not sure what is happening. i have a recursive function getting data from a table. and it's finds an key to be true and then false twice within it being false..
i am wanting to check the isActive boolean and if it's false return false. if it's true then continue the script.
local DummyData = {
data = {
['id'] = 34523456,
['question'] = 'whats milk?',
['isActive'] = true,
['questionCountdownTimerInSeconds'] = (60),
function FindQuestionInfo(Object)
local Data = {
['id'] = '',
['question'] = '',
['isActive'] = true or false,
['questionCountdownTimerInSeconds'] = (0),
for index, child in pairs(Object) do
local ChildIsTable = type(child) == 'table'
if not ChildIsTable then
local isActive = index == 'isActive'
local isId = index == 'id'
local isQuestion = index == 'question'
local isQuestionCountDDownTImerInSeconds = index == 'questionCountdownTimerInSeconds'
if isQuestion then
Data['question'] = child
if isId then
Data['id'] = child
if ChildIsTable then
local FoundItem = FindQuestionInfo(child)
if FoundItem then
return FoundItem
return Data
Your code doesn't make too much sense. I'm not even sure what you want to achieve with it.
I'll just mention a few issues:
['isActive'] = true or false
As Nifim already pointed out in his comment true or false equals true. Sou you could simply do
['isActive'] = true
You don't need parenthesis around numbers as in ['questionCountdownTimerInSeconds'] = (0)
You don't mention how you use this code. I assume you call FindQuestionInfo(DummyData)
So let's run your code. First you define Data
local Data = {
['id'] = '',
['question'] = '',
['isActive'] = true or false,
['questionCountdownTimerInSeconds'] = (0),
Then you traverse over the table Object with a generic for loop and the pairs iterator. Assuming Object is DummyData this will give us a key value pair of DummyData each cycle.
First you check if child (our value) is a table. I don't see how it can be a table with the provided code. If it is not a table you create various booleans.
local isActive = index == 'isActive'
local isId = index == 'id'
local isQuestion = index == 'question'
local isQuestionCountDDownTImerInSeconds = index == 'questionCountdownTimerInSeconds'
And then you assign values conditionally.
if isQuestion then
Data['question'] = child
if isId then
Data['id'] = child
So only if index equals one of the keys you assign the same table field from Object to Data.
This whole loop doesn't make sense. If you want to assign values from one table to another you simply assign them. You don't traverse over the entire table until you find the right key to assign.
Aside from your isTable condition which seems to be always false you can replace that for loop by
Data.isQuestion = Object.isQuestion and Object.isQuestion or Data.isQuestion
Data.isId = Object.isId and Object.isId or Data.isId
Because you simply assign those values if they exist in Object.
Then there is this section which I cannot make sense of as I don't see how child will ever be a table:
if ChildIsTable then
local FoundItem = FindQuestionInfo(child)
if FoundItem then
return FoundItem
Also FindQuestionInfo(child) always returns Data so the condition
if FoundItem then
return FoundItem
is not necessary.
So unless your Object will have a table inside that you didn't show in your example I don't see any reason to have this code at all. Especially not the recursive part.
You only copy parts of Object into a new table Data.
I cannot make sense of your problem description either.
I'm assuming you're asking about a xy-problem here. So I suggest you ask a new question about the actual problem you're trying to solve rather than about how to fix this code.
I am working on a simple database procedure in Kotlin using Room, and I can't explain why the process is so slow, mostly on the Android Studio emulator.
The table I am working on is this:
#Entity(tableName = "folders_items_table", indices = arrayOf(Index(value = ["folder_name"]), Index(value = ["item_id"])))
data class FoldersItems(
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var uid: Long = 0L,
#ColumnInfo(name = "folder_name")
var folder_name: String = "",
#ColumnInfo(name = "item_id")
var item_id: String = ""
And what I am just trying to do is this: checking if a combination folder/item is already present, insert a new record. If not, ignore it. on the emulator, it takes up to 7-8 seconds to insert 100 records. On a real device, it is much faster, but still, it takes around 3-4 seconds which is not acceptable for just 100 records. It looks like the "insert" query is particularly slow.
Here is the procedure that makes what I have just described (inside a coroutine):
val vsmFoldersItems = FoldersItems()
val itmCk = database.checkFolderItem(item.folder_name, it)
if (itmCk == 0L) {
val newFolderItemHere = vsmFoldersItems.copy(
folder_name = item.folder_name,
item_id = it
the variable "items" is an array of Strings.
Here is the DAO definitions of the above-called functions:
#Query("SELECT uid FROM folders_items_table WHERE folder_name = :folder AND item_id = :item")
fun checkFolderItem(folder: String, item: String): Long
suspend fun insertFolderItems(item: FoldersItems)
Placing the loop inside a single transaction should significantly reduce the time taken.
The reason is that each transaction (by default each SQL statement that makes a change to the database) will result in a disk write. So that's 100 disk writes for your loop.
If you begin a transaction before the loop and then set the transaction successful when the loop is completed and then end the transaction a single disk write is required.
What I am unsure of is exactly how to do this when using a suspended function (not that familiar with Kotlin).
As such I'd suggest either dropping the suspend or having another Dao for use within loops.
Then have something like :-
val vsmFoldersItems = FoldersItems()
val itmCk = database.checkFolderItem(item.folder_name, it)
if (itmCk == 0L) {
val newFolderItemHere = vsmFoldersItems.copy(
folder_name = item.folder_name,
item_id = it
your_RoomDatabase.setTransactionSuccessful() //<<<<<<< IF NOT set then ALL updates will be rolled back
You may wish to refer to:-
You may wish to especially refer to runInTransaction
I have some json, for examle:
data = {
Next, I use crossfilter, create dimension and filter it:
let ndx = crossfilter(data);
let dim = ndx.dimension(d => !== "Jo");
//try to get filtered values
let filtered =; // -> return 2 values where 'name'!='Jo'
let myGroup = => {
if(d === 'Jo') {
//Why we come here? This values must be filtered already
How can I filter my dimension and don't have these values on ''?
Not sure what version you are using, but in the current version of Crossfilter, when a new group is created all records are first added to the group and then filtered records are removed. So the group accessor will be run at least once for all records.
Why do we do this? Because for certain types of grouping logic, it is important for the group to "see" a full picture of all records that are in scope.
It is possible that the group accessor is run over all records (even filtered ones) anyway in order to build the group index, but I don't remember.
I am trying to use a DynamoDB table to store this data:
CustomerId String
PlayerId String
PlayerInsult String
Using the method (concept, not code) described here:
and here:
I want to have multiple insult records per customer-player.
CustomerId is my Hash Key
PlayerId is my Range Key
and I a trying to use PlayerInsult in a key so that
a second PlayerInsult value inserts a second record
rather than replacing the existing one.
Have tried both Global and Secondary indexes for this,
but if I try to add a row with a new insult, it still
replaces the insult with the same customer-player key
rather than adding a new one.
Any suggestions on the best approach to use for this is
DynanoDB? Do I need to create a hybrid column for a range-key?
Trying to keep this simple...
class func createDartsPlayerInsultTable() -> BFTask {
let dynamoDB = AWSDynamoDB.defaultDynamoDB()
let hashKeyAttributeDefinition = AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinition()
hashKeyAttributeDefinition.attributeName = "CustomerId"
hashKeyAttributeDefinition.attributeType = AWSDynamoDBScalarAttributeType.S
let hashKeySchemaElement = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
hashKeySchemaElement.attributeName = "CustomerId"
hashKeySchemaElement.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Hash
let rangeKeyAttributeDefinition = AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinition()
rangeKeyAttributeDefinition.attributeName = "PlayerId"
rangeKeyAttributeDefinition.attributeType = AWSDynamoDBScalarAttributeType.S
let rangeKeySchemaElement = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
rangeKeySchemaElement.attributeName = "PlayerId"
rangeKeySchemaElement.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Range
let indexRangeKeyAttributeDefinition = AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinition()
indexRangeKeyAttributeDefinition.attributeName = "PlayerInsult"
indexRangeKeyAttributeDefinition.attributeType = AWSDynamoDBScalarAttributeType.S
let rangeKeySchemaElement = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
rangeKeySchemaElement.attributeName = "PlayerId"
rangeKeySchemaElement.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Range
let indexRangeKeyElement = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
indexRangeKeyElement.attributeName = "PlayerInsult"
indexRangeKeyElement.keyType = AWSDynamoDBIndexRangeKeyType.
//Add non-key attributes
let playerInsultAttrDef = AWSDynamoDBAttributeDefinition()
playerInsultAttrDef.attributeName = "PlayerInsult"
playerInsultAttrDef.attributeType = AWSDynamoDBScalarAttributeType.S
let provisionedThroughput = AWSDynamoDBProvisionedThroughput()
provisionedThroughput.readCapacityUnits = 5
provisionedThroughput.writeCapacityUnits = 5
let gsi = AWSDynamoDBGlobalSecondaryIndex()
let gsiArray = NSMutableArray()
let gsiHashKeySchema = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
gsiHashKeySchema.attributeName = "PlayerId"
gsiHashKeySchema.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Hash
let gsiRangeKeySchema = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
gsiRangeKeySchema.attributeName = "PlayerInsult"
gsiRangeKeySchema.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Range
let gsiProjection = AWSDynamoDBProjection()
gsiProjection.projectionType = AWSDynamoDBProjectionType.All;
gsi.keySchema = [gsiHashKeySchema,gsiRangeKeySchema];
gsi.indexName = "PlayerInsult";
gsi.projection = gsiProjection;
gsi.provisionedThroughput = provisionedThroughput;
gsiArray .addObject(gsi)
let lsi = AWSDynamoDBLocalSecondaryIndex()
let lsiArray = NSMutableArray()
let lsiHashKeySchema = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
lsiHashKeySchema.attributeName = "CustomerId"
lsiHashKeySchema.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Hash
let lsiRangeKeySchema = AWSDynamoDBKeySchemaElement()
lsiRangeKeySchema.attributeName = "PlayerInsult"
lsiRangeKeySchema.keyType = AWSDynamoDBKeyType.Range
let lsiProjection = AWSDynamoDBProjection()
lsiProjection.projectionType = AWSDynamoDBProjectionType.All;
lsi.keySchema = [lsiHashKeySchema,lsiRangeKeySchema];
lsi.indexName = "PlayerInsult";
lsi.projection = lsiProjection;
//lsi.provisionedThroughput = provisionedThroughput;
lsiArray .addObject(lsi)
//Create TableInput
let createTableInput = AWSDynamoDBCreateTableInput()
createTableInput.tableName = DartsPlayerInsultTableName;
createTableInput.attributeDefinitions = [hashKeyAttributeDefinition, rangeKeyAttributeDefinition, playerInsultAttrDef]
//createTableInput.attributeDefinitions = [hashKeyAttributeDefinition, rangeKeyAttributeDefinition]
createTableInput.keySchema = [hashKeySchemaElement, rangeKeySchemaElement]
createTableInput.provisionedThroughput = provisionedThroughput
//createTableInput.globalSecondaryIndexes = gsiArray as [AnyObject]
createTableInput.localSecondaryIndexes = lsiArray as [AnyObject]
return dynamoDB.createTable(createTableInput).continueWithSuccessBlock({ (var task:BFTask!) -> AnyObject! in
if ((task.result) != nil) {
// Wait for up to 4 minutes until the table becomes ACTIVE.
let describeTableInput = AWSDynamoDBDescribeTableInput()
describeTableInput.tableName = DartsPlayerInsultTableName;
task = dynamoDB.describeTable(describeTableInput)
for var i = 0; i < 16; i++ {
task = task.continueWithSuccessBlock({ (task:BFTask!) -> AnyObject! in
let describeTableOutput:AWSDynamoDBDescribeTableOutput = task.result as! AWSDynamoDBDescribeTableOutput
let tableStatus = describeTableOutput.table.tableStatus
if tableStatus == AWSDynamoDBTableStatus.Active {
return task
return dynamoDB .describeTable(describeTableInput)
return task
Putting this as an answer and not another comment in case it gets long...
It sounds like the average user's insults might fit into a single record. With the disclaimer that I know absolutely nothing about swift, this might at least be something relatively simple. Keep your customer and player keys. Before you persist the insults, turn the whole list into one big string using whatever version of join("|") swift has. When you fetch the record, do a split("|") to get your list back. (Just be a little judicious with your choice of separators, I'm only using "|" as an example, you don't want to choose something that might appear in an insult...)
There's going to be that one user with enough insults to take you over the 400kb object limit. Set a max list size constant in your code -- when you turn your lists into strings to persist them to dynamo, check the player's list length against that limit. If you exceed it, break your list into chunks of that size and use hash and range keys like ("foo", "bar"), ("foo", "bar1"), ("foo", "bar2"), etc. Yes, the first one does not have a bucket number at the end...
When you query for the data, just do a straight query first and assume you'll be in the good case (just "foo" and "bar", no other buckets). When you unpack that first list, check its length. If it's equal to your max list size constant, you know that you got a "bad" user and need to do a range query. That second one can use the hash key "foo" and the range "bar" to "bar9999". You will fetch back all those buckets with that range query. Unpack and concatenate all the lists.
This is a little gory, but it should also ultimately be straight ahead to code up. Hopefully it's still simple enough to hook into the patterns you mentioned.
What I decided to do was make a conventional dynamodb table with just one hash key, but the new hash key is a combined string of:
CustomerId + "|" + PlayerId
It is not too hard to maintain synchrony between players and insults tables because once a player is inserted into the player table, modifying the player name results in a new row being inserted. Thus, insults do not need to be modified if the player name changes. You only need to cleanup insults if a player is deleted.
This update behavior is just the way dynamodb works if you make Player name a hash key, which I did to insure they were unique.
Work :
publicity.Target = IIF(radioTarget1.Checked, "_blank", "_self").toString
Doesn't work :
IIF(radioTarget1.Checked, publicity.Target = "_blank", publicity.Target = "_self")
Why isn't the second option working?
Because it's not assignments you are doing inside the function call, it's comparisons.
It does the same as:
Dim result As Boolean
If radioTarget1.Checked Then
result = (publicity.Target = "_blank")
result = (publicity.Target = "_self")
End If
IIF is a function, not a language feature.
The second two parameters are objects that are potential return values of the function... not a block of code.
So the documentation has this nifty "in" operator which I like the idea of more that using a multiple step or statement (||). The documentation gives me this example.
trace("PI" in Math); // true
trace("myProperty" in Math); // false
public var myArray:Array = ["zero", "one", "two"];
trace(0 in myArray); // true
trace(1 in myArray); // true
trace("two" in myArray); // true
trace(3 in myArray); // false
So I try to use it like this:
var quickArray:Array = ["#icd9_color","#icd9_icd9","#templateIcd9_name","#templateIcd9_name","#templateIcd9_templateIcd9ID"];
return (element.dataField in quickArray);
Now I can trace or the element.datafield and it will match exactly with an array item, but it never returns true. Can anyone help me figure out why?
The only thing I can get to work this ugly thing:
return (
element.dataField == "#icd9_color" ||
element.dataField == "#icd9_icd9"
The in operator checks whether an object has a specified property - not what the value of that property is.
You want to use Array.indexOf and check for a non-negative value.