HERE Truck Transport Tile (trucknopttile) - here-api

We use Routing API v8 to build truck routes!
In our country constructed many new roads! But info on 'trucknopttile' tile is incorrect at now! Truck route built in incorrect way!
How can we improve this information and change this behavior?
Does v8 API have option like in v7 - 'truckRestrictionPenalty'?
Wrong weights limit signs on the bridge
Example request:
routes?transportMode=truck&origin=49.81208246726337,24.157407830301196&destination=49.81755155059492,24.147335560752186&return=polyline,tolls,summary,routeHandle,passthrough,incidents&alternatives=3&currency=EUR&units=metric&departureTime=any&avoid%5Bfeatures%5D=seasonalClosure,uTurns&avoid%5BzoneCategories%5D=environmental&vehicle%5Btype%5D=tractor&vehicle%5Blength%5D=1650&vehicle%5Bwidth%5D=255&vehicle%5Bheight%5D=373&vehicle%5BgrossWeight%5D=38000&vehicle%5BweightPerAxle%5D=11500&vehicle%5BaxleCount%5D=5&vehicle%5BtrailerCount%5D=1&spans=incidents,length,duration,countryCode,routeNumbers,speedLimit,dynamicSpeedInfo,notices&apiKey={API KEY}

Routing v7 had a strict approach to truck restrictions. There, no route which violated some truck restriction(s) was ever returned. It was possible to change this behavior with truckRestrictionPenalty parameter, but even then Routing v7 provided only a generic notice: Code: routingOptionViolated, Text: truckRestriction.
If Routing v8 cannot find any route that obeys all specified options and vehicle parameters and that avoids all applicable restrictions, by default, the response will contain a route that violates some restrictions. The response will also contain a set of critical notices explaining which restrictions could not be avoided. In some areas, this is not possible, for example in Romania, where almost all of the main roads have a 11.5t per axle restriction.
For more detail please refer below api document.


Limitation for waypoints when using HERE Route Matching v8

Limitations on Waypoints in Here-Maps SDK & Routing Performance measurement
I am using HERE Route Matching v8 and having the same question.
Is there still the limitation of 200 waypoints in a single request now?
I want to know the Limitation for waypoints when using HERE Route Matching v8
Thanks for the question. We would suggest you use waypoints with small sizes, and you are right the current limitation is still under 200 waypoints, this restriction is on the URL characters limitation, not the request itself.

HERE Maps - truck restrictions

I'm using the Here API to calculate routes for trucks with 40t. Using the HERE devtools, i got the same error of my APP. The answer is "The API can't calculate the route because of illegal access". I checked the map (image attached) and in the street where my journey will start, with a difference of some meters, it exists two limitations 12t and 18t. The street is one way... If you see the satellite image exists several trucks... The company is testing the software says the trucks goes their...
Can some help me on this?,2.141551&waypoint1=stopOver,3600!41.3291843,2.0317197&waypoint2=stopOver,3600!40.91260530,-8.42291420&waypoint3=38.855951,-9.104382&mode=fastest;truck;traffic:enabled&departure=2020-08-19T02:57:58&alternatives=0&weightPerAxle=14t&limitedWeight=40t&height=4m&width=2.55m&length=16.5m&trailersCount=
If you want to ignore the restrictions for trucks in the route, add the parameter truckRestrictionPenalty and set the value to soft.
The route violating truck restrictions is indicated in the response with dedicated route and manoeuvre notes. The route with the note of the type violation and the text truckRestriction may be travelled at your own responsibility. While driving on such a route, extra care has to be taken as it may result in a vehicle or road infrastructure damage.
You can read more about the parameter here.
Thanks for your feedback, but we are using the Fleet Telematics Api not the Routing API. Using your info, We researched a litle more and we found the equivalent parameter: ignoreWaypointVehicleRestriction.
We added these params &ignoreWaypointVehicleRestriction=5000;0;all and the API returned the route with the warning.

Ignore restrictions for truck over 20 ton

I use same request{app_id}&app_code={app_code}&mode=truck;fastest;traffic:disabled&language=en-GB&representation=overview&metricSystem=metric&routeattributes=wp,sc,sm,sh,bb,lg,no,shape&legattributes=wp,mn,li,le,tt&maneuverattributes=po,sh,tt,le,ti,li,pt,pl,rn,nr,di&linkattributes=sh,le,sl,ds,tr&trailersCount=0&alternatives=0&currency=EUR&trailerType=2&vehicleNumberAxles=2&trailerNumberAxles=3&hybrid=0&height=4m&trailerHeight=400&vehicleWeight=8000&limitedWeight=20t&width=225&length=3&disabledEquipped=0&minimalPollution=0&hov=0&passengersCount=1&commercial=1&heightAbove1stAxle=300&fuelType=Diesel&detail=1&rollup=none,country;tollsys&emissionType=5&shippedhazardousgoods=0&waypoint0=geo!41.3260846,2.1408677&waypoint1=geo!41.3566442,2.0946016
How can I get route and cost of road avoiding of restrictions for truck with weight over 20t?
Thank for help.
Firstly, please use the latest URL for the request.{{RESTapiKey}}...
If you want to avoid restrictions for trucks, add the parameter truckRestrictionPenalty and set the value to soft.
The route violating truck restrictions is indicated in the response with dedicated route and maneuver notes. The route with the note of the type violation and the text truckRestriction may be traveled at your own responsibility. While driving on such route, extra care has to be taken as it may result in a vehicle or a road infrastructure damage.

Routing Service v8 API question - more than a single waypoint/via?

I have a problem with Here Maps Routing API v8.
Altough the documentation states that:
but a request may specify many more intermediate waypoints with via as well. See Route Via Intermediate Waypoint for examples.
... I am at a loss how to create a request with one origin/destination and two or more waypoints. In v7 we had a single waypoints parameter which allowed unlimited waypoints.
In v8, I tried something like: &via=52,13;51,14&.. to send two via points, but that doesn't work.
The v8 documentation (which feel rushed/unfinished) doesn't help, and neither their only example, which only illustrates the use of a single via waypoint.
Help please!!!
You need to add as many times via={lat},{lng} as you have waypoints:
# Note: line breaks and spaces are for readability only (they need to be removed)

Here API Routing - Avoid unpaved roads

can anyone write how to avoid unpaved roads in Here routing (or truck routing) in REST API? I have checked API and I couldn't find answer. Routing API routes cars or trucks via dirty roads, what is unaccepted.
RouteFeatureType:The routing features can be used to define special conditions on the calculated route. The user can weight each feature with non-positive weights.
Possible paramers are: tollroad, motorway, boatFerry, railFerry, tunnel, dirtRoad,
The Feature weights are used to define weighted conditions on special route features like tollroad,
motorways, etc.
-3 strictExclude The routing engine guarantees that the route does not contain strictly
excluded features. If the condition cannot be fulfilled no route is returned.
-2 softExclude The routing engine does not consider links containing the corresponding
feature. If no route can be found because of these limitations the condition is weakened.
-1 avoid The routing engine assigns penalties for links containing the corresponding
0 normal The routing engine does not alter the ranking of links containing the
corresponding feature.
Of course does the map content play also a huge role here. It is needed for the routing that the attribution e.g. for a dirt road (unpaved road segment) is set correctly.
You can also check details and report issues here:
