How to set current datetime in gremlin console? - datetime

How to set current DateTime in the gremlin console?
I need to add an audit field created_on with current_timestamp as default value
g.addV('student').property('name', 'Thirumal').property('created_on', datetime())
In, the above query, I am getting an error on datetime(). What is the syntax to add default date time?

In the Gremlin Console, you can use new Date() if you do not have a version that supports datetime(). Note that datetime() was recently added to Gremlin so you may not have the version that contains it yet. I believe it was added in the 3.5.2 release. Also please see this discussion
Without datetime() you can still do
gremlin> g.addV('test').property('date', new Date())
gremlin> g.V(61287).valueMap()
==>[date:[Thu Feb 10 10:02:18 CST 2022]]
UPDATED based on comments:
If you are using Amazon Neptune, the database provides its own version of the datetime function that expects an ISO 8601 compliant date string. So you can do something like this:
g.addV('test').property('date', datetime('2022-02-10'))
If you are using Neptune's Jupyter notebooks, to set the current date, you can create a date in a cell above (using Python) of the form
my_date = # some date calculation that yields an ISO string.
or, more concretely:
import datetime
my_date = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
and inject that string like this:
g.addV('test').property('date', datetime('${my_date}'))


Convert UTC Time Stamp to Date and Time in U-SQL

I'm fairly new to U-SQL so this may be a simple question.
I have a field, [utc_timestamp], in an ADL table with a unix time stamp in the form "1497178877" which measures the number of seconds from 1970-01-01.
Is there any easy way to convert this time stamp in U-SQL to both a date in the form of "2017-06-11" and a date time object?
My initial attempt didn't seem to work quite right.
#table =
) AS T(seconds);
DECLARE #dateStart = new DateTime(1970, 01, 01);
#result =
SELECT #dateStart.AddSeconds(seconds).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") AS newDateString,
#dateStart.AddSeconds(seconds) AS newDate
FROM #table;
OUTPUT #result
TO "/Temp/Dates/Example1.txt"
USING Outputters.Tsv();
U-SQL is using C# for the expression language, so you can use C#/.NET to do it.
Here is a link answering how to do it in C#: How can I convert a Unix timestamp to DateTime and vice versa?
Since we are currently on .NET Runtime 4.5.2, you will not be able to use the 4.6 built-in method (we plan to upgrade to a newer version of the runtime, but I do not have an ETA yet).
If you want to avoid writing the transformation inline as a C# expression you can either deploy it via VS's code behind, with a U-SQL Func variable or create and register an assembly containing the UDF.

How to get current date time format in SQlite?

I am using sqlite for local database in mobile and in my database. i want to know that
How to get current date format in SQLITE? I want to get date in the next format: MM/dd/yyyy
To get the current date you can use:
SELECT date('now');
Note: This is NOT a server date, it's the same time you get if you query the date and time directly from your application because SQLITE runs in-process.
It's mostly useful for putting a current time into a table or for some simple calculations if your language's date processing is very poor.
To do the calculations see the SQLITE Documentation
See the docs for formatting too for example:
SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', datetime('now'))
According to the SQLite documentation as of this writing (3/30/2020), in the section titled "The DEFAULT clause", it is recommended that a constant value be used instead of a sub-query.
In my experimentation, I also ran into issues with the SQLite CREATE TABLE statement that was generated during model creation by EF Core 3.0 when using SELECT datetime('now'). The SQLite data provider complained of a syntax error when using a SELECT statement within the CREATE table statement. As such, I would recommend using the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP keyword.
for your concrete case, this is what you need:

Issue with date when migrating databases between SQL Server 2008 and 2012 [duplicate]

I have the following piece of inline SQL that I run from a C# windows service:
UPDATE table_name SET
status_cd = '2',
sdate = CAST('03/28/2011 18:03:40' AS DATETIME),
bat_id = '33acff9b-e2b4-410e-baaf-417656e3c255',
cnt = 1,
attempt_date = CAST('03/28/2011 18:03:40' AS DATETIME)
WHERE id = '1855'
When I run this against a SQL Server database from within the application, I get the following error:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
The statement has been terminated.
But if I take the piece of SQL and run it from SQL Management Studio, it will run without issue.
Any ideas what may be causing this issue?
Ambiguous date formats are interpreted according to the language of the login. This works
set dateformat mdy
select CAST('03/28/2011 18:03:40' AS DATETIME)
This doesn't
set dateformat dmy
select CAST('03/28/2011 18:03:40' AS DATETIME)
If you use parameterised queries with the correct datatype you avoid these issues. You can also use the unambiguous "unseparated" format yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss
But if i take the piece of sql and run it from sql management studio, it will run without issue.
If you are at liberty to, change the service account to your own login, which would inherit your language/regional perferences.
The real crux of the issue is:
I use the following to convert -> date.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
Please start using parameterized queries so that you won't encounter these issues in the future. It is also more robust, predictable and best practice.
I think the best way to work with dates between C# and SQL is, of course, use parametrized queries, and always work with DateTime objects on C# and the ToString() formating options it provides.
You better execute set datetime <format> (here you have the set dateformat explanation on MSDN) before working with dates on SQL Server so you don't get in trouble, like for example set datetime ymd. You only need to do it once per connection because it mantains the format while open, so a good practice would be to do it just after openning the connection to the database.
Then, you can always work with 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff' formats.
To pass the DateTime object to your parametrized query you can use DateTime.ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffff').
For parsing weird formatted dates on C# you can use DateTime.ParseExact() method, where you have the option to specify exactly what the input format is: DateTime.ParseExact(<some date string>, 'dd/MM-yyyy',CultureInfo.InvariantCulture). Here you have the DateTime.ParseExact() explanation on MSDN)
It's a date format issue. In Ireland the standard date format for the 28th of March would be "28-03-2011", whereas "03/28/2011" is the standard for the USA (among many others).
I know that this solution is a little different from the OP's case, but as you may have been redirected here from searching on google the title of this question, as I did, maybe you're facing the same problem I had.
Sometimes you get this error because your date time is not valid, i.e. your date (in string format) points to a day which exceeds the number of days of that month!
e.g.: CONVERT(Datetime, '2015-06-31') caused me this error, while I was converting a statement from MySql (which didn't argue! and makes the error really harder to catch) to SQL Server.
You could use next function to initialize your DateTime variable:
DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds )
JAVA8: Use
i faced this issue where i was using SQL it is different from MYSQL
the solution was puting in this format:
=date('m-d-y h:m:s');
rather than
=date('y-m-d h:m:s');

How to change date format of a datetime object?

currently, i have a datetime object
DateTime theDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(dateAndTime, "d MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt", provider);
which successfully converts it into a datetime (from a string) to become for example :
7/6/2012 9:30:00 AM
How do i convert this to become 2012/07/06 09:30:00 (24hr format)? So that i can insert it into the database using C#??
PS: I'm using Sybase SQL Anywhere 12, and from what I've read, they neeed the format to be in year/months/day and the time to be in 24hr format right? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
The DateTime itself does not have a format. The date and time are stored internally as a number. Usually the classes of the database provider take care of converting a DateTime to the correct format.
If Sybase will only accept the date formatted as a string you will need to use the DateTime.ToString method and format it with the correct format string.
How are you building your insert command? Are you using database parameters or just building a string containing the insert statement?
SQL Anywhere 12 has a default date format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS.SSS
This can be configured/changed with the timestamp_format database option however:
timestamp_format option
The setting can be permanently changed through SQL like:
SET OPTION PUBLIC.timestamp_format = '<format here>';
Or temporarily changed (per connection basis) like:
SET TEMPORARY OPTION timestamp_format = '<format here>';
Of course, if you already have a datetime object in your code, you should be able to pass the value into a parameterized query. It doesn't have to be passed as a string.

Date Time format problem in sql server

I have an application in which worked fine untill recently when i changed the datetime format in Regional and Language Settings in Control Panel.
The date time format was default when i installed XP. I chose Indian standard time while installing XP.
I changed the date time format to dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss. And my application started to throw an exception whenever i tried to insert any datetime in to the table.
The exception i get is:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Error converting data type varchar to datetime.
Please help me on this
Hard to know exactly what's going on without seeing the code that's throwing. However, if you need to communicate dates to SQL Server, it is generally good practice to use the ISO 8601 standard for representation because it is unambiguous and locale-independent. The most important formats are:
yyyy-MM-dd for dates
hh:mm:ss for time
yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss for date/time
My guess is that you have a query that's sending over dates in the current locale, and the locale on the server does not match.
Edit: And for the record, this doesn't preclude anything that Rob said in his answer, i.e. try to avoid passing hard-coded dates or hard-coded SQL at all. This only applies if you need to for some reason.
Edit 2: I've been informed that the yyyy-MM-dd format can still be wrong for some locales; so instead of this, if you need to pass in a literal date string, you should instead use yyyyMMdd.
As per my comment, you'll probably want to make sure you're using code that behaves in a similar way to the code below (i.e. using parameters rather than string concatenation)
var myConnectionString = "connection string goes here";
var myDateValue = DateTime.Now;
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(myConnectionString))
using (var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM dbo.table WHERE datecolumn = #datevalue", connection))
var dateValueParameter = new SqlParameter("#datevalue", myDateValue);
var result = Convert.ToInt32(command.ExecuteScalar());
Try adding "Current Language=YourLanguage" to the SQL server connection string. Where YourLanguage is the language you want SQL to use when reading values such as the dates.
You can see a list of all languages supported by SQL by executing the following SQL command:
select * from master.dbo.syslanguages
