How to convert decimal (base 10) numbers to ternary (base 3) - r

I was wondering if there is a way to convert decimal numbers to ternary, given that there is a function intToBits for converting to binary.
I actually need to convert a character string like
> S0 <- c("Hello Stac")
to base 3. I thought to first convert it to decimal with
> S01 <- utf8ToInt(S0)
> S01
## [1] 72 101 108 108 111 32 83 116 97 99
then convert the result to base 3. I want to obtain something like this:
> S1
## [1] 2200 10202 11000 11010 11022 1012 10002 11022 10121 10200

For practice, I guess you can try to write your own converter function like below
f <- function(x, base = 3) {
q <- c()
while (x) {
q <- c(x %% base, q)
x <- x %/% base
# as.numeric(paste0(q, collapse = ""))
sum(q * 10^(rev(seq_along(q) - 1)))
or with recursion
f <- function(x, base = 3) {
ifelse(x < base, x, f(x %/% base) * 10 + x %% base)
then you can run
> sapply(utf8ToInt(S0),f)
[1] 2200 10202 11000 11000 11010 1012 10002 11022 10121 10200

Nice programming exercise. I have vectorized #ThomasIsCoding's answer to avoid expensive loops over strings and characters within strings. The idea is to loop over digits instead, since Unicode code points do not exceed 21 digits in any base, whereas the total number of characters in a character vector can be orders of magnitude greater.
The function below takes as arguments a character vector x, a base b (from 2 to 10), and a logical flag double. It returns a list res such that res[[i]] is an nchar(x[i])-length vector giving the base-b representation of x[i]. The list elements are double vectors or character vectors depending on double.
utf8ToBase <- function(x, b = 10, double = TRUE) {
## Do some basic checks
stopifnot(is.character(x), !anyNA(x),
is.numeric(b), length(b) == 1L,
b %% 1 == 0, b >= 2, b <= 10)
## Require UTF-8 encoding
x <- enc2utf8(x)
## Operate on concatenation to avoid loop over strings
xx <- paste(x, collapse = "")
ixx <- utf8ToInt(xx)
## Handle trivial case early
if (length(ixx) == 0L) {
el <- if (double) base::double(0L) else character(0L)
res <-, length(x))
names(res) <- names(x)
## Use common field width determined from greatest integer
width <- as.integer(floor(1 + log(max(ixx, 1), base = b)))
res <-"0", width), length(ixx))
## Loop over digits
pos <- 1L
pow <- b^(width - 1L)
while (pos <= width) {
quo <- ixx %/% pow
substr(res, pos, pos) <- as.character(quo)
ixx <- ixx - pow * quo
pos <- pos + 1L
pow <- pow %/% b
## Discard leading zeros
if (double) {
res <- as.double(res)
if (b == 2 && any(res > 0x1p+53)) {
warning("binary result not guaranteed due to loss of precision")
} else {
res <- sub("^0+", "", res)
## Return list
res <- split(res,, 1L), nchar(x)))
names(res) <- names(x)
x <- c(foo = "Hello Stack Overflow!", bar = "Hello world!")
utf8ToBase(x, 2)
[1] 1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 100000
[7] 1010011 1110100 1100001 1100011 1101011 100000
[13] 1001111 1110110 1100101 1110010 1100110 1101100
[19] 1101111 1110111 100001
[1] 1001000 1100101 1101100 1101100 1101111 100000
[7] 1110111 1101111 1110010 1101100 1100100 100001
utf8ToBase(x, 3)
[1] 2200 10202 11000 11000 11010 1012 10002 11022 10121 10200
[11] 10222 1012 2221 11101 10202 11020 10210 11000 11010 11102
[21] 1020
[1] 2200 10202 11000 11000 11010 1012 11102 11010 11020 11000
[11] 10201 1020
utf8ToBase(x, 10)
[1] 72 101 108 108 111 32 83 116 97 99 107 32 79 118 101
[16] 114 102 108 111 119 33
[1] 72 101 108 108 111 32 119 111 114 108 100 33
Some caveats:
For efficiency, the function concatenates the strings in x rather than looping over them. It throws an error if the concatenation would exceed 2^31-1 bytes, which is the maximum string size allowed by R.
x <- strrep(letters[1:2], 0x1p+30)
log2(sum(nchar(x))) # 31
utf8ToBase(x, 3)
Error in paste(x, collapse = "") : result would exceed 2^31-1 bytes
The largest Unicode code point is 0x10FFFF. The binary representation of this number exceeds 2^53 when interpreted as decimal, so it cannot be stored in a double vector without loss of precision:
x <- sub("^0+", "", paste(rev(as.integer(intToBits(0x10FFFF))), collapse = ""))
## [1] "100001111111111111111"
sprintf("%.0f", as.double(x))
## [1] "100001111111111114752"
As a defensive measure, the function warns if 2^53 is exceeded when b = 2 and double = TRUE.
utf8ToBase("\U10FFFF", b = 2, double = TRUE)
[1] 1.000011e+20
Warning message:
In utf8ToBase("\U{10ffff}", b = 2, double = TRUE) :
binary result not guaranteed due to loss of precision
utf8ToBase("\U10FFFF", b = 2, double = FALSE)
[1] "100001111111111111111"

You can use cwhmisc::int2B:
int2B(utf8ToInt(S0), 3)[[1]] |> as.numeric()
# [1] 2200 10202 11000 11000 11010 1012 10002 11022 10121 10200


Twin primes less than 87 in R

I am trying to list the first 87 twin primes. I'm using the Eratosthenes approach. Here is what I've worked on so far
Eratosthenes <- function(n) {
# Return all prime numbers up to n (based on the sieve of Eratosthenes)
if (n >= 2) {
sieve <- seq(2, n) # initialize sieve
primes <- c() # initialize primes vector
for (i in seq(2, n)) {
if (any(sieve == i)) { # check if i is in the sieve
primes <- c(primes, i) # if so, add i to primes
sieve <- sieve[(sieve %% i) != 0] # remove multiples of i from sieve
} else {
stop("Input value of n should be at least 2.")
Era <- c(Eratosthenes(87))
i <- 2:86
for (i in Era){
if (Era[i]+2 == Era[i+1]){
print(c(Era[i], Era[i+1]))
First thing I dont understand is this error:
Error in if (Era[i] + 2 == Era[i + 1]) { :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Second thing is in the list there are missing twin primes so for example (29,31)
Within your for loop, i is not index any more but the element in Era. In this case, you can try using (i+2) %in% Era to judge if i+2 is the twin
for (i in Era){
if ((i+2) %in% Era){
which gives
[1] 3 5
[1] 5 7
[1] 11 13
[1] 17 19
[1] 29 31
[1] 41 43
[1] 59 61
[1] 71 73
A simpler way might be using diff, e.g.,
i <- Era[c(diff(Era)==2,FALSE)]
print(cbind(i,j = i+2))
which gives
> print(cbind(i,j = i+2))
i j
[1,] 3 5
[2,] 5 7
[3,] 11 13
[4,] 17 19
[5,] 29 31
[6,] 41 43
[7,] 59 61
[8,] 71 73
Firstly, (23,29) is not twin prime.
Secondly, your answer may be found in here
Edit: I've tried your code, I found that length of Era is 23.
Maybe when running if (Era[i] + 2 == Era[i+1]), it reaches to 24 and causes the problem.
for (i in Era) will set i to 2, then 3, then 5 etc which is not what you intended. Use for (i in seq_len(length(Era) - 1)).
for (i in seq_len(length(Era) - 1)){
if (Era[i] + 2 == Era[i + 1]){
print(c(Era[i], Era[i + 1]))
#> [1] 3 5
#> [1] 5 7
#> [1] 11 13
#> [1] 17 19
#> [1] 29 31
#> [1] 41 43
#> [1] 59 61
#> [1] 71 73

Replacing NA with mean using loop in R

I have to solve this problem using loop in R (I am aware that you can do it much more easily without loops, but it is for school...).
So I have vector with NAs like this:
and I have to create a FOR loop that will replace NAs with mean from 2 numbers before the NA and 2 numbers that come after the NA.
This I am able to do, with loop like this:
for (i in 1:length(trades)) {
if ([i])==T) {
trades[i] <- mean(c(trades[c(i-1:2)], trades[c(i+1:2)]), na.rm = T)
But there is another part to the homework. If there is NA within the 2 previous or 2 following numbers, then you have to replace the NA with mean from 4 previous numbers and 4 following numbers (I presume with removing the NAs). But I just am not able to crack it... I have the best results with this loop:
for (i in 1:length(trades)) {
if ([i])==T &&[c(i-1:2)]==T ||[c(i+1:2)]==T))) {
trades[i] <- mean(c(trades[c(i-1:4)], trades[c(i+1:4)]), na.rm = T)
}else if ([i])==T){
trades[i] <- mean(c(trades[c(i-1:2)], trades[c(i+1:2)]))
But it still misses some NAs.
Thank you for your help in advance.
We can use na.approx from zoo
Here is another solution using a loop. I did shortcut some code by using lead and lag from dplyr. First we use 2 recursive functions to calculate the lead and lag sums. Then we use conditional statements to determine if there are any missing data. Lastly, we fill the missing data using either the output of the recursive or the sum of the previous and following 4 (with NA removed). I would note that this is not the way that I would go about this issue, but I tried it out with a loop as requested.
r.lag <- function(x, n){
if (n == 1) return(lag(x = x, n = 1))
else return( lag(x = x, n = n) + r.lag(x = x, n = n-1))
r.lead <- function(x, n){
if (n == 1) return(lead(x = x, n = 1))
else return( lead(x = x, n = n) + r.lead(x = x, n = n-1))
lead.vec <- r.lead(trades, 2)
lag.vec <- r.lag(trades, 2)
output <- vector(length = length(trades))
for(i in 1:length(trades)){
output[[i]] <- trades[[i]]
else if([[i]]) & ![[i]]) & ![[i]])){
output[[i]] <- (lead.vec[[i]] + lag.vec[[i]])/4
output[[i]] <- mean(
c(trades[[i-4]], trades[[i-3]], trades[[i-2]], trades[[i-1]],
trades[[i+4]], trades[[i+3]], trades[[i+2]], trades[[i+1]]),
na.rm = T
original = trades,
filled = output
#> # A tibble: 150 x 2
#> original filled
#> <int> <dbl>
#> 1 7 7
#> 2 7 7
#> 3 12 12
#> 4 18 18
#> 5 30 30
#> 6 31 31
#> 7 36 36
#> 8 NA 40
#> 9 43 43
#> 10 50 50
#> # … with 140 more rows
So it seems that posting to StackOverflow helped me solve the problem.
which gives us:
[1] NA 20 24 30 NA 77 188 217 238 252 264 273 296 NA 326 346 362 368 NA NA 432 451 465 465 490
and if you run this loop:
for (i in 1:length(trades)) {
if ([i])== T) {
test1 <- c(trades[c(i+1:2)])
if (any( {
test2 <- c(trades[abs(c(i-1:4))], trades[c(i+1:4)])
trades[i] <- round(mean(test2, na.rm = T),0)
}else {
test3 <- c(trades[abs(c(i-1:2))], trades[c(i+1:2)])
trades[i] <- round(mean(test3, na.rm = T),0)
it changes the NAs to this:
[1] 22 20 24 30 80 77 188 217 238 252 264 273 296 310 326 346 362 368 387 410 432 451 465 465 490
So it works pretty much as expected.
Thank you for all your help.

Modifying for loop with if conditions to apply format in R

I am creating a variable called indexPoints that contains a subset of index values that passed certain conditions -
x = abs(rnorm(100,1))
y = abs(rnorm(100,1))
threshFC = 0.5
seqVec = seq(1, length(x))
for (i in seq_along(seqVec)){
fract = x[i]/y[I]
fract[1] = NaN
if (!is.nan(fract)){
if(fract > (threshFC + 1) || fract < (1/(threshFC+1))){
indexPoints = c(indexPoints, i)
I am trying to recreate indexPoints using a more efficient method like apply methods (any except sapply). I started the process as shown below -
x = abs(rnorm(100,1))
y = abs(rnorm(100,1))
threshFC = 0.5
seqVec <- seq_along(x)
fract = x[seqVec]/y[seqVec]
fract[1] = NaN
vapply(fract, function(i){
if (!is.nan(fract)){ if(fract > (threshFC + 1) || fract < (1/(threshFC+1))){ i}}
}, character(1))
However, this attempt causes an ERROR:
Error in vapply(fract, function(i) { : values must be length 1,
but FUN(X[[1]]) result is length 0
How can I continue to modify the code to make it in an apply format. Note: sometimes, the fract variable contains NaN values, which I mimicked for the minimum examples above by using "fract[1] = NaN".
There are several problems with your code:
You tell vapply that you expect the internal code to return a character, yet the only thing you ever return is i which is numeric;
You only explicitly return something when all conditions are met, which means if the conditions are not all good, you do not return anything ... this is the same as return(NULL) which is also not character (try vapply(1:2, function(a) return(NULL), character(1)));
You explicitly set fract[1] = NaN and then test !is.nan(fract), so you will never get anything; and
(Likely a typo) You reference y[I] (capital "i") which is an error unless I is defined somewhere (which is no longer a syntax error but is now a logical error).
If I fix the code (remove NaN assignment) in your for loop, I get
# [1] 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 38 39
# [26] 40 42 43 44 45 47 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 64 66 68 70 71 72
# [51] 74 75 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 98 99
If we really want to do this one at a time (I recommend against it, read below), then there are a few methods:
Use Filter to only return the indices where the condition is true:
indexPoints2 <- Filter(function(i) {
fract <- x[i] / y[i]
!is.nan(fract) && (fract > (threshFC+1) | fract < (1/(threshFC+1)))
}, seq_along(seqVec))
identical(indexPoints, indexPoints2)
# [1] TRUE
Use vapply correctly, returning an integer either way:
indexPoints3 <- vapply(seq_along(seqVec), function(i) {
fract <- x[i] / y[i]
if (!is.nan(fract) && (fract > (threshFC+1) | fract < (1/(threshFC+1)))) i else NA_integer_
}, integer(1))
# int [1:100] NA NA 3 4 5 6 NA NA NA 10 ...
indexPoints3 <- indexPoints3[!]
identical(indexPoints, indexPoints3)
# [1] TRUE
(Notice the explicit return of a specific type of NA, that is NA_integer_, so that vapply is happy.)
We can instead just return the logical if the index matches the conditions:
logicalPoints4 <- vapply(seq_along(seqVec), function(i) {
fract <- x[i] / y[i]
!is.nan(fract) && (fract > (threshFC+1) | fract < (1/(threshFC+1)))
}, logical(1))
identical(indexPoints, which(logicalPoints4))
# [1] TRUE
But really, there is absolutely no need to use vapply or any of the apply functions, since this can be easily (and much more efficiently) checked as a vector:
fract <- x/y # all at once
indexPoints5 <- which(!is.nan(fract) & (fract > (threshFC+1) | fract < (1/(threshFC+1))))
identical(indexPoints, indexPoints5)
# [1] TRUE
(If you don't use which, you'll see that it gives you a logical vector indicating if the conditions are met, similar to bullet 3 above with logicalPoints4.)

R: Formatting youtube video duration into proper time (seconds)

I have vector (column data) which contains youtube playback duration in a character string format in R.
x <- c(PT1H8S, PT9M55S, PT13M57S, PT1M5S, PT30M12S, PT1H21M5S, PT6M48S, PT31S, PT2M)
How do I get rid of PT then get the overall duration in seconds format?
Resultant vector should be c(3608, 595, 837, 65, 1812, 4865, 408, 31, 120)
example: PT1H21M5S in the form of seconds = 4865.
(calculated as 1H = 1*3600, 21M = 21*60, 5S = 5*1)
I wrote a little apply loop with regex commands, deleting everything but the seconds, minutes, or hours and then converting everything into seconds.
x <- c("PT1H8S", "PT9M55S", "PT13M57S", "PT1M5S", "PT30M12S", "PT1H21M5S", "PT6M48S")
x2 <- sapply(x, function(i){
t <- as.numeric(gsub("^(.*)M|^(.*)H|S$", "", i))
if(grepl("M", i)) t <- t + as.numeric(gsub("^(.*)PT|^(.*)H|M(.*)$", "",i)) * 60
if(grepl("H", i)) t <- t + as.numeric(gsub("^(.*)PT|H(.*)$", "",i)) * 3600
3608 595 837 65 1812 4865 408
EDIT: Per request
x <- c("PT1H8S", "PT9M55S", "PT13M57S", "PT1M5S", "PT30M12S", "PT1H21M5S", "PT6M48S", "PT31S", "PT2M")
x2 <- sapply(x, function(i){
t <- 0
if(grepl("S", i)) t <- t + as.numeric(gsub("^(.*)PT|^(.*)M|^(.*)H|S$", "", i))
if(grepl("M", i)) t <- t + as.numeric(gsub("^(.*)PT|^(.*)H|M(.*)$", "",i)) * 60
if(grepl("H", i)) t <- t + as.numeric(gsub("^(.*)PT|H(.*)$", "",i)) * 3600
3608 595 837 65 1812 4865 408 31 120
This should cover all the cases. If there are more, the trick is to alter the regex. ^ is the beginning of the character vector, $ is the end. (.*) is everything. So ^(.*)H means everything between beginning and H. We replace this with nothing.
Here's a dplyr and stringr solution:
df %>%
# extract hours, minutes, and seconds and convert to numeric:
h = as.numeric(str_extract(x, "(?<=PT)\\d+(?=H)")),
m = as.numeric(str_extract(x, "(?<=PT|H)\\d+(?=M)")),
s = as.numeric(str_extract(x, "(?<=PT|H|M)\\d+(?=S)"))
) %>%
# replace NA with 0:
across(everything(), replace_na, 0)
) %>%
# calculate time in seconds:
mutate(sec = h*3600+m*60+s)
x h m s sec
1 PT1H8S 1 0 8 3608
2 PT9M55S 0 9 55 595
3 PT13M57S 0 13 57 837
4 PT1M5S 0 1 5 65
5 PT30M12S 0 30 12 1812
6 PT1H21M5S 1 21 5 4865
7 PT6M48S 0 6 48 408
8 PT31S 0 0 31 31
9 PT2M 0 2 0 120
df <- data.frame(x = c("PT1H8S", "PT9M55S", "PT13M57S", "PT1M5S", "PT30M12S", "PT1H21M5S", "PT6M48S", "PT31S", "PT2M"))
You can use Lubridate package:
x <- c("PT1H8S", "PT9M55S", "PT13M57S", "PT1M5S", "PT30M12S", "PT1H21M5S", "PT6M48S")
x2 <- as.numeric(duration(x))
[1] 3608 595 837 65 1812 4865 408

Sum every nth points

I have a vector and I need to sum every n numbers and return the results. This is the way I plan on doing it currently. Any better way to do this?
v = 1:100
n = 10
sidx =, to=length(v), by=n)
eidx = c((sidx-1)[2:length(sidx)], length(v))
thesum = sapply(1:length(sidx), function(i) sum(v[sidx[i]:eidx[i]]))
This gives:
[1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
unname(tapply(v, (seq_along(v)-1) %/% n, sum))
# [1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
If you want to sum every n consecutive numbers use colSums
If you want to sum every nth number use rowSums
as per Josh's comment, this will only work if n divides length(v) nicely.
rowSums(matrix(v, nrow=n))
 [1] 460 470 480 490 500 510 520 530 540 550
colSums(matrix(v, nrow=n))
[1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
The olde version don't work. Here a ne awnser that use rep to create the grouping factor. No need to use cut:
n <- 5
vv <- sample(1:1000,100)
seqs <- seq_along(vv)
You can use tapply
or to get a list
In case you have 1:92, you can replace your cut by this :
One way is to convert your vector to a matric then take the column sums:
colSums(matrix(v, nrow=n))
[1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
Just be careful: this implicitly assumes that your input vector can in fact be reshaped to a matrix. If it can't, R will recycle elements of your vector to complete the matrix.
v <- 1:100
n <- 10
cutpoints <- seq( 1 , length( v ) , by = n )
categories <- findInterval( 1:length( v ) , cutpoints )
tapply( v , categories , sum )
I will add one more way of doing it without any function from apply family
v <- 1:100
n <- 10
diff(c(0, cumsum(v)[slice.index(v, 1)%%n == 0]))
## [1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
Here are some of the main variants offered so far
f0 <- function(v, n) {
sidx =, to=length(v), by=n)
eidx = c((sidx-1)[2:length(sidx)], length(v))
sapply(1:length(sidx), function(i) sum(v[sidx[i]:eidx[i]]))
f1 <- function(v, n, na.rm=TRUE) { # 'tapply'
unname(tapply(v, (seq_along(v)-1) %/% n, sum, na.rm=na.rm))
f2 <- function(v, n, na.rm=TRUE) { # 'matrix'
nv <- length(v)
if (nv %% n)
v[ceiling(nv / n) * n] <- NA
colSums(matrix(v, n), na.rm=na.rm)
f3 <- function(v, n) { # 'cumsum'
nv = length(v)
i <- c(seq_len(nv %/% n) * n, if (nv %% n) nv else NULL)
diff(c(0L, cumsum(v)[i]))
Basic test cases might be
v = list(1:4, 1:5, c(NA, 2:4), integer())
n = 2
f0 fails with the final test, but this could probably be fixed
> f0(integer(), n)
Error in sidx[i]:eidx[i] : NA/NaN argument
The cumsum approach f3 is subject to rounding error, and the presence of an NA early in v 'poisons' later results
> f3(c(NA, 2:4), n)
[1] NA NA
In terms of performance, the original solution is not bad
> library(rbenchmark)
> cols <- c("test", "elapsed", "relative")
> v <- 1:100; n <- 10
> benchmark(f0(v, n), f1(v, n), f2(v, n), f3(v, n),
+ columns=cols)
test elapsed relative
1 f0(v, n) 0.012 3.00
2 f1(v, n) 0.065 16.25
3 f2(v, n) 0.004 1.00
4 f3(v, n) 0.004 1.00
but the matrix solution f2 seems to be both fast and flexible (e.g., adjusting the handling of that trailing chunk of fewer than n elements)
> v <- runif(1e6); n <- 10
> benchmark(f0(v, n), f2(v, n), f3(v, n), columns=cols, replications=10)
test elapsed relative
1 f0(v, n) 5.804 34.141
2 f2(v, n) 0.170 1.000
3 f3(v, n) 0.251 1.476
One way is to use rollapply from zoo:
rollapply(v, width=n, FUN=sum, by=n)
# [1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
And in case length(v) is not a multiple of n:
v <- 1:92
rollapply(v, width=n, FUN=sum, by=n, partial=T, align="left")
# [1] 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 183
A little late to the party, but I don't see a rowsum() answer yet. rowsum() is proven more efficient than tapply() and I think it would also be very efficient relative to a few of the other responses as well.
rowsum(v, rep(seq_len(length(v)/n), each=n))[,1]
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
# 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
Using #Josh O'Brien's grouping technique would likely improve efficiency even more.
rowsum(v, (seq_along(v)-1) %/% n)[,1]
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# 55 155 255 355 455 555 655 755 855 955
Simply wrap in unname() to drop the group names.
