AttributeError: type object 'Factory' has no attribute '_get_provider_class' - pytest-django

when launching paytests it gives an error AttributeError: type object 'Factory' has no attribute '_get_provider_class' I'm learning to program and don't know what to do

That method was removed in Faker 12.1.0. If you're not using Faker directly, this can also occur in certain versions of Mixer before the dependency was pinned.

It seems that the problem is with Faker library.
I have managed to solve it with these commands (with venv activated):
$ pip uninstall Faker
$ pip install Faker==6.0.0
Maybe you want to try different versions instead of 6.0.0


Lambda function failing with /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.18' not found

I am trying to create a layer of simple-salesforce (Python Library) in AWS lambda, and trying to use it (import it) from my python code. I am having windows machine.
Though I read that there might be issues due to compilation windows so I install ubuntu1804 from windows store and then went ahead with creating zip for lambda layers. (zip is created for python folder with structure "python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/......")
I am using Python 3.6. I went through few articles for this issue but could find any resolution. this Video helped me creating a layer for Pandas & requests in AWS successfully with minor tweaks in pip commands I used
sudo python3 -m pip install simple-salesforce -t build/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages
Exactly same process i used for Simple salesforce and I am getting below error is as below:
Unable to import module 'lambda_function': /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.18' not found (required by /opt/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/
Edit: --
Another approach I tried using .whl though this was not giving above error but giving error as "request module not found" and when I add request module layer it gives error authlib not found. (request layers work fine if I comment salesforce related things. Even tried uploading as simple layer same authlib issue I got)
Edit :
Lambda code I am using is as below
the code I am using is basic code which doesnt have any logic with empty imports
import json
import pandas as pd
import requests as req
from simple_salesforce.format import format_soql
def lambda_handler(event, context):
I also received the same error while installing pysftp on lambda which uses cryptography library(python)
the error was similiar to (required by /opt/python/lib/python3.6/site-packages/cryptography/hazmat/bindings/
The solution that worked for me is
1] pip uninstall cryptography
2] pip install cryptography==3.4.8
The following github link explains it in detail
AWS lambda functions are like virtual environments, they do not come with the .so files which are kernel level packages. When installing the python packages you have to make sure the system dependent files are installed with it. This can be achieved by passing the argument --platform to pip install.
From AWS post How do I add Python packages with compiled binaries to my deployment package and make the package compatible with Lambda?:
To create a Lambda deployment package or layer that's compatible with Lambda Python runtimes when using pip outside of Linux operating system, run the pip install command with manylinux2014 as the value for the --platform parameter.
pip install \
--platform manylinux2014_x86_64 \
--target=my-lambda-function \
--implementation cp \
--python 3.9 \
--only-binary=:all: --upgrade \
I changed my code to not use simple_salesforce library and work out all the logic with Requests ( using Salesforce REST APIs).
This is not really ideal but I could get it working as I had some deliveries to meet.

IPython magic extension not found

I want to look at a database schema using %load_ext schemadisplay_magic then %schema but schemadisplay_magic will load. I get an error message saying:
No module named 'schemadisplay_magic'
IPython version 5.8.0
I have tried looking it up, but can't find anything about it anywhere.
%load_ext sql
%load_ext schemadisplay_magic
I expected to be able to load %schema, but i just get an error message.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'schemadisplay_magic'
It seems as though this magic is the creation of innovationOUtside and hasn't been published on PyPi -- here's the git repository
you can install it using
pip install git+
I was testing it in a virtualenv with a bunch of stuff already installed, so this may not be an issue in a clean environment, but I found that I also needed to upgrade sqlalchemy-schemadisplay beyond the 1.3 that's on PyPi. I used this command:
pip install -U git+
Trying to use the ipython magic with sqlalchemy-schemadisplay 1.3 results in this error:
TypeError: create_schema_graph() got an unexpected keyword argument 'restrict_tables'

AttributeError: type object 'pandas._libs.tslib._TSObject' has no attribute' _reduce_cython_'

I have a created a tkinter app for Convolution neural network to identify images. I am trying to compile the py file with pyinstaller but i am receiving this error:
AttributeError: type object 'pandas._libs.tslib._TSObject' has no attribute' _reduce_cython_'
i have also attached the screenshot of the error
Just re-start in case you are using Jupyter notebook. It worked for me. Also make sure, you are working in correct python environment.
This problem just happened to me when i try to create an app of an uncompleted project for testing purpose.
I have pandas imported, but i didnt call it in my script.
Removing the import line or call pandas was the solution.
You need to have cython too,
pip install cython or conda install cython
pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas
I solved it using
pyinstaller --onefile --hidden-import pandas._libs.tslibs.timedeltas
and it is working now
The other solutions did not work for me but what did is:
add import pandas at the very top of
add ignore:numpy\.ufunc size changed.+:RuntimeWarning to the filterwarnings option of pytest.ini
upgraded freezegun to the latest version

Shared library present with different name

I compiled my program with gcc using openssl crypto library.
I moved the executable to an other system, and after installing openssl tried to run it. I got the following error:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
What I understand from the following the library is present, but has another name:
locate libcrypto
Can I somehow tell the binary to use one of the present libraries? Or is there a way to install the one which is required?
The compilation was done on Ubuntu 15.10 64 bit, tried to run on Fedora 4.2.3-300.fc23.x86_64.
Can I somehow tell the binary to use one of the present libraries?
No, you can't: there is a reason these libraries have a different name: they are not ABI-compatible. If you managed to somehow tell the binary to use the other library, the result will be a crash if you are lucky, or a silent corruption if you are not.
(BTW, you can try this by creating a symbolic link: ln -s, but you've been warned not to do this).
is there a way to install the one which is required?
Sure: you should be able to copy from Ubuntu machine to Fedora one, assuming you can't find a Fedora package that provides it.

how to make sure a debian package does not have a dependency

I am building a debian package using dpkg.
The package has a dependency on libvirt which is not desired.
The rules file does not specify this dependency, but it is added by dpkg, I suppose due to some calls to libvirt-dev at build time.
However my package works fine without libvirt. As such, libvirt is a "Recommended" package but not "Required". How do I override this dependency and make sure it is not present in my final deb file ?
Hard to know without seeing your actual package, but I'd guess that you have a binary or shared library which is linked against libvirt. That would cause dh_shlibdeps to include libvirt in the ${shlibs:Depends} substvar.
If that's your problem, then the right fix depends on what's getting linked to libvirt. It should be straightforward to determine; just run ldd on each binary or shared library object in your package, and grep for "libvirt".
If the thing linked against libvirt is only incidental to the package, and isn't part of the main functionality, then using Recommends: would indeed be the right thing. To make dh_shlibdeps exclude that object from its dependency scanning, give it a -X option. Example target for debian/rules, assuming debhelper7-style packaging:
dh_shlibdeps -Xname_of_your_object_to_exclude
If the thing(s) linked to libvirt actually are an important part of the package functionality, then the generated libvirt dependency is appropriate. If you still don't want it, you'll need to work out how to avoid linking against libvirt during your build.
