ANOVA on multiple models stored in a tibble - r

It is possible to use anova on multible models stored in a tibble without listing them manually.
An example prediction of wage from age in Wage dataset from the ISLR2 library. I have a tibble a column for polynomial degrees in one column, GLM models in another and CV errors in the third column.
I can use anova through but it does not show p-values without passing test = 'F' as an argument.
GLM <- function(n) {
result <- glm(wage ~ poly(age, n), data = Wage)
CV <- function(n) {
glm_fit <- glm(wage ~ poly(age, n), data = Wage)
result <- cv.glm(Wage, glm_fit, K = 10)$delta[1]
models <- tibble(polynom_degrees = 1:10) %>%
mutate(linear_model = map(polynom_degrees, GLM)) %>%
mutate(CV_error = map(polynom_degrees, CV)) %>%
mutate(CV_error = unlist(CV_error)), models$linear_model)


Dummies not included in summary

I want to create a function which will perform panel regression with 3-level dummies included.
Let's consider within model with time effects :
fit_panel_lr <- function(y, x) {
x[, length(x) + 1] <- y
#adding dummies
mtx <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = 3)
mtx[cbind(seq_len(nrow(mtx)), 1 + (as.integer(unlist(x[, 2])) - min(as.integer(unlist(x[, 2])))) %% 3)] <- 1
colnames(mtx) <- paste0("dummy_", 1:3)
#converting to pdataframe and adding dummy variables
x <- pdata.frame(x)
x <- cbind(x, mtx)
#performing panel regression
varnames <- names(x)[3:(length(x))]
varnames <- varnames[!(varnames == names(y))]
form <- paste0(varnames, collapse = "+")
x_copy <- data.frame(x)
form <- as.formula(paste0(names(y), "~", form,'-1'))
params <- list(
formula = form, data = x_copy, model = "within",
effect = "time"
pglm_env <- list2env(params, envir = new.env())
model_plm <-"plm", params, envir = pglm_env)
However, if I use data :
data("EmplUK", package="plm")
In output I will get :
> fit_panel_lr(dep_var, df1)
Model Formula: capital ~ sector + emp + wage + output + dummy_1 + dummy_2 +
dummy_3 - 1
<environment: 0x000001ff7d92a3c8>
sector emp wage output
-0.055179 0.328922 0.102250 -0.002912
How come that in formula dummies are considered and in coefficients are not ? Is there any rational explanation or I did something wrong ?
One point why you do not see the dummies on the output is because they are linear dependent to the other data after the fixed-effect time transformation. They are dropped so what is estimable is estimated and output.
Find below some (not readily executable) code picking up your example from above:
dat <- cbind(EmplUK, mtx) # mtx being the dummy matrix constructed in your question's code for this data set
pdat <- pdata.frame(dat)
rhs <- paste(c("emp", "wage", "output", "dummy_1", "dummy_2", "dummy_3"), collapse = "+")
form <- paste("capital ~" , rhs)
form <- formula(form)
mod <- plm(form, data = pdat, model = "within", effect = "time")
detect.lindep(mod$model) # before FE time transformation (original data) -> nothing offending
detect.lindep(model.matrix(mod)) # after FE time transformation -> dummies are offending
The help page for detect.lindep (?detect.lindep is included in package plm) has some more nice examples on linear dependence before and after FE transformation.
A suggestion:
As for constructing dummy variables, I suggest to use R's factor with three levels and not have the dummy matrix constructed yourself. Using a factor is typically more convinient and less error prone. It is converted to the binary dummies (treatment style) by your typical estimation function using the model.frame/model.matrix framework.

SHAP Importance for Ranger in R

Having a binary Classification problem:
how would be possible to get the Shap Contribution for variables for a Ranger model?
Sample data:
# Binary Dataset
df <- iris
df$Target <- if_else(df$Species == "setosa",1,0)
df$Species <- NULL
# Train Ranger Model
model <- ranger(
x = df %>% select(-Target),
y = df %>% pull(Target))
I have tried with several libraries(DALEX, shapr, fastshap, shapper) but I didnt get any solution.
I wish getting some result like SHAPforxgboost for xgboost like:
the output of shap.values which is the shap contribution of variables
the shap.plot.summary
Good Morning!,
According to what I have found, you can use ranger() with fastshap() as following:
# Binary Dataset
df <- iris
df$Target <- if_else(df$Species == "setosa",1,0)
df$Species <- NULL
x <- df %>% select(-Target)
# Train Ranger Model
model <- ranger(
x = df %>% select(-Target),
y = df %>% pull(Target))
# Prediction wrapper
pfun <- function(object, newdata) {
predict(object, data = newdata)$predictions
# Compute fast (approximate) Shapley values using 10 Monte Carlo repetitions
system.time({ # estimate run time
shap <- fastshap::explain(model, X = x, pred_wrapper = pfun, nsim = 10)
# Load required packages
# Aggregate Shapley values
shap_imp <- data.frame(
Variable = names(shap),
Importance = apply(shap, MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) sum(abs(x)))
Then for example, for variable importance, you can do:
# Plot Shap-based variable importance
ggplot(shap_imp, aes(reorder(Variable, Importance), Importance)) +
geom_col() +
coord_flip() +
xlab("") +
ylab("mean(|Shapley value|)")
Also, if you want individual predictions, the following is possible:
# Plot individual explanations
expl <- fastshap::explain(model, X = x ,pred_wrapper = pfun, nsim = 10, newdata = x[1L, ])
autoplot(expl, type = "contribution")
All this information has been found in here, and there is more to it:
Check the link and solve your doubts ! :)
I launched two R packages to perform such tasks: One is "kernelshap" (crunching), the other one is "shapviz" (plotting).
fit <- randomForest(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris,)
# bg_X is usually a small (50-200 rows) subset of the data
# Step 1: Calculate Kernel SHAP values
s <- kernelshap(fit, iris[-1], bg_X = iris)
# Step 2: Turn them into a shapviz object
sv <- shapviz(s)
# Step 3: Gain insights...
sv_importance(sv, show_numbers = TRUE)
sv_dependence(sv, v = "Petal.Length", color_var = "auto")

R: Variable Ranking model automation codes to write it as a Function

How can I write the list of commands below into just one Function?
For example: VariableRanking <- function(formula, variables,.....) {
Insert commands........ }
#Variable Ranking Model automation
#exclusion of the variables that are not model variables
exclude <- c("~,", "+" ) # exclude target which is bound_count for Property
formula <- toString(formula)
#listing the entire model formula out
variables_pre <- unlist(strsplit(formula, split = " "))
#keeping only the model variables
variables <- sort(variables_pre[!variables_pre %in% exclude])
#Exclude "," on the target variable
variables[1] <- substr(variables[1], 1, nchar(variables[1])-1)
#Assigning the variables into a data frame
d <- c(1:length(variables))
d= data.frame(d)
d= t(d)
# exclude target variable on the data frame
allvariables <- colnames(d)[-1]
# container for models
listOfModels <- vector("list", length(allvariables))
# loop over variables
for (i in seq_along(allvariables)) {
# exclude variable i
currentvariable <- allvariables[-i]
# programmatically assemble regression formula
regressionFormula <- as.formula(
paste(variables[1],"~", paste(currentvariable, collapse="+")))
# fit model
currentModel <- glm(formula = regressionFormula, family=binomial(link = "logit"), data=dataL_TT)
# store model in container
listOfModels[[i]] <- currentModel
#List of AICs for each model
lapply(listOfModels,function(xx) xx$aic)
#Assign X as the AIC of the full model
X <- modelTT$aic
# Difference of AICs of each model to the AIC of the full model
AICdifference <- lapply(listOfModels,function(xx) xx$aic - X)
# Naming the AIC Difference
AICdifference2 = data.frame(variables=allvariables, AICdiff=unlist(AICdifference))
#Graph the Barchart of the AIC decrease of each variables and save it to pdf
barplot(sort(AICdifference2$AICdiff, decreasing = F), main="Variable Ranking based on AIC decrease",
horiz=TRUE, xlab="AIC Increase", names.arg= AICdifference2$variables[order(AICdifference2$AICdiff, decreasing = F)],
las=1, col= 'dodgerblue4')
Is it possible? because it has a lot of parameters.
So basically I just need the output of the AICdifference2 data frame.
And the barplot saved as pdf and pop up
Try this:
FOO <- function(myformula, data, fullmodel_AIC, plotname){
exclude <- c("~,", "+" ) # exclude target which is bound_count for Property
myformula <- toString(myformula)
variables_pre <- unlist(strsplit(myformula, split = " "))
variables <- sort(variables_pre[!variables_pre %in% exclude])
variables[1] <- substr(variables[1], 1, nchar(variables[1])-1)
d <- t(data.frame(c(1:length(variables))))
allvariables <- colnames(d)[-1]
listOfModels <- vector("list", length(allvariables))
for (i in seq_along(allvariables)) {
# exclude variable i
currentvariable <- allvariables[-i]
# programmatically assemble regression formula
regressionFormula <- as.formula(
paste(variables[1],"~", paste(currentvariable, collapse="+")))
# fit model
currentModel <- glm(formula = regressionFormula, family=binomial(link = "logit"), data = data)
# store model in container
listOfModels[[i]] <- currentModel
AICdifference <- lapply(listOfModels,function(xx) xx$aic - fullmodel_AIC)
AICdifference2 <- data.frame(variables=allvariables, AICdiff=unlist(AICdifference))
pdf(paste0(plotname, ".pdf"),width=12,height=10)
barplot(sort(AICdifference2$AICdiff, decreasing = F), main="Variable Ranking based on AIC decrease",
horiz=TRUE, xlab="AIC Increase", names.arg= AICdifference2$variables[order(AICdifference2$AICdiff, decreasing = F)],
las=1, col= 'dodgerblue4')
You need four parameters: The myformula, the data (dataL_TT in your code), the fullmodel_AIC (modelTT$aic in your code), and a string to name your plot.
Try calling it with FOO(myformula, dataL_TT, modelTT$aic, "test") and insert your formula object for myformula.
I've changed formula to myformula because formula is a base function of the stats package, and it is generally unwise to use object names which are base functions.

R: Clustered robust standard errors using miceadds lm.cluster - error with subset and weights

I am trying to use the lm.cluster function in the package miceadds to get robust clustered standard errors for a multiply imputed dataset.
I am able to get the standard version of it to run but I get the following error when I try to add a subset or weights:
Error in eval(substitute(subset), data, env) :
..1 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
Example that works without subset or weights:
# imputation of the dataset: use six imputations
dat <- data.ma01[ , - c(1:2) ]
imp <- mice::mice( dat , maxit=3 , m=6 )
datlist <- miceadds::mids2datlist( imp )
# linear regression with cluster robust standard errors
mod <- lapply(datlist, FUN = function(data){miceadds::lm.cluster( data=data ,
formula=read ~ paredu+ female , cluster = data.ma01$idschool )} )
# extract parameters and covariance matrix
betas <- lapply( mod , FUN = function(rr){ coef(rr) } )
vars <- lapply( mod , FUN = function(rr){ vcov(rr) } )
# conduct statistical inference
summary(pool_mi( qhat = betas, u = vars ))
Example that breaks with subset:
mod <- lapply(datlist, FUN = function(data){miceadds::lm.cluster( data=data ,
formula=read ~ paredu+ female , cluster = data.ma01$idschool, subset=
(data.ma01$urban==1))} )
Error during wrapup: ..1 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
Example that breaks with weights:
mod <- lapply(datlist, FUN = function(data){miceadds::lm.cluster( data=data ,
formula=read ~ paredu+ female , cluster = data.ma01$idschool,
weights=data.ma01$studwgt)} )
Error during wrapup: ..1 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
From searching, I think I am encountering similar issues as others when passing these commands through an lm or glm wrapper (such as: Passing Argument to lm in R within Function or R : Pass argument to glm inside an R function or Passing the weights argument to a regression function inside an R function)
However, I am not sure how to address the issue with the imputed datasets & existing lm.cluster command.
This works fine with the estimatr package which is on CRAN and the estimatr::lm_robust() function. Two notes: (1) you can change the type of standard errors using se_type = and (2) I keep idschool in the data because we like the clusters to be in the same data.frame as we fit the model on.
# imputation of the dataset: use six imputations
dat <- data.ma01[, -c(1)] # note I keep idschool in data
imp <- mice::mice( dat , maxit = 3, m = 6)
datlist <- miceadds::mids2datlist(imp)
# linear regression with cluster robust standard errors
mod <- lapply(
function (dat) {
estimatr::lm_robust(read ~ paredu + female, dat, clusters = idschool)
# subset
mod <- lapply(
function (dat) {
estimatr::lm_robust(read ~ paredu + female, dat, clusters = idschool, subset = urban == 1)
# weights
mod <- lapply(
function (dat) {
estimatr::lm_robust(read ~ paredu + female, dat, clusters = idschool, weights = studwgt)
# note that you can use the `se_type` argument of lm_robust()
# to change the vcov estimation
# extract parameters and covariance matrix
betas <- lapply(mod, coef)
vars <- lapply(mod, vcov)
# conduct statistical inference
summary(pool_mi( qhat = betas, u = vars ))
I'm no expert, but there is an issue with the passing of the weights to lm(). I know this is not an ideal situation, but I managed to get it to work by modifying the lm.cluster() function to hard code the weights pass and then just used my own.
lm.cluster <- function (data, formula, cluster, wgts=NULL, ...)
if(is.null(wgts)) {
mod <- stats::lm(data = data, formula = formula)
} else {
data$.weights <- wgts
mod <- stats::lm(data = data, formula = formula, weights=data$.weights)
if (length(cluster) > 1) {
v1 <- cluster
else {
v1 <- data[, cluster]
dfr <- data.frame(cluster = v1)
vcov2 <- multiwayvcov::cluster.vcov(model = mod, cluster = dfr)
res <- list(lm_res = mod, vcov = vcov2)
class(res) <- "lm.cluster"

How to pass a large amount of models to gather_predictions

In the modelr package the function gather_predictions can be used to add predictions from multiple models to a data frame, I'm however unsure on how to specify these models in the function call. The help documentation gives the following exmaple:
df <- tibble::data_frame(
x = sort(runif(100)),
y = 5 * x + 0.5 * x ^ 2 + 3 + rnorm(length(x))
m1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = df)
grid <- data.frame(x = seq(0, 1, length = 10))
grid %>% add_predictions(m1)
m2 <- lm(y ~ poly(x, 2), data = df)
grid %>% spread_predictions(m1, m2)
grid %>% gather_predictions(m1, m2)
here the models are specifically mentioned in the function call. That works fine if we have a few models we want predictions for, but what if we have a large or unknown amount of models? In this case manually specifying the models isn't really workable anymore.
the way the help documentation phrases the arguments segment seems to suggest you need to add every model as a separate argument.
gather_predictions and spread_predictions take multiple models. The
name will be taken from either the argument name of the name of the
And for example inputting a list of models into gather_predictions doesn't work.
Is there some easy way to input a list / large amount of models to gather_predictions?
example for 10 models in a list:
modelslist <- list()
for (N in 1:10) {
modelslist[[N]] <- lm(y ~ poly(x, N), data = df)
If having the models stored some other way than a list works better, that's fine as well.
m <- grid %>% gather_predictions(lm(y ~ poly(x, 1), data = df))
for (N in 2:10) {
m <- rbind(m, grid %>% gather_predictions(lm(y ~ poly(x, N), data = df)))
There are workarounds to solve this problem. My approach was to:
1. build a list of models with specific names
2. use a tweaked version of modelr::gather_predictions() to apply all models in the list to data
# prerequisites
# I'll use generic name 'data' throughout the code, so you can easily try other datasets.
# for this example I'll use your data df
# data visualization
ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +
your sample data
# build a list of models
models <-vector("list", length = 5)
model_names <- vector("character", length=5)
for (i in 1:5) {
modelformula <- str_c("y ~ poly(x,", i, ")", sep="")
models[[i]] <- lm(as.formula(modelformula), data = data)
model_names[[i]] <- str_c('model', i) # remember we name the models here sequantially
# apply names to the models list
names(models) <- model_names
# this is modified verison of modelr::gather_predictions() in order to accept list of models
gather.predictions <- function (data, models, .pred = "pred", .model = "model")
df <- map2(models, .pred, modelr::add_predictions, data = data)
names(df) <- names(models)
bind_rows(df, .id = .model)
# the rest is the same as modelr's function...
grids <- gather.predictions(data = data, models = models, .pred = "y")
ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(data = grids, colour = "red") +
facet_wrap(~ model)
example of polynomial models (degree 1:5) applied to your sample data
side note: there are good reasons why I chose strings to build the discuss.
