Static Comparison of Record Layouts - ada

I have two records, some fields of which need to be in the same positions within each record. Although this has been heavily commented in the code, it is possible that, in 10 years time, a programmer may change one of the records without changing the other and I would like to create a static check that this has not occurred.
I can create an "active" check in a procedure or function as follows:
procedure Main is
type SimpleRecord1 is record
FirstItem : Integer;
SecondItem : Boolean;
ThirdItem : Integer;
DoNotCare : Float;
end record;
type SimpleRecord2 is record
Foo : Integer;
Bar : Boolean;
Baz : Integer;
Rfc3092 : Boolean;
end record;
MyRecord1 : SimpleRecord1;
MyRecord2 : SimpleRecord2;
Pragma Assert ((MyRecord1.FirstItem'Position = MyRecord2.Foo'Position) and
(MyRecord1.SecondItem'Position = MyRecord2.Bar'Position) and
(MyRecord1.ThirdItem'Position = MyRecord2.Baz'Position));
Put_Line ("The assert didn't fire");
end Main;
I am concerned that the first three vairiables have the same offsets within the two records. In the real code there are dozens of other variables within each record which are not the same between the records.
However, I would really like this to be a check, not on instances of the records (MyRecord1, MyRecord2), but on the records themselves (SimpleRecord1, SimpleRecord2). Then it could be placed in the .ads file where the records are defined.
is illegal. Is there a way to create a check without having to make instances and put the code into a function or procedure?

To make the last two comments (by Jere and Jim Rogers) more concrete, indeed the Ada way is to define the types of the list elements so that any kind of element can be placed in the same list, and accessed by the same kind of pointer, without any uncheckable conversions. In the OP's case, IMO the most appropriate method is to make all list elements be tagged records derived from the same abstract parent class where the parent contains the next, prev and priority components. For example like this:
type List_Element;
type List_Ptr is access List_Element'Class;
type List_Element is abstract tagged record
Next, Prev : List_Ptr;
Priority : Boolean;
end record;
type Simple_Record_1 is new List_Element with record
DoNotCare : Float;
end record;
type Simple_Record_2 is new List_Element with record
Rfc3092 : Boolean;
end record;
The SW that handles the linked list deals with List_Ptr values that point to List_Element'Class objects but with only the common components Next, Prev and Priority visible. When there is a need to execute some processing that depends on the actual type of the list element, you can use either a dynamically dispatching call, or a membership test followed by a type conversion, to get from a List_Ptr to the underlying Simple_Record_1, for example.

I would do this - especially if you are going to go with Address Overlays and/or Unchecked_Conversion
type Header_Record is
First_Item : Integer;
Second_Item : Boolean;
Third_item : Integer;
end record
with Convention => C;
for Header_Record use
First_Item at 0 range 0 .. 31;
Second_Item at 0 range 32 .. 47;
Third_Item at 0 range 48 .. 79;
end record;
type Item_Record_1 is
Header : Header_Record;
DoNotCare : Float;
end record
with Convention => C;
for Item_Record_1 use
Header at 0 range 0 .. 79;
DoNotCare at 0 range 80 .. 111;
end record;
type Item_Record2 is
Header : Header_Record;
Rfc3092 : Boolean;
end record
with Convention => C;
for Item_Record2 use
Header at 0 range 0 .. 79;
Rfc3092 at 0 range 80 .. 95;
end record;
Here, we are specifying the exact bit layout. It's a bit of pain that you'll need to use one level of indirection ie
However, this should work. Also, always remember to use
Convention => C
Since Ada record layouts and C struct layouts may vary considerably - which is to be expected, given Ada's rich semantics.
EDIT: In response to portability issues. Although, the OP did not specify that it must be portable, it's still no problem ...
with Interfaces.C;
subtype int is;
type Header_Record is
First_Item :;
Second_Item :; --bool?
Third_item :;
end record
with Convention => C;
-- Exact values very likely to be different, for demo only
for Header_Record use
First_Item at 0 range 0 .. int'Size;
Second_Item at 0 range int'Size + 1 .. int'Size * 2;
Third_Item at 0 range int'Size * 2 + 1 .. int'Size * 3;
end record;


Interfacing Ada to C - getting Wide Strings from wchar_t *

I'm interfacing to a USB device (on Debian Stretch) using hidraw, and I need to process some information supplied by the USB device in the form of wchar_t* which I need to convert into (Ada) Wide_String. This is giving some trouble and I'm not seeing a clean way forward using the facilities in Interfaces.C and Interfaces.C.Strings.
All files are edited down without destroying their consistency. They will build, but without one of these, they won't actually run.
The problem is that device information like Serial Number and Product Name are presented by the Linux device driver as an access stddef_h.wchar_t from which I want to return a Wide_String or even a normal String) and I'm not seeing any good way to get there.
Interfaces.C.Strings has function Value (Item : in chars_ptr) return String; but no equivalent exists for Wide_String that I can see. So I think I need an equivalent Value function for wide characters.
The approach below uses To_Ada (from Interfaces.C) to return a Wide_String given a wchar_array. It fails, of course, because an access wchar_t is not convertible to a wchar_array.
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_string
function Value (P : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_String is
temp : Wide_String(1 .. 256);
count : natural := 0;
-- ugliness to convert pointer types
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type wchar_array_ptr is access wchar_array;
Function To_Wchar_Array_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(sd_wchar_ptr, wchar_array_ptr);
-- this does NOT create the required wchar_array pointer
WCP : wchar_array_ptr := To_Wchar_Array_Ptr(sd_wchar_ptr(P));
Put_Line("Wide string");
To_Ada(WCP.all, temp, count);
Put_Line("Wide string length " & natural'image(count));
return temp(1..count);
end Value;
and the inevitable result
Wide string
Execution terminated by unhandled exception raised STORAGE_ERROR :
stack overflow or erroneous memory access
A similar character by character approach would be possible ... if (and I can't believe I'm saying this!) you could increment access types...
Feels like there's something missing from Interfaces.C here... what am I missing? any ideas to get round this relatively trivial seeming stumbling block?
EDIT : I'm leaning towards some brazen theft from the Interfaces.C.Strings sources with appropriate changes, but I'd welcome alternative suggestions.
The rest of this below is the full story so far (including all code necessary to reproduce)
Step 1 : generate low level Ada bindings automatically using gcc.
gcc -c -fdump-ada-spec-slim /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h
producing the low level binding package hidapi_hidapi_h
pragma Ada_2005;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
with stddef_h;
with System;
package hidapi_hidapi_h is
-- see source file /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h
type hid_device_info is record
path : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:51
vendor_id : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:53
product_id : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:55
serial_number : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:57
release_number : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:60
manufacturer_string : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:62
product_string : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:64
usage_page : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:67
usage : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:70
interface_number : aliased int; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:75
next : access hid_device_info; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:78
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, hid_device_info); -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:49
function hid_enumerate (arg1 : unsigned_short; arg2 : unsigned_short) return access hid_device_info; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:132
pragma Import (C, hid_enumerate, "hid_enumerate");
end hidapi_hidapi_h;
This is a low level binding, exposing C types (and the binding generator has decided that the wchar_t in Interfaces.C isn't good enough, it wants one from stddef.h too, so...
pragma Ada_2005;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
package stddef_h is
-- unsupported macro: NULL ((void *)0)
subtype size_t is unsigned_long; -- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h:216
subtype wchar_t is int; -- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h:328
end stddef_h;
Because it is a low level binding; we want to hide it (and implement RAII etc) behind a simpler and more usable high level binding, so ... (below)
with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
private with hidapi_hidapi_h;
private with System;
package hidapi is
type id is new natural range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;
type hid_device is new Limited_Controlled with private;
-- find first matching devices by enumeration : the RA part of RAII.
function enumerate (vendor_id, product_id : id) return hid_device;
-- accessors for device characteristics on enumerated device
function Serial_No (D : hid_device) return Wide_String;
function Product_String (D : hid_device) return Wide_String;
type hid_device is new Limited_Controlled with record
member : access hidapi_hidapi_h.hid_device_info;
addr : System.Address;
end record;
end hidapi;
and its implementation, containing the problem function value to return a Wide_String.
with hidapi_hidapi_h;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with stddef_h;
package body hidapi is
function enumerate (vendor_id, product_id : id) return hid_device is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
first : access hid_device_info;
first := hid_enumerate(unsigned_short(vendor_id), unsigned_short(product_id));
if first /= null then
return H : hid_device do
H.member := first;
H.addr := System.Null_Address;
end return;
else raise Program_Error;
end if;
end enumerate;
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_string
function Value (P : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_String is
temp : Wide_String(1 .. 256);
count : natural := 0;
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type wchar_array_ptr is access wchar_array;
Function To_Wchar_Array_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(sd_wchar_ptr, wchar_array_ptr);
WCP : wchar_array_ptr := To_Wchar_Array_Ptr(sd_wchar_ptr(P));
Put_Line("Wide string");
To_Ada(WCP.all, temp, count);
Put_Line("Wide string length " & natural'image(count));
return temp(1..count);
end Value;
function Serial_No (D : hid_device) return Wide_String is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
return Value(D.member.serial_number);
end Serial_No;
function Product_String (D : hid_device) return Wide_String is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
return Value(D.member.product_string);
end Product_String;
end hidapi;
And of course a test case to exercise it...
with Hidapi;
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
procedure Test_Hid is
usbrelay_vendor_id : constant := 16#16c0#;
usbrelay_product_id : constant := 16#05df#;
Device : Hidapi.hid_device := Hidapi.Enumerate(usbrelay_vendor_id, usbrelay_product_id);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line("Serial : " & Device.Serial_No);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line("Product : " & Device.Product_String);
end Test_Hid;
One answer, slavishly copying the approach in the package body for Tnterfaces.C.Strings with necessary changes.
The naughty stuff is in functions "+" and Peek which use Unchecked Conversions on pointers,
to permit address arithmetic. Not pointer increment, but pointer+offset. One change is that the offset has to be scaled for 4 byte characters. I haven't set that scaling in a portable manner, but note that "+" will overload for each different return type so that offsets will be scaled appropriately for different named access types.
to allow the stddef_h.wchar_t to be viewed as a Wide_Wide_Character in the absence of any type conversion function. Whether the representation is correct is another matter (here, it is) but this technique could also be used to fake the input type of a suitable conversion function like To_Ada in Interfaces.C.
The remainder is straightforward character by character handling. One other change (so far) is to return Wide_Wide_Character rather than Wide_Character (because as the stddef_h package above reveals, the stored characters are 32 bit, same size as I'm happy to change my interface, but Wide_String could be easily handled by Ada.Strings packages.
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type w_w_char_ptr is access all char32_t;
-- Two Unchecked_Conversions to allow pointer arithmetic
-- And a third to allow the resulting storage to be interpreted as Wide_Wide_Char
function To_Sd_wchar_ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, sd_wchar_ptr);
function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (sd_wchar_ptr, System.Address);
function To_Wchar_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (sd_wchar_ptr, w_w_char_ptr);
-- pointer + offset arithmetic, with offset scaled for size of stddef_h.wchar_t;
-- TODO: attempted better way of computing word size ran into type errors
function "+" (Left : sd_wchar_ptr; Right : size_t) return sd_wchar_ptr is
return To_Sd_wchar_ptr (To_Address (Left) + Storage_Offset (Right) * 4);
end "+";
function Peek (From : sd_wchar_ptr) return char32_t is
return To_Wchar_Ptr(From).all;
end Peek;
function Strlen (Item : sd_wchar_ptr) return size_t is
Item_Index : size_t := 0;
if Item = Null then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Peek (Item + Item_Index) = char32_nul then
return Item_Index;
end if;
Item_Index := Item_Index + 1;
end loop;
end Strlen;
function Value (Item : sd_wchar_ptr) return char32_array is
Result : char32_array (0 .. Strlen (Item));
if Item = Null then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Put_Line("String length " & size_t'image(Strlen(Item)));
-- Note that the following loop will also copy the terminating Nul
for J in Result'Range loop
Result (J) := Peek (Item + J);
end loop;
return Result;
end Value;
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_wide_string
function Value (Item : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_Wide_String is
return To_Ada (Value (sd_wchar_ptr(Item)));
end Value;

Ada linker not letting me call my procedure

Here is my code:
procedure String_To_Int(str: String) is
str_length : Integer := str'Size / 8;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (Integer range 1 .. str_length) of Integer;
Text_Io.Put_Line(str & " has a length of " & natural'image(str_length));
for x in 1 .. str_length loop
ASCII_Values_Array(x) := Character'Pos(str(x));
end loop;
end String_To_Int;
and I am trying to call it with:
String_To_Int(str => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
but the compiler is telling me:
Saw '(', expected: , :
And I have no clue what is wrong about how I am calling my procedure. I have looked at many other examples of procedure calls and this looks exactly the same. Any help is appreciated!
There's something you aren't telling us.
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz has a length of 26
Now you don't say what you're actually doing, but here's what I did.
I called String_To_Int from another procedure, in a file test_sti.adb.
with String_To_Int;
procedure test_sti is
String_To_Int(str => "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
Note that String_To_Int is a separate procedure, in its own file, so the with clause tells the compiler to look for it. I could have declared it locally, i.e. between "is" and "begin" and saved both the files below, but separation is probably better design.
Now anything "with"ed will have both a specification and a body - in this case, specification :
procedure String_To_Int(str: String);
and body string_to_int.adb :
with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada;
procedure String_To_Int(str: String) is
str_length : Integer := str'Size / 8;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (Integer range 1 .. str_length) of Integer;
Text_Io.Put_Line(str & " has a length of " & natural'image(str_length));
for x in 1 .. str_length loop
ASCII_Values_Array(x) := Character'Pos(str(x));
end loop;
end String_To_Int;
and to build the lot, simply
gnatmake test_sti.adb
and the compiler works out its own dependencies, no Makefile necessary.
It's actually a bit odd (but perfectly legal) to have a separate "compilation unit" like this for just one procedure. More normally it would either be declared locally, or it would be a part of a package - either a collection of utilities like Ada.Text_IO, or something like a class if you are familiar with Java or C++.
Incidentally, String_To_Int is a very odd procedure : instead of declaring its variables as
str_length : Integer := str'Size / 8;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (Integer range 1 .. str_length) of Integer;
it's cleaner to use the attributes more consistently:
str_length : constant natural := str'Length;
ASCII_Values_Array: array (str'range) of Integer;
and express the loop condition as
for x in str'range loop

I need some answers for solving these problems.I am stuck in these errors whilw programming in Ada using records

I am new to Ada programming.This is my ADA CODE for a program which gives me a list of things when typed a Football legend name in execution time.But I am getting the following errors.Please help me out:
Some of the Errors found are:
1.Discriminants must have a discrete or Access type
2.components "FBClubs cannot be used before end of record declaration
3.discriminant in a variant part must be of discrete part
4."player" is undefined
5."pos" is undefined. candidate interpretations match the sctuals : = > in call to inherited operation "to_string" at line "type playernames..."
with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Integer_Text_Io; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
Procedure football_record is
type Position is (Goalkeeper,Midfielder,Forward,Defender);
type playernames is new Unbounded_String;
type FBClubs is (ACMilan,Man_United,Aresnal,ParisSt.Germain,Real_Madrid,Liverpool,Chelsea,Man_City,Lille,
type countries is (England,Argentina,Brazil,France,Italy,Portugal,Spain,Germany,Iran,Japan);
type fbplayer(player:playernames) is
case player is
when "David Beckham" =>
fbclubs:FBClubs:=ACMilan &"+" & Man_United &"+" & Real_Madrid &"+"& ParisSt.Germain;
when "Lionel Messi" =>
.....and some other 12 players(legends)..
when others =>
end case;
end record;
end football_record;
The biggest problem is that you're mixing code in with a type declaration.
In Ada, putting a case within a record is only for variant records; these are records where some fields exist in certain cases but not others. For example:
type Employee_Type is (Regular, Manager);
type Employee (Emp_Type : Employee_Type) is record
Name : Unbounded_String;
case Emp_Type is
when Manager =>
Managerial_Level : Integer;
when Regular =>
end case;
end record;
This is a variant record; we're assuming here that there are two kinds of employees, and the Managerial_Level field makes sense only for one of those kinds. Records whose type is Regular will not have a Managerial_Level field at all.
This syntax isn't what you would use to return different values of fields. Instead, you need to do this in statements, usually in a procedure or function (or package initialization, or some other places that allow statements).
And since you're not using the variant record syntax, you don't need to make player a discriminant. It doesn't work, anyway; in Ada, a "discriminant" (like Emp_Type in my example) has to be a discrete type like an integer or an enumeration type (Employee_Type is an enumeration type), or an access (access discriminants are an advanced concept). It can't be an Unbounded_String. So you'd want to make player a regular field:
type fbplayer is record
player : Unbounded_String;
pos : Position;
country : countries;
clubs : FBClubs; -- Note name change!
WCAppearances : Integer;
end record;
and create a procedure to fill in the fields:
procedure Fill_In_Player(P : in out fbplayer; Player : Playernames) is
P.Player := Player;
if Player = "David Beckham" then := England;
P.WCAppearances := 3;
P.pos = Midfielder;
P.clubs := ??? -- see below
elsif Player = "Lionel Messi" then
------- etc.
elsif ------
end if;
end Fill_In_Player;
and then call Fill_In_Player when you have the Player and want to set up the record fields. You have to write statements to do this; you can't do it inside the declaration of a record.
Note that in Ada, case statements can only be used on integer or enumeration types. You can't use them to test for a string, as some other languages allow.
Ada does not treat lower-case and upper-case letters the same in identifiers or keywords. Therefore, fbclubs is the same name as FBClubs, and you can't declare the field
fbclubs : FBClubs;
because of the name conflict. I changed the name.
Finally, it looks like you want FBClubs to hold more than one club. But FBClubs is an enumeration type, and can therefore hold only one value at a time. If you want each player record to contain a list of clubs, you'll need to do something else, such as using one of Ada's container types (like Ada.Containers.Vectors.Vector) or something like
type Set_Of_Clubs is array(FBClubs) of Boolean;
where each array value is true if the player played for that club.
I'm not sure that will take care of all your errors, but it looks like you have a lot of work to do already.

Circular dependency between new vector package and procedure

I am attempting to understand how to fix this circular dependency. All the examples I can find online suggest using a limited with, but then they demonstrate the use with two basic types, whereas this is a bit more advanced. The circular dependency is between the two files below. I thought it was between package Chessboard ... and the Piece type, but now I am not so sure. Attempting to put the package Chessboard ... line within after the Piece type is declared and removing the use and with of Chessboard results in an error: this primitive operation is declared too late for the Move procedure. I am stuck on how to get out of this dependency. Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
use Ada.Containers;
with Chess_Types;
use Chess_Types;
package Chessboard is new Indefinite_Vectors(Board_Index, Piece'Class);
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
use Ada.Containers;
with Chessboard;
use Chessboard;
package Chess_Types is
subtype Board_Index is Integer range 1 .. 64;
type Color is (Black, White);
type Piece is tagged
Name : String (1 .. 3) := " ";
Alive : Boolean := False;
Team : Color;
Coordinate : Integer;
end record;
procedure Move_Piece(Board: in Vector; P: in Piece; Move_To: in Integer);
end Chess_Types;
More Code for question in comments:
package Chess_Types.Piece_Types is
type Pawn is new Piece with
First_Move : Boolean := True;
end record;
procedure Move_Piece(Board: in CB_Vector'Class; Po: in Pawn; Move_To: in Board_Index);
-- Other piece types declared here
end Chess_Types.Piece_Types;
with Ada.Text_IO;
use Ada.Text_IO;
package body Chess_Types.Piece_Types is
procedure Move_Piece(Board: in CB_Vector'Class; Po: in Pawn; Move_To: in Board_Index) is
Index_From, Index_To : Board_Index;
Move_From : Board_Index := Po.Coordinate;
-- Obtain locations of Pawn to move from (Index_From) and to (Index_To)
-- in terms of the single dimension vector
for I in Board.First_Index .. Board.Last_Index loop
if Board.Element(I).Coordinate = Move_From then
Index_From := I;
end if;
if Board.Element(I).Coordinate = Move_To then
Index_To := I;
end if;
end loop;
-- Determine if the requested move is legal, and if so, do the move.
-- More possibilties to be entered, very primitive for simple checking.
if Move_To - Move_From = 2 and then Po.First_Move = True then
Board.Swap(I => Index_From, J => Index_To); -- "actual for "Container" must be a variable"
Board.Element(Index_From).First_Move := False; -- "no selector for "First_Move" for type "Piece'Class"
elsif Move_To - Po.Coordinate = 1 then
Board.Swap(Index_From, Index_To); -- "actual for "Container" must be a variable"
end if;
-- Test to make sure we are in the right Move_Piece procedure
end Move_Piece;
-- Other piece type move_piece procedures defined here
end Chess_types.Piece_Types;
As a note to understand further, the Coordinate component of each piece correspond to ICCF numeric notation, which is two digits, so there needs to be some type of conversion between the vector and the ICCF notation, hence the reason for the whole for loop at the start.
This is a tough one. It looks like limited with and generics don't play nice together. The only way to make it work is to go back to using your own access type:
with Ada.Containers.Vectors;
use Ada.Containers;
limited with Chess_Types;
use Chess_Types;
package Chessboard_Package is
subtype Board_Index is Integer range 1 .. 64;
type Piece_Acc is access all Piece'Class;
package Chessboard is new Vectors(Board_Index, Piece_Acc);
end Chessboard_Package;
I had to put the instantiation into a new package, and move the Board_Index there too. Also, I changed it to Vectors since Piece_Acc is a definite type and there's no point in using Indefinite_Vectors. But in any event, this defeats the purpose. I'm just not sure Ada gives you a way to do what you want with two packages like this.
Even doing it in one package is not easy:
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
use Ada.Containers;
package Chess_Types is
subtype Board_Index is Integer range 1 .. 64;
type Color is (Black, White);
type Piece is tagged record ... end record;
type CB_Vector is tagged;
procedure Move_Piece (Board : in CB_Vector'Class;
P : in Piece;
Move_To : in Board_Index);
package Chessboard is new Indefinite_Vectors(Board_Index, Piece'Class);
type CB_Vector is new Chessboard.Vector with null record;
end Chess_Types;
This compiles, but I had to add extra stuff to get around some of the language rules (in particular, when you instantiate a generic, that "freezes" all prior tagged types so that you can no longer declare a new primitive operation of the type); also, I had to make the Board parameter a classwide type to avoid running into the rule about primitive operations of multiple tagged types.
As I understand it, this will do what you want.
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
use Ada.Containers;
package Chess_Types is
subtype Board_Index is Integer range 1 .. 64;
type Color is (Black, White);
type Piece is abstract tagged
Name : String (1 .. 3) := " ";
Alive : Boolean := False;
Team : Color;
Coordinate : Board_Index;
end record;
type Piece_Ptr is access all Piece'Class;
package Chessboard is new Indefinite_Vectors(Board_Index, Piece_Ptr);
procedure Move_Piece (Board : in Chessboard.Vector;
P : in Piece'Class;
Move_To : in Board_Index) is abstract;
end Chess_Types;
Piece is now abstract, as is the Move_Piece method. This will mean you now need to derive your other piece types (package, with a move_piece method for rook) etc...
Chessboard now contains pointers (Class wide pointers), beware allocating, deallocating, deep copy, shallow copy issues when using it.
You should now be able to call Move_Piece on any dereference of a piece_ptr and have it dispatch to the correct method.
The Move_To parameter is now the same type as the Board_Index. (Coordinate also brought in line) -- this seems a bit clunky, perhaps rethink this. (Row & Column Indices defining a 2D array perhaps? --No need for Indefinite_Vectors)
To answer the second question in the comment:
To use First_Move, the procedure has to know that it's a Pawn. If the object is declared with type Piece'Class, you can't access components that are defined only for one of the derived types. (That's true in most OO languages.) This may indicate a flaw in your design; if you have a procedure that takes a Piece'Class as a parameter, but you want to do something that makes sense only for a Pawn, then maybe you should add another operation to your Piece that does a default action for most pieces (perhaps it does nothing) and then override it for Pawn. Other possibilities are to use a type conversion:
procedure Something (P : Piece'Class) is ...
if Pawn(P).First_Move then ...
which will raise an exception if P isn't a Pawn. If you want to test first, you can say "if P in Pawn". I sometimes write code like:
if P in Pawn then
P_Pawn : Pawn renames Pawn(P);
if P_Pawn.First_Move then ...
end if;
But defining a new polymorphic operation is preferable. (Note: I haven't tested the above code, hope I didn't make a syntax error somewhere.)

Return a fat/thick pointer as an out parameter

I am having trouble creating a thick pointer. My current set of declarations look like this:
type Index_Typ is mod 20; -- will be larger in real life
type Data_Buffer_Typ is array (Index_Typ range <>) of Integer; --unconstrained array type
type Data_Buffer_Ptr is access all Data_Buffer_Typ; -- a thick pointer, contains the bounds of array subtype pointed to and address..
Data_Buffer : aliased Data_Buffer_Typ (Index_Typ) := (others => 0); -- this is private
type Result_Typ is (Ok, Overflow, Null_Pointer);
procedure Retrieve (Index : in Index_Typ;
Len : in Index_Typ;
Data_Ptr : out Data_Buffer_Ptr;
Result : out Result_Typ) is
-- assuming range checks are ok, what goes here ?
end Retrieve;
so if i declare:
Ptr : Data_Buffer_Ptr := null;
and given a call of Retreive (2,3, Ptr,Result); how do i end up with a pointer that points at elements 2,3 & 4 of Data_Buffer ?
Yes i know passing out an array slice will probably be done as a
pointer anyway, but we want to explicitly use pointers, not
implicitly (and not my choice!).
Yes i have experimented, i usually get : (object subtype must statically match designated subtype) error message..
Where possible use of new to be avoided.
This works for me, though I have to say it's repulsive! Note the order of the components in Fat_Pointer, which is the opposite to what I started with, and the size of the record on this 64-bit machine (I put the rep clause in to have make the order explicit, it works fine without). Also, I think you're stuck with the new.
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with System;
procedure Fat is
type Index_Typ is mod 20;
type Data_Buffer_Typ is array (Index_Typ range <>) of Integer;
type Data_Buffer_Ptr is access all Data_Buffer_Typ;
Data_Buffer : aliased Data_Buffer_Typ (Index_Typ) := (others => 0);
type Result_Typ is (Ok, Overflow, Null_Pointer);
procedure Retrieve (Index : in Index_Typ;
Len : in Index_Typ;
Data_Ptr : out Data_Buffer_Ptr;
Result : out Result_Typ)
type Bound is (Lower, Upper);
type Bounds is array (Bound) of Index_Typ;
type Bounds_P is access Bounds;
type Fat_Pointer is record
The_Data : System.Address;
The_Bounds : Bounds_P;
end record;
for Fat_Pointer use record
The_Data at 0 range 0 .. 63;
The_Bounds at 8 range 0 .. 63;
end record;
function To_Data_Buffer_Ptr
is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Fat_Pointer, Data_Buffer_Ptr);
Answer : constant Fat_Pointer
:= (The_Bounds => new Bounds'(Lower => Index,
Upper => Index + Len - 1),
The_Data => Data_Buffer (Index)'Address);
Result := Ok;
Data_Ptr := To_Data_Buffer_Ptr (Answer);
end Retrieve;
Ptr : Data_Buffer_Ptr := null;
Result : Result_Typ;
for J in Data_Buffer'Range loop
Data_Buffer (J) := Integer (J);
end loop;
Retrieve (2, 3, Ptr, Result);
for J in Ptr'Range loop
Put_Line (J'Img & " => " & Ptr (J)'Img);
end loop;
end Fat;
