Does AmazonMQ (rabbitmq ) has storage support(EBS/EFS)? - amazon-mq

Recently i restarted amazonmq machine, all the queues were lost😭.I see only the activeMQ has support for storage using EBS/EFS. is there anything am i missing ?

RabbitMQ is durable with EBS.
"RabbitMQ brokers can be created as single-instance brokers or in a cluster deployment. For both deployment modes, Amazon MQ provides high durability by storing its data redundantly."
RabbitMQ Broker Documentation
Console Reboot


Google Cloud Pub/Sub Publisher Lifecycle

I'm running a Cloud Pub/Sub PublisherClient instance as a Singleton in an ASP.NET web application (.NET Standard 2). Does this retain a persistent HTTPS connection to the specified Cloud Pub/Sub Topic and should I call the ShutdownAsync method explicitly, or just let the connection be severed when the app pool recycles?
Running this in conjunction with Quartz.NET, publishing messages to Pub/Sub in relatively small batches, every 30 seconds. This seems to introduce server affinity in a 3-node Azure Load Balancer cluster, where the majority of traffic is routed to any given node after running for 1+ hours. Not 100% sure about best practices here.
Using Pub/Sub C# NuGet package V1 1.0 and Quartz NuGet 3.0.7
I assume you’re using this PublisherClient. Per the sample documentation, the PublisherClient instance should be shut down after use. This ensures that locally queued messages get sent. See also the ShutdownAsync documentation.

Distributing Axon Framework events using Amazon messaging services

Axon Framework supports Distributing Events which should allow to post events to the external message broken and read events from message broker.
Amazon provides two different messaging services
Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)
Amazon MQ
What Amazon messaging service might be used (SQS, MQ or may be both) as message queue with Axon Framework?
What is the best practice for implementing distributed Axon message processing in Amazon EC2 cloud?
It looks like that Amazon MQ should work fine with Axon Framework as message queue because it supports AMQP. But I failed to find any references about any practical experience using MQ with Axon.
Any messaging service implementation which supports, AMQP should work just fine with the Axon Framework. More specifically together with the axon-amqp dependency, as you might already have found out.
Without personally having any experience with Amazon SQS or MQ, I did a quick search on both, and it seems Amazon MQ is indeed the go to solution to distributed your events on Amazon EC2.
I do not have or heard any best practices for distributed your Axon Framework events over Amazon EC2 specifically, sadly enough, but I can share this.
All the Axon Framework (when adding the axon-amqp dependency) does, is subscribe to the EventBus and publish any incoming events on a queue; no further specifics.
Hence I'd say any best practices for general use of Amazon MQ should apply on your second question.

MSDTC is not supported by AWS RDS SQL server

I have transaction scope in my code which move transaction to MSDTC. But when I run this code into AWS cloud where RDS is SQL server. It is not supporting MSDTC please how can I make this supportable or what will be alternative way for this. I need MSDTC in my code.
Well, there isn't much that you can do since AWS does not support it (
Features Not Supported and Features with Limited Support
The following Microsoft SQL Server features are not supported on Amazon RDS:
Stretch database
Backing up to Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Buffer pool extension
Data Quality Services
Database Log Shipping
Database Mail
Distribution Transaction Coordinator (MSDTC)
File tables
Maintenance Plans
Performance Data Collector
The alternative is to deploy/host/manage your own MSSQL server on AWS.
Looks like this is now supported by AWS.

Using Firebase within the physical network of an organization - not on the cloud

If for security and regulatory reasons an organization can not run its core internal business processes on the cloud, is there a solution by which Firebase could still be used, for example run only within the physical network of that organization ?
Firebase is a pure cloud-hosted solution. There is no on-premise version available.

Activemq network with different server versions

I have an activeMQ network with 2 instances. Those 2 instances are running 5.5 version of activeMQ. I want to add a new server in 5.9 version. Is this feasible? What should I have in mind? Any gotchas?
We don't test the network of brokers between versions. It may work but we encourage users to upgrade all their brokers to the latest release once the messages contained in those broker's stores have been migrated to a new broker. You can do this by networking an older broker to a newer one and then creating a subscription on any destination that has messages on the old broker on the new one and letting the demand drain the old broker.
