centering a div in a grid item - css

I've been trying to horizontally center a div on the screen of an Iphone. The div is a bit narrower than the phone screen. I have been googling and searching this site and trying every combination of display, flex, margin, width, justify*, align*, placeself, etc. etc. in the container as well as item style and nothing has worked. Here is the code, with all my attempts removed from the style since none of it worked and I assume may interfere with correct solution. No matter what I try, the div just stays on the left side of the screen.
{left} and {right} are divs, with width: 400px
<Grid container style={{ }} >
<Grid item xs={12} style={{ }}>{left}{right}</Grid>
const Mobile = ({ children }) => useMediaQuery({ maxWidth: 799 }) && children

Here is what finally worked for me after lots of trial and error.
<Grid container style={{ justifyItems: 'center', alignItems: 'center', display: 'inline-grid', width: '100%' }} >
<Grid item xs={12} style={{ width: '400px' }}>{left}{right}</Grid>
To clarify, my question was probably inaccurate. What I needed to do was center the grid item in the grid container.


MUI Grid spacing causes grid to have padding left

I am trying to create a grid with a bunch of elements but there seems to be a problem when I add spacing to the elements. Here's a picture with spacing={0} on the Grid container:
Grid container with no spacing
Here's the result when adding spacing :
Grid container with spacing = 3
I am trying to keep the grid the same width as the buttons above (see picture). I tried different solutions but it does not seem to work on my side. Here is my code :
return (
width: "100vw",
overflowX: "hidden",
padding: { xs: "20px", md: "50px" },
margin: 0,
background: "hsl(0, 0%, 98%)",
sx={{ width: "100%", marginBottom: "30px" }}
<SearchInput />
<FilterMenu />
<Grid container spacing={3} xs={12}>
{countries?.map((country, idx) => (
<Grid item xs={3}>
<CountryCard key={idx} country={country} />
The easiest and correct way in my opinion based on your images, would be to separate your Grid containers. One Grid containing the Search and Filter inputs and another to contain your flags. In this way you can keep a better control of your spacing and use let css customisations in the Grid items. Have a look in this codesandbox where i have left a few comments and let me know it it helps.

Position an element with relative x but absolute y coordinate

I have this layout:
So I have three Material UI Columns in a row, which have different widths I don't know in advance. Now I want to place Button ("Create Item") at the bottom of the screen (absolute), but horizontally centered to the middle (i.e. the main) Column. The content of this middle column can be short, or even more than fits on a screen, and is scrollable in that case.
The problem: The Button positioning does not work.
Placing the Button with a fixed position doesn't center it horizontally at the middle column but the screen.
Placing it at the bottom of the middle column's content with a relative position and textAlign: 'center' messes with the button vertical position (it can even get pushed out of the screen if the middle column's content is too long).
Placing it at the top of the middle column with textAlign: 'center', transform: 'translateY(85vh)' looks only nice until you start scrolling down and you see the Button moving up.
How can I achive this "floating" behavior just regarding the vertical position?
Edit - here's a minimal example:
<Grid container>
<Grid xs={2}>
<Box style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
<div>Left Column for Navigation</div>
<div>Nav 1</div>
<div>Nav 2</div>
<Grid xs={6}>
zIndex: 9001,
position: 'relative',
textAlign: 'center',
maxHeight: 0,
transform: 'translateY(85vh)',
<Button>Create Item</Button>
<Box style={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>
<Grid>Main Column</Grid>
<Grid>Many Items,</Grid>
<Grid>it might even</Grid>
<Grid>require scrolling</Grid>
<Grid style={{ textAlign: 'center' }} xs={4}>
<div>Right Column For Context-Related Stuff</div>
<Grid>Context Entry 1</Grid>
<Grid>Context Entry 2</Grid>
<Grid>Context Entry 3</Grid>
In this example, the Button "Create Item" would get scrolled away if there where more items in the main column, but I want it floating at a fixed y-position at the screen.

React js material ui - two div 50% height

I'm working with a Material UI template in react JS.
I need to create a div (or Grid in MUI) 100% height of its container, that contains two divs (or Grids) that are 50% of height: if the inner content is heighter than the 50%, than needs to scroll.
I've also tried with sections, but I can't figure out how to do it.
What I came up with is (it's just the right column):
style={{ height: "100%" }}
<Grid item style={{ background: "red", height: "50%", overflowY: "auto" }} >
<Grid item style={{ background: "blue", height: "50%", overflowY: "auto" }} >
And the result is:
Seems correct, but if I add content to the first div the height is maintained and i can see the scrollbar, but if i add content to the second div, the first div is too height, not 50% of the total height.
How can i solve this?
try adding style={{ height: "100vh" }} on your parent container. That should work. For a better understanding the reasons why, take a look on this very well explained answer
you can use Box component inside your Grid :
<Box height="100vh"></Box>

Why won't must flexDirection: 'column' push space between?

I have:
<Grid item xs={12} md={6} className={classes.heroGrid}>
<Typography variant='h3' >
Some stuff
<div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
And heroGrid is:
heroGrid: {
flexDirection: 'column',
justifyContent: 'space-between',
alignContent: 'space-between',
alignItems: 'space-between'
But it doesn't push my content to be apart.
The height of the top level <Grid> component is probably being calculated to be exactly the height of the elements it contains.
So, it's pushing all the extra space between the two elements—it just so happens there's 0px of extra space!
You could test this temporarily by setting a fixed height to the <Grid> element with something like:
<Grid item xs={12} md={6} className={classes.heroGrid} style={{height: 500}}>
If you're elements are then pushed apart as desired, you then need to figure out how you want to actually set the height of the Grid element. If it should fill the parent, you could make the height 100%. If it should be a fixed height, you could set it to the specific fixed height.

Material-ui Grid item height is exceeding the height of it's container

I have a Grid container which contains 2 Grid items. I've set the height of the container and the second Grid item to 100%. The height of the second Grid item is exceeding the height of the container and a scroll appears.
Here is the code if it helps.
function App() {
return (
<Grid container style={{height: '100%'}}>
<Grid item xs={12} style={{border: 'solid 1px'}}>
<Grid item xs={12} style={{height: '100%', border: 'solid 1px'}}>
How do i make the second Grid item occupy the remaining height of it's container and not exceed it? What am i missing here?
Try this with direction="column",
style={{ border: "solid 5px", height: "100%" }}
style={{ border: "solid 1px", backgroundColor: "yellow" }}
style={{ border: "solid 1px", backgroundColor: "red" }}
Edited Sandbox
Hope this helps...
Notice the the parent container is overflowed with the height of the first item. It's because you set 100% height for the second item but you actually have 2 items in your parent. The sum of items need to be eqaul or lower if you don't want scroll bar. Try to set the height of the first item for 10% and the second for 90%. The scroll will disappear
Man! This is annoying.
I hacked on the codesandbox a bit to make it closer to my view on this problem.
MDN / Web tech / CSS / max-height says that if a percentage is supplied, it
defines the max-height as a percentage of the containing block's height.
I spent an hour walking up and down the dom tree in the Chrome dev tools styles debugger, and you can see where the vh sized elements toward the root are the expected height, then the Mui Grid shows like max-height 100%, height: 3319px
