = c(hover()$x, hover_t()$x, hover_d()$x),
y = c(hover()$y, hover_t()$y, hover_d()$y)
shinyApp(ui, server)
I am struggling to understand how isolate() and reactive() should be used in R Shiny.
I want to achieve the following:
Whenever the "Refresh" action button is clicked:
Perform a subset on a data.frame and,
Feed this into my function to recalculate values.
The subset depends on a group of checkboxes that the user has ticked, of which there are approximately 40. I cannot have these checkboxes "fully reactive" because the function takes about 1.5 sec to execute. Instead, I want to give the user a chance to select multiple boxes and only afterwards click a button to (a) subset and (b) call the function again.
To do so, I load the data.frame in the server.R function:
df1 <- readRDS("D:/././df1.RData")
Then I have my main shinyServer function:
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
data_output <- reactive({
df1 <- df1[,df1$Students %in% input$students_selected]
#Here I want to isolate the "students_selected" so that this is only
#executed once the button is clicked
output$SAT <- renderTable({
How about something like
data_output <- eventReactive(input$button, {
df1[,df1$Students %in% input$students_selected]
Here is my minimal example.
ui <- list(sliderInput("num", "rowUpto", min= 1, max = 10, value = 5),
actionButton("btn", "update"),
server <- function(input, output) {
data_output <- eventReactive(input$btn, {
data.frame(id = 1:10, x = 11:20)[seq(input$num), ]
output$tbl <- renderTable({
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))
Another implementation, a bit more concise.
renderTable by default inspects the changes in all reactive elements within the function (in this case, input$num and input$button).
But, you want it to react only to the button. Hence you need to put the elements to be ignored within the isolate function.
If you omit the isolate function, then the table is updated as soon as the slider is moved.
ui <- list(sliderInput("num", "rowUpto", min= 1, max = 10, value = 5),
actionButton("btn", "update"),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$tbl <- renderTable({
data.frame(id = 1:10, x = 11:20)[seq(isolate(input$num)), ]
runApp(list(ui = ui, server = server))
Use eventReactive instead:
data_output <- eventReactive(input$updateButton, {
df1 <- df1[,df1$Students %in% input$students_selected] #I think your comments are messed up here, but I'll leave the filtering formatting to you
output$SAT <- renderTable({
And in your UI you should have something like:
actionButton('updateButton',label = "Filter")
Looking at ?shiny::eventReactive:
Use eventReactive to create a calculated value that only updates in
response to an event. This is just like a normal reactive expression
except it ignores all the usual invalidations that come from its
reactive dependencies; it only invalidates in response to the given