Converting RData to CSV file returns incorrect CSV file - r

I do not have any expertise on R and I have to convert RData files to CSV to analyze the data. I followed the following links to do this: Converting Rdata files to CSV and "filename.rdata" file Exploring and Converting to CSV. The second option seemed to be a simpler as I failed to understand the first one. This is what I have tried till now and the results along with it:
>ddata <- load("input_data.RData")
[1] "input_data"
> print(ddata[[1]])
[1] "input_data"
> write.csv(ddata,"test.csv")
From the first link I learnt that we can see the RData type and when I did str(ddata) I found out that it is a List of size 1. Hence, I checked to see if print(ddata[[1]]) would print anything apart from just "input_data". With the write.csv I was able to write it to a csv without any errors but it has just the following 2 lines inside the CSV file:
Can you please help me understand what am I doing wrong and show a way to get all the details in a csv?

The object ddata contains the name of the object(s) that load() created. Try typing the command ls(). That should give you the names of the objects in your environment. One of them should be input_data. That is the object. If it is a data frame (str(input_data)), you can create the csv file with
write.csv(input_data, "test.csv")


Converting *.rds into *.csv file

I am trying to convert an *.rds file into a *.csv file. First, I am importing the file via data <- readRDS(file.rds) and next I am trying to write the CSV file via write.csv(data,file="file.csv").
However, this yields the following error:
Error in[[i]], optional = TRUE) :
cannot coerce class ‘structure("dgCMatrix", package = "Matrix")’ to a data.frame
How can I turn the *.rds file into a *.csv file?
Sparse matrice often cannot be converted directly into a dataframe.
This answer might be very resource intensive, but it might work by converting the sparse matrix to a normal matrix first and then saving it to a csv.
Try this:
This solution is not efficient and might crash R, so save your work prior.
As a general comment, this csv-file will be huge, so it might be more helpful to use more efficient data storage like a database engine.

How to write table on Juliabox?

I define a DataFrame named data and want to write it into .csv file. I used writetable("result_data.csv", data) but it doesn't work.
This is the dataframe
error details
To write a data frame to a disk you should use the CSV.jl package like this (also make sure that you have write right to the directory you want to save the file on Juliabox):
using CSV
CSV.write("result_data.csv", data)
If this fails then please report back in the comment I will investigate it further.

How to write data into a macro-enabled Excel file (write.xlslx corrupts my document)?

I'm trying to write a table into a macro-enabled Excel file (.xlsm) through the R. The write.xlsx (openxlsx) and writeWorksheetToFile (XLconnect) functions don't work.
When I used the openxlsx package, as seen below, the resulting .xlsm files ended up getting corrupted.
for (i in 1:3){
write.xlsx(Input_Files[[i]], Inputs[i], sheetName="Input_Sheet")
#Input_Files[[i]] are the R data.frames which need to be inserted into the .xslm file
#Inputs[i] are the excel files upon which the tables should be written into
Corrupted .xlsm file error message after write.xlsx:
Excel cannot open the file 'xxxxx.xslm' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file
After researching this problem extensively, I found that the XLConnect connect package offers the writeWorksheetToFile function which works with .xlsm, albeit after running it a few times it yields an error message that there is no more free space. It also runs for 20+ minutes for tables with approximately 10,000 lines. I tried adding xlcFreeMemory at the beginning of the for loop, but it doesn't solve the issue.
for (i in 1:3){
writeWorksheetToFile(Inputs[i], Input_Files[[i]], "Input_Sheet")
#Input_Files[[i]] are the R data.frames which need to be inserted into the .xslm file
#Inputs[i] are the excel files upon which the tables should be written into
Could anyone recommend a way to easily and quickly transfer an R table into an xlsm file without corrupting it?

Reading and Setting Up CSV files on R Programming Language

I would like to clarify my understanding here on both converting a file into CSV and also reading it. Let's use a dataset from R for instance, titled longley.
To set up a data frame, I can just use the write.table command as follows, right?
write.table(d1, file="", sep="1,16", row.names=TRUE, col.names=TRUE)
Has this already become a data frame or am I missing something here?
Now let's say if I want to read this CSV file. Then would my code be something like:
read.table(<dframe1>, header=FALSE, sep="", quote="\"")
It seems like before that I have to use a function called setwd(). I'm not really sure what it does or how it helps. Can someone help me here?
longley and, therefore, d1 are already data frames (type class(d1) in the console). A data frame is a fundamental data structure in R. Writing a data frame to a file saves the data in the data frame. In this case, you're trying to save the data in the data frame in CSV format, which you would do like this:
write.csv(d1, "myFileName.csv")
write.csv is a wrapper for write.table that takes care of the settings needed for saving in CSV format. You could also do:
write.table(d1, "myFileName.csv", sep=",")
sep="," tells R to write the file with values separated by a comma.
Then, to read the file into an R session you can do this:
df = read.csv("myFileName.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
This creates a new object called df, which is the data frame created from the data in myFileName.csv. Once again, read.csv is a wrapper for read.table that takes care of the settings for reading a CSV file.
setwd is how you change the working directory--that is, the default directory where R writes to and reads from. But you can also keep the current working directory unchanged and just give write.csv or read.csv (or any other function that writes or reads R objects) the full path to wherever you want to read from or write to. For example:
write.csv(d1, "/path/for/saving/file/myFileName.csv")

Importing .csv files with Sys.Dates()

I have a .csv dataset that gets dumped everyday which I use to generate a daily list for tracking participants using a R script. I would like to automate this R script, however in order to do so, I need to read in the .csv using Sys.Date().
The .csv dataset is named: DumpedList_2013-11-27 (The date will always be today's date).
I would like to import this into the script, like I would for .Rdata file.
load(paste('/srv/Data/Baseline2/baseline2_', Sys.Date(), '.Rdata',sep=''))
What is the equivalent of the command above for reading in .csv files?
I have tried load and read.csv commands, but get error messages:
I also attempted to create todaydate=Sys.Date() and then used it to load the data, but error messages again. a=load(paste("P:/DirectoryPath/DumpedList_",todaydate,".csv"))
Any insight?
By default paste will separate with spaces, use paste0 to join strings together seamlessly:
