Long-time reader, first-time asker here :)
I have some data collected at specific times and dates, and there is reason to hypothesize the data roughly follows a 24-hour cycle. I would like to fit a sine wave model on my data as a function of time, so that it is possible to test if future data points fall on the predicted pattern.
I have read this, this and this response but they are not solving my problem because in my case, I'm hoping to keep the x-axis data in POSIXct date-time format. That's how the data is collected and using this format makes for an easily interpreted plot.
Here's some reproducible data that is identical to my real data:
time <- c("2022-01-01 09:20:00", "2022-01-02 11:10:00",
"2022-01-02 18:37:00", "2022-01-03 14:01:00",
"2022-01-05 06:50:00", "2022-01-06 17:03:00")
time <- as.POSIXct(time)
value <- c(3, 6, 2, 8, 4, 1)
These are plotted fine in base R:
plot(time, value)
However, now I run into trouble when I try to construct a sine regression model that would fit the time series. I'm also struggling to fully understand the parameters required by nls function. Based on the previous examples, I have tried this approach (with comments on how I understand it working):
res <- nls(value ~ A * sin(omega * time + phi) + C, # This is the basic sine-function format
data = data.frame(time, value), # This defines the data used
start = list(A = 1, omega = 1, phi = 1, C = 1)) # This gives nls the starting values?
Here, I get an error message: "Error in Ops.POSIXt(omega, time) : '*' not defined for "POSIXt" objects" which I interpret as meaning the specific date format I would like to use is not acceptable for this type of approach. I know this, because if I simply replace the time variable with a dummy vector of integers, the model works fine and I'm able to plot it as follows:
time2 <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
res <- nls(value ~ A * sin(omega * time2 + phi) + C,
data = data.frame(time, value),
start=list(A=1, omega=1, phi=1, C=1))
coefs <- coef(res)
fit <- function(x, a, b, c, d) {a * sin(b * x + c) + d}
plot(time2, value)
curve(fit(x, a = coefs["A"], b = coefs["omega"],
c = coefs["phi"], d = coefs["C"]), add=TRUE,
lwd=2, col="red")
I know I'm on the right track but my main question is, how can I do the above process while maintaining the time variable in POSIXct format?
As mentioned, my main order of business would be to plot the data using Ggplot2, but I can't even begin to try that before I solve the initial problem. However, any pointers on how to get started with that are greatly appreciated! :)
I would probably just generate a numeric number of days from an arbitrary origin time and use that. You can then modify your fit function so that it converts date-times to predicted values. You can then easily make a data frame of predictions from your model and plot that.
df <- data.frame(time = time, value = value)
origin <- as.POSIXct("2022-01-01 00:00:00")
df$days <- as.numeric(difftime(time, origin, unit = "day"))
res <- nls(value ~ A * sin(omega * days + phi) + C,
data = df,
start = list(A = 1, omega = 1, phi = 1, C = 1))
fit <- function(res, newdata) {
x <- as.numeric(difftime(origin, newdata$time, units = "days"))
C <- as.list(coef(res))
C$A * sin(C$omega * x + C$phi) + C$C
new_df <- data.frame(time = origin + as.difftime(new_times, units = "days"))
new_df$value <- fit(res, new_df)
ggplot(df, aes(time, value)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line(data = new_df, colour = "gray") +
I need help solving this error, I am not sure how to, but it seems as when I run the "dp_stat" in the end, an error appears when I do my OLS model. Essentially I try to find the cumulative difference between a benchmark and a given individual predictive model. Here dp is my independent variable and sg is my dependent variable. datanu is my excel data. I'm not sure how to attach the data here, however here is a link to the excel and the code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12BOuNBODURIP7CQIBZWMmHFc1d7zXHxN?usp=sharing If anyone has a fix it would mean the world!
"#Error in lag():! n must be a positive integer, not a double vector of length 1."
rm(list= ls()) # Clear global environment
invisible(gc()) # Free up unused R-occupied memory
cat("\014") # Clear console output: equivalent to ctrl + L
#header TRUE fordi første row er navne.
datanu <- read_xlsx("~/Documents/6.semester/Bachelor/Data/datanu.xlsx",
na = "NaN",
sheet = "datax",
myts <- ts(datanu, start=c(1872, 1), end=c(2020, 12), frequency=12)
plot(myts[, c("dp", "dy", "ep", "de")])
get_statistics <- function(myts, dp, sg, h=1, start=1872, end=2020, est_periods_OOS = 20) {
#1. Historical mean model for en portefølje
avg <- mean(window(myts, start, end)[, sg], na.rm=TRUE)
IS_error_N <- (window(myts, start, end)[, sg] - avg)
#2. OLS model
#reg <- dyn$lm(sg ~ lag(as.numeric(dp), 1), data=window(myts, start, end))
reg <- dyn$lm(eval(parse(text=sg)) ~ lag(eval(parse(text=dp)), -1), data=window(myts, start, end)) #Error in `lag()`:! `n` must be a positive integer, not a double vector of length 1.
IS_error_A <- reg$residuals
OOS_error_N <- numeric(end - start - est_periods_OOS)
OOS_error_A <- numeric(end - start - est_periods_OOS)
#anvender kun information op til forecasten er lavet.
j <- 0
for (i in (start + est_periods_OOS):(end-1)) {
j <- j + 1
#Get the actual ERP that you want to predict
actual_ERP <- as.numeric(window(myts, i+1, i+1)[, sg])
#1. Historical mean model
OOS_error_N[j] <- actual_ERP - mean(window(myts, start, i)[, sg], na.rm=TRUE)
#2. OLS model
reg_OOS <- dyn$lm(eval(parse(text=sg)) ~ lag(eval(parse(text=dp)), -1),
data=window(myts, start, i))
df <- data.frame(x=as.numeric(window(myts, i, i)[, dp]))
names(df) <- dp
pred_ERP <- predict.lm(reg_OOS, newdata=df)
OOS_error_A[j] <- pred_ERP - actual_ERP
#Compute statistics
MSE_N <- mean(OOS_error_N^2)
MSE_A <- mean(OOS_error_A^2)
T <- length(!is.na(myts[, sg]))
OOS_R2 <- 1 - MSE_A/MSE_N
#Is the -1 enough (maybe -2 needed because of lag)?
OOS_oR2 <- OOS_R2 - (1-OOS_R2)*(reg$df.residual)/(T - 1)
dRMSE <- sqrt(MSE_N) - sqrt(MSE_A)
IS <- cumsum(IS_error_N[2:length(IS_error_N)]^2)-cumsum(IS_error_A^2)
OOS <- cumsum(OOS_error_N^2)-cumsum(OOS_error_A^2)
df <- data.frame(x=seq.int(from=start + 1 + est_periods_OOS, to=end),
IS=IS[(1 + est_periods_OOS):length(IS)],
OOS=OOS) #Because you lose one observation due to the lag
#Shift IS errors vertically, so that the IS line begins
# at zero on the date of first OOS prediction. (se Goyal/Welch (2008, side 1465))
df$IS <- df$IS - df$IS[1]
df <- melt(df, id.var="x")
plotGG <- ggplot(df) +
geom_line(aes(x=x, y=value,color=variable)) +
geom_rect(data=data.frame(),#Needed by ggplot2, otherwise not transparent
aes(xmin=2008, xmax=2010,ymin=-0.2,ymax=0.2),
alpha=0.1) +
scale_y_continuous('Cumulative SSE Difference', limits=c(-0.2, 0.2)) +
return(list(IS_error_N = IS_error_N,
IS_error_A = reg$residuals,
OOS_error_N = OOS_error_N,
OOS_error_A = OOS_error_A,
IS_R2 = summary(reg)$r.squared,
IS_aR2 = summary(reg)$adj.r.squared,
OOS_R2 = OOS_R2,
OOS_oR2 = OOS_oR2,
plotGG = plotGG))
dp_stat <- get_statistics(myts, "dp", "sg", start=1872)
As the error message states, n must be a positive integer, not a double vector of length 1. The error comes from you providing n = -1 (i.e., a negative number) as an argument. I assume your idea is to have a negative number of positions to lag by. However, the lag() function only accepts a positive number of lag positions. Instead of lag(), you should use lead() with n = 1 to achieve the desired result.
The basic gist is that I have a set of housing data that I need to create a model for to minimize the predicted price vs actual price of house based on the dataset. So I created this bit of code to essentially test for a range of different numerators and find the one that minimized the difference between them. I'm using the median instead of the mean as the data isn't exactly normal.
Since I only have experience with lm(), I'm using that to create the coefficients and C values. But since the model likes exponents, I have to also test various exponents. It does this for each of the variables and then goes back to the first and re-evaluates it based on the other exponents. The model starts out with all the exponents ending up equal to 1. So the same as the basic linear model. I know that this is probably horribly inefficient and probably uses a lot of code in a somewhat wasteful, but I'm in my first r class so sorry about the mess and/or convoluted coding logic.
Is there any way to do this same thing but being more efficient. Also, I can't really decrease the number of variables as the model likes having more variables and produces a greater margin of error when they aren't present.
w <- seq(1,10000,1)
r <- seq(1,10000,1)
t <- seq(1,10000,1)
z <- seq(1,10000,1)
s <- seq(1,10000,1)
coef_1 <- c(6000,6000,6000,6000,6000,6000,6000,6000)
v <- rep(6000, each = 8)
for(l_1 in 1:10){
for(t_1 in 1:8){
for(i in 1:10000){
t = t_1
coef_1[t] = i
mod5 <- lm(log(SALE_PRC) ~ I(TOT_LVG_AREA^((coef_1[1]-5000)/1000)) + I(LND_SQFOOT^((coef_1[2]-5000)/1000)) + I(RAIL_DIST^((coef_1[3]-5000)/1000)) + I(OCEAN_DIST^((coef_1[4]-5000)/1000)) + I(CNTR_DIST^((coef_1[5]-5000)/1000)) + I(HWY_DIST^((coef_1[6]-5000)/1000)) + I(structure_quality^((coef_1[7]-5000)/1000)) + SUBCNTR_DI + SPEC_FEAT_VAL + (exp(((coef_1[8]-5000)/1000)*SPECIAL_RATIO)) + age, data = kaggle_transform_final)
kaggle_new <- kaggle_transform_final %>%
add_predictions(model = mod5, var = "prediction") %>%
mutate(new_predict = exp(prediction)) %>%
mutate(new_difference = abs((new_predict-SALE_PRC))/SALE_PRC) %>%
mutate(average_percent_difference = median(new_difference)) %>%
mutate(mean_percent_difference = mean(new_difference)) %>%
mutate(quart_75 = quantile(new_difference,.75))
w[i] = kaggle_new$average_percent_difference[1]
r[i] = kaggle_new$mean_percent_difference[1]
t[i] = kaggle_new$quart_75[1]
z[i] = i
s[i] = (i-5000)/1000
if(i%%100 ==0){show(i)}
u <- data.frame(median_diff = w, mean_diff = r, quart_75 = t, actual = s, number = z) %>%
coef_1[t_1] <- u$number[1]
v[t_1] <- u$actual[1]
coef_1 <- coef_1
So I am running a survival analysis on my dataset of google playstor downloads.
My analysis using survreg only provides me with nas for coefficients though.
"(5 not defined because of singularities)"
If I use a normal lm regression this problem does not occur. This would not work however since all observations of the dependent variable are right censored for a different number (the numeric value is also the limit).
My original dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/lava18/google-play-store-apps
So here I will show you my entire code. It might be a bit long so scroll to the end for the survival analysis, but I wanted to give you the ability to fully comprehend.
Dataset <- read_excel("Thesis/googleplaystore.xlsx")
#selecteer 500 apps
dataset <- Dataset[sample(nrow(Dataset), 500), ]
#Lastupdated --> days_since
end <- matrix( c("2018-08-31"), nrow=500, ncol=1, byrow=FALSE)
end <- format(as.Date(end), "%Y/%m/%d")
dataset$`Last Updated` <- as.Date(dataset$`Last Updated`,
format = "%B %d, %Y")
dataset$`Last Updated` <- format(as.Date(dataset$`Last Updated`), "%Y/%m/%d")
elapsed.time <- dataset$`Last Updated` %--% end
dataset$days_since <- as.duration(elapsed.time) / ddays(1)
# + verwijdern uit aantal installs
dataset$Install <- gsub("\\+","", dataset$Installs)
dataset$Install <- gsub(",","", dataset$Install)
# installs en price numeric maken
dataset$Install <- as.numeric(dataset$Install)
dataset$Rating <- as.numeric(dataset$Rating)
dataset$Price <- gsub("\\$","", dataset$Price)
dataset$Price <- as.numeric(dataset$Price)
#Tobit Survival analyses
dataset$ins_cen <- matrix( c("0"), nrow=500, ncol=1, byrow=FALSE)
dataset$ins_cen <- as.numeric(dataset$ins_cen)
dataset_2 <- dataset %>% filter(!is.na(dataset$Rating))
dataset_2$dum_cen <- ifelse(dataset_2$ins_cen == 0, 0, 1)
dataset_2$dum_fac <- as.factor(dataset_2$dum_cen)
survreg(Surv(Install, ins_cen, type= 'right') ~ Rating + Price + Reviews + days_since,
dist="gaussian", data = dataset_2)
CRCH <- crch(Install ~ Rating + Price + Size + Reviews +days_since + `Current Ver` + Category, data = dataset, dist = 'gaussian', right = dataset_2$Install)
I tried turning the event into an dummy variable and a factor but both options do not work. The dummy variable changes nothing, while the factor variable gives an error.
Error in survreg(Surv(Install, dum_fac, type = "right") ~ Rating +
Price + : multi-state survival is not supported
Thanks for any help.
Sorry if I am asking stupid questions but I am still learning and can't figure my problem out.
p.s. I also tried to solve my problem using crch() but this lead to a different error, where I can't seem to wrap my head around either.
Error in optim(par = start, fn = loglikfun, gr = gradfun, method =
method, : non-finite value supplied by optim
Edit: I noticed I left character variables in the crch code.
When this is removed from the formula I get a different error.
Error in solve.default(hessfun(par)) : system is computationally
singular: reciprocal condition number = 7.31468e-142
CRCH code:
CRCH <- crch(Install ~ Rating + Price + Reviews +days_since, data = dataset, dist = 'gaussian', left = -Inf, right = dataset_2$Install)
x = Price + Size + Reviews +days_since + `Current Ver` + Category
Background and Summary of Objective
I am trying to find the y-coordinate at the intersection of two plotted curves using R. I will provide complete details and sample data below, but in the hopes that this is a simple problem, I'll be more concise up front.
The cumulative frequencies of two curves(c1 and c2 for simplicity) are defined by the following function, where a and b are known coefficients:
Using the uniroot() function, I found "x" at the intersection of c1 and c2.
I had assumed that if x is known then determining y should be simple substitution: for example, if x = 10, y=1/(1+exp(-(a+b*10))) (again, a and b are known values); however, as will be shown below, this is not the case.
The objective of this post is to determine how to find y-coordinate.
This data replicates respondents' stated price at which they find the product's price to be too.cheap (i.e., they question its quality) and the price at which they feel the product is a bargain.
The data will be cleaned before use to ensure that too.cheap is
always less than the bargain price.
The cumulative frequency for the
bargain price will be inverted to become not.bargain.
The intersection of bargain and too.cheap will represent the point at
which an equal share of respondents feel the price is not a bargain
and too.cheap --- the point of marginal cheapness ("pmc").
Getting to the point where I'm having a challenge will take a number of steps.
Step 1: Generate some data
# load libraries for all steps
# function that generates the data
so.create.test.dataset <- function(n, mean){
step.to.bargain <- round(rnorm(n = n, 3, sd = 0.75), 2)
price.too.cheap <- round(rnorm(n = n, mean = mean, sd = floor(mean * 100 / 4) / 100), 2)
price.bargain <- price.too.cheap + step.to.bargain
df.temp <- cbind(price.too.cheap,
df.temp <- as.data.frame(df.temp)
# create 389 "observations" where the too.cheap has a mean value of 10.50
# the function will also create a "bargain" price by
#adding random values with a mean of 3.00 to the too.cheap price
so.test.df <- so.create.test.dataset(n = 389, mean = 10.50)
Step 2: Create a data frame of cumulative frequencies
so.get.count <- function(p.points, p.vector){
cc.temp <- as.data.frame(table(p.vector))
cc.merged <- merge(p.points, cc.temp, by.x = "price.point", by.y = "p.vector", all.x = T)
cc.extracted <- cc.merged[,"Freq"]
cc.extracted[is.na(cc.extracted)] <- 0
# creates cumulative frequencies for three variables
# using the price points provided by respondents
# extract and sort all unique price points
# Thanks to akrun for their help with this step
price.point <- sort(unique(unlist(round(df, 2))))
#create a new data frame to work with having a row for each price point
dfp <- as.data.frame(price.point)
# Create cumulative frequencies (as percentages) for each variable
dfp$too.cheap.share <- 1 - (cumsum(so.get.count(dfp, df$price.too.cheap)) / nrow(df))
dfp$bargain.share <- 1 - cumsum(so.get.count(dfp, df$price.bargain)) / nrow(df)
dfp$not.bargain.share <- 1 - dfp$bargain.share# bargain inverted so curves will intersect
so.df.price <- so.get.df.price(so.test.df)
Step 3: Estimate the curves for the cumulative frequencies
# Too Cheap
so.l <- lm(logit(so.df.price$too.cheap.share, percents = TRUE)~so.df.price$price.point)
so.cof.TCh <- coef(so.l)
so.temp.nls <- nls(too.cheap.share ~ 1 / (1 + exp(-(a + b * price.point))), start = list(a = so.cof.TCh[1], b = so.cof.TCh[2]), data = so.df.price, trace = TRUE)
so.df.price$Pr.TCh <- predict(so.temp.nls, so.df.price$price.point, lwd=2)
#Not Bargain
so.l <- lm(logit(not.bargain.share, percents = TRUE) ~ price.point, so.df.price)
so.cof.NBr <- coef(so.l)
so.temp.nls <- nls(not.bargain.share ~ 1 / (1 + exp(-(a + b * price.point))), start = list(a = so.cof.NBr[1], b = so.cof.Br[2]), data= so.df.price, trace=TRUE)
so.df.price$Pr.NBr <- predict(so.temp.nls, so.df.price$price.point, lwd=2)
# Thanks to John Fox & Sanford Weisberg - "An R Companion to Applied Regression, second edition"
At this point, we can plot and compare the "observed" cumulative frequencies against the estimated frequencies
ggplot(data = so.df.price, aes(x = price.point))+
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$Pr.TCh, colour = "Too Cheap"))+
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$Pr.NBr, colour = "Not Bargain"))+
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$too.cheap.share, colour = "too.cheap.share"))+
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$not.bargain.share, colour = "not.bargain.share"))+
scale_y_continuous(name = "Cummulative Frequency")
The estimate appears to fit the observations reasonably well.
Step 4: Find the intersection point for the two estimate functions
so.f <- function(x, a, b){
# model for the curves
1 / (1 + exp(-(a + b * x)))
# note, this function may also be used in step 3
#I was building as I went and I don't want to risk a transpositional error that breaks the example
so.pmc.x <- uniroot(function(x) so.f(x, so.cof.TCh[1], so.cof.TCh[2]) - so.f(x, so.cof.Br[1], so.cof.Br[2]), c(0, 50), tol = 0.01)$root
We may visually test the so.pmc.x by plotting it with the two estimates. If it is correct, a vertical line for so.pmc.x should pass through the intersection of too.cheap and not.bargain.
ggplot(data = so.df.price, aes(x = price.point)) +
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$Pr.TCh, colour = "Too Cheap")) +
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$Pr.NBr, colour = "Not Bargain")) +
scale_y_continuous(name = "Cumulative Frequency") +
geom_vline(aes(xintercept = so.pmc.x))
...which it does.
Step 5: Find y
Here is where I get stumped, and I'm sure I'm overlooking something very basic.
If a curve is defined by f(x) = 1/(1+exp(-(a+bx))), and a, b and x are all known, then shouldn't y be the result of 1/(1+exp(-(a+bx))) for either estimate?
In this instance, it is not.
# We attempt to use the too.cheap estimate to find y
so.pmc.y <- so.f(so.pmc.x, so.cof.TCh[1], so.cof.TCh[2])
# In theory, y for not.bargain at price.point so.pmc.x should be the same
so.pmc.y2 <- so.f(so.pmc.x, so.cof.NBr[1], so.cof.NBr[2])
EDIT: This is where the error occurs (see solution below).
a != so.cof.NBr[1] and b != so.cof.NBr[2], instead a and be should be defined as the coefficients from so.temp.nls (not so.l)
# Which they are
#> so.pmc.y
# 0.02830516
#> so.pmc.y2
# 0.0283046
If we calculate the correct value for y, a horizontal line at yintercept = so.pmc.y, should pass through the intersection of too.cheap and not.bargain.
...which it obviously does not.
So how does one estimate y?
I've solved this, and as I suspected, it was a simple error.
My assumption that y = 1/(1+exp(-(a+bx))) is correct.
The issue is that I was using the wrong a, b coefficients.
My curve was defined using the coefficients in so.cof.NBr as defined by so.l.
#Not Bargain
so.l <- lm(logit(not.bargain.share, percents = TRUE) ~ price.point, so.df.price)
so.cof.NBr <- coef(so.l)
so.temp.nls <- nls(not.bargain.share ~ 1 / (1 + exp(-(a + b * price.point))), start = list(a = so.cof.NBr[1], b = so.cof.Br[2]), data= so.df.price, trace=TRUE)
so.df.price$Pr.NBr <- predict(so.temp.nls, so.df.price$price.point, lwd=2)
But the resulting curve is so.temp.nls, NOT so.l.
Therefore, once I find so.pmc.x I need to extract the correct coefficients from so.temp.nls and use those to find y.
# extract coefficients from so.temp.nls
so.co <- coef(so.temp.nls)
# find y
so.pmc.y <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(so.co[1] + so.co[2] * so.pmc.x)))
ggplot(data = so.df.price, aes(x = price.point))+
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$Pr.TCh, colour = "Too Cheap"))+
geom_line(aes(y = so.df.price$Pr.NBr, colour = "Not Bargain"))+
scale_y_continuous(name = "Cumulative Frequency")+
geom_hline(aes(yintercept = so.pmc.y))
Yielding the following...
which graphically depicts the correct answer.
I'm trying to perform a CV on my linear model, which has seasonal dummy variables, so i can't take a random sample.
y = rnorm(120,0,3) + 20*sin(2*pi*(1:120)/12)
x = months(ISOdate(2012,1:12,1))
reg.data = data.frame(y, x)
model = lm(y ~ x, data = reg.data)
My CV function is:
cross.valid = function(model, min.fit = as.integer(nrow(model$model)*0.7), h = 1)
dados = model$model
n.rows = nrow(dados)
results = data.frame(pred = numeric(), actual = numeric())
for (i in seq(1, n.rows - min.fit - h + 1, by = h))
dados.train = dados[1:(i + min.fit - 1), ]
model <- update(model, data = dados.train)
dados.pred = dados[(i + min.fit):(i + min.fit + h - 1), -1, drop = FALSE]
predic = predict(model, newdata = dados.pred, interval = 'prediction')
actual = dados[(i + min.fit):(i + min.fit + h - 1), 1]
results = rbind(results, data.frame(pred = predic[1:h, 'fit'], actual = actual))
cv1 = cross.valid(model, h = 1)
mae = with(cv1, mean(abs(actual - pred )))
The MAE values for different horizons (h) are too close. Is the code itself valid? Is there a better solution/package for doing this?
I don't think there is anything incorrect about your function. Investigate the forecast package; I suspect that it will provide many functions that you need.
I have rewritten your function concisely:
y = rnorm(120,0,3) + 20*sin(2*pi*(1:120)/12)
x = months(ISOdate(2012,1:12,1))
reg.data = data.frame(y, x)
pred.set<-function(i,h) {
train<-reg.data[1:(i + min.fit - 1),]
test<-reg.data[(i + min.fit):(i + min.fit + h - 1),]
pred<-predict(lm(y~x, data=train), newdata=test)
abs(test$y - pred)
mean(sapply(seq(1, nrows - min.fit - h + 1, by = h),pred.set,h=h))
pred.by.horiz matches the output of your function (and post-processing) exactly.
As you mentioned, the horizon does not appear to affect the MAE:
plot(mae.by.h,type='l',col='red',lwd=2,xlab='Horizon',ylab='Mean absolute error')
Perhaps you expected the the mean error would increase as the prediction horizon increases. For many time-series models this would be true, but in your linear model of months adding more data doesn't help you predict the next point in the series (unless you add 12 months or more).
For example, consider what happens when h is 1. You begin with 84 months of data, 7 points of data for each month. Now, you add one point of data, which will be the next January, and attempt to predict the result of February. But your additional point of data will only help you predict the next January, that is how your linear function works. Look at the summary of the model:
lm(y ~ x, data = reg.data)
(Intercept) xAugust xDecember xFebruary xJanuary
17.11380 -32.74962 -17.81076 -0.03235 -6.63998
xJuly xJune xMarch xMay xNovember
-26.69203 -17.41170 2.96735 -7.11166 -25.43532
xOctober xSeptember
-33.56517 -36.93474
Each prediction is made solely on the basis of two variables, the intercept, and the predicted month. So predicting one point ahead isn't any easier than predicting five points ahead. That is why the MAE isn't rising as the horizon increases the problem is in the way you modeled the data, not the MAE function.
One thing I didn't completely understand about your function is why you decided to increment the size of the train set by h on each iteration. It is revealing to look at what happens when you try to increment by 1:
# Code to increment by 1
function(h) mean(sapply(seq(1, nrows - min.fit - h + 1, by = 1),pred.set,h=h))
plot(mae.by.h2,type='l',col='red',lwd=2,xlab='Horizon',ylab='Mean absolute error')
The pattern here is complex, but you'll note that the MAE starts to decrease at 12, when the horizon is large enough that the next point can be used.