How to set default versioning in ASP.NET Core 6 Web API for my scenario? -

Just realised that my understanding about ASP.NET Core 6 Web API versioning is wrong.
This is my controller:
public class FundController
public async Task<List<PortfolioHolding<Holding>>> Delta([FromQuery] Request dataModel)
What I want is to support route /Fund/v1.0/delta and /Fund/delta, when versioning not provided by the consumer (e.g. calling /Fund/delta), the default version will be hit.
So I configured the versioning like this. However, when I call /Fund/delta, I get a http 404 error.
But /Fund/v1.0/delta will hit the correct controller.
What am I doing wrong?
services.AddApiVersioning(option =>
option.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 0);
option.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
option.ReportApiVersions = true;

Usually, it's pretty easy to do this that way. The disadvantage of this approach is that you need to manually change the "default" version of API with this attribute

The problem is that you have not specified the routes in the controller.
You should add the default route as well as the formatted version route. Then you should ensure that your endpoints have the version specified in the MapToApiVersion attribute.
Here is a code sample of what your controller should look like:
public class FundController : ControllerBase
public async Task<List<PortfolioHolding<Holding>>> DeltaV1([FromQuery] Request dataModel)
public async Task<List<PortfolioHolding<Holding>>> DeltaV2([FromQuery]
Request dataModel)


Set custom route using OData 8

Recently I updated to OData 8.0.10. I added this in my Startup.cs file:
services.AddControllers().AddOData(opt =>
opt.AddRouteComponents("odata", GetEdmModel()).Filter().Select().OrderBy().Count());
private static IEdmModel GetEdmModel()
ODataConventionModelBuilder builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
return builder.GetEdmModel();
I have this small controller
public class ProjectController : ControllerBase
[EnableQuery(PageSize = 20)]
public IQueryable<Project> GetAsync()
var projects = _projectRepository.GetAll();
return projects;
[HttpGet("{id}", Name = "GetProjectById")]
public async Task<ActionResult> GetAsyncById(long id)
var project = await _projectService.GetProjectByIDAsync(id);
return Ok(project);
[HttpPatch("{id}", Name = "PatchProjectById")]
public async Task<ActionResult> PatchProject(long id, [FromBody] ProjectPatchDetails projectPatch)
var project = await _projectRepository.GetAsync(id);
var updated = await _projectService.UpdateProjectAsync(id, project, projectPatch);
return Ok(updated);
that has three endpoints, one of them is annotated by [EnableQuery] and the rest aren't. When I access api/project?$count=true&$skip=0&$orderby=CreateDate%20desc, I get a paged info (20 records) but I don't get the #odata.context and #odata.count. If I access /odata/project?$count=true&$skip=0&$orderby=CreateDate%20desc, with odata/ prefix, it gives me #odata.context and #odata.count. I tried changing AddRouteComponents to AddRouteComponents("api", GetEdmModel()) but in this case I get the following error:
"The request matched multiple endpoints. Matches: MyApp.Api.Controllers.ProjectController.GetAsync (MyApp.Api) MyApp.Api.Controllers.ProjectController.GetAsync (MyApp.Api)"
I have multiple questions in this case:
Is there a way to reroute odata to api, make /odata prefix as /api and make it work?
Should I make another controller that will store all OData tagged actions and on this way maybe workaround this as a solution, if possible?
Is there a way to reroute odata to api, make /odata prefix as /api and make it work?
if you add 'opt.AddRouteComponents("api", GetEdmModel())', remember to remove
[Route("api/[controller]")] and other attribute routings
Should I make another controller that will store all OData tagged actions and on this way maybe workaround this as a solution, if possible?
Basically, it's better to create two controllers, one for odata, the other for others. In your scenario, you mixed them together. You should be careful about this. You can use 'app.UseODataRouteDebug()' middleware to help you debug.
I think your ProjectController should be inheriting from ODataController not ControllerBase. With the ODataController, you should get the context url and the #odata.count

OData + Swagger. URL generation

In my Net 6 Web-API project I'm using OData and Swagger (it was added automatically when project was created).
It works out of the box, but there is an issue with some URLs generated by Swagger.
Here is my OData controller:
public class UsersController : ODataController
// skipped for brevity
public IActionResult Get()
return Ok(_dbContextRepo.Select<DbModel.User>());
public SingleResult<User> Get([FromODataUri] int key)
return SingleResult.Create(_dbContextRepo.Select<User>().Where(u => u.Id == key));
SwaggerUI output:
When I try to run query that gets entity by Id from Swagger it fails because of wrong url.
By some reason Swagger generates query parameter and URL like on picture above. For OData URL has to be like this (path parameter,
In swagger.json parameter described as
Spent all day trying to figure this out. Will appreciate any help.
Found solution myself. I'm using OData 8 and it seems there is no need to mark method parameter as [FromODataUri].
public SingleResult<User> Get(int key)
Whithout it Swagger generates correct links.

Consume OpenApi client .NET Core with Interface

Someone out there must have run into this already...
I created a WebApi solution with swagger implemented, full documentation, the whole 9 yards!
When I run my web api solution, see the swagger output (and I've tested the endpoints, all working fine)
I can see the swagger definition: https://localhost:5001/swagger/v1/swagger.json
Now, I want to consume this Api as a connected service on my web app.
So following every single tutorial online:
I go to my webapp
right click on Connected Services
Add Connected Service
Add Service Reference > OpenApi > add Url, namespace & class name
That generates a partial class in my solution (MyTestApiClient)
public parial class MyTestApiClient
// auto generated code
Next step, inject the service in Startup.cs
services.AddTransient(x =>
var client = new MyTestApiClient("https://localhost:5001", new HttpClient());
return client;
Then, inject the class into some class where it's consumed and this all works
public class TestService
private readonly MyTestApiClient _client; // this is class, not an interface -> my problem
public TestService(MyTestApiClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<int> GetCountAsync()
return _client.GetCountAsync();
So everything up to here works. BUT, this generated OpenApi client doesn't have an interface which sucks for the purposes of DI and Unit Testing.
I got around this by creating a local interface IMyTestApiClient, added to the generated class (MyTestApiClient). I only have 1 endpoint in my WebApi so have to declare that on my interface.
public parial class MyTestApiClient : IMyTestApiClient
// auto generated code
public interface IMyTestApiClient
// implemented in generated MyTestApiClient class
Task<int> GetCountAsync();
services.AddTransient<IMyTestApiClient, MyTestApiClient>(x =>
IMyTestApiClient client = new MyTestApiClient("https://localhost:5001", new HttpClient());
return client;
public class TestService
private readonly IMyTestApiClient _client; // now injecting local interface instead of the generated class - great success
public TestService(IMyTestApiClient client)
_client = client;
public async Task<int> GetCountAsync()
return _client.GetCountAsync();
But this is a bad approach because it makes me manually create an interface and explicitly declare the methods I want to consume. Furthermore, every time my Api gets updated, I will have to tweak my local interface.
So question time:
How can I add an OpenApi Service Reference that automagically also generates an interface as well?
Thanks in advance for any help getting to a viable solution.
You may have already found the answer but I had the same issue and managed to resolve it by adding /GenerateClientInterfaces:true in the Options section for the OpenAPI reference in my .csproj:
<OpenApiReference Include="api.json" CodeGenerator="NSwagCSharp" Namespace="MyNamespace" ClassName="MyClassName">

Url.Action returning incorrect URL for webapi action with Route attrubute

I have a problem with the behaviour of Url.Action();
I have a webapi where all controllers require explicit route prefix attribute and all actions require a route attribute.
I register my routes in the WebApiConfig.cs
var constraintResolver = new DefaultInlineConstraintResolver()
ConstraintMap =
["apiVersion"] = typeof( ApiVersionRouteConstraint )
I have currently commented out the line below, but (because) it did not change the incorrect behaviour:
//config.Routes.MapHttpRoute(name: "DefaultApi",
//routeTemplate: "api/v{version:apiVersion}/{controller}/{action}/{id}", defaults: new {id = RouteParameter.Optional});
My controllers look as follows:
public class ProgramsController : ApiController
[HttpGet, Route("{telemetryKey}/versions/latest")]
public async Task<LatestVersionResponse> GetLatestVersionInfo(Guid telemetryKey)
// serious business logic
I expect that '#Url.Action("GetLatestVersionInfo", "Programs", new { telemetryKey = Guid.Parse("43808405-afca-4abb-a92a-519489d62290") })'
should return /api/v1/programs/43808405-afca-4abb-a92a-519489d62290/versions/latest
however, I get /Programs/GetLatestVersionInfo?telemetryKey=43808405-afca-4abb-a92a-519489d62290 instead. So, my routeprefix and route attributes are ignored.
Swagger correctly discovers my routes and I can validate that requests to the expected routes work OK - it's only the Url.Action() that is confused.
What can be wrong...?
Well, it seems there were a few things wrong.
Wrong helper:
I should be using the Url.HttpRouteUrl for generating API links from a razor view (Url.Link is for generating link from within API controllers)
Conflict with aspnet-api-versioning library
For some reason (perhaps a bug?) the prefix that I have on the controller (apiVersion variable) breaks the URL helper mechanism.
For now, I have ditched the aspnet-api-versioning library, but created an issue on their github repo, in case its a bug.
Since I really hate the idea of creating and maintaing magic strings, so I took the following approach - each controller has a public static class which contains const values for the route names:
public class DevelopersController : ApiController
[HttpGet, Route("{developerId}/programs", Name = Routes.GetPrograms)]
public async Task<IEnumerable<Program>> GetPrograms(Guid developerId){}
public static class Routes
public const string GetPrograms = nameof(DevelopersController) +"."+ nameof(DevelopersController.GetPrograms);
Now that can be used from a razor controller in a simple and relatively safe manner:
#Url.HttpRouteUrl(DevelopersController.Routes.GetPrograms, new { developerId = /* uniquest of guids */})
A bit better than magic strings. I've also added a bunch of unit tests for controllers where I validate that each route is unique and proper and that the routes class only contains routes for the action it contains.
Try the following:
Name your route:
[HttpGet, Route("{telemetryKey}/versions/latest", Name="LatestVersionInfoRoute")]
public async Task<LatestVersionResponse> GetLatestVersionInfo(Guid telemetryKey)
// serious business logic
Use Url.Link method:
#Url.Link("LatestVersionInfoRoute", new { telemetryKey = Guid.Parse("43808405-afca-4abb-a92a-519489d62290") })

How can I get the baseurl of my site in ASP.NET Core?

Say my website is hosted in the mywebsite folder of and I visit
How do I get the base url part in an MVC controller? The part that I am looking for is
The example listed here doesn't work as we don't have access to Request.Url in ASP.NET Core
You should still be able to piece together what you need. You have access to the request object if your controller inherits from Controller.
If you are using VS2017, fire up a new ASPNet Core MVC app and replace the homecontroller with:
public class HomeController : Controller
public IActionResult Index()
return View();
public IActionResult About()
ViewData["Message"] = $"{this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host}{this.Request.PathBase}";
return View();
public IActionResult Contact()
ViewData["Message"] = "Your contact page.";
return View();
public IActionResult Error()
return View();
I just put in some of the stuff that might interest you in the "About" method, but you should explore the rest of the request class so you know what else is available.
As #Tseng pointed out, you might have a problem when running Kestrel behind IIS or Azure App Service, but if you use the IISIntegration package or AzureAppServices package (by installing the Nuget package and adding it in Program.cs to your WebHostBuilder), it should forward those headers to you. It works great for me in Azure, because I sometimes have to make decisions based on which hostname they hit. The IIS/Azure packages also forward the original remote IP address, which I log.
If you need this anywhere in your app than you should create a class and add it as a service.
Define your static class and your extension method for adding it to the service pipeline like this.
public class MyHttpContext
private static IHttpContextAccessor m_httpContextAccessor;
public static HttpContext Current => m_httpContextAccessor.HttpContext;
public static string AppBaseUrl => $"{Current.Request.Scheme}://{Current.Request.Host}{Current.Request.PathBase}";
internal static void Configure(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
m_httpContextAccessor = contextAccessor;
public static class HttpContextExtensions
public static void AddHttpContextAccessor(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
public static IApplicationBuilder UseHttpContext(this IApplicationBuilder app)
return app;
It might be a little redundant to expose the HttpContext in this case but I find it very helpful.
You would than add it to the pipeline in your Configfure method which is located in Startup.cs
From there it is simple to use it anywhere in your code.
var appBaseUrl = MyHttpContext.AppBaseUrl;
All of these existing answers depend on an HttpContext object, which is only available during an incoming request. However, I needed to get the URLs in a background service where HttpContext was not available.
This information is also available in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.IServer service, as long as the actual host service provides this information. If you're using the default Kestrel server, I've found that it is indeed provided. I have not tested this when hosting IIS in-process or with other hosting models.
You need to get an instance of IServer and then look for the .Features entry of type IServerAddressesFeature.
Here's an extension method to get the URL(s) directly from an IServiceProvider:
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting.Server.Features;
public static ICollection<string> GetApplicationUrls(this IServiceProvider services)
var server = services.GetService<IServer>();
var addresses = server?.Features.Get<IServerAddressesFeature>();
return addresses?.Addresses ?? Array.Empty<string>();
You could however accomplish the same thing by injecting IServer if DI services are available.
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
public AccountController(IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
var request = httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request;
var domain = $"{request.Scheme}://{request.Host}";
//domain =>
NPNelson answer works if with .Value.ToString()
var baseUrl = $"{this.Request.Scheme}://{this.Request.Host.Value.ToString()}{this.Request.PathBase.Value.ToString()}";
var baseUrl = Request.GetTypedHeaders().Referer.ToString();
This way you can capture the base url information.
This is how I could get it in Asp .Net Core 3.1 version.
You can access the resource from the link below.
string.Format("{0}://{1}{2}", Request.Url.Scheme, Request.Url.Authority, Url.Content("~"));
you can check for more information here:
How can I get my webapp's base URL in ASP.NET MVC?
