Styling infiniteHits with Algolia search - css

I have an Algolia search widget set up in my site, however the results all have their list number next to them. How do I style this to remove the numbers?
The docs have this under cssClasses.
// ...
cssClasses: {
root: 'MyCustomInfiniteHits',
list: [
So I tried something like this.
// ...
cssClasses: {
list: [
'list-style: none',
but the numbers still appear.
My widget is inside of a Django template if that helps and I am using instantsearch.js.

Ok, I actually figured it out. The string that you include inside of
list: [
is the class that is applied to the element. So you can then just add styling to your stylesheet.


How to directly access a button from a table td

I am currently designing a table that was made with rc-table. I made the last row for actions which renders the buttons edit and delete. I want to edit it's style with Sass but I was unable to
I also specified classes for both the edit and delete button since they'll have different background-colors.
Is it possible to access it directly via a class? or is there another way which I don't know about.
for example if you have something like this in your code
this.columns = [
title: 'Operations', dataIndex: '', key: 'd', render: (text, record) =>
<a className="delete-btn" onClick={e => this.onDelete(record.key, e)} href="#">Delete</a>,
you can add class t the a element and the overwrite those styles with your CSS/SASS.
like this
.rc-table td {
background-color: 'red';
// custom styles here
notice the className attribute in a.

Firefox Extension - including CSS in manifest.json

My manifest is not working when I add CSS into it, while it works in Chrome Extension when I do like that.
Here how my manifest looks:
"css": ["css/jquery-ui.css", "css/font-awesome.css", "css/simplegrid.css", "css/basic.css"],
"js": ["jquery.js", "jquery-ui.js", "myPeaceFile.js"],
myPeaceFile.js works, jquery's are working. But CSS files are not.
I previously asked question about jquery's not working. It looked like this:
"js": ["peace.js", "jquery.js"] - didn't work.
Then I was suggested this and it worked:
"js": ["jquery.js", "peace.js"]
Is it something similar? Please help.
You can attach CSS to pages using Style, in your main.js define a style and attach this style to the contentscript.
var { Style } = require('sdk/stylesheet/style');
var style = Style({
uri: './bootstrap.css'
tabs.on('ready', function(tab) {
let worker = tab.attach({
contentScriptFile: [
attach(style, tab);
At the Style constructor in the second line you can pass a string, or an array of strings, that represents local URI to stylesheet. In this case the ./bootstrap.css is in the data folder of the extension.

How to add custom formatting to Redactor

I'm wondering if it's possible to add custom formatting to redactor? I created a custom button, and I'm able to change the formatting of text, but only using certain elements:
['p', 'blockquote', 'pre', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5']
However, I'm not able to add any of the following:
['small', 'figcaption']
I followed the Redactor docs to set up the button, and here is my function that is being called:
var selected_html = $('#redactor_content').getSelected();
$('#redactor_content').execCommand('formatblock', '<small>');
I also tried adding elements to my 'formattingTags' array, but it didn't seem to have any affect.
formattingTags: ['p', 'blockquote', 'small', 'pre', 'h3', 'h4']
Thank you in advance.
I think I figured it out.
I added the following to my button function:
var $selected_html = $('#redactor_content').getSelected();
$('#redactor_content').execCommand('inserthtml', '<small>' + $selected_html + '</small>');
However, this is not perfect as it does not replace the parent tag, and you can keep adding elements within elements.
Something like that:
redactorOptionsDefaults = {
buttonsAdd: {},
activeButtonsAdd: {},
buttonsCustom: {}
redactorOptionsDefaults.buttonsCustom.small = {
title: 'small Header',
callback: function () {
redactorOptionsDefaults.activeButtonsAdd.small = 'small';
It formatting block, highlight button if needed while selecting block. But don't remove style while repeat button click

chrome extension content script can not access to iframes

i want to make a chrome extension on google reader and i found a problem. content script can not access to iframes. For all n, window.frames[n] = undefined. And i have this "all_frames": true in manifest.json. Or someone could tell me how to add a button under each article. Thank you!
From taking a quick look at Google Reader's rendered HTML, the only button that is in an IFRAME appears to be the Google Plus +1 button - all the other buttons are not in an IFRAME. So you don't need to worry about the IFRAME.
I'm assuming that the existing buttons are the buttons that appear underneath each article: +1, Share, Email, Keep Unread, Add Tags.
If you want to add a new button to the existing article buttons all you need to do is enumerate the DOM - specifically the "entry-actions" DIV classes and append say a new SPAN with your element/button to each article.
I suspect (but not sure) that Reader may dynamically update the DOM with new articles. If this is the case you may need to track new articles being added to the DOM so you can add your button again. To do this add an event listener for DOMNodeInserted - e.g.
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', onNodeInserted, false);
The reason you can't see ".entry-actions" class is because it is added dynamically.
Here is a working very basic example. This will monitor the DOM and when it sees an entry-actions DIV that doesn't have our ".myclass" SPAN button, will add it.
You need to have jquery included in your extension for this to work. I've used jquery-1.7.1.min.js in this example. You will also need an icon file called foo.png too if you cut and paste the example.
// Required
"name": "Foo Extension",
"version": "0.0.1",
// Recommended
"description": "A plain text description",
"icons": { "48": "foo.png" },
//"default_locale": "en",
// Pick one (or none)
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "Foo.png", // optional
"default_title": "Foo Extension" // optional; shown in tooltip
"permissions": [ "http://*/", "https://*/", "tabs" ],
"content_scripts": [
"matches": ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
"js": ["jquery-1.7.1.min.js", "content_script.js" ],
"run_at": "document_idle"
var timer;
document.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', onNodeInserted, false);
function onNodeInserted(e)
if(timer) clearTimeout(timer);
timer = setTimeout("addButtons()", 250);
function addButtons()
console.log('add buttons');
var $actions = $(".entry-actions").filter(function() {
return $(this).find('.myclass').length === 0;
$actions.append('<span class="myclass">My button</span>');

Add class to h1-tag (into formatselect) - TinyMCE / Wordpress

I would like to add a class to my "formatselect" options of the tinyMCE in Wordpress. So when selecting a h1 from the dopdown it should generate a <h1 class="blue">.
I found this Post, but can't get it to work.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
What is described there is working even though not suitable for everyone. I'll give you a short list of what you need to do:
1. use the content_css tinmce init setting
content_css: "",
2. Create a content.css file containing your class {
background-color: #F067A0;
3. use the styleformatting tinmce init setting
style_formats: [{
title: 'My Foo styles'
}, {
title: 'Foo',
block: 'h1',
classes: 'foo',
exact: true
4. Make sure you have the style button included (tinymce init)
theme_advanced_buttons1: "styleselect",
You should be able to select text from the h1-tag in the editor and select foo from the dropdown menu of styles. The class should be applied to your selected text.
