When adding "--" to animate a slide in RMarkdown, bullet point shifts - css

I'm writing up a presentation in RMarkdown. When using the -- between 2 lines (to animate the slide), I sometimes have an extra indentations between the bullet and the text.
See the source code here.
## Find patterns in random processes
- Simulations are useful to test the properties of randomly generated data
- Since we designed the simulation, we know parameters of the processes that underlie it.
- It is then possible to test various methods to
1. see if they work and verify their assumptions,
2. do power analysis,
3. learn how data is generated
4. etc.

Just found this answer here:
Basically, you shall NOT add a space before the to dashes --
So the code should be:
## Find patterns in random processes
- Simulations are useful to test the properties of randomly generated data
- Since we designed the simulation, we know parameters of the processes that underlie it.
- It is then possible to test various methods to
1. see if they work and verify their assumptions,
2. do power analysis,
3. learn how data is generated
4. etc.
I tested it and it now works.


In chainer, How to write BPTT updater using multiple GPUs?

I don't find example because existing example only extends training.StandardUpdater, thus only use One GPU.
I assume that you are talking about the BPTTUpdater of the ptb example of Chainer.
It's not straight forward to make the customized updater support learning on multiple GPUs. The MultiprocessParallelUpdater hard code the way to compute the gradient (only the target link implementation is customizable), so you have to copy the overall implementation of MultiprocessParallelUpdater and modify the gradient computation parts. What you have to copy and edit is chainer/training/updaters/multiprocess_parallel_updater.py.
There are two parts in this file that compute gradient; one in _Worker.run, which represents a worker process task, and the other in MultiprocessParallelUpdater.update_core, which represents the master process task. You have to make these code do BPTT by modifying the code starting from _calc_loss to backward in each of these two parts:
# Change self._master into self.model for _Worker.run code
loss = _calc_loss(self._master, batch)
It should be modified by inserting the code of BPTTUpdater.update_core.
You also have to take care on the data iterators. MultiprocessParallelUpdater accept the set of iterators that will be distributed to master/worker processes. Since the ptb example uses a customized iterator (ParallelSequentialIterator), you have to make sure that these iterators iterate over different portions of the dataset or using different initial offsets of word positions. It may require customization to ParalellSequentialIterator as well.

Recursive hypothesis-building with ambiguites - what's it called?

There's a problem I've encountered a lot (in the broad fields of data analyis or AI). However I can't name it, probably because I don't have a formal CS background. Please bear with me, I'll give two examples:
Imagine natural language parsing:
The flower eats the cow.
You have a program that takes each word, and determines its type and the relations between them. There are two ways to interpret this sentence:
1) flower (substantive) -- eats (verb) --> cow (object)
using the usual SVO word order, or
2) cow (substantive) -- eats (verb) --> flower (object)
using a more poetic world order. The program would rule out other possibilities, e.g. "flower" as a verb, since it follows "the". It would then rank the remaining possibilites: 1) has a more natural word order than 2), so it gets more points. But including the world knowledge that flowers can't eat cows, 2) still wins. So it might return both hypotheses, and give 1) a score of 30, and 2) a score of 70.
Then, it remembers both hypotheses and continues parsing the text, branching off. One branch assumes 1), one 2). If a branch reaches a contradiction, or a ranking of ~0, it is discarded. In the end it presents ranked hypotheses again, but for the whole text.
For a different example, imagine optical character recognition:
** **
** ** *****
** *******
******* **
* ** **
** **
I could look at the strokes and say, sure this is an "H". After identifying the H, I notice there are smudges around it, and give it a slightly poorer score.
Alternatively, I could run my smudge recognition first, and notice that the horizontal line looks like an artifact. After removal, I recognize that this is ll or Il, and give it some ranking.
After processing the whole image, it can be Hlumination, lllumination or Illumination. Using a dictionary and the total ranking, I decide that it's the last one.
The general problem is always some kind of parsing / understanding. Examples:
Natural languages or ambiguous languages
Path finding
Dealing with ambiguous or incomplete user imput - which interpretations make sense, which is the most plausible?
I'ts recursive.
It can bail out early (when a branch / interpretation doesn't make sense, or will certainly end up with a score of 0). So it's probably some kind of backtracking.
It keeps all options in mind in light of ambiguities.
It's based off simple rules at the bottom can_eat(cow, flower) = true.
It keeps a plausibility ranking of interpretations.
It's recursive on a meta level: It can fork / branch off into different 'worlds' where it assumes different hypotheses when dealing with the next part of data.
It'll forward the individual rankings, probably using bayesian probability, to dependent hypotheses.
In practice, there will be methods to train this thing, determine ranking coefficients, and there will be cutoffs if the tree becomes too big.
I have no clue what this is called. One might guess 'decision tree' or 'recursive descent', but I know those terms mean different things.
I know Prolog can solve simple cases of this, like genealogies and finding out who is whom's uncle. But you have to give all the data in code, and it doesn't seem convienent or powerful enough to do this for my real life cases.
I'd like to know, what is this problem called, are there common strategies for dealing with this? Is there good literature on the topic? Are there libraries for ideally C(++), Python, were you can just define a bunch of rules, and it works out all the rankings and hypotheses?
I don't think there is one answer that fits all the bullet points you have. But I hope my links will lead you closer to an answer or might give you a different question.
I think the closest answer is Bayesian network since you have probabilities affecting each other as I understand it, it is also related to Conditional probability and Fuzzy Logic
You also describe a bit of genetic programming as well as Artificial Neural Networks
I can name drop some more topics which might be related:

Is this an NP problem?

first off I'm going to say I don't know a whole lot about theory and such. But I was wondering if this was an NP or NP-complete problem. It specifically sounds like a special case of the subset sum problem.
Anyway, there's this game I've been playing recently called Alchemy which prompted this thought. Basically you start off with 4 basic elements and combine them to make other elements.
So, for instance, this is a short "recipe" if you will for making elements
fire=basic element
water=basic element
air=basic element
earth=basic element
So let's say a computer could create only the 4 basic elements, but it could create multiple sets of the elements. So you write a program to make any element by combining other elements. How would this program process the list the create a lightbulb?
It's clearly fire+air=energy, earth+earth=sand, sand+fire=glass, energy+glass=lightbulb.
But I can't think of any way to write a program to process a list and figure that out without doing a brute force type method and going over every element and checking its recipe.
Is this an NP problem? Or am I just not able to figure this out?
How would this program process the list the create a lightbulb?
Surely you just run the definitions backwards; e.g.
Creating a lightbulb requires 1 energy + 1 glass
Creating an energy requires 1 fire + 1 air
and so on. This is effectively a simple tree walk.
OTOH, if you want the computer to figure out that energy + glass means lightbulb (rather than "blob of molten glass"), you've got no chance of solving the problem. You probably couldn't get 2 gamers to agree that energy + glass = lightbulb!
You can easily model your problem as a graph and look for a solution with any complete search algorithm. If you don't have any experience, it might also help to look into automated planning. I'm linking to that text because it also features an introduction on complexity and search algorithms.

fourier transform to transpose key of a wav file

I want to write an app to transpose the key a wav file plays in (for fun, I know there are apps that already do this)... my main understanding of how this might be accomplished is to
1) chop the audio file into very small blocks (say 1/10 a second)
2) run an FFT on each block
3) phase shift the frequency space up or down depending on what key I want
4) use an inverse FFT to return each block to the time domain
5) glue all the blocks together
But now I'm wondering if the transformed blocks would no longer be continuous when I try to glue them back together. Are there ideas how I should do this to guarantee continuity, or am I just worrying about nothing?
Overlap the time samples for each block by half so that each block after the first consists of the last N/2 samples from the previous block and N/2 new samples. Be sure to apply some window to the samples before the transform.
After shifting the frequency, perform an inverse FFT and use the middle N/2 samples from each block. You'll need to adjust the final gain after the IFFT.
Of course, mixing the time samples with a sine wave and then low pass filtering will provide the same shift in the time domain as well. The frequency of the mixer would be the desired frequency difference.
For speech you might want to look at PSOLA - this is a popular algorithm for pitch-shifting and/or time stretching/compression which is a little more sophisticated than the basic overlap-add method, but not much more complex.
If you need to process non-speech samples, e.g. music, then there are several possibilities, however the overlap-add FFT/modify/IFFT approach mentioned in other answers is probably the best bet.
Found this great article on the subject, for anyone trying it in the future!
You may have to find a zero-crossing between the blocks to glue the individual wavs back together. Otherwise you may find that you are getting clicks or pops between the blocks.

Function point to kloc ratio as a software metric... the "Name That Tune" metric?

What do you think of using a metric of function point to lines of code as a metric?
It makes me think of the old game show "Name That Tune". "I can name that tune in three notes!" I can write that functionality in 0.1 klocs! Is this useful?
It would certainly seem to promote library usage, but is that what you want?
I think it's a terrible idea. Just as bad as paying programmers by lines of code that they write.
In general, I prefer concise code over verbose code, but only as long as it still expresses the programmers' intention clearly. Maximizing function points per kloc is going to encourage everyone to write their code as briefly as they possibly can, which goes beyond concise and into cryptic. It will also encourage people to join adjacent lines of code into one line, even if said joining would not otherwise be desirable, just to reduce the number of lines of code. The maximum allowed line length would also become an issue.
KLOC is tolerable if you strictly enforce code standards, kind of like using page requirements for a report: no putting five statements on a single line or removing most of the whitespace from your code.
I guess one way you could decide how effective it is for your environment is to look at several different applications and modules, get a rough estimate of the quality of the code, and compare that to the size of the code. If you can demonstrate that code quality is consistent within your organization, then KLOC isn't a bad metric.
In some ways, you'll face the same battle with any similar metric. If you count feature or function points, or simply features or modules, you'll still want to weight them in some fashion. Ultimately, you'll need some sort of subjective supplement to the objective data you'll collect.
"What do you think of using a metric of function point to lines of code as a metric?"
Don't get the question. The above ratio is -- for a given language and team -- a simple statistical fact. And it tends toward a mean value with a small standard deviation.
There are lots of degrees of freedom: how you count function points, what language you're using, how (collectively) clever the team is. If you don't change those things, the value stays steady.
After a few projects together, you have a solid expectation that 1200 function points will be 12,000 lines of code in your preferred language/framework/team organization.
KSloc / FP is a bare statistical observation. Clearly, there's something else about this that's bothering you. Could you be more specific in your question?
The metric of Function Points to Lines of Code is actually used to generate the language level charts (actually, it is Function Points to Statements) to give an approximate sense of how powerful a programming language is. Here is an example: http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~timm/dm/functionpoints.html
I wouldn't recommend using that ratio for anything else, except high level approximations like the language level chart.
Promoting library usage is a good thing, but the other thing to keep in mind is you will lose in the ratio when you are building the libraries, and will only pay it off with dividends of savings over time. Bean-counters won't understand that.
I personally would like to see a Function point to ABC metric ratio -- as I am curious about how the ABC metric (which indicates size and includes complexity as part of the info) would relate - perhaps linear, perhaps exponential, etc... www.softwarerenovation.com/ABCMetric.pdf
All metrics suck. My theory has always been that if you have to have them, then use the easiest thing you can to gather them and be done with it and onto important things.
That generally means something along the lines of
grep -c ";" *.h *.cpp | awk -F: '/:/ {x += $2} END {print x}'
If you are looking for a "metric" to track code efficency, don't. If you insist, again try something stupid but easy like source file size (see grep command above, w/o the awk pipe) or McCabe (with a counter program).
