conditional insert of record into table in azure KQL - azure-data-explorer

I know that in ADX I can't update an existing row because it's an append-only system.
I want to add a specific row with a condition:
if there is no other row inside the table with the same values on certain columns.
I came up with this logic but I think this can be done much simpler:
.set-or-append target_table <|
let exists_row_count = old_table | where field1 == value1 and field2 == value2 | count()
let appended_row = case(exists_row_count == 0, <the whole record>, <empty record or null>)
*need to mention that I get the value1, value2, and when I'm using a logic app here and I can iterate on each and every new record that I want to insert into the table, and of course, that the record is in tabular form.

You can create a Materialized View on top of your original table, and dedup by the columns you choose.


Cheapest way to return if INSERTed new row

Let's say that I insert a record:
INSERT INTO table (pet1, pet2)
VALUES ('dog', 'cat')
(SELECT 1 FROM table WHERE pet1='dog' AND pet2='cat);
What is the least expensive way to check if the statement actually affected a row?

sqlite shift rowid in multiple records

Hello i have an sqlite db with many records like 10540 record they are ordered by creation time , i want to shift like a record in the middle and like to do it automatically
for example :
select * from table1 where id >= 8521;
UPDATE Table1 SET id = id +1 ;
does not work i get Error: Result: UNIQUE constraint failed:
so i want to shift up all records from 8521 to the last record and get place in the 8520 place for example so i can insert my record in that place of table .
even the
id = select max(id)+1
does not work how can i increment the id from last record to the needed record so i can put a place in the records db
A simple update statement would fail, as it would try to create duplicate values in the primary key.
What you can do is this:
First update the column to the negatives of the values they should have:
update table1
set id = -(id + 1)
where id > 8520;
Now there are no duplicates and you just need to update again to the positive values:
update table1
set id = -id
where id < 0;
This will do the trick, but any kind of updating the primary key is not a recommended practice

Update row with value from next row sqlite

I have the following columns in a SQLite DB.
1,2016-10-18 20:20:54.733,SourceA,Dow,1.09812,1.0982,
2,2016-10-18 20:20:55.093,SourceB,Oil,7010.5,7011.5,
3,2016-10-18 20:20:55.149,SourceA,Dow,18159.0,18161.0,
How can I populate the 'next timestamp' column (nextts) with the next timestamp for the same product (ts), from the same source? I've been trying the following, but I can't seem to put a subquery in an UPDATE statement.
UPDATE TEST a SET nextts = (select ts
from TEST b
where> and a.origin = b.origin and a.product = b.product
order by id asc limit 1);
If I call this, I can display it, but I haven't found a way of updating the value yet.
select a.*,
(select ts
from TEST b
where> and a.origin = b.origin and a.product = b.product
order by id asc limit 1) as nextts
from TEST a
order by origin,;
The problem is that you're using table alias for table in UPDATE statement, which is not allowed. You can skip alias from there and use unaliased (but table-name prefixed) reference to its columns (while keeping aliased references for the SELECT), like this:
SET nextts = (
TEST.origin = b.origin AND
TEST.product = b.product
Prefixing unaliased column references with the table name is necessary for SQLite to identify that you're referencing to unaliased table. Otherwise the id column whould be understood as the id from the closest[*] possible data source, in which case it's the aliased table (as b alias), while we're interested in the unaliased table, therefore we need to explicitly tell SQLite that.
[*] Closest data source is the one listed in the same query, or parent query, or parent's parent query, etc. SQLite is looking for the first data source (going from inner part to the outside) in the query hierarchy that defines this column.

sqlite version of vlookup

is there a way in sqlite to do the equivalent of a vlookup? I'm trying to do something like this:
Master table:
ValueA | ValueB | concatValueA&ValueB
Mapping table:
concatValueA&ValueB | mapped Value
final table:
ValueA | ValueB | concatValueA&ValueB | mapped Value
In Excel, I would just do a vlookup.
Is there a way to add the mapped value to a table in sqlite?
I tried this:
UPDATE Master Set "mapped Value" = (select mapping."mapped Value" from Master left join mapping on Master.concat = mapping.concat)
But this fills sets the mapped Value column entirely equal to the first value from the select statement, but I would like the values to be different
In the subquery, Master does not refer to the row being updated because you have introduced another instance of this table in the FROM clause.
What you want is a correlated subquery, which needs to refer to a table that is otherwise not directly part of the subquery:
SET "mapped Value" = (SELECT mapping."mapped Value"
FROM mapping
WHERE Master.concat = mapping.concat)

Sqlite Query replacing a column with a column from another table

I have 2 tables, one is indexing the other.
I am querying Table#1, and it has one column (string) that has an ID in it that corresponds to a unique row in Table#2. Im trying to write a query in Sqlite that allows me to retrieve the value from Table#2 if the column value in Table#1 is not an empty string.
Kinda like:
"SELECT TMake,TModel,TTrim,IYear,[%q] AS TPart1 FROM AppGuide WHERE TPart1 != ''"
But instead of retrieving the Index value (TPart1) Id like to get the string from Table#2.
Is this possible?
Any help is appreciated.
You could use a correlated subquery:
(SELECT stringvalue
FROM Table2
WHERE Table2.ID = Table1.TPart1)
FROM Table1
WHERE Table1.TPart1 != ''
However, these are rather slow to execute, so you'd better use a join (this returns exactly the same result):
SELECT Table1.TMake,
FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON Table1.TPart1 = Table2.ID
WHERE Table1.TPart1 != ''
If you don't want to get records from Table1 that have no matching Table2 record, drop the LEFT.
