using Plots
p_arr = Array{Plots.Plot{Plots.GRBackend}}(undef,10,10);
p_arr[1,1] = scatter!([x],[y],markersize=5,legend=false,markercolor = :green, showaxis =
p_arr[1,2] = scatter!([x],[y],markersize=5,legend=false,markercolor = :green, showaxis =
this is a very simple code of storing a point plot into an array. I just want to know how to change the x and y coordination for this point by the object it is stored in ?. in other words, I want to set x and y values by the object itself.
is there a better way to do this.
I am new to julia and I do not know where to search
While I'm not quite sure what you'll need for your end use case, storing an array of Plots.jl Plots.Plots has a lot of overhead and will not make it at all easy to modify the underlying points.
One approach that could be dramatically simpler would be to work directly with an array of Points instead. For example, let us first define:
struct Point{T}
then you have a type which can represent just an x-y point by itself. You can make an array of them:
p_arr = Array{Point{Int64}}(undef, 10, 10) # uninitialized, Int64
or to make this a little more interesting, an array of random points:
julia> p_arr = Point.(rand(10,10), rand(10,10))
10×10 Matrix{Point{Float64}}:
Point{Float64}(0.561232, 0.39038) … Point{Float64}(0.0564275, 0.851144)
⋮ ⋱
Point{Float64}(0.804435, 0.0717767) Point{Float64}(0.110489, 0.670536)
If you want to be able to plot these, then let's define some functions to let Plots.jl know how to plot our Point type:
using Plots
import Plots.scatter
scatter(p::Point, args...; kwargs...) = scatter([p.x], [p.y], args...; kwargs...)
scatter(p::AbstractArray{<:Point}, args...; kwargs...) = scatter(map(p->p.x, p), map(p->p.y, p), args...; kwargs...)
# You can do the same for `scatter!` if you want that version too
then you can write
scatter(p_arr, label="", framestyle=:box)
to obtain a plot that looks like:
(note that each column gets its own series in Plots.jl, hence the multiple colors; call vec on your matrix of Points first if you don't want that)
Now, say you want to move one of those points. Let's say the first one:
julia> p_arr[1,1] = Point(5.0, 10.0)
Point{Float64}(5.0, 10.0)
Then plotting again
scatter(p_arr, label="", framestyle=:box)
will yield
In Matlab, we would first use [x, y] = meshgrid to generate the grid, then use mesh(x, y, z) to plot the 3D plot. I want to use the same funtionality in Julia Plots.jl, which API should I use? And how can I achieve that?
Thanks a lot in advance!!!
use surface
using Plots
xs = range(-2, stop=2, length=100)\
ys = range(-pi, stop=pi, length=100)
f(x,y) = x*sin(y)
surface(xs, ys, f)
In modern Julia, v1.17, the approach is to create x and y ranges. Julia has changed over the years, and used to have linspace - it doesn't anymore.
There are three ways to create a range:
x = start:step:end
x = range(start,end,step=step)
x = range(start,end,length=npts)
You will also need Plots. If you precompile it, it takes less time to load.
pkg > add Plots
pkg > precompile
pkg > Ctrl-C
You need to select your backend for Plots. Choices are:
pyplot() to select PyPlot (also requires Python's MatPlotLib)
plotly() to select Plotly (displays in web browser)
gr() to select GR, the default
Finally, you need to use surface to draw the surface. The function surface can take either a function or a matrix of z values. The function takes two parameters, x and y. Either the function is supplied directly, or it is applied to the ranges:
z = f.(x',y);
One of the ranges is transposed with ', and output suppressed with ;
Surface also takes optional parameters:
fill = :fillname
legend = true | false
size = (width,height)
clims = (lowlimit,highlimit)
An example:
using Plots
function f(x,y)
r = sqrt(x^2+y^2)
z = f.(x',y);
I would like to simulate the collision of particles inside a box.
To be more specific I want to create a function (lets call it collision!), that updates the particles velocities after each interaction, like shown in the image.
I defined the particles (with radius equal 1) as followed:
mutable struct Particle
pos :: Vector{Float64}
vel :: Vector{Float64}
p = Particle( rand(2) , rand(2) )
# example for the position
> 2-element Vector{Float64}:
And for the collision
function collision!(p1::Particle, p2::Particle)
# ... #
return nothing
The main idea is that when two particles collide, they "exchange" their velocity vector that is parallel to the particles centers (vector n hat).
In order to do that, one would need to transform the velocity vectors to the orthonormal basis of the collision normal (n hat).
Then exchange the parallel component and rotate it in the original basis back.
I think I got the math right but I am not sure how to implement it in the code
With the caveat that I have not checked the math at all, one implementation for the 2d case you provide might be along the lines of:
struct Particle
pos :: Vector{Float64}
vel :: Vector{Float64}
p1 = Particle( rand(2) , rand(2) )
p2 = Particle( rand(2) , rand(2) )
function collision!(p1::Particle, p2::Particle)
# Find collision vector
n = p1.pos - p2.pos
# Normalize it, since you want an orthonormal basis
n ./= sqrt(n[1]^2 + n[2]^2)
# Construct M
M = [n[1] n[2]; -n[2] n[1]]
# Find transformed velocity vectors
v1ₙ = M*p1.vel
v2ₙ = M*p2.vel
# Swap first component (or should it be second? Depends on how M was constructed)
v1ₙ[1], v2ₙ[1] = v2ₙ[1], v1ₙ[1]
# Calculate and store new velocity vectors
p1.vel .= M'*v1ₙ
p2.vel .= M'*v2ₙ
return nothing
A few points:
You don't need a mutable struct; just a plain struct will work fine since the Vector itself is mutable
This implementation has a lot of excess allocations that you could avoid if you could work either in-place or perhaps more feasibly on the stack (for example, using StaticArrays of some sort instead of base Arrays as the basis for your position and velocity vectors). In-place actually might not be too hard either if you just make another struct (say "CollisionEvent") which holds preallocated buffers for M, n, v1n and v2n, and pass that to the collision! function as well.
While I have not dived in to see, one might be able to find useful reference implementations for this type of collision in a molecular dynamics package like
I have 2 julia files, alpha.jl and beta.jl.
in alpha.jl, there are 2 functions:
der that returns a derivative using Zygote,
derPlot that plots the function as well as the derivative:
function der(f, x)
y = f'(x)
return y
function derPlt(der,z)
plot(f, aspect_ratio=:equal, label="f(x)")
g(f,x₀) = (x -> f(x₀) + f'(x₀)*(x-x₀))
plot!(g(f,x), label="dy",color="magenta")
everything comes out fine when i call these 2 functions in beta.jl, after including the files:
x = -1.3
derPlt(der(f, x), 6)
However, if i directly enter in a value for the function, the plotted derivative line doesnt update; i.e, if i enter 2.0 instead of passing in some variable named x,
derPlt(der(f, 2.0), 6)
no change is reflected on the plot. New to Julia, trying to understand and fix it.
I think it's because in your derPlt function, you call
on x instead of the z argument. The problem is then that you define a x = -1.3, the value of which is used inside of derPlt, regardless of what z argument you feed it.
Maybe replace that line with
and you should be fine.
Seeing as this is a follow up to a question I answered previously I thought I'd have to respond: Benoit is broadly speaking correct, you are running into a scoping issue here, but a few more changes are in order.
Note that your function signature is derPlot(der, z) but then:
You never actually use the der argument in your function body; and
You construct your tangent line as g(f,x₀) = (x -> f(x₀) + f'(x₀)*(x-x₀)) - note that there's no z in there, only an x
Now where does that x come from? In the absence of any x argument being passed to your function, Julia will look for it in the global scope (outside your function). Here, you define x = -1.3, and when you then call derPlt, that's the x that will be used to construct your tangent, irrespective of the z argument you're passing.
Here's a cleaned up and working version:
using Plots, Zygote
function derPlt(f,z)
plot(f, label="f(x)", aspect_ratio = :equal,
xlims = (-5,5), ylims = (-5,5))
g(f,x₀) = (z -> f(x₀) + f'(x₀)*(z-x₀))
plot!(i -> g(f, z)(i), label="dy",color="magenta")
derPlt(f, -1.5)
I would encourage you to read the relevant manual section on Scope of Variables to ensure you get an understanding of what's happening in your code - good luck!
I'm trying to create an animation in Julia where a satellite orbits Earth. Earth in this case is represented by a static circle and the satellite's trajectory is a path extending from the launch point to the satellite's current position.
If I understand the process correctly, to create a gif in Julia, I need to use the #gif macro with a loop and create the next gif frame on each iteration of the loop. I've been attempting to plot Earth, then plot the launch point, then push the next position in the satellite's trajectory on each loop iteration, but it's pushing data to the Earth dataset.
I also have other plots that I would like to animate, but the animation examples that use multiple data series don't specify any x values. I need to specify x and y values for each datapoint in each series.
How can I specify the series to push a new point to?
Well, while trying to put together a small example script, I figured it out.
To begin, the conditions under which you can use push! with a plot are fairly specific. You can't use an Int64 (or any other type of integer) as an x value or push! will try to access the plot like an array at the "index" specified by your x data. This means you have to ensure every input is a Float (I didn't try this with more exotic data types for plotting like Bools, but I assume that that wouldn't go well either).
Also, the x and y (and z) data in a plot can't be something that push! doesn't work on normally, like a StepRangeLen (e.g. t = 0:10). Unfortunately this introduces an extra layer of complexity; if you need to use StepRangeLens in your plots, you'll have to convert them to Arrays: t = Array{Float64}(0:10).
Finally, it's probably good practice to pass in as many x and y values on each call to push! as you have series (if this wording is awkward, see the example below). Some of the examples for the Plots package add complexity in specifying a single x value for multiple y values, which is fine if your x values are the same for both series, but becomes a problem if they're different.
Putting all of this together, here's a minimal example of pushing to different series:
using Plots
# Let x and z be two different-valued, different-length vectors
x = Array{Float64}(range(0, stop=π, length=30))
z = Array{Float64}(range(0, stop=-π, length=20))
p = plot(x,sin.(x))
plot!(p, z, cos.(z))
# Pushing a single x,y pair goes to the first series:
push!(p, 0.0, -0.5)
# Pushing a single x value and a 2x1 Array sends the x value to
# both series, the first y value to the first series, and the
# second y value to the second series.
push!(p, -0.2, [-0.75, 0.2])
# Note: comma ^ is important
# Pushing two x values and two y values sends the first x value to
# the first series and the second x value to the second series.
# Same for the y values, which is the same as the previous example
push!(p, [-π/4, π/4], [0.1, 0.2])
# If you want to push only to one series, send a NaN to the others:
push!(p, [NaN, -3π/2], [NaN, 1.0])
The plot is pretty incoherent if you run this as-is. I recommend commenting out each of the push! statements and uncommenting each one individually to see its effect on the plot.
So I need an array where each point corresponds to a value of a function on those coordinates. Until now, I was dealing with 2d functions so I just did this:
x <- seq(a1,b1, length.out = 10000)
y <- seq(a2,b2, length.out = 10000)
func <- outer(x,y,FUN)
Where I define the domain of my variables above, and below it generates a matrix where each point is the value of my function "FUN" at those coordinates.
However, now I need to do this for a function that takes in 4 variables.
I want it to be a 4d array but I don't know how to achieve this without resorting to a bunch of 'for' cycles, which I really don't want to.